Kidney Stones
Natural Remedies

Natural Kidney Stone Remedies: Pain Relief & Prevention

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Onion Juice
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/02/2024

Gravel and Kidney Complaints. – Gravel is a medical term for a collection of small stones or calculi that can form in the kidneys or gallbladder

Book - Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everbody by A.W. Chase M.D. page 101,1920.

1. Let the patient take from a tablespoon to two or three tablespoons of onion juice—that is, all the stomach will bear-eating all the raw onions he can, and continue it until free of the complaint. I have seen gravel the size of a common quill, crooked and one and one-fourth inches in length, which a lady passed from the bladder and smaller bits almost innumerable by the simple use of onion juice alone.

The onion juice (red onions are said to be the best) has and may be injected through a catheter into the bladder. Have no fears to do this, for I know a physician of 40 years' practice who has done it five times with success. A physician, however, would have to be called to introduce the catheter.

2. A strong decoction made by using a large handful of smart weed, adding a gill (equal to one-fourth of a pint) of gin and a gill each of horse mint and onion juices and taking all in 12 hours has been known to discharge gravel in large quantities. – Philadelphia Eclectic Journal
