Lichen Planopilaris
Natural Remedies

Lichen Planopilaris Remedies

| Modified on Dec 24, 2020
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Natural treatment for Lichen planopilaris involves a combination of home remedies and herbal supplements which have antibiotic and antifungal properties.

What Is Lichen Planopilaris?

A rare inflammatory condition, lichen planopilaris causes patchy, progressive and permanent hair loss, specifically on the scalp. While the condition most often affects young adult women, it can also affect men. The condition frequently develops in combination with lichen planus, which is a condition that affects the skin, mucous membranes and nails.

Lichen planopilaris often causes characteristic patches of scalp hair loss that appear smooth and white. Additionally, no hair follicle openings are visible at the sites of hair loss. The edges of patches may appear scaly and red, and hairs can be easily removed or pulled out. Other symptoms include itching, pain, tenderness, discomfort and burning at and around the hair loss sites. The condition typically progresses slowly and affects the sides, front and lower back of the scalp.

Natural Remedies for Lichen Planopilaris

While lichen planopilaris is often pervasive and progressive, several natural remedies can help. As lichen planopilaris is an inflammatory condition, using calming oils and treatments often offers relief and treatment.

Castor Oil

Castor oil applied to the hair and scalp can offer relief from the condition and prevent further spread of irritation.

Herbs for lichen Planopilaris

Stinging Nettle and Horsetail are two effective herbs for the hair. Drinking these in a tea daily will help fortify the hair.

Coconut Oil

Extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil is another option that can be used directly on the scalp or taken orally for its antibiotic and antifungal properties.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


Posted by Pascal (Zagreb) on 03/26/2018 2 posts

After a biopsy I was diagnosed with Lichen planopilaris - frontal fibrosing alopecia

I lost my eyebrows, now I'm loosing my hair too. I also have Hashimoto and celiac disease. I've been given Plaquenil for FFA, but I refused it due to the possibility of permanent eye dymage, and I'm left without therapy.

Please, can anyone help me with the information about Ted's borax internal remedy: "1/8 teaspoon of borax, diluted in water, taken over divided dose over the course of a day" - for how long?

When Ted mentions colorless iodine, for how long and what quantity of it should be taken?

Thank you very much in advance!

Replied by Frances
(Cabarlah, Qld.)

Pascal in Zabreb, I've been taking the 1/8th teaspoon of borax mixed with 1 litre of distilled water to be taken during the day but only for 4 days a week. 3 days off. Ted recommended 1/8th teaspoon for women and 1/4 teaspoon for men as men's bodies are larger. I have many ailments. I am sensitive to all grains but am not celiac.

Replied by Pascal
(Zagreb, Croatia)

Thank you Frances, I apologize for my late response, I didn't get any notification. How are you doing? I hope you are well :) You say 4 days a week, 3 days off for how long? a month, two or as long as necessary? My LPP progresses, I've completely lost my eyebrows and the frontal hairline has strongly receeded. I use L-tyrosine, NAC and D3 supplementation, along with K2, B complex, vitamin C and Magnesium. The NAC, L-tyrosine and D3 therapy was suggested by IAT (International Associataion of Trichologists). I tried borax and H202 topically, but it didn't ease the itching. Coconut oil helps sometimes, I hear it's vety effective with OLP and LP. There are several excellent Facebook pages about LPP and FFA, also for natural cures for LP and LPP. Several days ago a member posted about Functional medicine, Candida yeast infection, SIBO and other gut related problems. I also think mycoplasma, unfortunately, plays a role in this disease.

