Gray Hair
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies to Reverse Gray Hair | Home Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Blackstrap Molasses

52 User Reviews
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1 star (17) 

Posted by Jane (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia) on 08/17/2008

I have dyed my hair for the past 11 years nd got tired of it. I have just started taking 2 tsp of blackstrap molasses with 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar. I hope it works! I will update the results.

Replied by NAeeM
(Lahore, Pakistan)

Hi, can anyone tell me what is BlackStrap Molasses and if anyone from India/Pakistan can tell me what it is called here and where it can be found. and how it is used? Thanks.

EC: For information on where to buy Blackstrap Molasses in your area, please click here.
For more information about how to take BSM, please click here.

Replied by Alain
(Ottawa, Canada)

What is blackstrap molasses? Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses is preferable to fancy or regular molasses. It has less sugar and is more concentrated in minerals. If it does not say "BlackStrap" there is a good chance that it is not it.

Here is something from Wikipedia:

"Sulfured molasses is made from young green sugar cane and is treated with sulfur dioxide, which acts as a preservative, during the sugar extraction process. Unsulfured molasses is made from mature sugar cane and does not require treatment with sulfur during the extraction process. There are three grades of molasses, Mild or first molasses, Dark or second molasses, and Black strap. These grades may be sulfured or unsulfured.

To make molasses, which is pure sugar cane juice, the sugar cane plant is harvested and stripped of its leaves. Its juice is extracted from the canes, usually by crushing or mashing. The juice is boiled to concentrate which promotes the crystallization of the sugar. The results of this first boiling and removal of sugar crystal is first molasses, which has the highest sugar content because comparatively little sugar has been extracted from the juice. Second molasses is created from a second boiling and sugar extraction, and has a slight bitter tinge to its taste.

The third boiling of the sugar syrup gives black strap molasses. The majority of sucrose from the original juice has been crystallized but black strap molasses is still mostly sugar by calories; however, unlike refined sugars, it contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Black strap molasses is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. One tablespoon provides up to 20 percent of the daily value of each of those nutrients. Black strap is often sold as a health supplement, as well as being used in the manufacture of cattle feed, and for other industrial uses."

Also from

(ref Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter, June 2001)

"Blackstrap molasses is more nutritious than regular containing significantly more iron, calcium, potassium, and copper."
Regular Molasses (1 tbsp) vs Blackstrap Molasses (1 tbsp)
Iron (mgs) 1 vs 3.5
Calcium (mgs) 40 vs 170
Potassium (mgs) 290 vs 500

And last, two more articles about the nutritional content of BSM:

So, this is a very good source of nutriments. I hope you can find some.

Replied by Fahd
(Dubai, UAE)

Hi Naeem, This is in response to you. I dont know about pak but I found BSM in dubai in a market called Choithram in greens village. If you know anyone going to dubai you can get it from there

Replied by Dina
(Al Ain, UAE)

In Al Ain I found "Granny BSM" in LULU hypermarket. Hope it helps

Replied by Wendy
(Perth, Western Australia)

Alain posts that BSM is high in potassium. I started supplementing with potassium a few weeks ago to help with muscle aches (for which there's been a huge improvement) and I'm sure my formerly grey hair is returning to its normal colour as the dye grows out. Bonus!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

How much potassium do you take? I would love to stop colouring my hair.....

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sarah (Auckland, New Zealand) on 07/16/2008

At around the same time I started taking 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses for the iron (being vegetarian) and taking a Vitamin B supplement (for stress). Before this I had to dye my hair every few weeks to cover the grey that was threatening to overtake my dark hair. After six months of taking the two remedies daily I was able to stop colouring my hair!!! I couldn't believe it! Now I can actually see when I pull the odd grey out that they are gradually turning black at the folicle. It takes a long time, but the results are definitely worth the wait! I'm not sure whether it's the vitamins or the molasses or if they work together. Daily intake seems to be the key. Also I feel healthy and relaxed. Good luck!

Replied by TT
(NY, NY)

Hello Sarah, My name is T. I just wanted to know when your taking the Molasses is it straight from the spoon or do you mix it with hot water? Also, how much of the B-vitamins are you taking daily? Please any info would help.

Replied by Sarah
(Auckland, New Zealand)

This is a reply to T's question. I just took the molasses in a spoon (I don't mind the taste) and a high potency B supplement daily in tablet form. Sometimes i varied the amount of vitamin B, but I always took two tablespoons of the molasses daily with some kind of supplement. Hope this helps. My grey has almost all gone now!

Replied by Lauri
(Nasvhille, TN)

Hi There! What percentage were you gray before taking the blackstrap molasses and b vitamins? Thank you so much!! L.

Replied by Sarah
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Hi Lauri, Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you. I was grey enough to have to dye my hair every three weeks to cover the regrowth (10 percent?) It was rapidly getting worse and now I may have one or two to pull out now and then, but it's great not to have to dye anymore. Hope it works for you - just be patient with it.

Replied by Leilah
(Baltimore, Maryland USA)

I am seventeen and have had gray hair since the seventh grade. it wasnt too noticeable bakc then but last year it became way too much. during class people would make comments about it. i was self concious if people sat behind me. so i started dying it. I just want it to go away and not have to dye it away anymore. but i think that my gray hair may be hereditary because both of my parents got gray early. do you think the blackstrap molasses will work even though mine may be hereditary??

