Apple Cider Vinegar
I have always struggled with heat and outdoor activities, but recently I experienced a case of full blown heat exhaustion: chills, headache, nausea, heart burn and fatigue. I could do absolutely nothing but lie in bed propped up. Because of Earth Clinic recommendations, I tried taking 1 Tablespoon ACV in a glass of water. I did not think I could get it down, but I did. This helped calm my nausea and heartburn, and allowed me to drift into sleep.
The next morning, I felt 80% better, and was so grateful to have no more nausea. After speaking with a doctor about this experience, I was told that once you experience a case of heat stress you are more vulnerable to repeat cases until your body fully heals. This was indeed my situation—I had had a similar experience three weeks prior. It is good to know that the body takes its time to heal from these events, and I will give myself more time before a tackling another challenging exposed hike.