Hepatitis B
Natural Remedies

Hepatitis B Treatment and Holistic Cures

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Oregano (On, Canada) on 07/27/2013

Hello, I would like to contact people living with Hepatitis B or C (I have B) or parasitical infections to contact me to discuss the same issues for God's sake:

pollopollop(at)live.ca Best regards

General Feedback
Posted by Jhe (Baguio Cuty, Philippines) on 07/11/2013

I am so much desperate my plans are all failure I took physical exam. And I was so discouraged when I recieved my HBsag 55 "reactive" it's like I can no longer work overseas, in fact that is my dream in the level of my understanding I can no longer be cured and how about my family are they infected too. Please help.

General Feedback
Posted by Glen (Antipolo City, Rizal) on 06/20/2013

My hepa b surface antigen screening test -positive: I need some advice to convert it to negative please.. Thank you.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Glen from Rizal, That test you described indicates that you are infected with the hepatitis B virus. Fully one third of people now alive are infected with this viral disease. For most of those people it is not a big problem. For some it is. There are remedies or treatments discussed in this forum`s REMEDIES tab. I myself recommend the BHT treatment....Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Tara09 (Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India) on 02/19/2013

hepatitis b: hi I have just done my test on 13/02/13 and I got hbsag +
Then doctor asked me to do further tests and they are
hbeag - non reactive
hbv viral load -101 IU/ml
anti hbc Igm - 0.08 negative
anti HBe - 0.14 (positive)

my doc has to say that I am having chronic hepatitis b with inactive virus and no treatment needed. but I cannot get rid of virus anytime and can't become Hbsag negative. please guide me with the same... Is there any chances???

Replied by Akanni
(Ogun, Nigeria)

To jamaal2013 plz, I need ur help asaap, I am positive wit HB, can u pl add me up on facebook (@Rooneeey) and I need the yoruba name of chanca piedra leaf or how do I get it here in Lagos. Will like to have a chat with you. Is there anybody that know the name of the chanca piedra leaf in yoruba or were to see it in Lagos. Thanks

Replied by Paul
(Lagos, Nigeria)

The Yoruba name for Chanca Piedra is EYIN OLOBE. You could get this from any ELEWE OMO in Lagos.

Replied by Akinl
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Chanca Piedra is everywhere in Lagos, try Oyingbo market you probably will get it there the other name for the plant is SEED UNDER LEAF my part of Yoruba calls it EYIN OLUBI (do-do-re-re-re)

Has anybody read or used quails egg for hepatitis and liver health? I need enlightenment about it.

General Feedback
Posted by Livercursexlm (St John's, Newfoundland, Canada) on 11/13/2012

Ted/Bill or anyone knowledgeable, If one is taking Salvia for hep B, is it advisable at the same time to be drinking chanca piedra tea? thanks in advance.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Livercursexlm... Salvia is a much used Chinese herb which is a strong anti-viral. I see no reason why you shouldn't use chanca piedra with salvia, since several people attest to its efficacy when used together with chanca piedra against Hep B.

From the EC archives:

Max from Commerce Township, Michigan replies: "Hi, I just converted Hbsag positive to negative. I could not believe it. My viral load was low. But my doctor said the same thing: you cannot do anything with it, just monitor. But I told him that I am going to fight. And I did. I experimented with both chanca piedra and salvia/ligustrum. When I drunk chanca piedra, my viral load went down to undetectable. But I stopped taking it, because I did not know how long I should take. After some time, my results went up a little bit, then I started taking salvia/ligustrum. And yesterday I saw my doctor who told me that my Hbsag is negative. He did not ask me what I am taking, but said that keep doing whatever I am doing. I also started taking Quercenol (a mix of vitamins, minerals and milk thistle). I am still taking salvia and quercenol hoping that I will become immune and my Hbsab will become positive. But salvia can be taken for 3 months and later you need to take a break.

Chanca piedra is better when you make a strong tea."

Source: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/hepatitis-b.html

There are also other examples of people using salvia with chanca piedra on the above page link.

Replied by Henry
(South Africa)

Where can I get salvia in south africa or online..

