Leg Ulcers
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Diabetic Wounds: Healing Solutions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 05/07/2022 85 posts

I'm surprised that, for ulcers, no one has recommended any herbs. If I had an ulcer, I would take the advice of Jethro Kloss (born in Wisconsin, in 1863), the author of "Back to Eden". He was a herbalist and healer who amassed a great deal of knowledge on Nature's many resources. On ulcers, he said the followings:

A light diet is necessary; the food must be well-digested. The bowels must move 2 or 3 times a day; use laxative herbs and high enemas. Steep one teaspoonful of Golden Seal and one-half teaspoonful Myrrh in a pint of boiling water. This solution is excellent for cleansing washes and dressings. Thoroughly wash the ulcer, using this solution as a cleansing wash. Internally, take a tablespoonful of this, 6 times a day. Dress the ulcer, by mixing together 2 teaspoonful of powdered Golden Seal and 1 teaspoonful of Myrrh, and by sprinkling it on the ulcer, after it has been thoroughly washed. Bandage loosely with bandaging. Internally, take any one of the following herbs. Or use 2 or 3 of the following herbs, mixing the equal parts thoroughly, and using a heaping teaspoonful to a cup of boiling water; strain and drink 4 cups a day, one an hour before each meal, and one upon retiring. Bayberry, Golden Seal, Ragwort, Lady's Slipper, Chickweed, Sage, Wood Sanicle, Slippery Elm, Bogbean, Ground Ivy, Bittersweet, Agrimony, and Raspberry Leaves.


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Posted by Meg18 (Durham, England) on 10/15/2011


Do NOT use honey for skin ulcers - despite the claims that bacteria can not grow in honey, using it for a leg ulcer gave me a horrendous infection that swelled my legs to the size of telegraph poles, after which I lost all of the skin below my knee. Two years later the original leg ulcer still hasn't healed. Honey can apparently carry heat resistant spores for some really nasty diseases!

Posted by Sue (London, United Kingdom) on 11/13/2008

My father had a large leg ulcer which he had for some years. I bought him some manuka honey which he put on the ulcer everyday. It completely cured the ulcer and has left no trace of a scar. This took 6 months.

Replied by Carole
(Chicago Il.)

Thanks Sue, that indeed was helpful. My ulcer is tiny upon my right foot heel. It's dried now, still hurts a wee bit.

Posted by Omar (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) on 02/23/2008

Hello, My name is Omar, and I am from Saudi Arabia. First of all I'd like to express my appreciation for such valuable rich site. What I want to share with you is about using honey on the skin of a diabetic. As you know, an injury could be very fatal for a diabetic. My father developed a very late stage of diabetes. Once he had an injury in his hand, and the wound developed very badly. The doctor put him under a very strict diet with daily dressing for the wound, by water and salt. We know from our relegion that Honey is a cure, in general, and for specific health problems like dierea. So we tried to apply honey, after washing the wound and surrounding area with water and salt, on the wound(externally on the skin) that had 1.5 cm height full of buzz. We did this every day, continously for 10 or 15 days. We were amazed to see the wound noticably decreased in height and buzz material started to disappear from the first day of application. The wound was completely healed with no scars or a trace that there was a wound in that area.Thank you for readig and hope this was useful. Omar, Saudi Arabia.

Replied by Ml Ferguson

Post from 2008 - does anyone know the ratio of water to salt Omar used? Also, any special kind of honey? Thanks.


Raw honey (just fine) or manuka (with manuka antibacterial? flowers in it) honey. The manuka is crazy expensive. Know that raw honey alone is antibacterial and I think antiviral too.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

HI U MI,,,,,,,,, diabetic ulcers can lead to amputation and messin with home cures usually don't work. What does work is a H2O2 IV or cup the area using ozone. You will have to find a Integrative Doctor for this because it is not approved by the FDA.

If you insist on trying a home remedy, then I would try ozonated olive oil. The wound won't heal because of the lack of oxygen via your blood. Your question is why my integrative doctor left his Thoracic Practice because he got tired of cutting off arms and legs when they could be healed using integrative measures.

