Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for LPR: Effective Treatment and Relief at Home

| Modified on Nov 17, 2024
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LPR, or Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, is a condition characterized by the backflow of stomach contents into the throat, resulting in symptoms that may vary between infants, children, and adults. This often elusive and challenging condition can lead to discomfort and serious health concerns if left untreated. The good news is that various natural remedies for LPR can offer relief and manage symptoms without relying on conventional medications. In this article, we'll delve into these natural solutions, from dietary changes to herbal treatments, to comprehensively understand how to combat LPR effectively.

What is LPR?

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease, or LPR, is a condition akin to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). It occurs when stomach contents back up into the throat, but its symptoms differ from GERD, leading to its alternative name, "silent reflux." This difference in symptoms can make LPR challenging to diagnose or identify.

Symptoms in Infants and Children:

In younger individuals, LPR might present symptoms like:

  • Hoarseness
  • Chronic cough
  • Asthma-like symptoms
  • Interrupted breathing
  • Difficulty feeding
  • Poor weight gain

Symptoms in Adults:

Adults with LPR often don't experience heartburn or obvious reflux symptoms in the throat, making the condition more elusive. Typical symptoms in adults might include:

  • Throat clearing or chronic cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Sensation of a lump in the throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Sore throat

The vagueness of these symptoms in adults contributes to the difficulty in diagnosing LPR, and it often requires a comprehensive evaluation by healthcare professionals. Treatment may involve dietary and lifestyle changes, medications, or even surgery in severe cases, but many natural remedies can effectively manage the condition.

Natural Remedies for LPR

Dietary Changes

Making simple dietary adjustments can be an effective natural remedy for LPR:

  • Avoid acidic foods
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals
  • Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake

Herbal Remedies

Certain herbs and natural substances have been found to soothe LPR symptoms:

  • Chamomile tea
  • Licorice root
  • Ginger
  • Marshmallow root

Vitamins and Supplements

Integrating specific vitamins and supplements can also help alleviate symptoms:

  • B complex vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Essential amino acid complex

Other Natural Solutions

Additional natural remedies for LPR include:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda: These can neutralize acid and prevent reflux, providing immediate relief from symptoms.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Elevate the head while sleeping, avoid lying down soon after eating, and reduce stress through relaxation techniques.


Natural remedies for LPR offer a comprehensive range of options for those seeking non-pharmaceutical solutions. By understanding the symptoms and underlying causes of LPR, individuals can implement dietary changes, herbal treatments, vitamins, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments that can bring relief. With added remedies like apple cider vinegar, baking soda, marshmallow root, and essential vitamins, there's a holistic approach available to treat LPR. Remember, consulting with healthcare providers is crucial to personalizing the approach.

Related Links:

Acid Reflux Remedies for Children
How to Treat GERD Naturally - Art Solbrig Protocol
Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Aloe Vera

Posted by Motormouth (Charlotte, Nc) on 10/15/2011

To Ted,

This is my first day trying aloe vera for LPR. There were so many in the store I didnt know which one to get. I got one for digestion. It also has anise, chamomile and pepermint in it. It says to take 2 tsp to 4 tsp but I took one to see how I would react. Immediately after drinking one tsp., I kept bringing and coughing up clear mucus. Is this normal? Is this part of the Aloe vera trying to rid the body of the bad? or is this something to be worried about?

Replied by Cathyr
(Sandbach, Cheshire England)

I constantly bring up clear gel with LPR. It s one of the worst symptoms I have.

Replied by Stephanie
(North Carolina)

Hey all, I just got out of a two day hospital stay for chest tightness and pressure. Had a myriad of tests for heart attack, calcium and potassium are great. I am thinking it might be the silent reflux..i have some mucus that I cannot swallow down. Going to try the aloe...anybody else AND I have a heart monitor on for the next 30 days...

Replied by Myway

Stephanie - I would suggest you follow Dr. Carolyn Dean on her blog very carefully. Be sure your magnesium RBC (red blood cells) are checked. Be cautious of ANY medications you are given. Do your research. Live a healthy lifestyle. If mucous is a problem, I take black seed oil (nigella sativa). 1 tsp in the am, 1 tsp in the pm. Very safe oil (used for cooking in many countries). It can be purchased online or at "The Vitamin Shoppe".