General Feedback
Posted by Max (Commerce Township, Michigan) on 11/12/2012

This question is for Bill. Please answer my quetion. I tried to find info on Internet, but Wikipedia was really confusing.

Can hep b virus come back after clearing HBsAg? My doctor was not sure about it or he wanted to scare me. My test results are:

HBsAg -negative, Hepatitis B Ab - 628.1, H Be Ab -positive, Hep Be Ag - negative, HBV DNA Qnt PCR

Replied by James

Hello max, congratulations! How long did you have hep b for?

Replied by Max
(Commerce Township, Michigan)

Hi James. I do not know how long I had it. I found out when I was pregnant with my first child eight years ago. I never had any symptoms.

Replied by Ricoh
(Manila, Philippines)

Thank you very very much for your reply Bill, I really appreciate it. is there a Quiapo Market in Quezon City?? isn't it located in Quiapo Manila?? Anyway, I have another question. are there any supplements which contains most of the important vitamins and minerals that you mentioned like alpha liphoic, selenium etc etc coz it would be very expensive to buy those supplements one by one. how about usana supplements?? it says that it has some of the most important minerals like alpha lipoic and many more but its selenium is not food based just like the one you recommend.

Also I would like to ask if its safe for a person with hepatitis b to take fresh cayenne pepper because I've been taking it for more than a week now, 3x a day after meals because I've heard that it's good for the heart and will unclog blocked arteries. even though I don't have any symptoms of heart problems yet, I decided to take cayenne for prevention since almost all of my grandparents, uncle, relatives died from heart problems & stroke. if you have spare time please text me at my cel. no. 09106630286.

HBsAg Treatment

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by F Ahmad (Delhi, Bihar, India) on 05/05/2013

Dear ALL, Thanks Every one help each other through this website. Any One has cured HBsAG positive to Negative please update?

Name of Treatment (Herbal, Ayurveda, Homeopath, Allopath), Name of medicine used to cured, duration and other full detalis.

Hope to listen

F Ahmad, Delhi

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] worked for me for hepatitis B and C. I used a dosage of 250mg of BHT twice a day with a gulp of distilled water on an empty stomach twice a day....Oscar

Replied by Venugopal
(Durg, India)

I am suffering from HBsAg as I was detected for this virus in 2000 but I have no symptons and as such I married and have 2 children but neither of them till date have no such infections. Mine as per my doctor is reactive is there any way it can be made non reactive. Thanks.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Venugopal...You should be able to get rid of the HBsAg using the Chanca piedra herb in a tea or decoction. It acts as an anti-viral that directly inhibits the reproduction of HBV.

This plant commonly grows all over India so you should be able to purchase the Chanca piedra tea or powder from any Ayurvedic doctor. Chanca piedra(CP) is called bhumy-amalaki in India. This remedy is cheap and effective. See the research here:

Chanca Piedra Research

I also use CP tea to keep my blood sugar, blood fat and blood pressure at healthier lower levels. A simple CP tea(drunk 3 times a day) will also dissolve and eradicate any gallstones and kidney stones in your body and it will also act as a protective for the kidneys and liver.

Replied by Jingle

Hi Bill,

I have read a few posts from you about Chanca Piedra. Want to ask you a few questions:

My liver panel was abnormal about one year ago and had high DNA, but after 2~3 months, the liver panel(ALT, AST and etc) all changed to normal, and DNA decreased to <500; but I didn't monitor them for about year, so in this Jan, I had a test and ALT/AST are mild elevated, but DNA is about 10^7. Following my doctor's words, I just started to take baraclude a few days ago; and the doctor said I will be on the medication for the rest of life. kind of scared...

Say you and a few ppl here cleaned up the virus, so wonder if I can still take Chanca Piedra and Salvia Ligustrum, while I'm taking baraclude at the same time? or I have to stop baraclude?

Meanwhile I'm taking lots of Vitamin C, and some milk thistle and selenium and tumaric and Vitamin B. Are they safe to take? also is Vitamin E safe? Thanks a lot!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Jingle...Chanca piedra is a well-known anti-viral against Hep B and jaundice and is also beneficial against kidney stones and gallstones. I have even read a piece of research where chanca piedra had a high cure rate -- and these people were cured very quickly with Hep B virus levels near zero.

