Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies That Alleviate Menopause Symptoms

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Catalina (Mexico) on 12/17/2006

Oil pulling cured keratosis pilaris, coated tongue, ear wax greatly diminished, softer skin, sounder sleep, white teeth, pinker gums and tongue, reduced menopause symptoms. I have been oil pulling for 4 1/2 months. I pull for 20 minutes with organic coconut oil. Keratosis Pilaris has no known medical cure. I will oil pull for the rest of my life.


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Posted by Elsa (Hawaii) on 09/20/2013

I have low levels of estrogen and progesterone. They told me I was in the peak of menopause. During this time I have been dealing with internal shaking, sometimes a dull headache behind my right eye, nausea. It is like a moter idleling, or a cell phone was dropped inside your body, a cat purring inside of you, I can go on and on about how it feels. I started BHRT, and that lessoned the sensation, then it came on again. I tried another HRT, with only 1 of the 3 estrogens needed for my body that I was low in. They also found cysts in my overies and a fibroid mass inside my uterus. My question is has anyone found something to help with the with internal shaking, is it due to the menopause? Are they (Doctors) noticing more and more women are having this particular symptom, and looking into it? any answers would be welcomed.

Replied by Lj
(Tacoma, Wa)

Hi Elsa, Regarding the internal shaking - I get this on and off, and a few years ago I had it really bad, but what helped me the most was progesterone cream. I didn't need estrogen, that seemed to make it worse. I just started using 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. of progesterone cream on my inside wrists, and the shaking disappeared. I felt calmer, so much better.


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Posted by Holly (Cleveland, Oh) on 09/24/2017

I have suffered from terrible food sensitivities which manifest as acne all over my face since I was in my 20's. When menopause hit five years ago, I developed devasting hot flashes, as well. I have tried everything for the acne and the hot flashes. I did realize that phytoestrogens (often promoted for hot flashes) where making my hot flashes worse and caused extreme breakouts and boils on my face. To make a long story short, after trying EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING plus buying an infrared sauna ($$$$), I added some psyllium to my routine because I had started milk thistle to attempt to clean my liver. After one or two doses of the psyllium, I noticed my skin feeling better and my hot flashes decreasing. I actually didn't know it was the psyllium at first, but deducted that it was the only completely new thing I had added (I had used milk thistle before which never helped that much and actually is a phytoestrogen itself). So, I started to experiment with the psyllium husk by adding it to my diet slowly but surely. My skin has not looked this good since I was probably 10 years old (I am 50). My allergies are decreasing and my hot flashes are almost non-existent. I have eaten very healthy for the past 25 years, never seeing a benefit to my skin even when I made/grew my own sprouts, kefir, kombucha, juices, etc. The psyllium is like a true miracle. My stomach began to bloat a bit as I have been in menopause (I just attributed it to that and getting older) but I am starting to see it flatten again. It has only been about 5 days, but I have never seen such a change in my system and my health issues. I have heard that fecal matter that is encrusted in your colon can prevent foods/vitamins etc. from being absorbed into your body and that the psyllium can scrub it away. I would get acne from every supplement, vitamin and food I ate (even vitamin D and C made me have eczema like skin eruptions), and I believe it was because my bowels have not been able to absorb them so they acted as toxins and came out through my skin. I believe psyllium may be the greatest health food that exists. I have spent years of my life looking for a cure and thousands and thousands of dollars. Psyllium seems to possibly be the answer to my problems and I hope others will take note, as it may be a simple cure for all our bodies.

Posted by Sharon (Ann Arbor, MI) on 03/05/2008

Due to multiple food and gluten allergies, I've had a history of both constipation, and more recently chronic diarrhea. Psyllium capsules taken at night with a full glass of water, or between meals with a full glass of water has been a lifesaver. I find starting with 2 capsules a day of psyllium husk, then working up gradually by adding 1 or 2 capsules a day to a total of about 10 taken in divided doses of 2 or 3 at a time between meals with lots of water gives no symptoms of gas, bloating, or bad breath. After a week or two of this I usually back off to a small maintenaince dose of 3 capsules, which is about 2 grams of total additional fiber a day.

