Kidney Stones
Natural Remedies

Kidney Stones - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Kidney Stones. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Chanca Piedra

Posted by Loretta Joy (Virginia) on 06/30/2024

Editor's Choice

Years back, before I knew of CP, I had a kidney stone which became lodged and then infected. Even though I believed in nutrition & natural healing then, was in absolute agony for a night, walking the floors. My cousin insisted on calling an ambulance and I was transported to a hospital where I stayed for a full week, and they were prepared to keep me longer.

So, in more recent years, my heart sank when I felt the familiar side/back pain. After a little research I hurriedly ordered capsules of the Chanca Piedra, which has turned out to be life changing for the better! Usually, it just takes two capsules once or twice a day and by the following day at the latest I'm pretty much pain-free.

Well, this past week, i'd been under a lot of stress (loss of a beloved dog, relative coming to visit, etc.) and also was drinking a much higher amount of ACV with honey, stevia and water because it's hot here. I suddenly became nauseated, dizzy, fatigued and in a great deal of pain which kept me from sleeping. I began drinking Vitamin C powder with a little baking soda a few times a day, plus colloidal silver in case of infection.

Due to feeling so poorly physically, it took a day or more for me to suddenly recognize what the pain in my side was! It would also shift to lower back at night. I instantly began taking two capsules of the CP twice a day, which helped, but the pain at times remained almost unbearable. This had never happened before, as it ALWAYS worked at that dose quickly for me.

I came onto this website and saw a comment in which someone related taking the CP capsules every four hours until relief. So I moved up to that amount and began getting wonderful RELIEF. Today for the first time since this started, I felt almost normal the entire day. I'm tapering off of the CP, vitamin C and colloidal silver knowing I'm better.

It's impossible to express how grateful I am for people willing to share their experiences and for this special plant. I believe for whatever the reason/s, one or more extra-large kidney stones became stuck, or perhaps a bunch of them, but the Chanca Piedra came through for me.

I want to add that my neighbor suffered for six months with kidney stones a few years ago, before I knew. He was constantly in pain and going in for checks and procedures. After the last appointment (which I think involved some kind of surgery) he came home and gradually resumed activities. Suddenly, he told me he had another bout of kidney stones beginning! This time I knew and gave him some CP capsules and told him how to take them. Within a day, the neighbor said the problem was resolved!! I think this happened at least one other time and he ended up getting his own bottle.

And today, I just heard of the restaurant manager (where a friend works) breaking down in tears and having to get to the hospital because of a kidney stone/s. I'm going to try to get word to her as well! Because this is such a gentle powerful amazing remedy for humans who have gone through a kidney stone ordeal.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Hackerszzz (Malaysia) on 08/11/2021

Editor's Choice

5 years ago, I had a kidney stone.

During the night, I felt very painful area around the liver area, and I thought I was having appendicitis. Went to the emergency ward, and they said it was something else. After doing MRI, it was a kidney stone stuck in the urinary tract between the kidney and bladder. But to proceed with the procedure they said I need to wait another 3 months, because of many others are waiting in line. I could only afford the government funded hospitals.

Tried to research the internet, and I found something about Chanca Piedra. Fortunately, this herbs grows wildly in my garden. I took a bunch of it and simmer it in water and drank it half a cup daily.

To my astonishment, the pain diminished. Previously I couldn't eat too much since if I eat too much it presses on the affected area and it became painful. I couldn't sleep well at night because of back pain and just tossing around the bed became painful. There is something in Chance Piedra that acts as analgesics. After drinking it, I can sleep better since the pain reduces to tolerable threshold.

One day, I have the urge to urinate, and it felt a bit difficult since I need to push harder in order for the urine to flow out. Suddenly, I hear a loud sound from the toilet bowl like a big pebble clashing down the toilet. It was the kidney stone, coming out without any notice. After that I felt a great relief, I can eat more food, since the pain was already gone.

