Natural Remedies

Holistic Leukemia Care: Ted's Remedies & Herbal Insights

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Goat's Milk

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 07/01/2008

Goat`s milk is definitely one of the most nutritional milk around! Goat`s milk have been used for centuries! Goat`s milk may help people who suffer from ulcers, tuberculosis, arthritis, rickets, irritable bowels syndrome, nervousness, anorexia, hay fever and allergies and weak limbs. lt increases longevity and improve our immune system to prevent and fight disease. Goat`s milk is alkaline compared to cow`s milk which is acidic and harmful to health.

Goat`s milk is most effective for cases of exessive white blood cells (Leukemia) where the patients suffer from frequently fever.

Milk Thistle

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tana (Berrien Springs, Michigan) on 05/13/2008

Apple Cider/Baking Soda: I am writing to warn people that taking Ibuprofen, Tylenol and other such painkillers, that you also need to take at least 1000/2000 milligrams of Milk Thistle/Silymarin preparation to protect your liver. I take the Milk Thistle/Silymarin at the same time I take the Tylenol in my case. Since I have been dealing with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia for ten years I know that it is necessary to protect the liver so that it can do its job of cleansing your body of the many toxins that otherwise would build up and cause the liver to work ineffectively or lead to liver damage.S incerely, Tana.

Nettle Tea

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Rosemary (Kitchener, Ontario) on 02/04/2016

Editor's Choice

In the spring of 2015, a 85 year old lady, was diagnosed with leukemia. She refused a bone marrow confirmation of diagnosis and the recommended treatment with Chemotherapy. The oncologist said she would likely not live 3 months, but scheduled a 6 month follow up appointment.

This lady began a daily regime of nettle tea, about a litre a day, eating the boiled nettles, and also made syrup form fresh nettles, taking a few tablespoonfuls a day.

When this lady attended the 6 mth appointment, the oncologist expressed shock to see this woman and disbelief that she was still alive. Her recommendation was to 'continue what you are doing, because it's working'. the lady's blood work had returned to normal!

This woman claims to have helped friends with advanced cancer to stay alive and thrive, taking her tinctures or teas as long as they used nettles daily. However, both of her friends stopped using the remedy after 2 yrs, upon feeling so improved. Within 6 mths they were both overcome with cancer once again.

My friend, now 87yrs of age, continues to prosper and work industriously every day while using nettle tea and tincture.

Wishing good health to all.


Replied by Faeqa
(Amman, Jordan)
69 posts

Hi Rosemary, you said "This woman claims to have helped friends with advanced cancer to stay alive" do you mean by cancer just leukemia or another kind of cancers?

Papaya Leaf

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Kevin (Plymouth, In) on 08/16/2013

I have CLL and also have excellent results to increase low platelet counts with Papaya Leaf Extract. I have had jumps in the tens of thousands over a few months-most recently from 20,000 to 80,000.

Replied by Absaruddin
(Karachi, Pakistan)

Can someone tell me how to use Papaya leaves to reduce white blood cell count? Thank you.

Replied by Kevin
(Plymouth, In)

You can buy Papaya Leaf products on Ebay, they helped short term get my platelet results up, but I have ceased taking it as I hated the taste and for the fact that I am doing so well. It's been over a year since I last posted and can attest my last visit to my hematologist this was his comment. Quote "If I didn't know better and this was your first visit with the blood results, I would say that you didn't have anything wrong with you".

My CLL is totally in remission with all my blood results in normal ranges. My platelet counts this last visit were 280,000. Of course he won't admit my regime was the answer, but did say on the last few visits, whatever you are doing don't stop doing it.

Since my last post in 2013 I have added in pill form a good multivitamin from Rainbow Light, green tea extract pill form 3x a day, garlic 2x a day, 1000 mg Vitamin C in the morning and evening, Tumeric supplement morning and evening, Bilberry once a day, and was on fish oil-not anymore. Also juiced in the morning on an empty stomach one orange, fresh pineapple, fresh papaya, and mixed other fruits in occasionally. I also add juice that I purchased online: 1 oz of goji juice, 1 oz of mangosteen, and 1 oz of noni juice.