Emu Oil

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Lamya (Tx) on 02/20/2018

I was recently diagnosed with LPP due to severe itching I was experiencing. I had a scalp biopsy to confirm it. They gave me doxycyline & topical prednisone. I only used the prednisone a couple times for the severe itching outbreak which reduced about 80%, but due to the bad side effects I didn't want to continue using prednisone. I've used Emu oil in the past for my scalp and it's very nice. It is nice oil that doesn't clog pores, has anti-inflammatory & anti-fungal properties and no side effects. You just put a few drops on your fingertips, rub them together & run your fingertips all over the itching scalp areas. It's ok to put more drops of Emu oil if you need more, it's non-greasy & the scalp absorbs it easily. I have switched from prednisone to Emu oil for continued maintenance to control the inflammation & itching. So far, so good, it's working well.

Lichen Planopilaris Remedies

Posted by Dragana (Bosnia and Hercegovina) on 10/09/2013

Greetings. Coming to you from Europe or more precisely BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. I am 28 and for 7 years I have alopecia. For many years I have had a diagnosis of androgenetic ALOPECIA, but before only 7 days for the first time I was doing a biopsy of the parietal Most attacks findings showed that I have ALOPECIA CICATRICIALIS (LICHEN PLANOPILARIS) ... Doctor told me that there is no chance that the hair begin to grow again in places where she fell because of roots in these places is dead at least that finding showed but they will try to halt further decline.. He prescribed me an antibiotic that will use the next 6 months and is called DOXYCYCLINE 100mg 2x a day ... Please do you agree with his opinion, and is there any possibility that you can help me is there any drug or anything that you can recomend to me? Than you. Kind Regards Dragana

Replied by Andrea C

Hi, I don't know of any 'Natural Remedies' for this, but that does not mean there's not one. I would go look at 'Youtube' as there is loads of people have cured it themselves. Just type in: 'ALOPECIA CICATRICIALIS (LICHEN PLANOPILARIS)': This will bring up lots of Natural cures. Love Andrea C xxxxx

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Dragana, some people have applied Castor Oil for this.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Dragana,

Doxycycline is, I think, a strong antibiotic, with some serious side effects. Long term use of antibiotics (and sometimes even short term use) can cause all kinds of long term health problems. Are they thinking that a bacteria is causing your condition? There are many things that will fight a bacterial infection much safer than an antibiotic. But you really will want to do your research before rejecting your doctor's advice.

Some things that I would consider using would be Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil. It is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. It is also very nutritious. It healed my son's mono very quickly, when we had been told by a doctor that all we could do was wait it out. You could start with 1 teaspoon twice a day. If that agrees with you, try 2 teaspoons twice a day the next week. The next week, try 3 teaspoons twice a day, and stay at that dose if it agrees with you.

Nettle and Horsetail are both excellent herbs for the hair. You could make a tea with both together (and peppermint for flavor if you like. ) I would try to drink a quart a day.

Blackstrap Molasses is high in nutrients and good for the hair. You could take 1 Tablespoon twice a day.

Rosemary Essential Oil is good for the hair. You could put 10 drops in 1 T. Of Coconut oil and massage it into affected areas an hour before shampooing, ir use it overnight. Oh, make sure your hair care products are free of SLS. You might look at shampoo alternatives here on Earth Clinic. Also, most hair color is very bad for the hair, scalp, and brain.

Ted's Alkalizing Formula, found on this website, may also be helpful to you.

Please do keep us posted about how you are doing and let us know what helps!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Jenny
(Peyton, Colorado)

Are there any hair colors that can be considered non toxic and safe with this condition?

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Jenny (Peyton, Colorado) ---

Jenny, maybe you may want to research HENNA products. They have inbuilt potency re diseases of the scalp. They have paler shades too. It makes interesting reading. Hope this helps.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Diane
(St. Paul, Mn)

I've started using henna to color my hair. I also add indigo to make it darker. It takes longer, but it's a better alternative.

Replied by Alyssa S
(Guilford, Ct)

Hello, I see that you posted this 2 years ago and I hope you have found the right balance of medication or remedies, but I've been fighting lichen planopilaris for about 5 years. I was started on plaquenel, then sent to a Dr at Yale and he has put me on doxycycline, and sulfasalazine. These are maintaining the inflammation from spreading. I do have a significant amount of hair loss and no, it will not grow back. We are waiting for this to burn out once and for all.

