Most of us only believe something if it's happened to us or we 'saw' it with our own eyes. Cayenne Pepper helps me with my neutropenia condition (low white cell count) in that, it doesn't raise the count but keeps bacteria away and stops food bacteria from making me sick. I got those empty gel capsules from most health shops and shake a small amount in a dish and then fill about 1/2 the capsule with it and then close capsule and swallow with juice. Always after eating a meal, and it never burns and stops your food bacteria in it's tracks if you have been out for a meal and come home and your tummy is churning and you know whats going to happen!! Take a capsule as above and it won't get to the vomit stage if you take within 1/2 hour of feeling unwell. Only make as you need not storing them. Keep cayenne in it's packet till you need to make up a capsule.(Caps size vary, get small ones).
Also my husband cut himself deep on his hand and was bleeding bad, I said "at last we can see if that cayenne works"!
Wow we covered it and it was all red and like a crust, left it on for about 1/2 hour then cleaned and re-applied then covered with bandaid and within a few weeks he just has a thin line like a faint scratch. I swear by cayenne but even that amazed me, he said it didn't hurt but just felt warm.
Famous saying: Above many graves grow the herbs that could have cured those that lay below them.
How true.
(Manchester, Uk)
(Melbourne, Vic)
I was taking shark liver oil for about 7 months but have stopped as I believe it caused me watery eyes, but I do believe it helped me with low neutrophils. I also take AHCC which I believe has helped me tremendously. I also have a glass of honey with garlic every morning and I believe that has helped me as well for low neutrophils...
Cold Showers
(Fort Worth, Tx)
Yes, my grandfather took cold showers every morning and never had colds or flu and was still working a full-time labor job at 89 years old.
Cold Showers, Beta Glucan
(Worcester, Ma)
(Monroe, Ct)
General Feedback
I was sent to an Oncologist to get tested and they said that it appears that my normal level of white blood cells is just a lot lower than the average person, and that I appear to be perfectly healthy. I don't recall what the number was, but it was on the low end.
I just got another full physical last year and it appears that 10 years later, my white blood cell count is in the same level as it has always been. I'm still lower than the range for a normal person. I'm curious to find out if anyone has this similar issue when getting physicals?
Thanks - David
I have had a low white blood cell count that my doctor has discussed with me. She has cautioned me to stay clear of people who are ill. She noted that all other blood work are normal and that I am in good health. I rarely, if ever, get sick. My career is working with disabled children who are often ill. However, I usually do not get any of their illness. I am going to try the cold showers to see if that helps me. I have not had any further testing.
Lithium Orotate
(Wellington, New Zealand)
(Ohio, Usa)
Ted, have you heard of Lithium Orotate helping people with low white blood cell count?
Vitamins, Herbs
(Norfolk, Va)
In response to James from Makati: What was the dosage of Imucell WGP Beta Glucan you were taking?
(Cebu, Philippines)
When I was undergoing chemo, my oncologist prescribed me 2 capsule 3 times a day 7 days before I started my 1st cycle and 1 capsule twice a day before meals. Now, I'm on my 3rd cycle and I am still taking Imucell.
(Jamaica, West Indies)
I am a first timer to this site. The thing is my sister her white blood cell is very low 2. Something and she is not taking anything so I was searching the internet and find myself up here, anyway I saw where beta glucan helps some of the persons so I want to know if my sister can use it. Awaiting ur respond.
Vitamins, Herbs
The following are recommendations by Dr. Karen Vieira, found on page 9-10 at:
Vitamin A, garlic, Oleander extract, Selenium, Siberian ginseng and Asian ginseng, Echinacea, Green Tea.
(Zionsville,indianapols, Indiana)