A week after I recovered, I had a terrible relapse of 10 hours of pain and intermittent vomiting. Almost back at the hospital, but did a glutamine/electrolyte mix and recovered. I have lost a least 5 pounds. If you have this recurring, then you have a gut issue, either latent virus, leaky gut, fungus, etc. I assumed it had to be the chronic fungus issue, since I have been struggling with it for years, so I started treated it as such and have shown improvement.
Here is what I took:
- Super important for immediate relief: Hot (as you can stand it), Epsom salt baths (2 cups) with baking soda (1/2 cup). Lymphatic exercises while in tub (see post in this section about that). An amazing detox and pain reliever. Have water ready to drink. Soak for 20 minutes. Take a bath once a day, if possible.
- Hydrogen peroxide inhalation (see EC site for directions), 6 inhalations, 3 x a day. (in case of virus and fungus)
- MSM - high quality crystals - follow directions. This was one of the best treatments. Every time I did this, I felt better.
- Glutamine/aloe/deglycirrhized licorice - you can buy this as a complete powdered product or buy each one separate. Promotes gut healing, fast!
- Zinc-Carnosine - helps stomach/gut healing
- Probiotics Others: - High quality, chelated vitamins/minerals
- Iodine - Lugol's or other for virus, or in my case, leaky gut issue
- DMSO and coconut oil - rubbed on abdominal area of pain
- Silver
Thanks to everyone who posts on EC. I have been helped so much. I pray for this site and those who manage it and are working toward fair health practices for all.