You Got This!

Myway :D

Antacids + Hemp Oil

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Posted by Anonymous (San Diego) on 08/13/2019

Hello all! I've taken quite a bit of time to identify my LPR as such. But I've found a simple remedy which is to chew up small amounts of antacid tablets like Tums quite often over the course of the day. That combined with vaping hemp oil for its expectorant and bronchial dilation and anti inflammatory effects has allowed me to breathe and feel normal again. If this helps anyone, it will make my efforts worth it.

Replied by Sara

Tums is not natural -- it's very bad for you and should never be taken! It will literally cause malnabsorption and ultimately malnutrition and dysbiosis.

Replied by Alex
(Thessaloniki - Greece)

Can vaping CBD cause pneumonia?

2370 posts


Yes, vaping in general can cause a type of pneumonia because of the oil and chemical content in vaping cartridges that end up in the lungs.


Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Leslie (Colorado) on 10/15/2020

I do not believe the ACV is good for LPR. I have had major issues (worsened issues) as time has gone by in the 4 years I've been using ACV. I was such a believer that it was eventually going to help. Then I read this article today, and Koufman is one of the writers so I have a lot of faith in what she says. I encourage anyone that believes they have LPR or have been diagnosed with it, to read this before you start on a regime of drinking ACV. Just 1 tbsp a day for me with water, but I do not recommend it and am stopping as of today.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stacey (Los Angeles) on 05/31/2017

ACV, helping so far!

I have been dealing with this (likely) LPR issue for 4 months. It started when I would wake up in the middle of the night with excruciating chest tightness, but no asthma. It felt crushing to attempt breathing (inhaling specifically). It happened with full body aches, especially lower back pain. I had a lump in my throat feeling 24/7 also (actually I've had that lump feeling off and on for over 15 years). I went to the ER &, they said it was reactive airway disease and sent me home with albuterol. It worked well enough for 2 weeks, then the same middle of the night chest tightness again. I went to my Dr and she did bloodwork and a chest xray. Everything was normal, so sure sent me home with qvar and said to keep taking my allergy meds. Fast forward, my symptoms worsened and I ended up with what felt like very thick post nasal drip and constant coughing, mucus in my throat (stuck feeling), more chest pain that feels like asthma (but no wheezing), and overall weakness. I was most recently given flonaze and scheduled to see an allergist (I have always dealt with severe seasonal allergies).

I am a speech pathologist, so I have some understanding about the esophagus and the upper and lower esophageal sphincters (from 13 years ago when I was doing barium swallow studies). I also have had 2 close relatives die from esophageal cancer. I suspected a hiatal hernia and was doing some "exercises" to help with that (from youtube). In a way I'm relieved my Dr didn't suspect reflux because I haven't been sent down the PPI path.

About 10 days ago this constant thick congestion (stuck in my throat feeling) was too unbearable. I went on a strict detox and have only eaten very simple, plain, whole foods. I added probiotics, digestive enzymes, slippery elm, vitamin B 50 complex, and others (per the recommendations of people here). The most obvious changes took a week and included a reduction in my congestion. Unfortunately though my coughing increased and my lung pain was occuring every night (vs every 10 or so days). I changed my sleeping pattern to elevated and on the left side only (that can supposedly help the LES).

My understanding is that reflux can cause confestion because your body will produce more in order to coat a burning esophagus. I do feel the diet changes at least thinned my secretions. I also read that for some people, the reflux at night will aspirate into thier lungs and can cause lung spasms (not asthma). This made sense to me because my chest/lungs were so tight around 3am after I'd been having reflux while laying down for several hours (of stomach secretions backing up into my lungs). This caused the horrible coughing and need for the inhalers...which was getting worse (2x/night) last night in fact!