I wish you well. ====ORH=====

Horse Chestnuts

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Posted by Barry (Fenton, Mo) on 01/13/2015

Horse Chestnuts For Leg Ulcers

I had an ulcer about the size of a half dollar with a deep crater that I been battling a year. The doctors in the US could do nothing, but my wife and I started eating about 4 horse chestnuts a day, and within a month it cleared up. If you look online it says they are hazardous, but if you cook them they are edible. Now you can buy them in a powder form, and add to juice, or use creams on your legs with horse chestnuts. We found out Europe uses them for ulcers, venous disease, varicose veins, and Hemorrhoid.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Testosterone

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Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 08/06/2014

HI U GOD FEARING PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , , , ,

Got diabetes myself and know this problem is coming one of these days . I know personally that Hydrogen Peroxide IV has cured this problem for several people in my chelation group.

One of my medical news letters had another remedy. This doctor healed his dad's leg ulcer by rubbing natural testosterone directly into the wound. He also gave him injectable testosterone . His stage 4 ulcer, which went to the bone, was healed in 6 weeks. I have no clue.

Was I a nice person this time or not?

======OLE ROBERT HENRY======

Hydrogen Peroxide, Coconut Oil, Cayenne

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Posted by Kate (Tonga) on 11/12/2013

My husband had really bad ulcers on his lower leg, which had lasted about 9 months. Every evening, he was in so much pain, he couldn't sleep. He tried every remedy - both natural and allopathic - that he could think of, with only minor improvement. People kept commenting that perhaps he was diabetic, but he refused to go and get tested. Thinking along these lines, I devised a treatment for him, which we applied morning and night.

First, I applied a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the actual ulcer. (It fizzes and foams for a minute or so).

Then I mixed a small amount (maybe 2 tablespoons) of extra virgin coconut oil with a pinch of cayenne pepper, and massaged the entire leg with it, especially the foot. (Be sure not to massage it onto the actual ulcer, as it will sting like mad! ). The idea behind this is to bring circulation, warmth and blood flow to the limb, to speed up healing.

Within a couple of days we could see an improvement. The ulcers were noticeably smaller. It took about 2 - 3 weeks for all the ulcers to be completely healed over.

Methylated Spirits

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Posted by Pat (Whangarei New Zealand) on 05/02/2006

It's a glass (Window) cleaner ... It is POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE in Liquide METHANOL... It stops the rot ...when nothing else will ... How do I know it works :-) I'm a DIABETIC ...and know about Diabetic Grangrene.

Replied by David
(Indianapolis, Usa)

But where do I find a window cleaner with potassium permanganate in methanol?

Replied by Vee
(Johannesburg, South Africa)

I has started to get ugly pigmentation at the back of my knee's and patches on my legs. I was told today to try Methylated spirits mixed with Bio Oil and glycerin. I'm not sure what quantities to mix and if it safe to use Methylated spirits.

Can someone advise me.

Replied by Cecil
(North Carolina)

Do it really work...I suffer with small blisters on my legs, some has turn into sores.

Oregano Oil, Bentonite Clay +

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Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 01/24/2023

Editor's Choice

I did not know what listing to find this under in EC; however, I wrestled with a leak in my leg before and won. I had a leak once before that lasted on and off for a few years. It would start running whenever I had water retention. The sore never really closed. It only sealed with a thin skin coating. When my leg would swell, it would break open and continuously drain again. Then one day when it was not leaking, I applied Oregano oil on it. After a few day of applying and taking Oregano oil the thin scab dried up and real skin covered it praise the Lord.

What I want to share with you is how I dealt with a leg leak that was in the process of draining. About 2 weeks ago, while I was about to go into the subway, somehow I hit just above my ankle up again the lifted cement as I went down the steps. It was not until the next day that I realized my leg was leaking. I put disinfectant on it. However, the draining continued. So what I did this time was plugged it in with Bentonite Clay and wrapped it, left it on all night and washed it off in the morning. The problem I ran into with that is when the clay came off, a slow leak started. So I went to the kitchen and put a little honey on and around it. The next day the leak had stopped, but the spot still had a little soreness. Therefore, I open a capsule of oregano oil and applied it a few days. Now the leak has stopped, plus the leg is healed under the wound, "isn't that wonderful! "



