Multiple Remedies
(Somewhere, Europe)
Suzie, you could try supplementing with magnesium oil - transdermal is probably best. Magnesium calms muscles.
Hi Suzie, it is unfortunately typical for doctors unable to help patients and thus put them on antidepressants, usually with no warning. It happened to my husband when they could not control his blood pressure, "here, take these". I read side effects including 'electrical brain snaps in brain' and was mortified. My husband was not told the pill was an anti depressant. Good on you for keeping up the search, some ideas for you. Transdermal Magnesium lotion applied below the eye, not too close, and because it sounds like a mineral is lacking, add 1/4 tsp unrefined sea or Celtic salt to your liter of water, at least two litres a day. Keep a food diary, and note which foods make the condition worse, so you can avoid. I think you'll find foods with aspartame, artificial colors and msg are your culprits. I would also replace your caffeine drinks or sodas with organic herbal tea to see if helps. Good luck!
(Ny State)
I have also had prolonged eye twitching. This problem has spanned about 12 years for me. Potassium vitamins always helped with the twitching...however, I think the underlying problem was HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE (HIT). My body has gotten progressively more and more sick due to this problem that I didn't understand. Eye twitching was just one of a myriad of symptoms that it causes.
Google histamine intolerance and try a Low histamine diet to see if this helps. You may find many other seemingly unrelated symptoms are abated as well:)
(Faithville, Us)
See Ted's response here:
I have sat where you sit and still have my battles but between Earth Clinic and Dr. Batmanghelidj information on salt and water ratios (because he believed histamine was a dehydration signal from the body), I have overcome many things, you may also need a bit of kefir, if you use it start on low dose of 2 TBSP and work your way up. Blessing and good health to you. Love, Charity
I tried many of the remedies found here on EC: acupressure, magnesium, mag oil, bananas, and even electrolytes. The electrolytes helped slightly but then the twitch came back a couple of hours later. This weekend, after my eye was getting progressively more swollen from twitching, I decided to go and buy potassium supplements instead of just eating bananas. I ended up with potassium caplets instead of capsules as the big box store that was open didn't have capsules. (I don't think caplets are absorbed as well and will buy capsules in the future). I took one pill and my eye twitch stopped an hour later after 10 relentless days!!!
The twitch came back about 12 hours later, though less intensely than before, so I promptly took another potassium. I have repeated the dosage for two days now and the twitch is completely gone.
Another side effect from the alkalizing tonic that I didn't mention in my last post because it started a couple days after that, was that I also got nerve sensitivity to cold in my gum line. Very uncomfortable to drink. Guess what, the potassium cured that too!!!
Folks, do watch out when you do these alkalizing and detoxing remedies. They can pull vital nutrients from your body, leaving you with side effects that may take you down the rabbit hole trying to figure out!!!
Next time, try cream of tartar. It is a natural form of potassium - 1/4 of a teaspoon twice a day 😄😄👍
Stress Reduction
(Salina, Kansas)
Eye twitch
Several years ago I developed an eye twitch after my grandfather died. I had been unable to attend the funeral as it was overseas, but I also refused to cry, or view photos or video of the funeral, so as to not have to deal with the grief. Then when I decided to look at the photos and video, and have a good cry, the twitching stopped immediately and for good. I realized the twitching was due to the stress of suppressed grief.
My sister also gets eye twitches after sleep deprivation.
OMG same happened to me! I've had continuous eye twitching since my grandmother died. It's been 4 months now. How long did this last for you?
Glad to hear I'm not alone!
Tonic Water
Tonic Water
Tonic Water
I've had my left lower lid twitching constantly for over 4 months now. Usually it twitches constantly (CONSTANTLY) for a week or so, then stops for another week, then starts again and so on. This is driving me crazy. Reading these posts I will def try the tonic water. Can you please describe details on you twitching? Was it constant or following an on and off pattern like mine? Thank you in advance!
Eye twitching is lacking magnesium.
For years I've taken Magnesium glycinate daily 300-500 mg. Started having eye twitches 3 weeks ago. Drank a glass of tonic water today and had eye twitches 15 min later. Unsure the cause. Will post an update when the dots connect.
Tonic Water
Tonic Water
Tonic Water
Tonic Water
Tonic Water