Yesterday I finally tried the ACV. Initially I took it with baking soda & water with meals. I didn't notice too much immediately. I took it right before bed (without baking soda) since night is when my symptoms are worst. This is the first night in awhile where I have not coughed at all and have zero chest tightness. I still had some secretions, but I took the ACV with BS again in the middle of the night and it seems to be the must helpful thing so far. I also had this weird gurguling between my stomach and neck with the sensation of needing to burp constantly. That is much much mess and the "lump" feeling is noticeably smaller.

I can't say I'm cured or out of the woods yet. I finally feel a small sense of hope though. I also made a consult appointment with an LPR expert at USC. I can't see him regularly for tests and f/u, but I just want to get his opinion given my family hx of esophageal cancer. I feel like my Dr will begin to take this more seriously if I pay privately for the insight of an expert. It is heart wrenching to read that all these people basically had to solve this problem for themselves or even undo the PPI damage their Drs caused!

Replied by Denise

I'm frightened all my symptoms/issues could lead to damage of my esophagus, and/or Cancer. No history that I know of in my family. I have had asthma since I was a little girl, I am now 64. It went away in my early teens. Always had what I was told were "environmental allergies" so I took meds (mostly over the counter) for really bad times.

Only in the past, two years have I had almost unbearable problems. I also have esophageal spasms, diagnosed by my cardio doc. I have had a 3rd degree AV Node block since 97, and on my 3rd pacemaker. So I thought I was having a heart attack when I first had one in or around 2011. I was given barium swallow and diagnosed with ESpasms.

The doc gave me nitro glycerin to stop the spasms and it worked but gave me the typical headache. I read online of a lady that had those spasms several times a day, omg:( She learned drinking a glass of cool water cured it, and guess what? It works for me!! I will get woke up with one, about 3 or 4 times a year, and the water always works within seconds of feeling it coming on.

Anyway, your symptoms and mine are a bit different, but I really appreciated your post. I am searching for answers, and do believe I have the LPR. I realized I can't leave it all to the doctors, and have to search out what I can, try other things besides drugs, they scare me worse than the conditions, but I have to say I do believe in conventional medicine as I may have died without the pacemaker. No meds with that thank God.

Replied by J

Hi- what was the dosage?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Thousand Oaks, CA) on 05/10/2006

Went to 6 different ENTs (sad but true). Finally 1 good ENT knew what my problem was when I described the symptoms to him (globus or feeling something stuck in my throat, dry mouth, white tongue, etc.). He performed a flexiscope and found I have LPR which is form of "Silent Reflux" where acid flow up past your Upper sphincter and inflame your vocal chord causing irritations. He immediately put me in 2x PPI Nexium, it helped reduced my symptoms but I still get regular irritations in my throat. I decided to try ACV mixed with Raw Honey after each meal and it greatly reduced my symptoms. I feel better and is revisiting my ENT and should reduce to 1 PPI/day. Not good thing to do PPI if possible. Lots of side effects and long-term health risks.

Side-note is that if you have heartburn or throat lump problems, make SURE you get a good GI or ENT to diagnose. Don't go to a GP (General Practitioner) or FP (Family Practitioner) or Internist, they are not usually good and don't have expertise or equipment to diagnose your problem. They can make things worse by guessing your problem and misdiagnosing. Dr's. are people too and they're good and bad ones everywhere. It's up to you to find out and do your home work.

People that have LPR like me don't have heartburn because the acid does not stay long enough in the Esophagus to cause irritation. I did Esophogram and Barrium Swallon test and found don't have Esophagitis.

Replied by Josene
(Port Douglas, Australia)

Hi David, I have been diagnosed by and ENT specialist and he says I have LPR. I seem to have the symptoms you describe plus I cannot wear anything firm around my waist or chest etc. I was given 40mg somac tabs to take twice a day. After one week they made me very dizzy and depressed so I stopped taking them. I do not have dairy or soy or sugar, tomatoes and onions. I am happy to try apple cider vinegar or bicarbonate of soda. Do you recommend either of these.

To make matters worse I have been left with vertigo. It can be very debilitating as can the coughing from LPR.