Replied by Brian
(Denver, CO)

Leilah from Baltimore: 17 is a very young age to be experiencing loss of color. And just b/c your parents had similar experiences, doesn't mean that the same thing didn't cause the lack of color --- For example, it's likely that both you and your parents eat the same kinds of foods. Is it possible that these foods are low in copper and other vitamins? In fact, it's even more possible that the foods your eating actually are stripping copper out of your system. For instance, sodas and sugary foods leached vitamins and minerals out of your body. So does stress. Are you a worrier? Are your parents? Constant stress causing the body to use up minerans & vitamins at a faster rate, leaving less nutrients to give your hair its natural color. Thus, if both your parents & you are worries, then it's likely that habit that is causing the loss of color. Change the habit, change the diet, change the CAUSE, and you'll change your hair color. Good luck! YOu can do it!

Replied by Deepak
(Mumbai, India)

Dear Sarah,
Can u exactly detail the pills taken for vitamins (to make it a bit clearer) and the brand of BS Molasses taken


Replied by Frances
(Edinburgh, Scotland)

Hi Sarah!

Sorry to bother you! You are getting a lot of questions here (presumambly because you seem to have found a solution to grey hair!) I have been taking blackstrap molasses for 9 months now. I am 30 years old and am about 40% gray and the blackstrap molasses is not helping! I am losing the will to live with all this grey hair (not literally though!) Can you tell me exactly what brand of blackstrap you are using? I not that people on this site mention that copper is needed to turn the hair to it's natuaral colour and I also note that the blackstrap molasses I have makes no mention of copper. Perhaps this is the issue ...

Frances x

Replied by Sammy
(Milpitas, Utah)
Replied by Guest Mother
(Toronto, Canada)

HI. I agree with you Frances. I have almost given up BSM after taking it consistently for 7 months with no improvement at all.

Sarah, please advise.

Replied by T
(Maryland, Usa)

I have seen auburn highlights returning to my brunette-with-grey-streaks hair since taking B vitamins regularly over the last year. I hadn't seen them in so long I'd forgotten I ever had them. The grey appears lessened as well. It is not a dramatic thing; it's taking a long time but it's definitely showing more and more. I now take BSM as I need the iron and calcium in it. If it appears this hair color process is speeding up due to the addition of BSM, I will post back. I think it all greatly depends on your own nutritional status, so what works for one may not work for another. Definitely have patience! Hair can take a long time to show effects.

Replied by Sarah
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Hi, this answer is for Deepak, Frances and Guest Mother (hope it's helpful). I have used different brands of vitamin B supplements - we get many brands (that I'm unable to post on this site) in NZ. I think just as long as you are getting B6 and B12 with all the other B varieties in your supplement. I would like to emphasise that taking the molasses and B vitamins took a long time to show an effect (6 months to a year with a regular daily dose). As I mentioned before I am unable to write specific brands here - the site forbids it! Anything calling itself organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses should contain the same ingredients. Incidentally, I still take 2 tablespoons of BSM and B vitamin supplements daily and am still free from all but the odd grey hair. I agree with others on this site, though, that a healthy diet is also important. Frances and Guest Mother - you may like to try the B vitamin supplements as well as the molasses. Can't really help any more, sorry. Hope you start seeing results soon, I know how frustrating it can be.

Replied by Saba
(Mentor, Oh)

Sarah - Thanks for posting. It's been almost a year and half since your last update, do you still take BSM and the B vits? Do you still not have to dye your hair? It's been a couple of months for me but reading outcomes like yours motivates me to continue. Thanks for all your updates. God bless you.

Replied by Frances
(Glasgow, Uk)

Thanks so much for your response Sarah. Perhaps if you got a minute some time you could advise me what with the brand of black strap molasses you have found to be successful ... I have been using an organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses product for 10 months (also now coupled with a vitamin B supplement), I have a healthy balanced diet and lifecyle and I am not noticing any improvements in the grey hair situation! I am 30 only years old and over 50% grey and it is really starting to get to me! Thanks so much for your time to-date responding to us white tops!

Replied by Guest Mother
(Toronto, Canada)

Hi Sarah

Thank you so much for the reply. I am still waiting to see some results.Could you please let me know how much is the concentration of B6 and B12 is in the supplement you are taking? Also, if you can let us know composition of "Unsulphured blackstrap mollases" that will be great.We can then match it, perhaps that will make some difference.

Thanks & Regards

Replied by Janna
(London, Uk)

I have noticed some improvement too after about 6 months of taking a multivitamin containing huge amounts of B vit group. Three month into it, I also added BSM after reading positive feedbacks on this website. Once or twice a day, BSM taken with milk and brewers yeast. So, yes, I added more vit B in the form of brewers yeast. Now I can see auburn highlights so clearly around my face (on the temples and just above my forehead). My natural colour is ash blond and these auburn highlights look quite different from my natural colour but it is still better than having these patches grey. My grey strands, however, are still there on the rest of my head. I found a few strands with brown roots but the white rest. So it is definitely helping but slowly. I have recently added black sesame seeds (like 10 days ago). One table spoon a day. One chinese doctor advised me taking them as in China these are known to promote black and healthy hair.

