Alum Powder
From the book: Medical Council – A Monthly Journal for the Physican and Surgeon. Volume 129, p. 151. 1910
Free application of dried powdered alum is sufficient to cure every case of ingrowing nail in about five days. The applications are never painful in the least, and the destruction of the pathologic tissue results in the formation of a hard, resistant and non-sensitive bed for the nail, a perfect cure for the ingrowing tendency. The non-toxicity of the alum, its easy application, and the good results render it the treatment of choice for cases in which surgical intervention is not contemplated. A fomentation of soap and water is applied for twenty-four hours beforehand, and then the alum is applied in the space between the nail and its bed, tamponing with cotton to keep the alum in place, and repeating the application daily. The suppuration rapidly dries up, and pain and discomfort are relieved almost at once.
Apple Cider Vinegar
As a side note, I did not even use the organic version, just simple ACV. I can't say that it cured mine but I have not had any pain since so I will give it the credit.
Baking Soda, Spirits of Camphor
Using a little baking soda and spirits of camphor usually works. Each evening put a little under the nail, - it will remove them and have no bad effects! Moisten baking soda with spirits of camphor. Put this in a very little bit of cotton and push under the edge of the nail each evening, with a toothpick or something similar. Leave a little bit out of the nail so that you can remove the cotton!
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)
Not sure why it works, but it works! My grandmother had one on her big toe and I did this and it worked after about 1 week!
Castor Oil
I put a drop of castor oil onto my nail and rubbed it into the sore corner, and rubbed the excess around the top of my toe/nailbed.
Within a few minutes, the pain had subsided. Within 2 hours I was able to walk on it! I think I'll be using it for a few days. The relief it's given me is incredible. I thought I'd have to go to the doctor it was that bad.
Castor Oil
(Minneapolis, Mn)
Castor oil Ingrown toenail remedy
Drops looked like the easiest option among all the suggestions.
This is my 3rd day using castor oil drops, rubbing it in on my big toenail morning and evening ( evening a few times). Pain gone when I walk. Only pain present is when I rub the drops into the ingrown tender area. I am very happy at the rate pain has dissipated. I will continue until all the pain is gone.
Cornmeal Foot Soak
I just took my son to the Dr. because of an ingrown toenail (infected) and he told me to put some cornmeal into a dishpan and cover it with hot water and stir. Once the water has cooled (or you can add a little cold) put your foot in it making sure there is enough cornmeal around the toe. He then said soak for 30 to 45 mins. for 10 days. The enzymes in the cornmeal apparently eat off the infection and he said a lot of times will improve enough that surgery will not be needed. I researched on google since then and I found it also to be a cure for foot/toenail fungus. My son has soaked for three days now and his toe is looking much better already.
Cotton Ball Technique
- Soak your feet. Do this for 10 to 20 minutes, two or three times a day, in warm water to reduce swelling and relieves tenderness. You can add some salt to help soften toenails and as an anti-bacterial soak.
- Then, after the foot soak, while your toe nails are soft... Place cotton or dental floss under your toenail. Put fresh bits of cotton or waxed dental floss under the ingrown edge after each soaking. This will help the nail eventually grow above the skin edge. Change the cotton or the floss daily until the pain and redness subside. We also recommend putting some tea tree oil on the cotton ball or floss before you place it under you toenail - to rid any germs or infection.
This works for everyone I know who has tried it. Dr Oz also recommends this method.
Cotton Ball Technique
(Dallas, TX)
I had surgery for both of my big toes to cut the side of the nails so they do not grow into the skin. The healing is excruciatingly painful. There are nerve endings in the tips of your toes.
Now my ingrown toe nail problem is occurring again. I will try the floss under the nail and see if that helps.
Cotton Ball Technique
BAM, problem fixed! It's so simple and no infection, no surgery, no cutting, no acid, nothing! A big bag of cotton balls are like a dollar and they last for years! I started doing this after having many infections and not knowing what to do. I haven't had any problems with them since.
(Belfast, Northern Ireland, Ireland)
This tip is similar to Jefferson's from Lehi, Utah and basically works on the same principal. Try using a small piece of dental floss. Slide it or place it whatever way you can under the nail where the nail is gowing into the flesh. The floss lifts the nail slightly and allows the nail to grow properly. My daughter tried this and it worked. She had no need for any other treatment with regard to this problem. The floss did not fall out, but if it does come out at any stage just replace it with another piece.
(Podunk, Missouri)
This is very Similar to Jackies & Jeffersons. I've had an ingrown toenail on my right foot on my big toe. I was watching Dr. Oz one day and he was demostrating how to get rid of it of course had to try it. I got something to lift the nail up and stuck some cotton under the nail right there and put a band aid on to where it was pulling the skin back. In two days it was completely gone. (mine might have not been as bad as others though) That was about 4 months ago or so when I did that and haven't had it since. Plus not wearing tight shoes and keeping my nails cut the right way has helped (as Dr Oz said). Anyways here the link to the video to see it demonstrated
Magnetis Polus Australis 30c
Multiple Remedies
(Panther Land, Usa)
I DO NOT know of any remedies for ingrown toe nails. But, I had some severe swelling in my two wisdom teeth in the back of my mouth. I had two removed some years ago, because of swelling and biting the back of my mouth when chewing. The dentist actually put me on antiboitics for a few weeks before he cut the teeth out, because of the swelling and possibly getting infection in it.
