Anti-Yeast Cream
(Orillia, Ontario)
I tried two different types of ear drops as well as antibiotics before making an appointment to see a specialist and nothing worked. Then my doctor recommended the vagisil yeast cream on a qtip. I had nothing to lose and didn't think it would ever work. So I flushed my ear with water using the blue mini turkey baster for ears and tried it. Miraculously, after only a few days my ear was all better. So I cancelled the specialist appointment. Now the anti itch cream is my first go to treatment instead of prescription drops or pills. Super easy and cheap solution to my ridiculously itchy Ears! I highly recommend this solution first before all else.
This is great to hear. Dr told me last year I had a fungus in my ear so he sprayed some powder in and it was gone for 9 months. I will try this.
(Germantown, Tn)
Instant relief! Thanks for the tip.
Baby Oil
Colloidal Silver
I tried this remedy with Colloidal Silver gel and it has cleared up my dry itchy ears!
Diluted Bleach in Water
Finally, in frustration I added about 10 drops of bleach (sodium hypochlorate) to a 250 ml wine glass of water and swabbed my ears with a cotton bud moistened with the solution. Eureka! At last I have had no itch for days on end.
Because I have no idea if sodium hypochlorate can have side problems I kept the solution weak and did not insert drops of the liquid into my ear. Maybe you should try 5 drops per 250 ml first, and increase drop by drop until you get an effect. Don't be tempted to use a very high strength until we have an opinion on any side effects. By the way... Don't forget that bleach bleaches! Leaks may bleach your favourite black satin pillow or your shirt. I suggest you plug your ears with cotton balls until the remedy dries.
Thank you sooooo much. I'm starting this today.
I followed your 70/30 ('ish) DMSO/water and just like that, quit itching. No pain, uneasiness whatever ever....just quit itching. Will apply again if necessary. I can't imagine it would take only once!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Instead, a cap full of hydrogen peroxide (in each ear) on a weekly/monthly basis is much better; it melts away excess ear wax, and cleans/debrids the ear, without removing the thin protective layer of ear wax.
THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ITCHY EARS. Itchy ears is usually a sign for dry ears. Hydrogen Peroxide dries out ears further, which causes the skin to crack and bacteria to get into the skin. If your ears itch, use cortisporin just outside of the ear canal. The cortisporin will make its way into the ear canal and provide that extra bit of moisture the skin needs. DO NOT REMOVE THE EAR WAX!!! It is good for the ear canal. If you feel like you have an ear infection, go to the doctor.
I will need to differ on this recommendation. I have chronic infections and my ears itch daily and I use a cotton swab (q-tip) almost daily to successfully remove the itch. As for the ear wax, these lipids also can become infected with fungal-type pathogens, so removing the wax also removes the infection (which is what appears to be my case). Do not worry about removing wax as some kind of permanent affair, as the natural wax will be replaced. Replace worry or doubt with Coconut Oil & Mixed Natural Vit-E supplement, and this will probably resolve the issue, along with keeping the ears cleaned regularly.
If there are obvious signs of infection like ringing sound, hearing loss, snapping sound, pain, redness, swelling, then seeking professional help would be smart choice, although natural remedies as suggested here on E.C. may prove most beneficial, as opposed to synthetic antibiotic treatment (which can produce nasty side-effects).
(Middle Tn)
Yes 1.5% to 3% H2O2 every few days on a Q-tip keeps my ears itch free. It depends on the reason of the itch. Mine wasn't from dry ears so H2O2 worked.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Rochester, Minnesota, Usa)
Does anyone know if this can be used if your eardrum is perforated? I had a tube in my ear for many years. It was supposed to come out after something like 10 years but it didn't and now it won't close. It isn't so bad, but I would love to treat this itchiness! I'm working on cleaning up my whole system, but it is a slow process.
(Seattle, Wa)
I have itchy ears and use 50/50 distilled water and hydrogen peroxide. When it started up again, I insisted my doctor do a swab and send it to the lab, because I want it to be indentified. Also, if it is in your ears it is most likely in your sinuses.