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Posted by James (Irving, Tx, United States) on 01/03/2012

Ozone Prevents Amputation. Testimonial from Dom Muras, a diabetic

My friend, Dom Muras, used the bagging technique with Ozone (O3) on his painful foot which was turning black starting with the toes.30 minutes twice per day with O3 hose inserted in plastic bag tied loosely around foot.He used very warm water first to open pores. Seemed to get worse at first -- But no pain from O3 therapy.Took 3 weeks to start showing visible results. Took two months to return foot color to normal. He used the portable O3 generator from Del Industries (DEL ZO 103)


Diabetic Avoids Leg Amputation

Around the 1st of January 2002, Mr. Gene Crockett, an electrical engineer, came to see Dr. Cathryn Kolker (a chiropractor inIrving). He came for chiropractic care but when he showed her the large oozing ulcers on his legs she suggested that he try ozone therapy. He said that his medical doctors could offer no solution except amputation..

His legs were both swollen. At first they broke out in blisters, which broke open and grew to about 2 inches in diameter oozing puss, which dripped down his legs.

He used a portable ozone generator from Del Industries designed for water purifying. Following Dr. Kolker's directions he put a large plastic bag around his legs one at a time and inserted the ozone hose. He did this twice a day for about 30 minutes.

In 3 to 4 days his ulcers stopped oozing and within a week they had shrunk to less than an inch in diameter. By the end of January the swelling of his legs had reduced substantially and his ulcers were almost gone.

He used the portable O3 generator from Del Industries (DEL ZO 103)

NOTE: Ozone is used in German and Swiss clinics to cure gangrene.

Replied by Jane
(Columbus, Ohio)

On the topic of amputation. If one has gangrene, see Dr Christopher's (John) website herballegacy or his book school of natural healing to fnd many ways of using herbs to save one's legs. If approaching this, gather the needed things in advance so you can start right on them if need be.

the book has some formulas not found on the website but just type gangrene and amputation into the search. Also one can make his blood sugar formula butknow that 16 parts of it is cedar berries contact me on curezone under name knowledge seeker and I will look up the proortions needed. Also be sure you get cedar berries and not juniper berris, . an herb company once gave me juniper berries when I ordered cedar berries. To tell the difference, cedar berries have just one seed while juniper berries have several.

When taking herbs by mouth use an herbal tincture as this is best way to take herbs. 2nd best is tea made using distilled water as being empty it absorbs more of the healing phytochemicals and plant chemicals. Capsules are the worst way to take herbs as rarely absorbed and can be burned in powdering process.

Be sure to get whenever possible organic or wildcrafted herbs as these contain 7 to 10 times the healing chemicals over conventional herbs and thus are much more effective.

If you need to know how to make a tincture go to curezone and type words making tinctures webpages into search..there will be a post by tharrels1 foll wed by post by knowledge seeker post (me)

Read both of these posts. Making tinctures is very easy and when you make them they are stronger than most of the herbs and tinctures out there if you use organic. I do a mixture about 1/3 to 1/2 liquid and the rest herbs when it settles, . If there is not this much vodka on top then add more..if too much add more herbs.

I like mountainroseherbs for bulk herbs as they have a large selection, all organic or wildcrafted and only slightly more for 4 ounces than many companies charge for two.

Christopher also has case histories on his site regarding curing gangrene. he is called the father of modern herbology and many of the formula sin health food stores, he designed. He has cured incurable illnesses as has his predecessor Dr Richard Schulze.

But I wanted to post this to help diabetics avoid amputations.

Replied by Cjuan

I read that cedar berries should not be used long term owing to toxicity to liver. So, give this some thought before you consider dosing on it long term.

Raw Food Diet

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Posted by Rachel (Brooklyn, New York) on 11/07/2007

My husband developed non-healing sores (but not dangerous) on his leg near the ankle.They kept on getting bigger and were there for about a half year. He also had a bit of sugar in his blood. After going to doctors and trying many things, "Une boot wraps" is what helped heal the sores. Using these wraps was very painful the first few weeks, but they worked.

At the same time, someone mentioned seeing in a book*, a fasting program, that helps heal such sores. The Health food stores didn't have the book and the fasting program seemed hard. Other fasting programs also seemed to be a possibility. Since the sores healed before the books were bought, none of the fasting programs were attempted.

