Insect Bites
Natural Remedies

Insect Bite Remedies

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Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/09/2020 529 posts

I got bit by something extra tiny that hurt like the dickens the other day!

I put EVERYthing on it - cayenne, DMSO, coconut oil and something else, I don't remember what, but it stopped hurting with the first bit of cayenne. With the pain and the size - which was too small to even see what kind of critter it was, it scared the dickens outta me so I threw everything at it! LOL! It was right over a vein, just up from the wrist. I'd never had that kind of pain from a bite or a sting! I remember what the other thing was - it was ascorbic acid paste. I'm guessing it was a spider of some sort as I've been stirring up unattended corners around the house but it was so tiny that there was nothing left of it after I slapped it. I had a little red spot for a few days but, initially, the bite was so small there was nothing to see. The red spot got to about the size of a pepper corn, but it's gone without a trace now. I think that was Monday or Tuesday and it's Sunday but was still a little red yesterday so that's quite a while for it to stick around with no feeling to it. No bump or itch or anything, once the pain was gone. Just that red spot.

Oh! And borax solution which I'd just made. I forgot I slapped some of that on it.

Chigger Bite Remedies

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Posted by Tx Kel (Tx) on 07/01/2014

Chiggers plague us here in TX. I hate them! I'm also allergic. Each bite swells up and looks infected. I've tried chigger ointment and nail polish. Nail polish works pretty good, but you have to apply it daily. I can still end up with infected looking bites.

I know the goal is to smoother the little guys until they die.

We just discovered duct tape!!! Just cut a small silver square to cover the bite. Leave it on for 3-4 days. Peel it off and bite is gone! Works great on kids because it sticks through a shower. Plus most bites are where you can't see them, so its easy to leave the duct tape on.

(Here in the USA, duct tape is a wide silver tape that is very very sticky. It is used for repairing things. It seals very well and is somewhat water proof. It has fibers in it, which makes it easy to tear.)

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U TX, , , , , , , , , , ,

Hard to believe that a Texan does not know how to handle a red bug. Go to your Farm co-op, buy 10% Permitrin, paint your problem.


Chigger Bite Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Cochrane, Wi) on 06/26/2011

Does anyone have remedies for keeping chiggers off from you or how to help when you get bites? I'm almost ready to give up gardening! Thank you

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Try adding baking soda to your bath! Probably about a cup.

Replied by Jean Stroud
(Farmerville, La)

Chigger Bites.... To prevent, bathe with Avons Skin So Soft.... also helps to soothe if you already have them.

Replied by Zdavid

I am very sensitive to chigger bites. One or two bites on my feet or lower legs will keep me awake at night for a couple of weeks. I've found nothing will stop the itch, except scratching, which only lasts as long as you scratch it.

The best remedy is prevention. I buy an all-natural spray containing natural oils like cedar and eucalyptus and apply, religiously, to my feet and lower legs before going outside during the summer. I also spray my garden shoes every time. It works, and beats itchy and scratchy any day.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

To stop itchy bites, I use a lotion called Sarna. I think I bought it at Walgreen's or CVS. Also, Amazon sells a cream containing sulphur. That may work as I saw it on another post about sulpher.

Clear Nail Polish for Chigger Bites

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Posted by Geneva (Paragould, Ar.) on 06/27/2011

I paint the chigger bites with clear nail polish. It kills the chigger and the pain goes away. Hope this help you.

Clear Tape

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Posted by Brenda (Converse, Tx) on 09/01/2009

Mosquitos get me really bad, and I used to finish those Anti-itch creams having to re-apply every time. My dad heard this somewhere and though it sounds weird, it really works!. Just cut about an inch or so of clear tape (yes the kind you use for paper) and stick it right on the insect bite. Within a minute or two the itch is gone and there is no need for more tape. I use this site all the time, it is the first place I look for help. Thank you Earthclinic and all the people that provide feedback.

Replied by Doug
(Show Low, Az)

Even better for mosquito bites is vitamin B1. Insects hate the smell it makes your skin have. although it is not noticeable to humans.