Replied by Mark
(Toledo, Ohio)

Bottom line; LPR is no fun. It took months before I was finally diagnosed with LPR, and honestly, I figured it out mostly on my own through a lot of reading and research. My old ENT doctor finally confirmed it after and Endoscope and put me on script dosages of Prilosec and Zantac. That was about 6 months ago.

I feel somewhat better, but not great. The coughing, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and breathing difficulty is very disconcerting. I was also put on antidepressants but the side effects that made matters worse. My sleep is still disturbed and I wake up several times a night, sometimes in a panic, feeling like I can't breathe.

I had a multitude of money-sucking tests, all of which resulted in negative or clear results. I am 53 years old and used to run triathlons, but LPR has practically debilitated me. I will try some of the listed suggestions for help.

I bounce back and forth between weight loss and weight gain. I realize diet and weight management are important aspects of successfully battling LPR, but it is difficult to maintain ideal weight and fitness when symptoms are uncomfortable or severe. I'll keep on trying.

Replied by Katerose
(Minnesota, US)

I too have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. I went to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist about 4-5 years ago due to the fact that I was losing my voice. Constant dripping of the nose and coughing all the time. Nexium seemed to work, but lately I am coughing more. I found out in the spring that I have sleep apnea too. Doing research, I found that the LPR can cause the apnea. I was waking up in the middle of the night having coughing fits. Finally went to a doctor who sent me in for a sleep study and now sleep peacefully!

Replied by Torch
(Big Island, Hawaii)

I've had this problem since 2008, so about 6 years. It's been very difficult to pinpoint and I've tried many different things. At the moment I'm seeing an acupuncturist/Chinese herbalist that is cleaning up my diet. She is very confident that it will work so hopefully it does and if so will keep others posted.

Replied by Pavan

Hi Mark,

I think we are on same page. I have the same symptoms which you are suffering from. I'm 26 and I have been suffering from LPR since from last 1+ year. I been visiting different Allergy and Asthma Clinics they just suggesting me some inhaler but didn't really help me. Recently I visited an ENT doctor and he confirmed after the test that I have LPR. Do you have any suggestions and home remedies to get rid of LPR bit quicker?

I'm taking 2 spoons of unfiltered ACV with a glass of water for some relief. Please let me know if you have any better suggestions as home remedies.


Replied by Candy

Actually the ENT's were useless, it was my GP that diagnosed LPR. I am a singer and have lost my voice. this happened 18 yrs ago and now after a terrible smoke filled summer with fires It has happened again. Any correlation between LPR and Smoke Allergies?

Replied by Tammy

I have been to an ENT and GI doctor.... Waste of money , neither found my problem. ENT would not even do a scope. I have problem breathing, feels like something is stuck in my nose and can't get it's out.clearing throat. I do have acid reflux but I figured it out myself about having silent reflux.. Now I have a different diet and drink more water. Starting to feel better but ENT could of helped me ( went 3 times to see him)

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

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Posted by Denise (Us) on 12/18/2018 50 posts

Had the worse case of the dreaded lump in the throat. I've had LPR for a couple of years now. Fixed it pretty much but dry cough is still there, and flare ups if I eat or drink the wrong thing.

Today I was almost at my wits end and saw Sasha from New York's 2010 post on ACV and BS. Never ever tried the two together, until today. It worked, omygosh, such a relief and the lump is just barely there now. Thanks to everyone who posts these wonderful remedies I usually have right in my cupboards.

Replied by Pat


Can you tell me exactly how you take it together and how many times per day? I have been suffering from LPR for about 5 years now and the coughing has me exhausted. Somehow it comes on every evening and I cough till I throw up. Any information you can give me will be much appreciated.. thanks

Replied by J

What is the amount that you used? Teaspoon? Tablespoon??