Recently, after getting a knock on the foot, the problem started to come back. There were two sores that were getting bigger. Instead of a fast, we (a few members of the family) began a mostly raw food cleansing program, eating raw fruit and vegetables throughout the day (after the first week, including figs and nuts and seeds) and eating one warm, cooked meal in the evening. The cooked meal being very simply, grilled fish and vegetable soup or chicken soup with cooked chicken and vegetables, including carrots, celery, onions, garlic, parsley root, sweet potato, asparagus and so on. No flour or corn starch was used in the soup to thicken it and no oils. Sometimes a cooked potato was included. Bread and grain flour products were also avoided. Milk and hard cheese was avoided. Unheated, unrefined olive oil was used occasionally on salads or other vegetables. This was meant to be a cleansing program, easier than a fast but cleansing nevertheless. One day a week, a variety of regular foods, including Challah, was eaten in moderation. At this point, several weeks into the program my husbands sores are almost completely gone, the sugar is completely gone, his heart feels stronger and he is able to walk more easily and faster. Thank you for letting me share this.

Raw Food Diet for Leg Sores

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Posted by Rachel (Brooklyn, New York) on 11/07/2007

My husband developed non-healing sores (but not dangerous) on his leg near the ankle.They kept on getting bigger and were there for about a half year. He also had a bit of sugar in his blood. After going to doctors and trying many things, "Une boot wraps" is what helped heal the sores. Using these wraps was very painful the first few weeks, but they worked.

At the same time, someone mentioned seeing in a book*, a fasting program, that helps heal such sores. The Health food stores didn't have the book and the fasting program seemed hard. Other fasting programs also seemed to be a possibility. Since the sores healed before the books were bought, none of the fasting programs were attempted.

Recently, after getting a knock on the foot, the problem started to come back. There were two sores that were getting bigger. Instead of a fast, we (a few members of the family) began a mostly raw food cleansing program, eating raw fruit and vegetables throughout the day (after the first week, including figs and nuts and seeds) and eating one warm, cooked meal in the evening. The cooked meal being very simply, grilled fish and vegetable soup or chicken soup with cooked chicken and vegetables, including carrots, celery, onions, garlic, parsley root, sweet potato, asparagus and so on. No flour or corn starch was used in the soup to thicken it and no oils. Sometimes a cooked potato was included. Bread and grain flour products were also avoided. Milk and hard cheese was avoided. Unheated, unrefined olive oil was used occasionally on salads or other vegetables. This was meant to be a cleansing program, easier than a fast but cleansing nevertheless. One day a week, a variety of regular foods, including Challah, was eaten in moderation. At this point, several weeks into the program my husbands sores are almost completely gone, the sugar is completely gone, his heart feels stronger and he is able to walk more easily and faster. Thank you for letting me share this Rachel

Replied by Pbird
(Wa, Usa)

I couldn't tolerate the Une boot wrapping. It enlarged my first ulcer by abut six hundred percent just from the pressure and rubbing. I had to take over the case myself and worked on this thing for most of a year. I used poltices of bentonite clay and activated charcoal to clean it up and then used Manuka honey, Amerigel, bismuth saturated gauze and best of all...tamanu oil to heal the openings in the skin that did not want to close.

Replied by Sarah

This sounds interesting. Will try it on my mum.


2 User Reviews
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Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/22/2021

Hello Fellow Sufferers,

My senior Partner (She who must be obeyed) suffered from a leg ulcer for the very first time in her life recently. These things are really serious and cause extreme, debilitating pain. She is not diabetic and thinks that "something" bit her whilst working outside the house and standing on the decking.

There is a narrow gap between the top of a concrete platform and the underside of the wooden decking that has gaps between the boards. We know that some "critters" "lurk" down there, such as cockroaches and skinks (a very small native lizard) but I am wondering if one or more white-tailed spiders may have found their way there. These things are a recent Aussie import unfortunately, and are poisonous. Some people also experience additional complications after being bitten such as narc.... (whatever that flesh-eating bacteria is called?).

