I quickly began reading about remedies here and around the Internet. It's been three months and the only thing that has helped is a douche with apple cider vinegar, curcumin capsule opened, aloe juice and distilled water. If I do this three times a day the pain stops completely. The issue I am having now is that I'm nervous that I'm putting things constantly in my vaginal area and changing the natural state of things, which I guess was obviously not very good anyway considering my bladder is having all these issues, but my vagina seems to be OK and now I'm concerned that I may be harming things further. I did a little bit of a internal exam and the skin inside my vagina seems very different raw - and I'm concerned as to whether the Apple cider vinegar maybe too acidic. I was fIlling half of a summers eve disposable douche bottle with apple cider vinegar which is obviously way way way too much so now I reduced it but I don't want to stop doing what I'm doing which will cause the pain to return full fledged and I also want the skin to heal - so this is half of a suggestion for a temporary relief but I also wanted to know if anyone has had any similar experiences or recommendations.
I am finishing my lYmir treatment and didn't want to do anything to interact with that so I plan to do prolozone Therapy at the end of the month when I complete my Lyme treatment. Also I'm taking aloe capsules and nutritional bladder support, a probiotic, colloidal silver and a few other things.