Replied by Yoly B.

I was just diagnosed with Lichen Planopilaris and not only am I devasted, I am so afraid. They claim it's at its early stages and have injected my scalp with Steroids. The doctor also recommended that I apply Rogaine. I have appts with a rheumatologist as well as an autoimmune dermatologist. Any home remedy suggestions? Can the condition be reversed if the inflammation is stopped or controlled?

Replied by Dian

Hi Yoly - I was diagnosed a year ago; although from everything I know now I believe I had it for several years before I was biopsied and diagnosed. My hair is gone around my face and has moved back on my forehead about two inches.... I have lost a lot and it is getting thinner all over. I am wearing a hairpiece now (topper) which looks great and nobody (not even my Mom) knows about my condition. I am curious what your results were with your Autoimmune Dermo? I do know that the steroid shots I rcvd and the medication (Placquenel - I took for about 8 months) did slow my hair loss progress and no more itching.. but that was about it. I am only 49 and have always had long hair.. kind of my signature, but I am slowly realizing that my condition will likely continue to progress. I stopped the medicine because the medicine they prescribe is strong and can cause worse issues and is not a cure for what I have. What I have found is that talking to other people who have this condition and deciding it will not rule my life has been the best medicine for me. I am always checking just to make sure there hasn't been a break through. That is actually why I was on this site. Stay positive - my husband says I'm not losing my hair my pretty face is just getting bigger :)

Replied by Megan

Hello everyone, I just wanted to ask about the first symptoms you had because I am Young and believe that I may have this? Don't worry I am not asking anyone to diagnose this but am just asking about the symptoms you first had when developing this? did you have any noticeable inflamation around the affected follicles and did the areas feel different from the non affected part, did they feel more rougher, raised and have a flaky texture with no noticeable flakes but very sore ichy and tender? Sid the patches feel very sore but look normal with no spots at first then develop in to inflamed red patches with noticeable hair loss? Did your hair texture change to dry and brittle? Do you tend to loose more hair on different days the others? Does the inflammation feel worse when you tie your hair up, feel stressed, tired some patches feel worse yet better on different days.

I have been having these symptoms for nearly a year now and been to the doctors about these symptoms and have since been given a medication for these symptoms but am worried about the side efects?

Replied by Carlos
(San Francisco)

Hi Megan, I noticed my hair turning dry and brittle followed by noticeable hair loss. Then my scalp became extremely itchy and sore. I find that increased stress increases my symptoms. After drinking alcohol or smoking weed my scalp itches intensely. I have read that many people recall a stressful event right before the start of symptoms of LPP, for me, there was a death in the family in Feb and my scalp condition occurred in March. I was diagnosed in June as I continued to insist that something was wrong with my scalp. The Dr's thought I just had a dry scalp. Does anyone else recall a stressful event around the time they first felt something wrong with their scalp?


Yes, I was at my father's funeral and shortly there after I had the worse burning ever in my scalp. Jun or July, I noticed my nails 3 of them where lifting from the nail bed. I noticed in September my skin had a rash on my arms and my hair on my legs were gone. It was right around the first week of the new year 2020 March to be exact my scalp started to burn real bad. Because of the COVID I had to wait until May to physically get a diagnosis. It the diagnosis came back LPP. I am African American. I too was devastated of this news. I had shot of steroids', steroid creams and now I finally getting some relief. I still have tingling from time to time. I am trying to go to the Mayo Clinic in FLA. to get the latest and best treatment for my situation. I take Hydroxychloroquine and vitamins. I lost hair that was already thinning on the temple. I have learned to cover it up. I hope this helps you to know that you are not alone.

Replied by Judy M.

I have had LPP and Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia for about 3 years. I have been taking Dutasteride the generic of Avodart for that long. It is working but it is not a drug for women. It is for men with enlarged prostate issues. There are no studies for its effects on women. I am curious for anyone to tell me if they are on this drug and what it has done in their situation. I am 69 so my Dermo feels it is safe. Looking for input!