Replied by Connie
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA)

Do you apply it or ingest it?

EC: Typically you would ingest it.

Replied by Paula
(London, England and Poitiers, France)

I tried B1 for insect bites but it did not agree with me. The most incredible treatment for them that I've EVER used is fresh lemon juice it immediately removes the pain and itching. If the bite is big you may have to reapply but it works amazingly on other spots and cuts well. i found that oil pulling with olive oil seems to stop one being bitten.

Replied by Dara
(Cork, Ireland)

What is clear tape? Is that like Sellotape or Scotch tape, I don't know what you call it in the States? The clear sticky strips for sticking things to the wall for example?

EC: Yes, what people seem to be talking about in this home remedy is any sort of see-through, plastic-like tape. It would go by many names and come in different qualities, but any kind of tape made out of polypropylene or cellophane should do the trick.

Coconut Oil

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Posted by Gramma (Raymond, Alberta, Canada) on 09/13/2009

My husband and I use coconut oil as a rub for aches and pains. Hubby had his right shoulder replaced 10 years ago and coconut oil keeps him pain free. I need back surgery but am too old so I use coconut oil to relieve pain. We also use it to rub arthritic knees, hips, elbows and hands. We were in Majuro for 18 months five years ago and were introduced to coconut oil by the natives when I stepped onto a red ant pile and was severely bitten all over my legs. Instant relief from coconut oil. We don't measure, we just scoop out a little and rub it on. It has to be 100% pure coconut oil to work.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kylie (Whitianga, New Zealand) on 08/26/2008

I've been using coconut oil on my skin & hair for approx 5 months now thanks to all the posts I've read on earthclinic. Taking a couple of teaspoons a day certainly makes your skin soft from the inside out. While up in the Pacific Islands on holiday a couple of weeks ago, I sought out locally made coconut oil and due to daily sun exposure, applied it to my skin each night. I was surprised to find that the mosquitos - which have always bitten me in the past - would hover around me but not land on my oiled skin. I didn't have to use insect repellent once for the whole two weeks I was in Tonga. The local oil was quite smelly (rancid smelling and everyone told me NOT to eat it) and different to the imported oil we get in NZ, so not sure if this makes the difference. I'll certainly be trying this as a mosquito remedy here in the summer.

Replied by Scooter

I used pure coconut oil for dry itchy menpause skin head to toe, even on scalp. Conditioned my skin and hair and kept mosquitoes off like a dream! Use liberally/rub in. Great hair detangler. Tiny drops rubbed into hair with hands is all it takes to detangle and avoid split ends. Mine was food grade.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Do you rub the oil after drying your hair or before?

Replied by Sp
(Nashville, Tn)

Hi Kylie, I read your post and decided to use the virgin coconut oil I already had. I rubbed it on my skin. It really did keep the mosquitoes away from me. Thank you for sharing.


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Posted by Lindar (Treorchy, Rhondda Wales Uk) on 08/02/2009

CUECUMER FOR INSECT BITES! My 10 year lod woke up to find 2 gnat/mozzie bites on her ankle this morning. She put Ttiger Balm on it and it worked well, but hours later while we were out they started to really itech and irritate. Needless to say I didn't have anything on me. BUT we did have the remains of our picnic salad. In desperation I told her to rub it with a piece of Cuecumber, to keep her occupied more than anything. Well it worked a treat, and now several hours later it stil doesn't itch and the swelling has gone down!

Replied by Ranjana
(Arlington, Tx)

I got bitten by something all over my arms. Sprayed Benadryl, did not control the itching and swelling. Looked up this post and dabbed all the bites with a cucumber slice, immediate relief. Thanks.

Replied by Raffia

Cucumber worked for me last week, but this time is isn't helping at all. From one (chigger?) bite on my ankle, most of my foot is swollen and red, with a kind of thick part around the bite. Skin is also kind of bumpy, almost a rash. Maddening. Have tried hot water just now. Tried ice earlier. Also echinacea. Also aspirin. Now to read through the rest of the pages!!

