Green Tea
I watch all the doctor shows I can, and one day a doctor said green tea would help drain your lymphatic system. Those were magic words to me, and I got excited! Then I saw Dr. Oz talking about green tea as a superfood. It is a anti-inflammatory, a cancer fighter, and a diuretic. So, I tried drinking 1-3 cups a day and my legs and feet stopped swelling every day. I told my Mother she had to try it and within 1 week we started seeing a difference in the swelling in her arm. It starting with her wrist getting smaller. Then within a few weeks we were truly amazed as we watched her arm shrink. We were so thankful, I hate to say it, but I got angry. 15 years of terrible pain and suffering and drinking green tea was her answer... That was about 3 years ago and her arm has not swollen again, or my legs and feet. It also cleared up a tooth infection I had for a long time.
I have told every doctor we have seen about the amazing things green tea has done. And several were oncologist, but they looked at us like we are crazy. GREEN TEA? Today I saw a article about lymphedema and there is no cure. Please help me spread the word that green tea may be able to help others, just as it helped us! We just used plain cheap green tea bags and sometimes added some frozen blueberries, or a little fruit juice like Pomegranate or cranberry juice for flavor. I pray this may help someone else...