Unexpected side effects for me included the complete relief of menopausal type hormone flucuations and hot flashes because of the fact that the fiber binds to excess hormones like estrogen and escorts them safely out of the system before they can have side effects. For this reason I would recommend it to anyone who was suffering from hormone related cancers including prostate. It may also help in chemo therapy to bind to the toxins of the drugs that are used and to help remove dead cancer cells from the body. Also pysllium can be a lifesaver when a bout of food poisoning or flu occurs because it binds with the toxins that are the byproduct of the offending bad virus or bacterias. For ANY use of pysllium husks , make sure that after your body becomes healthy and regular, see if you can't wean down on the number of capsules you take by substituting high amounts of quality fruit and vegtables into your diet, then let your body have a complete pysllium break and see how you do. You may have fixed the problem. For some of us who are allergic to many grains we just can't get enough fiber into our normal diet and need to add a little extra. Another help has been to add additional enzymes like bromelain and papaya, to the diet to help properly break down foods and repair intestinal damage. It is important to note that pysllium is NOT a laxative and that your body does not develope a dependency on it, but it DOES bind to vitamins, minerals, and medicines so for that reason is best taken on an empty stomach at leaast 2 hours after food or medicine is ingested, and at least an hour before you eat again.

VERY IMPORTANT: Drink at least one extra 8 oz. glass of water for every 2 capsules taken!

Rhubarb Root, Blackstrap Molasses, Vitamin E

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Faith (Portland) on 09/12/2013

Hot flashes stopped when my ND gave me a supplement containing extract of rhubarb root, it works fast, but pricey. I'm also taking organic unsulphered blackstrap molasses, 1 tablespoon twice daily, and one high quality (no soy) Vitamin E 400 IU's and a multiple vitamin. No hot flashes anymore.

Sage Tea

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Tashimoto (Vancouver, B.C. Canada) on 02/11/2013

Sage Tea is an old time herbal remedy for night sweats. In a mug, pour boiled water over a teaspoon of the herb, let sit for 10-15 min. And drink. Good luck!


8 User Reviews
5 star (6) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Birdy (Ankeny, Iowa, Usa) on 04/06/2010

soy after menopause HIGHLY recommended

I use 100 mgs of soy isoflavanes daily since menopause and my skin looks better than before menopause. Not perfect, but softer, more refined, less dry, less wrinkled. I take 1 50mg twice a day. And the hot flashes that I also originally took it for are reduced by 80 to 90%.

Replied by John
(New York, Ny)

My wife takes Isoflavones, and she says the results are miraculous. My brother-in-law, who has some background in biology and chemistry, says the isoflavones mimic hormones.

Posted by Meddy (Springfield, Oh, USA) on 09/26/2009

For the past year, I have been a wreck! I am post-menopausal and the hot flashes and emotional ups and downs were making me feel like I was losing it. I wanted to edure this and go all natural, figuring this was a natural part of my body's process...I could not take this one more second. I went to see my Dr. and begged her for HRT's...anything to give me relief. She is a huge pill pusher so I was rather shocked when she told me to dring soy milk. I asked her about bioidentical therapy and her reply was, "drinking soy milk is bioidentical"... I know there will be those who disagree, I can only speak for myself. I started drinking about 8 oz of soy milk right away. For me, it has been nothing short of a miracle. I feel like a human being againl. The depression is gone and so are the hot flashes. If I do feel one coming on, I run and get about 4 oz in me and they immediately subside. I cannot tell you what a blessing this has been. I have not experienced one negative side effect. If this helps just one person who is suffering like I was, please give it a try.