"Two human studies reported chanca piedra's liver protective and detoxifying actions in children with hepatitis and jaundice. Indian researchers reported that chanca piedra was an effective single drug in the treatment of jaundice in children, and British researchers reported that children treated with a chanca piedra extract for acute hepatitis had liver function return to normal within five days. Researchers in China also reported liver protective actions when chanca piedra was given to adults with chronic hepatitis."

Source: Raintree Herbal Databse

Chanca piedra also appears to be effective against liver cancer:

"A 2000 study even documented that chanca piedra increased the life span of mice with liver cancer from thirty-tree weeks (control group without treatment) to fifty-two weeks. Another research group tried to induce liver cancer in mice that had been pre-treated with a water extract of chanca piedra. Their results indicated the chanca piedra extract dose-dependently lowered tumor incidence, levels of carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes, levels of liver cancer markers, and liver injury markers. Both studies indicate that the plant has a better ability to prevent and slow down the growth of tumors rather than a direct toxic effect or ability to kill cancer cells."

Source: Raintree Herbal Databse

Baraclude is commonly used as an anti-viral against Hep B. But this drug does have some significant side effects -- see here. I also think that going to your doctor and asking him or her about whether you should take chanca piedra would be a wasted and costly exercise. Why should a doctor -- who is completely untrained in the use of herbs -- know anything about chanca piedra? So I'm afraid the decision as to how to use the Chanca piedra lies with you alone. Perhaps you can find a knowledgeable naturopath who can help to monitor your progress. The other thing you could perhaps do is start taking the chanca piedra at low dose to see its effects. If these effects are positive, with a reduction in viral load, then you could start to lower the baraclude dosage while increasing the chanca piedra dosage at the same time.

The easiest way to take chanca piedra is as a tea or decoction. Take chanca piedra tea three or four times a day outside mealtimes. Lastly and most importantly, whenever you buy herbs you should always buy the highest quality organic herbs which have minimal have heat or chemical processing involvement. The raw powdered form of organic chanca piedra is best with the most efficacy.

Chanca piedra also has no known side-effects.

As a matter of fact, over the past week or so I've been drinking a strong chanca piedra decoction to help reduce high blood pressure, reduce blood fats, reduce blood sugar, reduce excess blood calcium and to also help reduce high blood pressure. I do this periodically because my diet is certainly not perfect. I simply refer to this as taking out the trash -- all about preventative maintenance.

Replied by Jingle

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the quick and thorough answers. That helps a lot!

So it is safe to take chanca piedra and baraclude at the same time? and will the two interfere with each other? If taking both, how can I tell which one is contributing the decrease of viral load - chanca piedra or baraclude?

Can the chanca piedra eventually clean up all the viral load and change HBsAg to negative?

Also you mentioned to take a low dose of chanca piedra, how many times should I take a day ? still 3 ~ 4 times a day, and one cup a time? how long should I take chanca piedra? Can I take the tea forever if there is no side-effect? I think you or somebody also took Salvia Ligustrum to change the HBsAg to negative? If so, should I introduce Salvia at some point?

In US, where can I get the high quality organic chanca piedra tea? Is Whole Foods a good place to go?

Thanks a lot for your help!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Jingle...As I've said, baraclude is a medicine with significant side effects. From the Baraclude website here are the reported side-effects of baraclude over the long term:

Baraclude can cause serious side effects including:

  • Lactic acidosis (buildup of acid in the blood). Some people who have taken BARACLUDE or medicines like BARACLUDE have developed a serious condition called lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis is a serious medical emergency that can cause death and must be treated in the hospital. Reports of lactic acidosis with BARACLUDE generally involved patients who were seriously ill due to their liver disease or other medical condition.Call your healthcare provider right away if you: feel very weak or tired; have unusual (not normal) muscle pain; have trouble breathing; have stomach pain with nausea and vomiting; feel cold (especially in your arms and legs); feel dizzy or light-headed; have a fast or irregular heartbeat.
  • Serious liver problems. Some people who have taken medicines like BARACLUDE have developed serious liver problems called hepatotoxicity, with liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) and fat in the liver (steatosis). Hepatomegaly with steatosis is a serious medical emergency that can cause death. Call your healthcare provider right away if: your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice); your urine turns dark; your bowel movements (stools) turn light in color; you don't feel like eating food for several days or longer; you feel sick to your stomach (nausea); you have lower stomach pain
  • If you are female, very overweight, or have been taking nucleoside analogue medicines, like BARACLUDE for a long time, you may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or serious liver problems.