Hi I was diagnosed 2 years ago and I stopped the dutasteride 5mg 6 months ago. It did nothing for me. I get a Kenalog Solution injection (Steroid family) in the affected area and it was stopping the spreading until last week we discovered it is spreading. I plan on going into NY to Columbia Pres for a hair study. Meanwhile I will continue the shots with my dr., Use coconut oil, Castor Oil and any home remedy I discover. I'll b in touch if you want after my study in NY.

Replied by Leah

I had a very stressful event in June. Shortly thereafter my scalp was itchy with small bumps forming. For four months now my hair is shedding considerably. I was diagnosed with LPP but not given any treatment. Also my eyebrows have disappeared.

Replied by Venn
(Perth, Australia)


Hi perhaps try a Pitta or Pitta-Kapha Diet. Apparently LP / LPP is mostly is heat/aggravation in the body. Pitta diet is basically cooling the body and inflammation.

Also I read a bitter taste reduces itching and inflammation.

For Herbs Brahmi might help (I'm making a tea of it).

Aloe Vera juice (external and internal) Rosemary oil, lavender oil, occasional oil treatments with the above in coconut or olive oil for an hour prior to shower (use very mild herbal shampoo).

I've read Borax 1/8 teaspoon in 1ltr water and a paste externally has cured some people of other forms of LP.

Will look into that next myself.

And of course don't stress or worry as that doesn't help.

Replied by Carolljane

Please excuse my writing, this is not my first language.Yes, it can be reversed. I was diagnosed with Lichen Planopilaris on October 2016. Doctors told me it was not cure. I found the cure when I found out an amazing Dr who is specialist in autoimmune diseases. Before I saw the the dr, I had already changed my diet drastically, I knew I had a serious problem and needed to do something right away. My diet is base on fruits, vegetables, good fats, supplements and specific medication Dr prescribed me for my problem. It took me four months to see chances not only in my hair but in my whole body. My hair stop falling like crazy, have more energy, feel happy. Every morning I wake up thankful and grateful that I have a second chance. Lichen problem is just a symptom that something else is wrong in your body. Dr will help you to address the root of your problem. I am glad you are going to see an autoimmune Dr. Please, do not worry cause stress and that would not help just be hopeful. Try to get busy doing fun things that would help you (music, spiritual movies or documentaries, etc)to give you the strength. I am telling you, you are going to be ok. Good luck.

(Montreal, Canada)

Hi Carolljane what supplements and medications you were prescribed by your dr?

Replied by Diane

What was the medication that you were prescribed?

Replied by Venn

Hi Carol!

I've actually been on the same mission as you above. Everything from diet to making sure I'm totally stress-free.

I went to an advanced homeopath (there's various levels of them, I went to a proper one with a big practice) -and did "Electro-Dermal Screening" this machine, linked to me via holding a brass rod, calculated the deficiencies and excesses in my body including Herbicides, heavy metals etc . As well dormant viruses, pathogens etc. like you I took standard supplements as well as homeopathic remedies which had to be varied after a couple of weeks.

The level of inflammation sunk to nearly nil and itch was reduced by half in couple weeks. I'm now working on balancing my entire body. It turned out I was also low in Silicon/ Silica which is essential for healthy skin/ hair.

Horsetail herb is very high in Silica. You can make a tea which must be sitting brewed for 15mins before drinking or get a plant-based supplement (also horsetail derived).

Carol, what medication did you take?

I'm also focusing on health and well being rather than the problem. Like you watching lots of documentaries and fun, spiritual activities- no point focusing on the problem.

look forward to your reply

(Griffith Nsw Australia)

Hi Venn

I have recently been diagnosed with Lichen Planpilaris. I note that you are from Australia and have had "Electro Dermo Screening". Like you I would much rather focus on improving my health and outlook rather than a problem. I am very interested in trying to eliminate inflammation from my body. I wonder if you could provide contact details for your homeopath. Your post is very encouraging thank you.