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sasha (New York, Ny) on 03/16/2010

I am told I have silent acid relux.. no heartburn, but tightness in my throat, esophogeal spasms, excess mucus, hypersalivation, and anxiety from all of the above. Difficlut to belch, but when I do it seems to relive the symptoms a bit. It's as though its gas not acid that is causing the problem. It began a few months ago after a bout with bronchitis and asthma related symptoms. I used an albuterol inhaler and not sure if that inflamed my throat / esophogus. (not using anymore, no asthma symptoms) Was put on Prilosec by the ENT (didn't work), Acipehx by the GI (made the symptoms worse) and digestive enzymes by a homeopathic doctor (felt some burning in my tummy) I have given up coffee, wine, citrus, chocolate, tomatoes etc. Would like to know how I can determine if I have too much or too little acid? Is there a home PH test I can use? With the symptoms I described, do you think ACV with baking soda would work? Is aloe vera a good remedy (it has citric acid??) Look forward to some guidance here. My daughter is getting married in June and I really want to feel good by that time. Thanks in advance

Replied by Michelle
(Germfask, Mi/usa)

I also have silent reflux and have most of the above symptoms but I also lose my breathe when laughing. The doctor tells me it's just acid reflux. I don't get heartburn so it's the silent type. I would also like to know if I should use ACV or baking soda? Thanks everyone this is a great site.

Replied by Lee
(Loxahatchee, Fl)

I too have had similar problems and just went for a test called a manometry test. It measures the amount of PH being produced.

Replied by David M
(Putnam, Connecticut, United States)

To-Michelle from Germfask, Mi/usa, I am having the EXACT same issues as you I was wondering if you've gotten any relief or figured it out at all yet? I've started using just ACV, probably going to try it with baking soda as if the problem is LPR more acid is probably not the best option.

Replied by Nina
(London, On, Canada)

I have been recently diagnosed with LPR that I am not clear about. The issue is too little or too much acid. LPR meds block acid, but if someone has not enough acid, that would not be good. A home test with baking soda indicated that I have very little or almost no stomach acid, and I have been taking HCL supplement. My throat mucus is significally reduced (even though I am not clear on what brings the results), but my doctor claims I have LPR due to a loose tube. I am very confused as what is best to do (continue hcl or take the doctor's meds). If anyone knows, would appreciate your feedback.

Replied by Msg
(Somewhere, Europe)

What kind of home test did you do?

Replied by Catherine
(New Hampshire)

The home test I think is to use 1/4 tsp of baking soda in 6 oz. of water and drink it down. If you burn within 3 min, then you have ample stomach acid. If you go beyond 5 minutes, you have none.

Replied by Amy
(Oklahoma, US)

Sasha, Most natural health food stores should carry pH testing strips, and they're relatively cheap. I know Sprouts carries them, if you have one near you. Or, you might try Whole Foods, or another natural foods store.

Replied by Lynn
(Cary, Nc)

Question for Nina London, On, Canada: What do you mean by loose tubes?


Replied by Maddie

I have the strips but how do I use them? What should I be looking for?

Betaine HCL

Posted by Grace (London) on 01/22/2015

Hi For 2 years I thought I had Gerd and was taking Betaine HCL with pepsin. Can Gerd change to LPR? Anyway during this month I have discovered I have LPR. The last two days I stopped taking the Betaine and feel much better. I was only taking one or two caps at night after my supper. Just as well. I have researched LPR on the internet and will radically change my diet. LPR is such a sneaky disease, no wonder it is called silent reflux. Hope this is helpful

Replied by Gratitude
(Northeast, Usa)

Hi Grace,

How long after your supper did you take the caps? Not sure but that might have something to do with it since Betaine HCL is supposed to be taken Before and With your meal but not immediately after. I made that mistake once and it was terrible. Now take it before or during meal and it helps so much with digestion.

Replied by Lisa

I had been taking Betaine for what I believed was low stomach acid. After taking it daily with lunch & dinner for about 3 months, I seemed to have developed LPR - and also Burning Tongue Syndrome (although it doesn't really burn- more like the sensation of having burned your tongue on food the day before - you know - that weird feeling). I stopped the Betaine today and am going to eat more carefully - sort of like a FODMAP diet and see how I do.

Black Seed Oil

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Posted by Shanti (In) on 05/20/2018

1 teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in honey. I had silent reflux for over a year and black seed oil stopped the mucus and sore throat in less than a week. It has also tighten skin pores. I apply only a little to my face at night and also where I have dry skin like bottoms of feet.