Source: http://www.baraclude.com/index.aspx#indication

I'm just hammering the point that I think Baraclude is a particularly dangerous medicine because it can cause body acidosis and is so obviously toxic for the liver and can even cause jaundice/cirrhosis over the longer term.

However, from the research, Chanca piedra has no known overdose limit and no known side-effects for the body over the short or longterm.

So it is safe to take chanca piedra and baraclude at the same time?

From the evidence above, common sense would seem to suggest that chanca piedra is the safer one to take for your condition. If you take baraclude at the same time as chanca piedra, then baraclude will act to weaken the body(acidosis) and weaken the liver(causing jaundice) while, at the same time, the chanca piedra(no side-effects) is trying to defeat the Hep B in order to heal the liver. Simply put, baraclude seems to work against the liver healing and Hep B killing effects of chanca piedra. So if it were me, I would just take only the chanca piedra every day and monitor my viral count and progress on a monthly or tri-monthly basis with the doctor as normal.

Can the chanca piedra eventually clean up all the viral load and change HBsAg to negative?

Yes, chanca piedra can cure Hep B. On the other hand, baraclude is only recommended to lower viral load. Modern medicine has no consistent cure for Hep B.

Also you mentioned to take a low dose of chanca piedra, how many times should I take a day ?

If you're start taking chanca piedra on its own everyday then you should work up to a maximum of four cups of tea a day taken outside mealtimes.

how long should I take chanca piedra?

You can take chanca piedra tea as long as you like. Until you are cured.

I think you or somebody also took Salvia Ligustrum to change the HBsAg to negative? If so, should I introduce Salvia at some point?

You can take Salvia ligustrum with chanca piedra if you wish. But a good organic form of chanca piedra powder should be able to kill off the Hep B virus on its own in my opinion.

You should be able to buy wildcrafted organic chanca piedra online at Amazon or Ebay. I get my own supply of organic chanca piedra from my garden in the Philippines and prepare the herb myself.

Replied by Jingle

yeah, the reason why it's hard to decide what to do, is I just started the baraclude, and am scared of stopping baraclude now because of the high DNA viral load...As you said, it's OK to take both of them at the same time earlier? but now seems the two things might interfere... any further explanation will be appreciated..

Replied by Hbsagcuredd

Mind you the treatment was not easy. It includes strict self - discipline especially when it comes to foods. Avoid all kinds of processed foods, dairy, alcohol, cigarette smoking and other harmful vices. Main foods include mostly green and leafy vegetables and fruits. The treatment was a combination of natural medicine and western medicine. The doctor advised ENTECAVIR (because of high viral load) and the natural doctor prescribed SELENIUM. After 2 years of treatment, HbsAg is non reactive. Take note, the case here is chronic hepatitis b (30 years). Relapse didn't occur because continuation of a healthy living is currently practiced. If I had been cured this means that everyone can be cured from this illness.

Now, if How long and when will you be cured is a difficult question. It's only the Almighty who can answer this. If you want to start treatment, start the changes in your lifestyle. Self - discipline is very much needed and highly essential for the treatment. Next would be laboratory monitoring of Hbsag and Hbeag as well as Sgpt/Sgot. You can do it monthly for at least 3 months to check for the progress of the treatment and if there's a continuous positive result, do it every 2 or 3 months. Treatment is expensive but it is worth it. Good luck

Replied by Maverick

Good day Is theres possible cure to temporary Non-reactive from re-reactive? I will undergo a medical test soon for employment. Hope to hear from you soon. Regards

Replied by Ramesh

Please please help me.I'm still hepatitis b patient.i want go Dubai for job but that virus damaged my life.please please please answer me HBV can positive became negative......my mom and dad very upset about me bcz I'm one and only son.