Dishwashing Detergent, Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 03/29/2008 490 posts

Hi Tracy,

I have a couple of suggestions for your mosquito problems. I have read (but haven't checked out) that using a shallow white dish, fill it with water, add a few drops of Joy liquid dishwashing detergent. The one giving that hint said it kills the mosquitos, usually within 10 - 12 feet of getting a drink from it. Makes you wonder how safe it is to eat from dishes washed in it, doesn't it?

Another great bug repellant that doesn't kill them, cook with lots of garlic, it makes you less tasty to mosquitoes, ticks and chiggers.This does work- I went from averaging 15 to 25 tick bites per day to none at all last year. I have started filling empty gel caps with garlic powder and taking 2 or 3 of them each day, however your kids probably won't like them that way but probably won't object to garlic cooked in the food.

Another one that works for my family - Put about 1-2 cups ACV to the kids bathwater each day, or even rub them down with straight ACV (careful around the eyes as even the fumes can make them burn) and let them dry off before dressing and going outside. This even works against those dratted brown flies in Florida (August) that look like our black house flies but are brown and love to bite you. This only works as long as the vinegar is on - if they play in water, or otherwise wash the vinegar off, you'll have to reapply the vinegar.


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Posted by Sofia (USA) on 07/14/2019

DMSO at 99% works like a charm 100% of the time. I'm the queen of bug bites - especially mosquitoes and fleas. Nothing ever really worked within 5 min. 1 drop on bite, rub in (make sure your hands and bug bite area are really clean with soap and water) - within mins, the itching stops.

Amazing stuff!!!!

Essential Oils

Posted by Erica (Saint James City, Florida) on 08/11/2012

To repel No-See-Ums I use a DEET free plant based insect repellent containing Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. I recently moved to SW Florida and am extremely sensitive to the bites... Itching, swelling and fatigue. I even have scars from scratching in my sleep! I haven't found anything to alleviate the itching, so for me prevention is the best medicine.

Eucalyptus Oil

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Posted by Sarah (Oklahoma ) on 06/30/2022


Eucalyptus oil worked for me.

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Rob from Kentucky (Bowling Green, KY USA) on 06/26/2019

Editor's Choice

Spent 2 weeks at the beach house in Clearwater Fl and we got bit all over our legs by Chiggers. Yes, sand chiggers.

People are bringing firewood from deep inland and the chiggers catch a ride on the wood so now for the past 3 years, we are getting eaten up with bites. My girlfriend's skin is super sensitive and when she gets a chigger bite, the red inflamed area stays on her for months.

This year I dabbed a drop of straight eucalyptus oil on all her bites (and mine) and the itchy, inflammed bites started to disappear in record time. My stopped itching instantly and were gone in 2 days and hers about 4 days. So now you know. Put Eucalyptus oil in the travel first-aid kit!

Fels- Naptha

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Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 08/30/2012

I caught poison ivy from a bar of fels-naptha that my husband had used for his previous case of poison ivy. The oils evidently weren't completely broken down on the bar and then were transmitted to me later. I use fels-naptha for mosquito bites - highly effective!! - but after his poison ivy use, I ended up getting poison outbreaks on several mosquito bites where I applied the fels-naptha. I had mosquito bites from the same day for which I didn't apply the fels-naptha, and these areas did not develop poison, so I know it was the fels-naptha.

If I ever use for poison again, I will cut off a piece of the bar and use it and then toss it. (It did seem to help my husband's poison ivy. ) I threw this bar away and will buy a new one for mosquito bites (& laundry use).

Fels- Naptha
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 08/30/2012

Rub a wet bar of fels-naptha soap (found in laundry detergent aisle for about $1.50) onto bug bite/mosquito bite. Rinse with cold water. Itching disappeared for me in about 1 min. Redness and swelling visibly reduced or disappeared. May need to repeat this if symptoms reoccur. You can also leave a bit of soap to dry on the bite. My usual week-long mosquito bites disappear in no time with 1-3 applications and no itching.

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