Replied by Mary Alice


Are you still doing well? What were your LPR symptoms? I have sore throat.

Thank you!

Replied by Ummesalma

How to use black seed oil for silent reflux treatment??

Replied by Kenny
(Lansing michigan)

Does it still work for you

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Enid (Santa Barbara, California) on 03/15/2014

I just learned about Black Seed oil. Supposedly one teaspoon works miracles for digestion, nausea, allergies etc. I am hoping it will help me with LPR. has anyone tried it? I am feeling terrible right now with that nausea feeling In my throat. I ordered the oil. Thanks, Enid

Replied by Brina
(South Carolina)

Did the black seed oil help?

Ceylon Cinnamon, Cardamom, Caraway

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Posted by Ron (Charleston, SC) on 12/26/2022

I have found these spices to be very helpful for LPR: Ceylon Cinnamon, Cardamom and Caraway seeds. These are known to be stomach friendly herbs and working them into whatever I'm eating as much as possible has been very helpful. I've even been able to have a small cup of coffee if I add a pinch of salt + healthy amount of cardamom and cinnamon to the grounds. If you try this I strongly recommend avoiding regular cinnamon and only trying Ceylon. Ceylon has way less coumarin than your regular cinnamon. Coumarin isn't good for your liver. I was surprised how effective a tool these spices are that doesn't get mentioned a lot.

Coconut Oil

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Posted by Hopeful (Va) on 12/01/2015

Coconut Oil for LPR

Today is Dec 1, 2015. I am on my 8th day of taking a spoonful of pure coconut oil (cold-pressed). Since day 1 I have had great results. I am able to sleep at night. Last night I decided to eat 2 hours before bed just to see what would happened and to my surprise I had the best sleep in 8 days. I am taking 1 zantac 175mg first thing in the am (I purchased) cause the omeprazole that were prescribed to me caused me to have cough and gag.

I take my coconut oil 1 in the am and 1 in the pm or whenever I just feel like it. I will probably take the zantacs for 2-3 more weeks and see what happens without it. I would like to know what are some you guys triggers. I notice that when I eat chocolate (instantly), hotdogs, and red meat it goes wild. I have removed a lot of foods from my diet and I try to stick to veggies, fruits, and fish and chicken. For breakfast I normally eat turkey bacon and eggs. I do not drink milk at all. I drink water and green tea only. I tried my first key lime yogurt about 2 hours ago so I'll wait and see how that goes.

I think this site is awesome and hope that everyone will keep updating their journey to this annoying parasite.


Posted by Sharon (Missouri) on 01/17/2023

I've seen colostrum mentioned that someone has used or talked about as a major healing “tool”. Can anyone point me to that information. Currently working my way through all the silent reflux helps and cures. If that would be a good tool for the arsenal I'd like to have some anecdotal information and see how people have used it. Thanks!

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Deborah (Mendocino County, Ca) on 10/18/2018

I started having LPR issues about a week ago. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and I know how important diet is for relief of symptoms. I completely stopped all dairy, and my LPR is completely gone. I just thought this might help someone else.

Replied by Tasha
(Los Angeles)

Hi Deborah,

How is it going? Are you still off dairy?

I've had LPR for years. Recently, I've begun to suspect that dairy might be one of my triggers. The other might be sugar.

I'm curious to hear about your experience a few months on.

Thanks, Tasha


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Posted by Wendy (London, England) on 03/17/2014

Lemon for LPR: Going on the description of the symptoms I have deduced I could be suffering from LPR. I was interested in drinking alkaline water what has been suggested. I also read you could add lemon to the water to make it alkaline.

After doing this, the change was amazing. The coughing stopped along with the excess mucus and wheezing. I put one tablespoonful to a tumbler of water and drank first thing in the morning and would drink more if coughing was a problem (hardly ever).

My question is this. On another site they have said do not take lemon as it can damage the throat or the pepsin (sorry not quite sure what they said now) and it will cause trouble. Can anyone clarify this for me? I cannot believe that something that has done so much good is possibly causing harm.