Replied by Henry
(South Africa)

I am in South Africa. Where do I buy salvia ligustrum?

Replied by Melody
(Manila, Philippines)

Can reactive turn to be non reactive?

Replied by Veronica
(Hong Kong)

Hi I was diagnose of Hepatitis B, but non reactive, Ia m 49 and, I have 2 grown up children, What foods to avoid? I never drink coffee, soda, cold drinks, no pork meat, but chicken and beef very seldom mostly fish, and green veges.. Thank you, I need your advice please, thanks.


Replied by Toye

Pls can I also use chanca piedra phyllanthus niruri capsule to cure hP b, moreso where can I get CP tea to buy in Nigeria

Replied by Melaku Kebede
(Ethiopia (adama))

Dear thanks to first to get this chances to taking with u and geting information am suffering from by this chronic hepatitis b virus and am too confused pls I want ur support so I wait ur response

Replied by Oliver

hi cabalen..just diagnosed heap B, I drink boiled fresh ginger and turmeric with crushed pepper.please give me the details how to prepare CP, here is all in powder form.how many times do you take everyday? Please help.

Replied by Lisa

Hi. My question is to Bill or anyone who can give me advice I just got my lab done. ALT 63; hepatitis B surface AB quant >1,000.00 ;hepatitis B surface AB qual reactive ; hepatitis B surface Ag nonreactive; hepatitis C virus antibody nonreactive. I'm confuse do I have hepatitis B? Can I start to take Chanca Piedra? Doctor told me to do more blood work in one month. Experiencing some pain in right side ander ribcage. Ultrasound is ok. Wasn't vaccinated. Please help. Thank you!


Posted by Dave (Lismore, Australia) on 07/11/2014

What is HBT and how can it help a hepatitis b carrier?

Hepatitis B Remedies

Posted by Alex (Ottosdal, South Africa) on 07/05/2013

Please Sir, I am suffering from Hepatitis B and HIV1. Please how can I get apple cider vinegar and BH, Chanca piedra and Salvia ligustrum? Thanks and bye

Hepatitis B Remedies
Posted by F Ahmad (Delhi, Bihar, India) on 04/26/2013

Hi, I am looking for HBsAG permanent cure, is there any medicine. My other report as below.

HBeAG Negative
Anti- Body Core Igm Negative
HBV PCR undectectable (0.03)
LFT Normal

Any body has cure for HBsAG please help to raide from this problem, I am very much hopeless about this dirty diease pls help.

Replied by Sateesh

Hi F Ahmed,

Hope you are fine and doing good.. I am in the similar stage as you are posting the msg. I have gone through all the comments, but did not find any relevant answer. I am in the same stage and frame of mind with no hopes.

Can you please help me. Where did you get treated?? Is it completely cured or not?? How to approach and whom to approach?

Regards, Sateesh

Multiple Remedies

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Mary (Los Angeles) on 11/01/2019

I am beginning (restarting) a natural journey to treat my own hepatitis b, and will actively provide updates. Last measured viral load was about 84,000 (down from 500,000,000 btw, all due to natural methods: Chanca Piedra tea/Oxymatrine).

I am not sure what my viral load is currently, probably in the millions, but i am not willing to go to the doctor again after consistently being dismissed by my doctor about natural therapies that worked on me. From here on out, I will be taking the following for a year: O

xymatrine Chanca Piedra concentrated tea Monolaurin Selenium Licorice root+potassium Serrapeptase After 1 year: AHCC Monolaurin Selenium I am aware that this is a lot to keep taking consistently, and probably costs a lot of money, but I'm at a stage where I could get HCC if I don't do anything about this.

We have to take this seriously....this is a very serious health problem. We also need patience and consistency for this to work. Because medical system sucks, and doctor's are not willing to monitor us if we do this, we have to take control of our own health. I'm going to get an independent CBC/AFP blood test/fibroscan every now and then (without doctor referral..) to keep track of progress. I will try to find a good doctor that doesn't force drugs on me, but until then, this is my plan.

Will continue to report because I know how devastating this condition is, and how lonely and hopeless it can make one feel. Great ingredients for depression...! Stay strong, y'all. There is hope. If this is all successful,

I am going to start a website with all these supplements. I am determined...we have to do this for ourselves and our loved ones. But especially for our own health and mental wellbeing.