Replied by Sue
(Kent, Wa Usa)

I need help very badly and hoping there's a positive answer. I have been suffering from fungus many years now... I think I breathed it in or contact with my skin when I was cleaning some old belongings of people... It was almost at an instant I got very sick... Felt like an old withered log eaten buy termites and feeling extremely dirty.... I finally went to see a doctor... I got better but I am not really cured... I sneeze too easily and it seems to dominate my left side especially in my left nostril... I have tried almost everything to cure it but it won't comletely leave me along... I read all your post about fungus and gray hair using molasses.... I would like so much to use it but I am worried about this fungus... Do you think I will be feeding the fungus? Any alternative?

Replied by Steve
(Bothell, Wa)

To Sue in Kent, WA. -- try pure oil of oregano for fungus / mold issues. You also may want to consult a reputable naturopath in your area.

Replied by Sarah
(Auckland, Nz)

I realise it's been YEARS since I last posted a comment, but I just thought I'd inform everyone that I'm now 42 and still dark of hair. I no longer take the vitamin B, just the dessert spoonful of organic un-sulphured blackstrap molasses each morning. Good luck out there.

EC: Thank you for updating us after 8 years, yea!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Carol (Acworth, Georgia, USA) on 06/16/2008

My feeling is that some of you that got no results with BSM taking the gray hair away is that perhaps some of you are looking for a magic pill. BSM is not a cure-all. BSM should be taken along with a very healthy diet for best results. If people take BSM and eat a poor diet, use tobacco, drink alcohol, and other things, BSM may not give the results you are looking for.

I don't think BSM will help everyone. It might depend on what nutrients one is lacking in.

Replied by Guest
(Toronto, Canada)

Hi All I have been using BSM - unsulphured for the past 4 months very religiously.However , i did not see any improvement to my gray hair. I was wondering if the composition of BSM which i am using is the culprit. So, here is my question for TED, which are the most important minerals which act as cure for gray hair. I am using organic version which surprisingly lacks both Copper and zinc. Can this be a reason for no improvement. Please advise.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Patty (Covina, California) on 01/18/2008

When I heard about molasses taking white hair off I could't believe it. But I though it was worth to try. every morning in a 8 glass of water I mix' two table spoons of the blackstrap molasses, two table spoon of raw honey, and two table spoon of apple cider and drink it. I have to be honest the taste I don't like very much, but the energy i get from that is tremendous, and not only that but because of the apple cider keeps me away from any type of viruses including flu. This is a great thing I am so glad I learn about it because it been already 5 months since I started taking it and almost all my white hair is gone!!! I will take it for the rest of my life, thanks to my Health book I purchase!!!

Replied by Jack
(Johore, Malaysia)

hi, im in my twenties and suffering from premature gray hair since last year.. i tried all sorts of methods concerning my diet and nothing really worked. i just started taking blackstrap molasses yesterday and would really really really hope that it'll work! but i just wanted to ask if 'sulphured' or 'un-sulphured' blackstrap molasses made a difference?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Anonymous (Cambridge, Boston) on 01/11/2008

I have been using Blackstrap molases more than a year taking 2-3' spoonful everyday and not working for my gray hair at all. I'm 31 years old and my whole hair going gray. I'm scared and worried about it all the time.

Replied by Anil
(Bangalore, India)

I am living in south india my age is 25 Iam having grey hair now it's coming in the face also I am having blackstrap molasses but I dont know how to take it please help me...Thank you...

Replied by Gloria
(Plano, TX)

What type of molasses did you use? was it plantation, the blue or yellow label? I'm on day 1 and using the yellow label.

Replied by Gloria
(Plano, TX)

I'm on day 29 of the molasses and my hair seems whiter in the front, I've even added b-12 and copper to my diet. I'll write again on day 60. I have lots of energy but still grey.

Replied by Gloria
(Plano, Tx)

I'm on day 64 of my balckstrap molasses and I'm still grey. I'll continue and reply on the 90. Any suggestions?

Replied by Nopey
(Arkansas, USA)

Hi there BSM is very rich in copper. BUT when it comes to melanin and pigmentation Zinc also plays a role. So perhaps you actually are getting enough copper but not enough zinc. B12 is also great with folic acid when it comes to repigmentation of the skin and hair. Perhaps your problem is not enough b12 or folic acid even though you are taking a supplement. And last but not least if you are having any digestive issues it could be masking a vitamin mineral deficiency so as I always say get to the root of the cause.

I am very intersted in the connection between vitligo and premature grey hair and if it is both a b12 deficiency or a copper and zinc imbalance..but from what I understand they are all interelated. I also think it is so intersting that the melasma ( brown spots) caused by hormone fluctuations are also affected by zinc and copper, at least when it comes to me. The more zinc I take the more the pigmentation disapears...

Earth clinic any ideas?


Good luck

Replied by Richard
(Long Beach, California)

You may want to have your thyroid checked as gray hair and vitligo can be symptoms of an underactive thyroid.

Replied by Angela
(Jacksonville, Fl)

AMAZING! I've been drinking the fresh-squeezed juice of a lemon in water first thing in the morning for a decade (sweetened with stevia). Began this as a sugar- free alternativce to sodas. Noticed my back pain went away and my face that was usally washed-out pale became rosey! So I stuck with it.