So... SWMBO told me that she felt this painful bite and then it quickly subsided and nothing much happened until many days later when the bite site became red and inflamed and the pain started. Then the ulcer appeared.

She was in a lot of bother and strife and attended the doctor's surgery. They prescribed an application of Mupirocin (Bactroban) as well as a Silver covering (Hydrofilm).

This was to be covered with a sterile pad and then covered again with a bandage, which she was told to keep on and DRY for four days, at which time she should change the dressing and repeat.

This worked (after a loong time)!!

I see other posters have also sung the praises of SILVER, so there you go.

Cheers from Down Under


Posted by Dinah (Elizabeth City, North Carolina) on 04/26/2012

Stop! I have the answer for leg ulcers. I suffered miserably with non-healing leg ulcers. My doctor gave up, the hospital clinic gave up, a home health nurse who had specialized in leg ulcers started applying to my leg _____ silver pads. They did hurt a little at first... But the ulcers healed. I used to cry up until the wee hours of the night due to the pain, I was even taking strong paid medication but it stopped working. These dressings healed my entire right leg that was entirely ate up with leg ulcers. Please check out this product. You can even email me... I'm a real person and I'm not selling a product. Please, stop suffering. Leg ulcers are the worse pain in the entire world.

Replied by Thomas
(Littel Falls, Mn Usa)

What silver pads are you referring to?

Replied by 1chpjl
(Alpena, Michigan)

Please tell me about the silver pads that Dinah said that really helped with ankle and leg ulsers. My partner is in extreme pain due to poor circulation. Was due for surgery but now has to deal with another health issue first. There getting bigger by the day and pain meds are not helping. Thank you.

Replied by Lesley
(Melbourne, Australia)

Hi, would love to know more on these silver pads to help my dad with a 2 year old ulcer that won't heal and no doctor has been able to help, he's 90 and in pain.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Replied by Rswuniontown
(Uniontown, Oh)

Julia Schoepick devotes an entire chapter of her book, "Honest Medicine, " to Silverlon. Her husband was suffering with a brain surgery scar that would not heal until she brought some Silverlon in to put on it, and the next day it was finally starting to heal. I think her website is www.honestmedicine.com. I'm not sure where you can get some but she may be able to answer that. Good luck!

Replied by Kathleen
(San Antonio, Texas)

If you can't find the silver pads you might want to try colloidal silver topically. You might also be interested in a homeopathic mixture that promotes healing called Traumeel. I gave some to my neighbor when she had a dog bite that wasn't healing and the results were amazing. You could literally see a day to day change in the bruising and healing of the wound.

Replied by Cassim
(Durban, South Africa)

Hello, I had some sugar ulcer sores on my left leg just above the ankle and below the just below the knee, I have tried doctors and other herbal treatment, I was introduced to cupping, and the on the first session the blood that was removed from the ulcer was a sponge type and looked like jelly, the ulcer began to heal, after three sessions of cupping the ulcers have healed but where the ulcer was, this portion of my leg has become black and the ulcer is ever so slightly returning, please may you be so kind and explain what is silver pads and where can I purchase some. Thanking you, Cassim

Replied by John
(Knoxville, Tn)

hey Dianne I have leg ulcers. I am a diabetic and its been going on for a year. Where can I buy the siver pads at to help heal my leg ulcers. I have tried everything ointments antibiotics, nothing is helping.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)


Here is the link to Silverlon. You can read more about it in Julia Schopick's book, "Honest Medicine." Her husband's doctors had been trying to heal his head from repeated brain surgeries for over 8 months without success, and she found out about Silverlon and brought some into the hospital for him. He skin was healed over night. Best wishes. http://www.silverlon.com/silverlon-us

Replied by Joseph

Did anyone get info on what Dina meant about the "silver pads"'?

Replied by Rsw

Silverlon can be purchased on Amazon in various sizes:


Best wishes.

Silver Nitrate

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Posted by Irene Terrill (Rural Kansas) on 09/20/2014

Please remember folks that IF you use Colloidal Silver in any form other than with water, it will deteriorate in 10 days to 2 weeks. That being said, I will never forget how well silver nitrate salve worked on my mother's near gangrene leg; the hole, the sore was brown all around.

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