Multiple Remedies, Dietary Changes

Posted by Dealer (Lagos, Nigeria) on 11/22/2013

I hope my life is not coming to a sorrowful end, I was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B very early 2012. My liver enzymes were within range upon diagnosis and DNA was 5000 iu/ml.

I was adviced against fried, processed, sugar and fatty food, to sum it up I became a vegetarian and embraced Juicing of Carrot, Beet, Brocholi etc.I lived relatively an active life with exercise of four times a week.

I commenced Milk thistle, dandelion root, I repeated DNA test and LFT 6months later DNA:587, ALT 48.My DNA has been fluntuating between 113 and 287 iu/ml and ALT has been 54 at the highest (Last test was Oct 2013).My doctor feel my enzymes and DNA are good and I got confirmation from 2nd opinion (Hepatologist)

Symptoms has been very Yellow urine, fatigue/weakness and body itching, I had taken lot of Chanca piedra and organic coconut oil with multivitamins at various times.

The challenge I have is tremendous and rapid weight loss, its scary how I look as I have lost 12kg, I have lost muscles in my chest and arms and my lower tommy is slightly bulging and bloated with little intake of food its as though my stomach is bigger than my upper limb.I complained to my gastro all she could say was for me increase my food intake and I have been eating well in the past 8weeks yet....

I had Fibros scan done in Feb and the result was (5.8kpa iqr 0.5) I equally had a CT scan in feb and the liver was said to be in normal size.The scan I had last month showed the liver is not inflated.

Has anybody been in this situation before? What can I do? I need honest opinion and guidance please!!!!

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Dealer: A 180 lb. man of average activity requires 500g carbs, 70g high biological value protein, 15g saturated fat, 4g omega 3, 6g omega 6, and 10g omega 9 unsaturated oils to maintain weight. Cooking denatures many proteins, including acetyl carnitine, and many nutrients, including b-6. B-6 activates b-1 and b-2. Conventionally grown food does not have any humic/fulvic acids that activate nutrients, xeronines that activate proteins, or special substances like glycophopholipids that repair the mitochondria. 6g protein is required to replace 1g protein.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

The BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] treatment has worked very well for some who have tried it. You need to keep it simple for best results. Things including milk thistle and grapefruit juice will make the treatment NOT work.

A man named Kuba cut his Hepatitis B viral load count down to less than 10% of what it had been in 25 days. Here is what Kuba has to say about this:

Kuba here:

Age: 30
Illness: HepB
Infected since: 1983 (since birth)
BHT started: 03.01.2013
VL test: 14.01.2013 - 1530 ui/ml
VL test: 25.03.2013 - 139 ui/ml
test method real-time PCR

Protocol log:
03.01-10.01 1x350mg BHT bedtime
11.01-11.02 1x350mg BHT in the morning, 1x350mg BHT bedtime
12.02-12.03 cut the dose to 1x350mg BHT at bedtime due to independent severe food poisoning that took almost 4 weeks to ged rid of.
13.03-now got back to 1x350mg BHT in the morning, 1x350mg BHT bedtime

Every other day I take (at least 2 hours away from BHT): vit D3 5000ui, multivitamin iton free, B12, 200mcg selenium (yeast form, non organic forms are bad 4 U)

I could do better with hydrating my body and with workouts.

I do my best to keep the protocol simple as possible. - Kuba


Most of the people have been using the BHT treatment for hepatitis C. But this treatment seems to work very well for hepatitis B also.

Here is the treatment as refined over the last two years:

  • 100mg to 350mg of BHT taken with water on an empty stomach once or twice a day. The dosage varies for each person. Weight is an important factor in determining dosage. Fat content of a person`s body is another. Generally the more you weigh and the higher the fat content of your body the more BHT you need to effectively treat a viral infection. Many average size men have done very well with 250mg of BHT taken twice a day. If adverse side effects occur and persist, LOWER the dosage of BHT used. That is the treatment.