Then recently I began adding two tsp apple cider vinegar and organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses to my morning drink (for minerals like copper, and alkalanizing). With ice it's so very refreshing! What I didn't know was happening was my 30% grey at the corners of my forehead was reversing. I've been under a LOT of stress lately and busy and just didn't pay attention till I went to have my hair foils done again and the lady mentioned I only have a few grey hairs here and there over my whole head. I checked in the mirror at home and, sure enough, there are no 30%-grey patches to be found at all!!!

I'm posting here as a way to give back to Earth Clinic because in the past I've used suggestions from here that have either worked or helped me find a combined solution that did. I can't say if it was the BLM or the ACV or the combo with the lemon juice. I do know that at 41 I had lots of grey coming on and at 43 I do not. The only thing to change of late to my already healthy diet (lots of animal fats, meat, raw eggs, raw milk, raw veggies, nuts) was the BLM and ACV in my drink. I have also included more virgin coconut oil in my diet recently but I don't think that would have given enough time for the change... but it's another bit of data in case it proves useful to someone.

Replied by Shakthi
(Chennai, Tamilnadu)

Very good post. actually I am searching for how to stop Greying of hair / Remedies for Grey hair many days.... Your ans is really very useful for me and I found some more Remedies for Grey hair in the following link,

Replied by Alilou
(Seattle, Wa Usa)

If its the copper in the BSM for grey hair reversal, then why not just take a copper supplement and skip all that sugar!!!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Roger (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 12/03/2007

I am a man in my twenties suffering from premature graying hair. Ninety percent of my scalp hair are gray hairs. I have been taking Blackstrap Molasses for the last two months and don't see any results for the gray hair. Maybe it's due to the brand of the Blackstrap Molasses which I have took. Could anybody out there who have taken Blackstrap Molasses and their hair color has reversed back to their original/previous hair color could be kind and considerate and do write or tell me what type of Blackstrap Molasses brand which has reversed back your hair color. I would be really happy and glad to know the brand. Thank You & May God Bless You

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lisa (Dallas, Tx) on 11/20/2007

I have to agree with Dan and S. about the Black Strap remedy for gray hair. I tried one tablespoon daily, then two tablespoons for 6 months now and I do not see any change! For those of you who have had success, did it work soon, or did you have to stick with it for a long time to see results? I am becoming frustrated with the process and I'm considering abandoning it, but I would love some feedback from those of you who have found success with it.

Replied by Keith
(Boulder, Colorado)

I've found something that truly works for restoring hair color/getting rid of grey hair. I don't know if it works for everyone in general, but I've seen it work with about 11 people including me, ranging in age from 50-83. I'm a believer in many kinds of natural supplements, but for the grey hair issue I'm talking about certain liquid mineral supplements. I use 1 in particular, though there are many. I don't know if the others work. I've used 2 wiht the same results & both are multi-level-marketing products & can't be found in stores. I comparison-shopped in the health food stores after I began using this and did not find anything comparable in price or quality/quantity. The liquuid mineral supplement is a total body nutrient that saturates the cells and is easily absorbable since the nutrients are suspended in the liquid.

I just happened on this page today and probably won't be here again- at least for a long while, so you can email me direct with questions, if any. You may be able to find simiilar products that work as well. The 2 mineral supplements also improved my eyesight and allow me to sleep an average of 1-2 hours less nightly.

Replied by Benedicta
(Sussex, United Kingdom)

Please what is the two minerals that truly works for restoring hair colour posted to the site by keith from Boulder in Colorado. I live in England- hope I can find it.


Replied by Dkire
(Dublin, Ireland)

Hi Keith. Please tell me what these supplements are. Thanks.

Replied by Audrey
(London, Uk)

Hi Keith please can you tell me the 2 supplements you used that your are referring to in your post dated 11/22/2011. I would like to try them hopefully they may work for me.


Replied by Landmerg
(Towanda, Pa, usa)

Hi Keith please can you tell me the 2 supplements you used that your are referring to in your post dated 11/22/2011. I would like to try them hopefully they may work for me.


Replied by Ken
(Eureka Springs, Arkansas)

I'm 65 and started taking about 10 times the MDR of iodine daily (kelp in gel cap form) about 3 months ago. 3 weeks ago I noticed my white hair turning brown again. It's totally brown now.

Hurray for kelp!!!

Love the blackstrap molasses, too, on our almond flour pancakes 2 or 3 times a week.

Replied by Dkire
(Dublin, Ireland)

That's great to hear Ken. I think I'll give this a try as I'm not having any luck with the BSM even though I've been taking it for 4 months and following Ted's dosage.

Replied by Greenfeathers
(Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India)

The blackstrap molasses is very rare and costly inside india. Still tried a bottle -one table spoon everyday, I'm 32 yrs and was using it when I was thirty one since I had 75 grey hairs on my head. I think the bottle lasted for very little time (plantation brand), also I was not very regular in consuming it. Maybe I should have continued it, but I stopped; planning to shop later. But, believe it or not, I found at least 10 gray hairs, dark brown at the roots and one of which, was a ver long thick white hair that had the darkest possible black region at the root for about 3 cms long! Darker than my original black colour ever! Now 6 months after I stopped and after lots of terrible eating habits I'm growing lots of greys. Panicked and have started on the molasses again, with lemon or orange juice and increased the dose to two table spoons. Hopefully something changes. stopped eating desserts and having just two milk teas with honey as dessert, everyday.