(New Hope, Pa)
What were the results of the ear test?
(Arizona, US)
Something totally opposite than what you experienced. I have been using peroxide and water to sooth the itching and it actually made it worse. I got this tickling and popping in my ear and it felt so good I got hooked on it. So when I pour it in my ear it temporarily scratches it but in the long run it makes my ears so much worse. Now it is like an addiction and it is the cause of my manic severe ear itching and pain. Does anyone have any suggestions for helping me scratch my ear another way?
(Los Angeles, Ca)
I had even worse experience with Hydrogen Peroxide. I wet a Q-tip with it and inserted it into my ear due to an ear infection, and I ended up with a hole on my ear drum. My ENT doctor said it will heal up but no, it is still there after two years! The only benefit is you won't feel pain and pressure in your ear if you go deep sea diving! Lol :(
Never attempt Hydrogen Peroxide on your ear. BAD!
Solution? Use ACV instead! It works like a miracle, faster than a prescription drug. I have ear infection often because of that little hole..dip a Q-tip into ACV, squeeze the cotton head gently to rid the excessive fluid. It helps with my itches too.
(Portland, Tn)
I agree the hydrogen peroxide helps. It relieves the itch for a while. But if I don't do it for a few days it seems to be worse than ever.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 Oils
Then a couple of months ago I read that a sign of essential fatty acid deficiency is dermatitis!! I began supplementing twice a day with Alpha-linolenic acid aka 'Omega 6' and linoleic acid aka 'Omega 3' and so far after 3 months have had the closest thing to lasting relief/cure so far!
Some other things that worked for awhile from time to time over the years:
1) Equal parts of water, isopropyl alcohol and vinegar, then filled ear with eye dropper. Don't do it after heavy itching of ear, it'll burn. Was told this will treat both bacterial and fungal issues.
2) Hydrogen Peroxide: often made better for a couple of days, but sometimes made it worse..
Hope this helps.
Tea Tree Oil, Olive Oil, Garlic or ACV
(Palo Alto, Ca)
PLEASE - never apply neat Tea Tree Essential oil in your ear!!! no essential oil should ever be applied directly to skin, let alone in the ear - MUST be diluted in a carrier oil.
Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol
(Ca, San Diego)
I took round of antibiotics afterwards I had itching in inner ears I tried 50/50 Apple cider Vinegar with rubbing alcohol I let it sit in my ear for maybe 20 minutes let it drain all the itching stopped. WOW
Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol
Desperate, she filled up an ear with an eyedropper and let it do it's thing for about an hour, while she laid down and watched television. Then, she turned over and let it drain out onto a white towel for another hour.
The white towel was covered in black "stuff" - that were in her ears! She did it on both ears twice, and hasn't had itchy ears since!
I've used this when I have itchy ears - though I've never had black drainage, thank God! It works every time to stop the itching.
(Sarnia, Ontario Canada)
It took me many years to discover this, but after going on a drastic anti-candida diet, which included completely removing sugar from my diet, my itchy ear problem completely resolved. I spent most of my life suffering from itchy and flaking ear canals. Now, if I slip off the wagon and eat sugar for a couple of days, the problem returns.
(Houston, Texas)
I agree, I stop drinking sweet tea and cut back on soft drinks and my ears cleared up. Also the eczema on my hands started to clear up as well, I thought I was the only person with this problem. I glad to see your post. Thanks for sharing.
(Topeka, Kansas)
Thanks Alain for the clarification and thanks Debbie for reminding me about the colloidal silver and the link. I will research it and pass on to mom.
(Califonia, US)
(Accra, Ghana)
I want to try the remedy given by Felirose of Destin, Florida, but would like to have one clarification. What strength of white vinegar and robbing alcohol is safe to use? I have white vinegar of 10% strength and rubbing alcohol of 70% strength. Are these safe to use in the ears?
(Yukon Ok)
Apple cider vinegar.
(Dighton, Ma)
ACT is apple cider vinager.
White Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol
This killed itchy ears for me and it's also stopped my granddaughter's ear infection when the antibiotics didn't!