    Supplements that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment are:

    1. A regular type multi-vitamin and mineral pill once a day.
    2. A regular type vitamin B complex pill.once a day.
    3. Vitamin B12 in a dosage of 1mg [ milligrams ] per day. 1mg is the same as 1, 000mcg { micrograms ].
    4. Vitamin C in a daily dosage of between 500mg and 1, 000mg per day.
    5. The lipid monolaurin. Unsure about dosage.
    6. Sodium selenite in a daily dosage of 50mcg [ micrograms ].

    Also, and importantly: Continue taking any doctor prescribed medicines or drugs. Very many of the people who have had dramatic improvement with this BHT treatment are taking a doctor prescribed medicine of one type or another.

    SUPPLEMENTS TO AVOID. Do not take:

    1. Milk Thistle and it`s extracts. Degrades the treatment to the point that it no longer works.
    2. Grapefruit juice. Degrades the treatment to the point it no longer works.
    3. Colloidal silver
    4. Hydrogen peroxide taken internally. Hydrogen peroxide is a REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES. It will make the BHT treatment NOT work.
    5. MMS [ Miracle Mineral Supplement ]. MMS is chlorine bleach, a very powerful oxidizer that will react with BHT in such a way as to make the treatment not work.
    6. Vitamin E supplements. Yes you NEED some vitamin E. But a normal diet provides plenty. Vitamin E supplements have been shown to enhance lipid coated viruses ability to replicate and should be avoided for that reason.

    For best result stick with those supplements I listed that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment. Vitamin B12 is an especially good one.
    That is the treatment that works consistently well based on the substantial feedback available....Oscar

Please review Kuba`s treatment plan for hepatitis B. Also, Kuba is a pretty healthy man. In my opinion for people who are pretty sick and or thin I recommend taking NO more than 250mg of BHT per day for the first week and see how you feel with that dosage before considering taking a larger dosage of BHT. You have to find a dosage YOU are comfortable with....Oscar

Replied by Wayseeker
(Motown, California)

Dear Oscar,

So glad you are still here helping others to help themselves!

I feel as if we were just spit out of "the belly of the beast" like Jonah & the whale. The whale being the VA. Apparently Marvin is being declined a new liver based on the fact he used BHT and his hepatitis is almost in normal range. They are sending me the current scores, but are taking way too long to do it. We just returned from meeting the surgery team, and the head surgeon said the most interesting thing to me: He said, "God home and finish getting rid of the hepatitis C, because it will be a lot easier to do it now, than it would be after the surgery." He said this to us three times. I literally couldn't believe my ears! He was Chinese, and didn't have enough grasp of the English language to be cagey, nor apparently, to understand that in America we don't actually want to heal people -- we want the money!

The awful part is, that they saw his healing this aspect (the Hep-C) of his end-stage cirrhosis as such a challenge to the two new drugs coming out or some such attitude, that they are claiming I wouldn't be able to follow directions and didn't have the mental capacity to administer his medications properly, and so would "waste a liver."

So-- Marvin now (may I add, at long last, FINALLY), now have no other alternative but to go alternative! This just made for a shocking and rough drop on our heads from a steep cliff, but I am frankly relieved. They wanted Marvin to get even sicker than he is first-- eeking out every possible pain for a penny more. That being, he had to also get cancer first, which he still does not have! Then, after that, treat it with chemo, and THEN, AND THEN, AND THEN.

The poor man is on toxic overload, but we will seek a real, heroic, true doctor's second opinion next. My question is, when in such desperate straits as End-Stage, what do you think of doing Berkson Therapy and BHT? Marvin desperately needs someone to come alongside him, a docotr interested in helping him heal his own liver, and I am not a doctor so cannot of course give any medical advice whatsoever. Neither can you, so, just asking as a friend, what would you do? Only a doctor can re-evaluate the liver-toxic soup he is on, and try healthy alternatives that heal.

I must tread a little carefully here, but the hour is come and something must be done to reverse the liver--toxic compounds given to him daily to allow the liver to regenerate itself, let the BHT do it's job-- and let the man try to heal. The far-advanced cirrhosis itself, must be healed, now that he has almost no Hep-C.. I am saddened that we wasted so much precious time going down this merry road, with no effort made to actually heal Marvin, only to weaken him further and further.