Milk is a substance that binds with vitamins and minerals and reduces their absorbtion just like caffeine and tannin. Stop having it with milk, instead have it with plain water. and I drink a spoonfull of flax or evo or coconut oil along with it to enhance the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and minerals from the molasses.

Replied by Theseveredlink

Hi Keith, Any chance you were going to share us these minerals? We are all interested.

Replied by Steven

I heard that too much kelp or too much iodine will cause hair loss!!

Replied by Robert

What are the minerals?

Replied by Evelyn

You should take magnesium, vitamin c, selenium (raw Brazil nuts have the highest concentration 5-7 a day), b complex, and zinc, a couple of weeks before beginning the iodine therapy. It helps in case you have toxins in your system, as you will detox and this helps bond these toxins to remove them with the least amount of side effects. Also, zinc and magnesium work in harmony with iodine. I have been on Lugol's 2 percent for almost 6 weeks. I also use salt loading when I get a head ache or any other(new) symptoms. I am not on it for hair loss, but I have a lot of new growth, anyway!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Maureen (Portland, ME) on 10/17/2007

I started taking the blackstrap molasses to slow down the white hair growth. I think that has helped to some degree. But, what I have really noticed is my menstrals....much more pleasant. Less painful and not so heavy. What a pleasant surprise. Usually my breasts hurt too...but not this time. I think I will be taking this forever. Now, if my little white hairs go away...well, this would be perfect!!

Replied by Champ
(Encino, California)

Dear Keith.... From Boulder, Colorado... I read your article about Grey hair rid of... Please... Send me those minerals and supplements you have mentioned benefiting hair color... I appreciate your efforts...........Champ

Replied by Champ
(Encino, California)

Dear Keith.... From Boulder, Colorado... I read your article about Grey hair rid of... Please... Send me those minerals and supplements you have mentioned benefiting hair color... I appreciate your efforts...........Champ"

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dan (KC, MO) on 08/31/2007

Molasses: How long does this stuff take to work?? I've been doing 2 Tablespoons a day in the coffee for 4 months now and nothing. That one lady said she saw results in 3 months. I am also taking GNC B150, B12 1000mcg, and Apple cider complete vitamins for the last month. And nothing seems to be working. Im in my early 30s and have been struggling for years with this grey hair. Is it genetic?? I see old people who drink and smoke like trailor trash and they have no grey! Doesn't seem right. I eat right and exercise and Im the suffering from this problem. And whats that about HGH?? Thats like a illegal drug that bodybuilders take. And Peroxide? Thats just basiclly bleaching your hair!?! Im just growing tired of covering something so early in life. There has to be something that works!?!?

Replied by Kevin

Lol! hi,just reading these interesting comments on molasses,couldnt help but laugh(sorry)but the benefits of molasses is found in its nutritional value (vitamins ect.) coffee contains (((CAFFINE))) which is an (((ANTI-VITAMIN))) lol! so for month's you've been taking molasses and KILLING it's vitamins by stirring it in very effective HOT ANTI_VITAMIN KILLING solution!(namely coffee) and then drinking it to insure the water would help carry it's anti-vitamin agent to all of your organs to kill other vitamins recieved from other sources as well!(Did you know that the BRAIN also needs and uses certain vitamins to function correctly?)Which may explain why youve been repeating the process for months LOL! Even without adding the molasses caffinated coffee HELPS turn hair grey!Lol-don't tell added sugar to help speed up the greying proccess even more right? Give yourself a fair chance to see if the molasses really works for you or not but don't "kill it" before its even had a chance to get into your blood steam!

It's like the millions of people (I won't mention the demographics) who go to lunch every day trying to be healthy by ordering a huge SALAD and then buying a DIET PEPSI to wash it down with LOL!!! Diet sodas actually have MORE CAFFINE than regular sodas OR COFFEE!!!so they just washed away ALL the potential vitamins they THINK they are getting by eating a huge salad.Perhaps adding the molasses to a daily oatmeal breakfast with honey is the better way to go-for one you can take more than a tablespoon and tolerate it better because you'll hardly notice the taste and you can add wheat germ to it also which is also beneficial to your goal.To make up for all the time lost on your "coffee and molasses adventure"lol maybe you can have the oatmeal TWICE a day and add 2 tablespoon of Blackstrap molasses each time -(it will also do wonders for you if you have any kind of high cholesterol problems (oatmeal does that you know).

Replied by Daldallvnv
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Dear Kevin from NYC, NY

From the research of Dr. Ray Peat, coffee (caffeine) is a benefit to the body.

Please cite the study (or studies) you are referring to that caffeine is a negative for good health. thanks

Replied by Jordan
(Houston, Tx)

This is pretty interesting about how coffee can be good for you. I'm guessing its important that you have it in moderation, because if not you can get addicted like I have. I read also though that caffeine can prevent the production of vitamin B12 - is that true if you drink only 2 cups a day or every few days?

