A light diet is necessary; the food must be well-digested. The bowels must move 2 or 3 times a day; use laxative herbs and high enemas. Steep one teaspoonful of Golden Seal and one-half teaspoonful Myrrh in a pint of boiling water. This solution is excellent for cleansing washes and dressings. Thoroughly wash the ulcer, using this solution as a cleansing wash. Internally, take a tablespoonful of this, 6 times a day. Dress the ulcer, by mixing together 2 teaspoonful of powdered Golden Seal and 1 teaspoonful of Myrrh, and by sprinkling it on the ulcer, after it has been thoroughly washed. Bandage loosely with bandaging. Internally, take any one of the following herbs. Or use 2 or 3 of the following herbs, mixing the equal parts thoroughly, and using a heaping teaspoonful to a cup of boiling water; strain and drink 4 cups a day, one an hour before each meal, and one upon retiring. Bayberry, Golden Seal, Ragwort, Lady's Slipper, Chickweed, Sage, Wood Sanicle, Slippery Elm, Bogbean, Ground Ivy, Bittersweet, Agrimony, and Raspberry Leaves.