Another thing that I notice is, my blood pressure reduced to a normal level. I've been taking blood pressure medication without any success, it only capable of reducing my reading in a small numbers. I'm not sure what Chanca Piedra has done to my blood pressure, but the normal value persists for a month. But it came back to abnormal level, perhaps because I was not taking Chance Piedra anymore.

Gonna try again if it could fix my blood pressure since changing several bp medications couldn't fix my bp level.


Posted by Art (California ) on 07/01/2018 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

Chronic Recurring Kidney Stones

Many people get kidney stones and are able to effectively eliminate them with Chanca Piedra or the olive oil with lemon juice remedy, but what do you do if the stones keep recurring? If they are like the majority of stones, they are likely formed from calcium oxalate, so reducing calcium intake may be helpful, but what else can you do to try and prevent them from coming back?

The following PubMed abstract suggests that probiotics containing some common Lactobacillus strains may be just the ticket to help deal with this common and often painful problem. Considering that probiotics can have a myriad of positive health effects, this may be a very nice option to have!


J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Nov-Dec;48 Suppl 1:S91-5. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000228.

Screening of different probiotic strains for their in vitro ability to metabolise oxalates: any prospective use in humans?

Mogna L1, Pane M, Nicola S, Raiteri E.


Oxalate is the salt-forming ion of oxalic acid and can generate oxalate salts combining with various cations, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Approximately 75% of all kidney stones are composed primarily of calcium oxalate (CaOx) and hyperoxaluria, a condition involving high urinary oxalate concentration, is considered a primary risk factor for kidney stone formation, known as nephrolithiasis. Current therapeutic strategies often fail in their compliance or effectiveness, and CaOx stone recurrence is still common. After an initial stone, there is a 50% chance of forming a second stone within 7 years if the condition is left untreated. The potential therapeutic application of some probiotics, mainly lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, in reducing hyperoxaluria in vivo through intestinal oxalate degrading activity is compelling and initial reports are promising. This study was undertaken to screen different Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains for their capacity to degrade oxalate in vitro using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).


The oxalate-degrading activity of 13 lactobacilli and 5 bifidobacteria was tested using a novel HPLC method after growth in a broth culture added with 10 mM ammonium oxalate. Experiments were repeated 3 times. Oxalobacter formigenes (DSM 4420) was used as positive reference to validate HPLC oxalate-degrading capability assays.


Lactobacillus strains were more efficient than bifidobacteria in degrading oxalates. L. paracasei LPC09 (DSM 24243) gave the best result, as 68.5% of ammonium oxalate was converted at the end of incubation, whereas the following best converters belong to the L. gasseri and L. acidophilus species. The relatively low conversion rate observed for most bifidobacteria can probably be attributed to intrinsic oxalate toxicity toward this genus.


Humans lack the enzymes needed to directly metabolise oxalate, and this potentially toxic compound is, therefore, managed using alternative pathways. As oxalate-degrading bacteria are present in the endogenous microbiota of the human intestine, although with significant individual differences, it is possible to hypothesise that the administration of selected oxalate-degrading probiotics could be an alternative and innovative approach to reducing the intestinal absorption of oxalate and the resulting urinary excretion.

Chanca Piedra

Posted by Art (California ) on 06/18/2018 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

Recently a friend with kidney stones was using chanca piedra for them, but the stones would keep coming back. I asked if they were using calcium supplements since the doctor had told them that the stones were formed from calcium. As it turned out, they were supplementing with calcium. They discontinued the calcium supplement and the stones did not come back!

If your stones are formed from calcium, this may be relevant.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 10/09/2017

Editor's Choice

About 2 weeks ago I began taking apple cider vinegar(1 tablesp. each morning) for weight loss. What inspired me was my daughter started taking it in May and has lost around 50 lbs.

Yesterday morning I had a tinge of pain when I went to the bathroom and I saw a spot of blood. I am a female so you probably know what I thought. Well, a few minutes later I had the urge to go to the bathroom again. Again, I had just a small pinch of pain, no blood. I looked in the toilet and saw a white blob at the bottom of the bowl. About 18 years ago I went to the ER with what happened to be kidney stones. I had to have surgery to have them removed. Thinking that might be what I just passed, I jumped on the computer and went to Earth Clinic to read about ACV and kidney stones. That's what it was!!!