Replied by Stephanie
(Atl, Ga)

In regards to the diet soda issue, it's not the caffeine that is destroying anything good they do, it's the artificial sweetener! I have read many studies on the topic from various reputable resources (I never take just one source's word for anything, always cross reference! ) It has been shown to actually CAUSE weight gain primarily in the abdomen. It has been shown to not only CREATE cancer cells, once they are created the chemicals then FEED the cancer and it grows at an alarming rate. It's poison and it infuriates me that I have to be so very careful and diligent about not getting any food with it in it, the first step in my personal choice to purchase (or grow) organic and even then you still have to read the ingredients to check for cholesterol, sat fat, SODIUM (thats the one I see the most of) but at least you dont have to worry about preservatives (shown to be the main cause of lower testosterone levels in men, which can lead to PSA, colon cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and ED! )

Another helpful resource; Best time of day to take vitamins...

Oh btw I found this thread when searching for which vitamins CAUSE gray hair. I have recently completely changed my lifestyle regarding nutrition, supplements and becoming more active. I just noticed a gray hair and upon closer inspection I found quite a few gray roots, the length of the new growth looks about like the the length of time since I have made these changes, the first was cutting red meats, sodium and sat fats. Eating more fish fresh veggies and lots of fresh fruit and smoothies with raw oats, blueberries, greek yogurt, ground flaxseed, scant amount of physllium husk, vanilla almond milk and organic protien powder. I have been taking 5000mg of Biotin for about a month to a month and a half now. I noticed my eyebrows growing back in first, they had bald gaps in them before and I had to draw them in with an eyepencil, then my hair seemed to be getting thicker. I am suspecting it may be an imbalance in the zinc and b vitamins. I am starting a b-complex supplement today in addition to my biotin, b-6 and folic acid with DHA among multiple other vitamins and supplements. Oh sorry to make this so long but another topic you should read is on this site is

turmeric (I can speak for this, IT WORKS! ! ! I had horrible boils come up fast and big and PAINFUL, in desperation to avoid the ER, a search brought me to this site and the topic on turmeric. I started it on Sunday morning (3 a. M. Edt) and it is now Friday and it is completely gone, only dark spots remain where the skin is still healing. Within 3 hours of the 1st dose I had incredible relief and 50% reduction in boils and some completely gone. H2O2 inhalation therapy. I have heard of this before. I have known someone using the ingestion method and she was visibly younger looking! I have been too scared to try it. I got all the supplies and followed the preparation instructions but have not really tried it yet. I have also just purchased some herbal tea for cleansing. My current dosing formula for blood cleaning, gray hair,

in 8 oz glass I combine (all ingredients are raw, organic and natural):

1 tsp ground turmuric
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/8-1/4 tsp ground black pepper (1/4 makes it a bit spicy)
1 tbsp honey
1-2 tbsp blackstrap molasses
2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar with MOTHER (I have found only ONE that is not pastuerized, which kills it)
2-4 tbsp lemon juice (this works amazingly to cut the vinegar taste and smell! )
1/4 c boiling water (this helps melt the syrups and make it thinner for fast swallowing)

stir well and drink it down. I have found that holding your nose really does take bitter tastes away and sometimes I use less water so there is not so much to drink but since discovering the lemon juice its almost good! . I use chocolate almond milk to chase it, its thick and YUMMY and almonds are super good for you! Peace - May it begin with me. . . Steph

Replied by Barry
(Burnaby, Bc, Canada)

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks very much for all your helpful advice. I have been taking apple cider vinegar along with cranberry juice to try to rid myself of a large kidney stone (Just passed a number of small chunks recently after starting the protocol. ) so I know what you mean by the horrible acrid taste! ;^)

How has your vitamin supplementation helped you over the last while? Are you still taking the vitamins et al since this post?

Thanks, Barry

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by rhonda nelson2 (tallahassee, fl, usa) on 07/31/2007

I was just browsing through some of the information posted and wanted to add my "5 cents".

I should mention, if you do use blackstrap molasses to "blacken your hair" be careful that you do not develop a vitamin B3 deficiency, WHICH IS known as pellagra, which apparently is important for the diet for those with Lupus.

For the man who treated Lupus on a gluten free diet...take head, that this goes right back to a probable involvement of strep as this is the main bacteria that feeds on B-vitamins, as it is essential for them to live. This is especially true if you eat corn products because corn alone can induce pellagra if the corn has not been fortified(i.e.canned corn or corn on the cob, corn chips, or unfortunately for all its good corn producers that do not fortify their processed foods. If you have Lupus and you're going luten free and eating unfortified corn, you're inching closer to pellagra.This one instance where eating a wholesome food (corn) will give you disease (pellagra) if eaten in large quantities and it is not fortified.

Replied by Dunno

You scare people from eating corn that has not been "fortified", but fail to state precisely what the corn should be "fortified" with : "Genetically Modified Organism" chemistry, perhaps? Or perhaps some other manmade "process" that allegedly "fortifies" food, when in fact it so changes it's character that the body can't process it as food properly, and develops health-issues related to long term use of manmade chemical pharmaceutical by-products, I. E. Unnaturally occurring "Fortified" food-stuffs masquerading as natural foods.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by rhonda (tallahassee, usa) on 07/30/2007

About the blackstrap molasses and gray works. I tried if before ever knowing it could turn gray hair was just something I noticed it did while taking it for another reason. Since then i have found out that early graying (is this you?) is linked to thyroid disease. just google "one gray hair and thyroid".