I can tell you I feel so good at where I am at now, but its been a rough journey. If anyone would like me to post my specific bloodwork where I was at over the last few years and where I am at now let me know and I can take the time to do so. God Bless all and good luck. Remember we are all different and what worked for me, may not exhibit the same results in your body.

Replied by Macel

My niece diagnosed an AML. How to prepare a papaya leaf extract to help her condition? Thank you so much Godbless You.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Macel...There are two ways to prepare papaya leaf. The first way is just to use the pure juice - shown here in these videos:

How to Make Papaya Juice with Pestle and Mortar

Making Papaya Juice

The above recipe is also very effective against Dengue Fever.

The second method was discovered by Stan Sheldon from Australia in 1962, who learned of an old aboriginal method or recipe for curing his own cancer based on the papaya leaf.

Papaya Leaf and Cancer

See the link for recipe and dosages.

Papaya Leaf
Posted by La0508 (Neche, North Dakota, Usa) on 07/13/2011

In March 2010, a researcher from Univ of Florida stated that he had found that a water extract from papaya leaf had very strong anti-tumor effects. Granted, leukemia is NOT a tumor, but I have heard from people that it had a very powerful effect on leukemia. Papaya leaf is a folk remedy for cancer of all types. Pau d'arco (tabebuia impetiginosa or tabebuia avellanedae) is a specific for leukemia. Check out this site: www.taheeboteaclub.com -- these people sell only taheebo, period (taheebo is another name for pau d'arco)--because their grandfather had inoperable metastatic cancer--and saw significant improvement 15 years ago from drinking this tea. I have contacted them and found that their replies to me were very honest and straightforward, not trying to snow me with salesmanship. Their tea is rather expensive-maybe $25-$30 a month, but it is never bitter. There are other good sites to get taheebo, and a VERY STRONG extract in capsule form--called Taheebo Life Tea--google it. I use the tea for arthritis and cardiac arrhythmia, and it is wonderful. I often buy it from www.mountainroseherbs.com. I would certainly use this combination all day long for cancer, and if I had any form of brain cancer-astrocytoma or glioma--I would add boswellia. But that's for another post.

Periwinkle Drug

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Parla (Tx) on 05/06/2011

my grand-daughter had leukemia when she was 6. she is 23 now. they successfully treated her with the periwinkle drug vincristine. they camp they send children with cancer is called "Camp Periwinkle"

pH Therapy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jerome (USA) on 01/07/2008

I do leukemia research for a very young relative. I have learned of remarkable success in cancer by an Italian oncologistt using ph therapy but since his protocol required direct access to the tumor site it has scant value for leukemia where the difficult to access porgenator site is in the bone marrow. Systemic high ph would work but the body so regulates it that it is unlikely to achieve levels needed. Is there some way to overcome the body's regulation harmlessly. The body regulates fever, etc.,etc. yet these are overcome. Please help. THANKS.

Replied by Casey
(Roeland Park, Kansas)

My sisters infant son was just diagnosed with A.M.L. and he is only 6 months old. My sister and her boyfriend already have him in a hospital, and they started chemo today. I'm worried that they are going to kill him, and we may miss our chance to actually help the kid, but through all this posting and everywhere I've searched I haven't found any information on holistic treatment for infants. Does anyone have any information or resources I could use in this situation? Any help would be appreciated.

Replied by Robert Jerry
(Phoenix, AZ)

Try the Baking Soda and Molasses Protocol: 4 to 8 oz. of clean water, 1 Teaspoon of 100% molasses (You can use Natural Honey as a substitute for Molasses), and Two teaspoons of Baking Soda. Drink this drink one time per day.

Replied by Leslie
(British Columbia, Canada)

I think this may be Dr. Simoncini you're referring to. He uses baking soda washes directly on the tumor. But for leukemia, it is a different story as it's in the bone marrow and possibly cerebrospinal fluid.

Systematic alkalinity may help, but I feel like more specific treatment is also needed.

All the best, my friends.