Same thing this time, same feeling and I was about to set the appointment, when I read on here about GARLIC being used for abcess teeth.
Well long story short, in 24 hours great improvement, 48 hours major improvement, 72 hours later almost gone. I continued the garlic for about 5 days total to be sure it was gone.
I still have my teeth and I have had no more flare ups. This happen right before Christmas.
The way I used the garlic was I just put a clove in my mouth and held it in the wisdom teeth and gums ( chewing every so often ) I would swallow the rest after a while of holding it on there.
I am NO DOCTOR, but GARLIC got rid of my swelling in my mouth, so maybe it will help with ingrown nail.
I would apply the garlic and get the juice on the nail and surrounding area and take severeal cloves chop up every 6 to 8 hours internally for at least 3 days preferably 5 to 7 days and see if he has improvement.
Garlic is hot (SPICY) and may burn somewhat.
Maybe someone else will have some ideals. If this works, please pass it on and let all of us here on Earth Clinic know.
(Brisbane, Australia)
The best cure that I know for ingrown toenails is to make sure that when you cut the nail you cut the centre lower than the outsides. Almost like a divet or valley. This makes the two outer edges higher and less likely to grow into the skin. It has worked for most people I know for years. When you get another ingrown nail then check the way you are cutting again.
(Lake Worth, Fl.)
Chronic ingrown toenails are a condition, the nail not only grows toward the end of the toe, it also grows down on the sides. I have this condition and so does my son. I suffered all until I was about 35, my son only until he was about 9. Both of us had the surgery, the doctor puts acid on the root of the nail, only where no growth is wanted. This still gives you a toe nail that looks normal.
I am not trying to be rude, but it easy for those of you who do not suffer with this condition to say cut your nails properly. It does not matter, since the nail grows on the side and into the toe on the edges of the nail bed. It hurts, if you can imagine. Not all ingrown are due to this condition, some are because of improper manicuring.
For the mom who is concerned about her son having the surgery. Don't worry, its a snap, there were no complications with either surgery in our family. They numb the toe, separate the nail on the side from the bed. Snip the area on the sides down to the root, put acid on it, to kill the root in that area. Bandage it, you have to keep it dry for about 1 week. You are on your way. Your son will thank you with all of his heart.
(Anon, Usa)
(Wendell, Nc.)
I suffered with ingrown toenails most of my adolesant life. the only thing that ever helped me was to clip the nail straight across.(the v never made a differance for me) do not round the nail at all. i put liquid wart remover between the nail and the most painful part of the toe. this helps to develop a callus util the bur grows out or you can clip it. good luck i remember the pain.
There's really no need to be afraid of the surgery. Worked great for me when I had it years ago. Hasn't affected me negatively or made me look weird. Much better than being in pain.
I would suggest trying differing antibiotic remedies like triple antibiotic ointment, Iodine, Tea Tree Oil. Check for any fungal presence in socks or shoes as this could re-infect the toes.
(London, United Kingdom)
I have been trying to find a detailed description of how you actually cut the V but I can't find it anywhere - how do you cut it ? - do you cut a whole chunk out so you can see the skin underneath? how exactly do you cut becuase I have tried to guess and all I can do is just try and file a v shape as there is no grip - do you mean cut a v in the center of the actual nail or the tip of the nail where the white nail grows?? thanks, any help would be great - I have had 2 operations which have both gone wrong and I am in agony!
(Sojouring America)
I have an ingrown toenail and just noticed blood this morning. It has been bothering me a little bit but I don't feel much pain down there due to diabetic neuropathy and tingling toes. But this morning it really made itself known to me. I really did not know how bad my diabeties has gotten. This blood sugar issue has got to get under control.
So I sprayed it with hydrogen Peroxide several times this morning and then doused it with DMSO and then some cayenne extract. And Just learned about the "V-Cut" and I did a small one ( the nail is very short). So I am going to use the system of cleaning the wound with H2O2, and DMSO and Cayenne Extract with the V cut, and perhaps the floss technique to lift the nail. So that is what I am going to do to solve this problem for the toe. It looks like it will work.
V-Cut for Ingrown Toenail
This really does work. I have been using this method for 13 years and only get an ingrown toe nail when I forget to re-cut the notch.
(South Carolina)
Would someone post a picture of your v cut. I do not understand either.
(Kiev Ukraine)
Thanks Jen!
I found examples of the "V Cut" method here, under the section Remedy #4. This should help people who were unsure how to do this, or what it should look like:
Vitamin E
I was a little sceptical, but by the next day, it had COMPLETELY HEALED!