The bright spot here, however, is that we are finally on the same page, and it has been decided for us, so now we only have a healthy choice as a viable alternative! For this, I AM GRATEFUL.

Love to you, my friend, Oliver -- Wayseeker.

Neem, Dandelion, Goldenseal, Turmeric

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Benson (Cleveland, Ohio) on 08/23/2015

Hello Oscar, thank you for the good job you are doing by helping people with hepatitis.

I was recently diagnosed with hep b with a viral load of 7065 in May 2015. I took Neem, dandelion root and leaf, golden seal, and turmeric. In July 2016, approximately 6 weeks and some days after being diagnosed I tested again, my viral load went down to 4011.

My question is will the BHT totally cure my hepatitis as I am trying to clear it from my system entirely. I read a lot of people says BHT is helping them reduce their viral load but not bring cured totally from it. I read you have been cured from it. Please advice. My ALT is normal. I'm looking forward to take another blood test this week to see if my viral load is gone.

Recent Diagnosis of Hepatitis B

Posted by Anchy (Malaysia) on 09/28/2013

I went for a test last 6 months and the doctor said that I had hepatitis B. I asked him what I should do and he told me that I do not need any medication at the moment but I need regular check up. I do not really Knew much of the ailment at that time, after investigations I discovered that my life is in danger and this may shake my marriage also. Below is the result of my test.

SGPT (ALT) 29 IU/L 0-53





I do not know where to start and what to do now.

Please help.

Replied by Mike
(Denver, Colorado)

Anchy: Electricity cures everything. All cells thrive and all pathogens perish when the electricity is high. Imagine a huge electrical storm inside the body energizing the cells and the virus is getting zapped. Raw, fermented, organic, grassfed, and wildharvested nutrients have high electromagnetism and cooked conventional food has low electromagnetism as seen through a tesla scope.

Replied by Anchy

Mike, Please explain more. I do not understand what I need to do. Thanks.

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Anchy: Radio waves have frequencies. The frequency of the cells is not the same as that of pathogens. All diseases are caused by low electrical energies in the cells. All people have to do is increase the electrical energies in the cells. Pathogens are not able to survive in this atmosphere. Enzymes from raw food and live ferments and bioactive minerals from organic fruits and vegetables and raw grass fed animal products like hamburger and eggs increase the electrical energies in the cells. For example raw yogurt from a cow who had been eating grass would increase energies. Pasturized yogurt from a cow who had been eating grains would not. Google raw food videos. If you live in the country you can make green smoothies from edible plants for free. Sun dried sea salt also increases energies. I take 85% raw organic produce and 15% raw grass fed animal products so I can get all the various nutrients because this is also necessary. Some of these products are live ferments.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

In addition to diet, it is very important to check your thyroid because 1) liver disease can directly effect thyroid function and 2) low or hypothyroid lowers the voltage in almost every cell in the body. So, be sure to have dr check Thyroid and supplement Iodine in some concentrated form; you can now purchase Iodized sea salt. L Tyrosine is also taken up by the thyroid to make hormones so it would help to take as a supl.

Anyway, it is imperative to optimize cell voltage for any complete recovery or healing to occur. In severe cases using a Zapper a few times daily will help. Some folks have the need to wear them for several hrs per day. A Zapper is like a second immune system and is proven to increase cell voltage.

Recent Diagnosis of Hepatitis B
Posted by Grace (Manila, Philippines) on 08/14/2013

Hi im 25 yrs old I was diagnosed yesterday that I have a hepa b. I'm a nursing student I'm so upset when I hear that how can I take care a patient if I have this condition is this the end of my life? I need some advise. I don't know what I'm gonna do now in my life..

Replied by Oregano
(On, Canada)

Hello Sir, try the protocol I described which is mine and you will feel better in no time. Find a doctor who can give you B12 and Vitamin C injections, Glutathion injection. Take vitamin D and Sylmarin, N acetylcystein. Best regards,

Replied by Ray

Hi, chancapiedra can be found anywhere in Cebu at no cost. You can make chancapiedra tea without a single peso taken from your money. Its up to you if you take another food supplement together, but for me chancapiedra alone is enough.

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