Replied by Gillian

i have been losing my hair for the past 8 years and been brushed off by doctors and told it is normal amd probably genetic. Finally been seen by a dermatologist who immediately said it was not normal female pattern hair loss and he thinks it is lichen planopilaris. He took two biopsies from my scalp and I am currently waiting for the results. My head gets very itchy amd burns at times. I have significant hair loss now - I wear a full wig after using a 3/4 wiglet but no longer have enough hair to clip it onto and at 60 I feel angry that I was given the brush off so many times. I stopped colouring my hair and use a natural biotin shampoo on my remaining hair. I always had thick curly hair. Now it is like wispy fluff but very dry and brittle and unlike my hair ever was.

Does anyone know if hair transplants work with this condition or will the scalp just reject it?

I am loathe to go along with conventional treatments of steroids etc. So I am willing to try any natural treatments that might halt the progression.

I have changed my diet 2 years ago to exclude all sugar and flour and eat as healthy as possible. Growing a lot of my own veggies in summer without the use of chemicals pesticides etc. I drink lots of water and have one small cup of coffee a day. I shall look for horsetail tea. I normally drink Redbush.

Replied by Peggy

I was diagnosed with Lichen Planopilaris 5 years ago. I took Doxycycline and Plaquenil for 10 months. Those drugs kept the flare ups down. I was afraid of the long-term effects of the drugs, so I stopped taking them.

By paying attention when flare ups occurred, I slowly determined that sulphites caused flare ups in my lichen, any minute amount of it. A flair up occurs within 24 hours of my consuming food with sulphites. To avoid sulphites I don't eat any processed food, and avoid any type of starch, baking powder, powered garlic, powered ginger, dried onions, wine, fish, etc. You can search the internet for sources of sulphites. I avoid eating out. Having such a diet can be frustrating at times. For the last 1.5 years I have successfully controlled the lichen with a sulphite-free diet. If I slack off a little then I get a flare up.

Replied by Tee
(Upstate, Illinois)

Does anyone have any updates on LPP cures or treatments for burning? I've read about essential oils, collodial silver. Where can I buy colloidal silver? What brand is good?

What amount of coconut oil and ACV and rosemary oil work to ease the burn?

Also, one person mentioned using 50 % aloe lotion with 25 % each lavender oil and tea tee oil. Is that aloe gel or lotion? What brand is good?

Thank you!

Replied by Pascal
(Zagreb, Croatia)
2 posts

Hello to everybody :)

I'm from Croatia, I've been diagnosed with celiac disease, hashimoto's disease and a few days ago with Lichen Planopilaris ie. Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia; still waiting for the biopsy but the doctor was pretty sure...I've lost my eyebrows and the hair is thinner on the front. I also suffered for years from rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp, although I never had sd symptoms except itchiness, as I do now.I've read in these comments that LPP is linked to fungal infestations. Does anyone know more about this topic?

I'm really scared the lichen pp will turn itself on lichen sclerosus, not to mention the horrendous hair and eyebrow loss I'm going through.I read that ESSIAC tonic and tea are used for lichen sclerosus, would it be effective with LPP? I would like to give it a try.

I've read about borax and peroxide as good for LP; is it the same with LPP, and how is this combination prepared exactly?Also, my doctor has prescribed me Plaquenil but after reading about the side effects and patients' comments (too many permanent eyesight damages) I'm so frightened of loosing my eyesight so I think that I will refuse the medication. I read that some of you used Plaquenil, how long did the treatment last? Have you had any side effects?

Thank you very much for your kind answers.

Replied by Colleen

I have Lichen Planus on my lower legs and it is extremely itchy. Would Borax cure the problem?

Replied by Pascal
(Zagreb, Croatia)

Dear Carolljane could you tell us more about the cures your doctor prescribed?
