Ease Indigestion Naturally: Top Home Remedies

24-Hour Water Fast
Posted by Eric (Auckland, New Zealand ) on 07/11/2024

I have fixed indigestion / reflex with 24 hour water fasting.

Give that part of the body a break from processing food and time to heal.

It is crazy When you do sports muscle injury, the doctor does not give you a painkiller and say, "See how your sports practice goes tonight and if it gets worse, come back tomorrow I could give a strong pain killer"

No he says take a break for about 10 days and have a rest.

But the western medicine system comes up with 'protein pump inhibitors'

If you are a sugar burner that needs to eat every two hours and not a fat burner that does not need to eat regularly.

Eat dinner as normal, maybe choosing a food that is a little easier on the stomach. Try to avoid eating a snack before you go to bed.

The next morning, have a glass of water, and keep drinking water every half hour or every time you feel hungry, it does work for killing hunger pains.

Mid afternoon you might like to stop drinking, or you might be making toilet visits all night, maybe you could have a light meal, lets hope it might be a meal without indigestion.