Also, one of Ted's posting about the pineal gland is one of the most informative things posted on this site. Calcification of your pineal gland can keep you struggling to recover from many illness. The melatonin from the pineal produced at the RIGHT time (one peak at night) is essential.

Has anyone heard of this cure all remedy...the urine cure. Has anyone tried it? Its tried overseas, one ounce daily i think? It sounds disgusting, but apparently has cured people from many illnesses, including terrible cases of tuberculosis, which of course is caused by a mycobacterium. Just Google mycobacterium, urine, and cure.

Also, for Lupus people, they tend to be sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies. I have personally found that simply not putting a cell phone or a cordless telephone up to my head greatly improved my autoimmune symptoms than just with diet alone. It turns out, electromagnetic frequencies also block melatonin synthesis.

Finally, if you have lupus and Raynaud's and live somewhere where it is cold, the Raynaud's is closely linked to low thyroid function on exposure to cold weather. Raynaud's has been cured by treated the thyroid. City tapwater has caused most of the lupus symptoms for me...its the pipes and the water that flows through them.

Replied by Faithful
(Dallas, Tx)


I am trying the blackstrap molasses for grey hair and I came up with a recipe that makes it taste really good. I am following the mixture of milk & water (both heated in microwave), and molasses as one of the previous person has noted on the website. It tasted good, but the smell of the molasses was still a little strong. I think if the smell is neutralized, it makes it taste better. I put in coffee cream (french vanilla) and a little bit of honey with the mixture and it really tastes great. it's also giving me so much energy. I'm so glad I came to this website to learn about molasses that is so good for you all around.

Will post more with updates. Today is my second day of using it and I will be replacing this with my in the morning coffee. The result so far is a lot of energy.


Faithful I am happy to hear you have more energy but besides the microwave use I am concerned that you are using the flavored coffee creamers to make it taste good. Faithful, that crap will give you more to worry about then a few grey hairs!! I don't mean to scare you but my hope for your better well being is that you consider stop using that artificial toxic "poison." I have read various health reports that creamers are at the top of the most chemically treated artificial products. It should truly be banned! I don't understand the FDA. I feel so passionate about how bad it is for us that I have also urged my friends and family to stop using it. You are better off with just milk and adding the molasses or honey to sweeten things. Almond milk and coconut milk are great substitutes. And while I am on my rant lol I hope you are not using splenda or any of those sort of fake chemically toxic sweeteners either!! It defeats the purpose if you are taking stuff that your body and hair can benefit from but zapping and canceling the good stuff out with "poisons". Anyway, I have said my peace and I just could not resist bringing to your attention a few healthful tid bits:) cheers to your health and no grey hairs!!

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Faithful, throw away your microwave... It kills all nutrients in foods. You are better off putting a little milk and molasses in a saucepan and gently heat it there. Do some research on the dangers of microwave cooking. You may as well eat cardboard if you are using a microwave.

Replied by Chris
(Sydney, Australia)

Hi Debbie, I completely agree with you on the use of microwaves. Not many people are aware of how long the Russians banned them for because they were not satisfied with the safety of them. I have always intuitively believed them to be dangerous and I would never own one despite recognising the convenience. For me saving a few minutes here and there is all well and good but it could cost you years of your life.

Deb I also was interested in your use of wheatgrass on another topic and if the benefits have been sustained? I have recently started taking it but could not find the brand you had hinted at previously even though I am in Sydney? My own view is that certain things may work for certain individual types and it is a process of figuring out ones own cure, I just hope it is wheatgrass for me too, that would be so great!

Replied by Ch33ky
(Sydney, Australia)

Hello, I just read your post, and I am really wondering if you are having any success? I was so horrified when I read the word microwave for your recipe. I wanted to suggest you research as to what a microwave does to the food, from my research anything microwaved changed the structure to be way too acidic for my liking. The other concern I had was the milk. But, I guess if this is working for you than you can really see how the power of the mind works which is great news and I hope it is.

Personally I gave my microwave to my neighbor, and although the stuff I am using to help my kidney and liver functions better tastes great with raw sugar and milk in it, I just can't see how those two substances are really aiding to the reversal of my grey hair. Fact with me is, I had heaps of hair! All the little blonde ones started to fall out and others were replaced with grey. I thought to myself, at least I didn't go grey at 33 like all my girlfriends (who loved wine and vodka), but now I'm thinking, I am not quiet even 40 yet, why should I be going grey at all! So, I am rubbing magnesium oil into my scalp, and taking this Chinese root which I boil on the gas stove for 20 minutes. I than use take the root and mash in with my mortar and pestle (made from copper) and blend it into my 15 year old dogs food to help with his kidney function, since recently he just started to go grey around the face. The root has a few names, and I do not believe it is bad for dogs as there is no caffeine in it, but it certainly has a nicer flavor than a coffee drink and it is doing wonders for my body Fo-ti. I recall showing my fiance one of my blonde hairs that was blonde grey blonde a year or so I KNOW you can reverse grey, it just might take a little time to get my kidney's working as that is where my problem lies. I guess we possibly might all be different I also need to get copper into my diet some how as I want to have a nice colour to work with as it starts to grow back.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sharon (Saugerties, New York) on 05/09/2007

Thank you so very much for the terrific site -- awesome information! I have been following the remedy suggested for reversing gray hair for only the last four weeks and cannot believe it, but see dark hair growing in replacing the gray! What I've been doing each day is taking one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses on a spoon, one tablespoon of brewer's yeast mixed with orange juice, and one large tablespoon or wheat germ mixed with a small amount of plain yogurt along with a 1/2 teaspoon of sodium ascorbate mixed in orange juice and one capsule of chelated manganese. I feel extremely strong and healthy also. Will provide further updates!

