She also recommends that you drink apple juice daily for a week prior to the actual flush procedure. We will be drinking a glass of apple juice before every meal preceding our start on Friday night. The procedure is done Friday night and all is completed Saturday mid-morning. There is very little cost, a few lemons, a little epsom salt and a little olive oil. You can follow Dr. Clark's protocol but I will be posting all week and walk you through what takes place on Friday night and Saturday morning.
You will be amazed as to what your flashlight shows you in the toilet on Saturday morning. We have done this flush for about the last 10 years so we no longer get stones, we just get what is called chaff. If this is your first Rodeo then you will likely get stones of every color in the rainbow. You liver will thank you for getting rid of lots of toxins as you should feel much better.
I'm serious about this. This is your chance to clean out your liver with the whole world available to help you. I will post daily on things that may ease any reservations. In Dr Clark's book, she says she gets credit for this flush, but it has been done for thousands of years.
Hulda Clark Liver Flush
Just last night I was in bed thinking about how much better I feel than a year ago. A year ago no foods agreed with me and I had heartburn and chest pain that often woke me in the night.
It took me four flushes over the course of a couple of months to get the largest stones out. The proof is in the pudding. I haven't had the chronic heartburn or chest pain since. Even a year later I marvel that it actually worked. No surgery. No organs removed. Yay!
Reading stories here at EC finally gave me the courage to do it. It was that or surgery.
Happy cleansing!
~Mama to Many~