Strengthen Immune System

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Scott (Ottawa, Ontario Canada) on 10/06/2012

My brother has been given 6 months He has leukemia. Can you help?

Replied by Wayseeker
(Modesto, Ca/ Usa)

My mantra of late has been liposomal Vit-C. But I have a couple of other suggestions, too. Leukemia is on the list of diseases that are surely helped by this form of Vit. C. Directions say empty stomach. Lots of it, being better than not enough, says research. I called about it, and they were 'able to say' that they personally had used 4 or 5, over the course of a day, when not well, and that some people briefly took 10. This seems to go along with the research which said a little may not do much, but enough can do a great deal, especially if hit hard and fast and briefly, early, then tapered down when healing reveals itself. Diarrhea comes as an indicator of "enough, to just over enough."

I have also read some great stuff on the Hunza people of Tibet, who eat apricot kernel seeds raw. About three to five per day, chewed really well, and they taste like vanilla or almond pastry! The selenium is healing people with cancer, or so these studies said. You can read about it online, if you look for it.

Last, I have started using undenatured, organic, grass-fed whey from New Zealand cows, for its glutathione effect. This is very nearly a perfect food. So is wheatgrass. I can do 3 oz now, but only without taking a breathe, it's so smelly, and with a quick chaser of something! The Esccene's writings were all about wheatgrass.

Hope this might help! Prayers for your brother. Remember that He is the Great Physician, and laughter is the best medicine, He-he-he. And you call on Him. --T.

Replied by Mt
(Ottawa, On Canada)

Life Prognosis are worst than disease it self. By throwing at you bad news they set you to die. You have to be a very strong person to ignore such bad news.

First thing you can do for your brother is to bring hope back! He has to realize that doctors aren't God and their prognosis is a statistic result from hospital gathered data.

Second thing to be done is to bring back the strenght of his immune system. I think that a diet based on plant and fruits (with proteins taken form plants -quinoa, hemp) will bring back the immune system. Wheat based products, sugar should be avoided.

Eating garlic will also boost the immune system (garlic will free the immune system, due to its antibacterial, anti fungal, anticancerigenic properties). The problem with the garlic is that it is increasing blood coagulation time and if you are prone to bleeding it will make it worse. If blood thinners are taken you should stay away from garlic.

A strong dose of garlic can be obtained by smashing a bulb of garlic (10 cloves, peel each clove) and mixing it with 1 liter of tomato / carrot juice (free of preservative) and drinking it with small sips during the day. Do not use Chinese garlic (try to buy local). Drinking a large amount at once will make you to vomit. Before starting a strong dose you have to test yourself with smaller amounts. You may benefit from the garlic if you do daily foot baths (20 minutes) in hot water (3-4 liters) with 5 cloves smashed and mixed in it.

Third, the level of Oxygen in blood should be increased -you can achieve this by deep breathing exercise for a few hours a day (you start with a 10 minutes session and increase it over time to at least 1 hour for 2-3 times a day).

Ted's Remedies

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Carol (Australia)

Editor's Choice

Ted, Thank you for your posting, it's extremely interesting. I do have a question to ask & hope you can clear it up for me. I use a pH tester for my urine & was told to keep it between 7.0 & 7.3. I have a Chronic lymphatic leukemia & as soon as I started using 1/4 teasp. bicarbonate soda & 1/4 teasp. Citric Acid, all my inflamation disappeared, consequently, I had no need for chemo (which I was to have) & still after 11 months have no inflamation. Would it be possible to clear up the required pH levels. Would they be different in Australia or is this a standard world wide measure? Thank you very much for your time.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

To Carol,

I am very happy for you that you managed to avoid chemotherapy by keeping your urinary pH between 7.0 -7.3! I thought no one read my article!!! I am happy someone is reading it and applying it to improve one's health!

Yes, this is the ideal pH to ward of cancer and viruses. The standards are the same worldwide. The trick is to get the right amount of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid so that your urinary pH yields 7.0-7.3 In this pH range, the blood will be in alkaline state and increases oxygen allowing your body to heal itself and destroy the cancer.

