Natural Remedies

Metatarsalgia Remedies

| Modified on Apr 20, 2022
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Treatment of metatarsalgia typically requires little more than rest and at home treatment. An issue of inflammation, metatarsalgia is often treated by eliminating high intensity exercise or use, stretching and other lifestyle remedies. Additionally, ice applied to the site of pain also helps relieve the condition.

What is Metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia is a condition that is characterized by pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot. Often a result of overuse, the condition is often well treated with simple changes and is an acute condition.

The condition may manifest differently in different individuals; however, several common symptoms are known. A sharp aching or burning in the ball of the foot, pain between the second to fourth toes, pain the gets worse with use, numbness or tingling in the foot or toes and pain that increases when walking barefoot are all signs of metatarsalgia.

Metatarsalgia is typically caused by the interaction of several factors. Intense training or activity, a high arch, hammertoe syndrome, a bunion, excess weight, poorly fitting shoes, stress fractures and Morton’s neuroma may all contribute to metatarsalgia.

Home Remedies for Inflammation of the Metatarsals

Medical treatment including pain medication and surgery are rarely necessary for treating metatarsalgia. More often the condition is well treated using simple home remedies. Rest, stretching and properly fitted shoes are typically enough to eliminate pain and prevent further issue.


As metatarsalgia is most often a condition of overuse, resting the affected foot is important to relieve pain and strain. Eliminating high impact exercises and exchanging them for low-impact versions including swimming or cycling take the stress of the foot. Additionally, icing the foot and elevating it helps decrease inflammation and associated pain.


Metatarsalgia often occurs as a change in the way the foot mechanically functions is changed. Stretching the feet and ankles as well as the legs and hips helps maintain alignment in the body and prevent disproportionate weight distribution. Stretching helps maintain the function of the body and prevent strain.

Properly Fitted Shoes

Properly fitted shoes complete with arch supports, shock-absorbing insoles and metatarsal pads as needed is one of the best options for eliminating metatarsalgia. Shoes that fit properly align the feet and prevent stress on any pressure points.

Metatarsalgia is a fairly simple condition that results in inflammation and pain in the ball of the foot. Regulating use, supporting the foot and resting as needed; however, can prevent stress on the feet and eliminate the issue.

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Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 04/20/2022

I have been having trouble with numbness, pain, and tingling in my feet for years. The sensation is in the bottom of my feet, mostly my toes and the ball of my foot.

I kept blaming my shoes and getting rid of pair after pair. It seemed like my shoes were squishing my toes. (And truly, I nearly always wear "sensible shoes" except for my flip flops.)

But finally, all of my shoes were bothering my feet, and it bothered my feet to go barefoot.

I went to a podiatrist and she said it was metarsalgia. She said that my foot bones (metatarsals) were too close together (I do have very narrow feet) and compressing nerves and tissue and causing inflammation and pain. She recommended a special support for this condition which I was able to get on amazon. It was an arch support that also was raised under the ball of the foot to spread out the metatarsals. I bought that and hated it immediately. It also didn't seem right to me to keep my foot bones in an unnatural position.

Due to loose ligaments, I have fallen arches. I realized the shoes that I could tolerate best had more arch support. I am now collecting shoes with good arch supports and a wide toe box. This has helped a lot.

I am also taking turmeric (2-4 capsules daily) and Omega oils (2-4 capsules daily) and borax (a pinch in my morning coffee). I am massaging my feet with arnica cream at night.

This has all greatly decreased the pain and numbness and I am encouraged!

Interestingly, I had been having some skin issues that wouldn't heal. I suspected that once I started on Omega oils that they would heal and they did in two days. It makes me think that these oils help the body heal on the inside and out!

~Mama to Many~