Replied by Jenifer
(San Francisco)

See my reply to Jody above. I link to an article that debunks much of the conventional medical 'wisdom' about reflux disease. For one thing, he says: "Raw organic apple cider vinegar (1-2 teaspoons daily) is extremely effective in reducing the incidence of GERD. At first glance, the use of this supplement appears counter-intuitive, since vinegar is a weak acid (5% acidity). Supplementation with a weak acid in a hyperacidic situation is, by definition, “homeopathic”.[10] Adding a small amount of acid back into the system (in the form of vinegar) can strengthen the tone of the LES. Supplementing with a variety of probiotics and a diet rich in prebiotics reinforces this biological symbiosis and fortifies digestion." I would assume the same is true of lemon juice.

Replied by Patty
(Massachusetts, US)

Check into Dr. Norm Robillard's Fast Tract Digestion for Heartburn book. Although it says Heartburn in the title, it's about both GERD and LPR. His findings are very interesting, and make a lot more sense than the prevalent medical advice. He recommends a total diet approach, and it's quite different than what most doctor's recommend. Look up the book on Amazon or his website (I think it's called Digestive Health Associates) in Massachusetts. Read what people are saying in the comments sections.

Replied by Susan
(Doylestown Pa)

The most frustrating thing about LPR is that the GIs don't even know much about it! I have been researching like crazy since I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis after being on the PPI drugs for 8 years! Don't stay on them! I have read a lot and the best book I have found so far about LPR is called "Killing me softly from the inside" By Dr. Jonathan Aviv, an ENT from NYC.

Lpr is treated differently from GERD, lemon juice and ACV are NO NOs because they will immediately trigger the pepsin molecules in your throat and cause LPR. For GERD, lemon and vinegar are good, because they become alkaline when metabolized and the best thing for any reflux sufferers is an alkaline diet. I also have low stomach acid, probably due to the PPIs I took for so long, but I can't seem to find a straight answer about taking them if you have LPR. I have been for the last 3 mos or so, noticed my voice has become even more hoarse. I am going to stop the HCL for a little while and see if my voice gets better. I have been to several GI specialists, one from a prominent Phila hospital, plus ENT, they are all wearing blinders! "Just take your PPIs and we'll rescope in 5 years!!

Replied by Jenifer
(San Francisco)

Susan, it is easy enough to undo any damage you think you may be doing to your throat by taking apple cider vinegar or other acidic drinks. Just gargle with baking soda or other alkaline substance. I gargle with turmeric in water with a pinch of salt. Works great. Also if you take HCL/pepsin in capsules, how can it hurt?


I'm just starting to figure out LPR. What I have read so far is that pepsin "gas" leaks into the throat and respiratory tract. This causes burning in the throat and respiratory tract. That is why drinking something acidic causes more burning in your throat when it comes into contact with the pepsin on the cell in your throat. According to youtube videos by Dr. Berg, HCL helps close the valve so the pepsin gas does not leak out into the throat. I was just given PPI's but am going to try HCL supplements first. I'm looking for HCL "without pepsin". Good luck to all, and thanks for all the helpful comments.

(Tel Aviv)
4 posts

Your post was an eye opener. I feel like I am on a roller coaster with GERD and reflux. Spent $250. 00 for a private gastro visit. He confirmed Acid reflux. All he had to offer was PPI's and and an endoscopy, both of which I rejected. My esophagus burns alot so I stand and walk around eating celery which brings up pepsin gas or acid {who knows what} and helps for the moment. But maybe I have LPR. I am familiar with Dr. Berg and find him to be correct many times. So here is my question. When you say HCL is that Betaine HCL? I cannot find it without Pepsin. Please let me know if you succeed. Wishing you good health.

(North Carolina)

Digestive Enzymes Ultra with Betaine HCl by Pure Encapsulations does not contain pepsin. The enzymes alone without Betaine HCl helped me significantly with LPR for about 3 months. Unfortunately it came back and they were no longer effective for whatever reason.

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