Replied by Ak1
(Scottsdale, Arizona, Usa)

I have been taking 1 Tablespoon BSM in my morning tea for three months. I wish I had taken pictures before I started because I am not sure if I am seeing any results or not. I know that I am not getting more gray. And around my face there may be a greater percentage of brown but the crown is still quite gray and the bottom line is still must color my hair as often. I shall continue but wish I had greater progress to report.

Replied by J0hnn
(Tooronto, Ontario, Canada)

Please note that hair on the crown of your head grows an average of 1/2 inch per month and grows at a different rate than the sides. You might try adding some chelated zinc to your diet as low levels of this mineral can hasten the greying as well.

I used a combination of biotin, organic silica, and zinc to stop hair loss and to regrow hair that grew back in in my natural hair colour and not the grey/white hair that fell out.

Replied by Emme
(New Tork, New York)

What are the quantities of biotin, zinc and silica that you take?
Thank you for your response, EMME

Replied by Dr. Rima Liebow
(Washington, Dc)

I hope you all know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, the U.N./WHO project to do away with natural healing, health foods, vitamins, supplements by government control and pricing them out of reach by most people.

Replied by Tommy
(North York, On, Canada)

Hi Rima, Thank you for the link. It's up to us the people to stop this dictatureship against us. Wa are free to treat ourself the way we like and these pupputs goverments should side with the patients insteed of defending the big pharma. I have a friend who recenty left Montreal to Portugal for prostate cancer treatment. Even chimeo he couldn't get in Montreal ( he had to wait for the waiting list). Big pharma is patenting anything on earth so we cannot use it. They are patenting even herba extract so normal people will never see it. Plus they are pushing these puppit regimes to disturb the supplement market.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Tommy, maybe you would like to read the book I am reading at the moment, The Cancer Industry by Ralph Moss (it is a book from the 80's but the reality has changed very little since then). You are right, we should have the right to get the treatments we choose, not have governments ban many of them and persecute people! But freedom is very scarce nowadays.....

Rima, there have been quite a few discussions on this site lately about the banning of supplements here in Europe as well. For us it will start in April this year! Supplements are already awfully expensive, this will only make it worse because only big companies will be manufacturing them. And the maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals will be lowered quite a lot but I am sure not the prices meaning that you will have to take a lot more and therefore will be paying premium prices to get what you need.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mary (Dayton, OH) on 02/24/2007

After reading here about black strap molasses and gray hair, I have been taking 1-2 tablespoons in my coffee each morning for a little over three months. I tried it in hot water and it was horrible. In coffee, it taste like a latte, and after getting used to it, I look forward to it every day. The first two months I noticed a difference, but wondered if it was my imagination or wishful thinking. Now at three months, I would say the gray is 70% gone, and my stylist is absolutely amazed. The white patch above my forehead is gone completely. I'm 40 yrs old, and was starting to gray rapidly, it was costing a fortune to keep covered. The first 2 months, my hair grew so fast, that the gray was showing quicker, but I'm glad that I stuck with it, the little bit I have left is hardly noticable, and I am hoping that in time, it will all be gone. I am so thankful that I read about this on your site, and will be taking it for the rest of my life. I have also noticed an increase in energy, and believe it to be the molasses also. Thank you!

Replied by Johan
(Toronto, Canada)

Are you taking anything else other than blackstrap molasses?

Replied by Souad
(Meknes, 50000, Morocco)

You need to be satisfied when you take this molasses. Because stress decrease gray hair.

Replied by Mh

Can you please give the name or brand of the Blackstrap molasses that you are using?

From what I know its the copper content in the molasses that contributes to reversing the hair color, and it seems not all brands have the copper in or at least not in a sufficient amount. Thanks.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Venice (Atlanta, GA) on 11/25/2006

2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses cured gray hair. ENERGY BOOST. It took several months, but my gray hair along my hairline has begun to turn brown! IT WORKS! It's also a great energy boost. I'm a 40 year old female who weighs 120, and I leap out of bed. No aches; no pain. I have no health complaints because I use the following on a daily basis: blackstrap molasses, apple cider vinegar, yerba mate tea, cayenne pepper, cod liver oil, and MUCH PRAYER.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Patty (Bartow, FL) on 12/29/2005

Using blackstrap molasses, along with brewer's yeast and wheat germ, completely reversed the graying that had took hold of my dark brown hair. You could actually see individual strands that were gray/white turning brown again!

Replied by Susan
(Hong Kong, SAR, China)

Please state the quantities of your recipe, and did you mixed them with water or other liquid?

Replied by Raul In Ca
(Goleta, Ca)

"Please state the quantities of your recipe, and did you mixed them with water or other liquid?"

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