Posted by Deborah (Rincon, Georgia) on 04/28/2008

Over a year ago I underwent surgery and had a total hysterectomy. I still have yet to have a hot flash, night sweat, etc. I believe my secret to this success has been to have alot of soy (soy milk, tofu, LUNA proteing bars which have soy) and my best ever salad dressing using Apple Cider Vinegar and Flax Seed Oil.(2 talbs. of each, mixed with garlic,oregano, pepper. I usually use 1/8 teaspoon of each spice). I do take multi vitamin along with other herbal and mineral supplements that are recommended in the book, Prescription for Natural Healing. Oh yeah..I exercise 2-3 times a week, garden.

Posted by Ronda (Silver Creek, NE) on 02/23/2007

I would have to disagree with the soy for menopause. I tried soy for 6 months and it didn't help, actually made it worse. I got off soy and started taking ACV and a natural vitamin everyday and all that symptoms were gone. I feel 30 again....

Replied by Emily
(Goodyear, AZ)

I agree on Soy Milk. Most modern day Soy Products contain quite a bit of estrogen in them. I have heard from a Holistic Nutritionist that drinking soy milk is the equivalent to taking six birth control pills for the amount of estrogren. I advocate using raw milk sparingly if you must have milk.


Birth control pills work by supporting the estrogen level. The week you schedule a period you simply stop the estrogen pills. If soy were the equivalent of six birth control pills then women who use soy frequently would notice irregular or absent periods during their soy consumption. Has anyone experienced this?

Posted by Leanne (Conroe, TX) on 03/21/2006

Hi, Thank you so much for your website, because my whole family is healthier and happier due to the natural remedies that I have found here. I am so very happy that I came across this particular remedy, as you can imagine. It was a bit by accident because I had bought my 16 yr old some protein drinks by Bolthouse Farms because, after reading the ingredients, I was impressed by how natural the product was and it also had added vitamins and minerals. My son is playing sports and growing really fast (6'5") now, so I wanted the best for his body. The drink has soy protein in it, and I had heard that soy was one of the best sources for protein. My husband & I also drink it off and on after working out, and the taste is great (believe me, I don't work for the company even though it may sound like I do!) But one night I decided I would warm a cup of it up and drink it before I went to I did, and I have not slept this good in a long time. I have not had one hot flash since that first night of the warm drink, and I am sleeping in a more deep sleep than I have done in years! I then remembered that I had read a few months back that in countries where women do not suffer from hot flashes and other menopause problems, it is because they have a diet high in soy. Then it all made sense to me as to why the before bed soy drink had helped me so much. It did not really help my menopause symptoms till I did the warm drink at night. I don't know if it will help others like it did me, but I am going to keep drinking it! Thank you so much...

Posted by Rose (New Mexico) on 02/20/2006

It was getting to the point where I could not enjoy going out to eat or spend any time with my friend due to the sweats that left me wet from from my head, neck, arms and under my breast. It was so uncomfortable that I felt as if I was going to combust from the heat. Only a women can explain the feeling and how awful it makes you feel. A glass of soy milk a day stopped them, and if I did get one it was very, very mild.


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Posted by Vandana (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India) on 08/05/2006

i tried taking powder of turmeric -- it has been a great thing for the skin and my menopause symptoms are going smooth. Turmeric is best of all the spices -- good for all the ailments basically inside the body and physically also.

Vitamin E

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 08/20/2015

Vitamin E Works! I breezed right through all the signs of change of life by daily taking 800 IU of vitiamin E . My sisters were have a fit taking hormones. I wasn't sure I was in menopouse until my monthly stopped flowing. That how smooth it was.

Vitamin E
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 03/02/2013

My mom took (still does) 200 I.U. of Vitamin E daily and her night sweats and menapausal symptoms went away after about a week. You might also check your blood glucose. I have found that when I eat in excess of 100 carbs a day, my menapausal symptoms go crazy. You know, like feeling hot and flushed one minute thin cold or fine the next minute. When this happens during the hot Tx summers, Oh Boy! So I stick with the Vitamin E and keeping my carbs down. Works!

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