Thank you everyone for posting your experiences! I will continue using the ACV in case there are more. That pain I can tolerate, for sure! If you have ever had a kidney stone you will never forget the pain, and this was just a tinge, yea! I am not sure if the Lugol's iodine and complementry supplements, along with lemon water and baking soda, I am also taking, could have had a contribution, but I have also eliminated sugar, bread, tea, and soda from my diet....which were my addictions.

Lemon Juice

Posted by Sassenach (Southern California) on 06/08/2017

Editor's Choice

My kidney stones are calcium oxalate. I have passed three very painful stones in 25 years, but those days are over now that I use the following lemon juice remedy. In August 2016, I had the symptoms of a kidney stone (sudden urge to urinate and jabbing pain in the right kidney). I went to the doctor, and after an ultrasound, I was told I had a 6mm kidney stone in my right kidney and other smaller stones. The 6mm would be extremely painful to pass, so I searched YouTube for remedies. I found a guy who recommended 1 cup of straight lemon juice in the morning and then adding half a squeezed lemon (about 1 oz lemon juice) to 8 oz cup of water and drink that up to 12x a day. That's a lot of lemons. As such, I only drank 1/2 cup of straight lemon juice in the morning. I would wait about 1/2 hour before eating and brushing teeth. Then I'd add half a juiced lemon to one cup (8oz) of water and drink 8 or more cups of that a day. In time (a few weeks to one month) the kidney pain disappeared, and when I had a CT scan in 5/2017 the 6mm stone was gone. I never passed the stone or ended up in the hospital or needed lithotripsy or a stint.

Please note that I have also tried the lemon juice /olive oil remedy and the olive oil only made me sick to my stomach. I don't think there is a need for the olive oil at all. From my experience, it is the lemon juice that dissolves the stone.

Chanca Piedra

Posted by Art (California ) on 01/22/2017 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

Another chanca piedra for kidney stones success story.

A friend of mine who has a history of kidney stones recently developed a new case which he hadn't had in years. The pain was bad enough that he had to crawl out of bed very slowly and could not stand up straight for the little while that he was able to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. He started on Chanca Piedra and the pain started to diminish the first day and was gone by the third day, but he continued to take it "just in case".

He took two 500 mg tablets at breakfast, two at lunch and two at dinner and each time with a full glass of water for 3 grams total per day.


Lemon Juice

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 01/17/2017

Editor's Choice

I had a sudden onset of my fifth kidney stone... five in about 10 years. First one was on right side, then next three on left and this one last Saturday on right. Somewhat sharp pain like previous ones and getting worse as day went on. By the time my wife and I were back from a little day trip, all I could do was sit quietly on the couch and not move too much.

I managed to get four lemons squeezed and combined with eight glasses of water in a container. (So one half lemon juice per glass of water.) And began drinking. One glass of water every two hours.

After fifth glass, I realized my pain was gone. By end of evening no more blood in urine that was the bright kind. Next morning, no pain at all. Continued drinking lemon juice just to make sure. So I didn't even have to drink quarter cup of olive oil. That was the fastest of all my previous stones to pass. The previous four took about 3 to 5 days to pass.

Chanca Piedra

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 04/12/2016

Editor's Choice

Oh happy day. I realized three weeks ago another kidney stone was kicking in. That would be my fifth in eight years. My formula that has worked for previous stones is using six lemons per day, cut in half and the juice mixed with water. So I'd drink 12 glasses of lemon water a day. After three to six days the stones would be gone. And I'm happy to have that solution; but on this latest one I decided to give "stone breaker" a try and had a bottle of the liquid form on hand anticipating a new attack. And as I said, it came about three weeks ago. So I started with twelve drops in water of stone breaker on empty stomach three times a day... a LOT easier than drinking huge quantities of lemon water. Well in three days...stone gone.

Now I have two methods of getting rid of stones. Oh happy day.