If you want to clear up your pH to other ranges it is then pH 6.5. However, people with a history of cancer, it is best to keep this level for a fairly long time to kill all the existing cancer cells. I imagine keeping this pH and maintaining this level as long as possible.

Of course, if you find it inconvenient, then you need to make sure the cancer will not flare up again, and this can second time could be risky and you might not be able to tame them. It is therefore, best to try to maintain this ideal pH as long as possible for people who have a history of cancer.

Oh yes, try adding citric acid AND vitamin C to your mix AND sodium bicarbonate for people with cancer. The ones I gave were for general purpose. For people with your condition some vitamin C and citric acid and sodium bicarbonate might be more ideal for you. The reason is really simple: vitamin C is an antioxidant and anticancer too. Also, a little known information for protection against heart disease (it works better than aspirin) is actually vitamin C also.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

Editor's Choice

There was a couple of cases I know personally where leukemia was helped by raising the pH.

One case I had from Australia who went into remission from Leukemia, where the scheduled chemotherapy was to take place.

The blood pH needs not be raise, but when we take sufficient alkalinity, the biochemical makeup of the body is changed. The leukemia remedy that one case use was 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day. It takes about 3 or 4 weeks to get the body's pH BUFFERS sufficient level where the body can handle or raise its immune system.

Hence, while the urinary alkalinity is raise the blood pH pretty much stays within normal range the only differences is that pH acid spikes don't occur and this is where the body can be sufficiently "alkalinity" from more pH buffers take place in allowing the body's immune system to be high enough where the white blood cells can digest the excess leukemia buildup in the body.

The remedy that was mentioned was an old one, a newer remedy I think that might help raise the body's buffering system necessary to support the immune system is 1/2 teaspoon of sodium citrate plus 1/8 teaspoon of potassium citrate in 1/2 glass of water taken at least twice (preferably) three times a day.

Once this is taken for about a month whichever remedy mentioned, the remedy is reduced to about 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid in 1/2 glass of water.

It is the alkalinity buffer which prevents the acid pH spikes, while it is true the body's homeostasis is excellent, it KNOWS that the body is alkaline, from the changes in biochemical portions in the body and the alkalinity nature of the urine pH is also reflected. Hence, we need not raise the pH in the blood, raise in the urine, and get sufficient alkaline pH buffers is all that is needed.

Mind you this is a simple leukemia remedy that I found to be helpful, when the alkalinity is raised, the oxygen levels in the blood goes up, the carbonic acid waste gas carbon dioxide is reduced, and the nitric oxide levels in the body is raised (it degrades needlessly if there is LACK of alkaline pH buffers). Hence to further raise the oxygen, I believe adding 3-5 drops of 3% H2O2 food grade to the alkaline remedy twice a day. The H2O2 also oxidizes toxins by oxidation and this may also reduce unnecessary toxic burden which aids in the body's immune system.

A much simpler remedy of course, if supplements can't be found is 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken three times a day.

One other case of cancer that was helped was simply adding 1 drop of clove oil in 1/2 or 1 glass of water three timds a day. After adding this, it is stirred and then drink. However, the clove oil works best when added with the baking soda. Clove oil is the single most powerful antioxidant on the ORAC scale.

Hope this info helps!

Replied by Lon
(Stanhope, NJ)

Does anyone know where in the USA, I can get the citric acid or sodium citrate mentioned by Ted? Are these normally sold in health food stores? pharmacies? other? I found a citric acid product with home canning supplies, but it contained other ingredients that probably aren't good.

I was just diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I've found a lot of extremely promising info about feverfew extract and leukemia, but then the research seems to just drop off. Feverfew is prolific in my yard. Who would have thought! Green tea and EFA are suppose to be good.

Any suggestions for leukemia will be helpful and appreciated. Of course I could be fine for years with this chronic type of leukemia, but want to do my best to stay well. I have a medically dependent son with Down Syndrome, whose daily health care is complex. There is a guardian to succeed me, but the longer I can take care of him, to get him in the best shape possible, the better, so I need to stay well as long as I can.

(Prescott, Az)

To Lon,

Citric Acid can be found at any site that carries MMS (miracle mineral supplement).

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