Posted by Alva (Nashua, New Hampshire) on 08/06/2013
Like most people in the mold forum me too I thought I'm going to die if I didn't find a solution. If not from the direct result in every organ in my body I would kill myself as the Central nervous system is my very big reaction from mold. The problem has linger on for more than a year since I found out the cause of all my illness. Yet I researched combed every website on the internet since last July of 2012. Cchlorine was the most popular one but it didn't do a damn good to me. The mold , the spores are all over my body. I experimented about 127 different kinds of reagents, cleaning, disinfectant, bacteriostatic bactericidal anti fungal anti everything both single combined cocktail or mixtures, tinctures etc.... It was hopeless. No matter how much supplements I take it would help for a day or two starts again. The bottom line is how to begin to find where the sources is coming from as I felt the crawlies wherever Im inside my house. I was not sure if it is coming from the windows from the outside it was maddening. I examine the carpets judiciously , then in every moldy part of the carpet I check the corresponding part from the ceiling. I found a lot of cracks up in the ceiling. I am renting this house. The painting of the ceiling strikes me very oddbecoz it is corrugated not a plain smooth type. I suspect my landlord have done this deliberately to conceal something. I borrowed a ladder sick as a dog I began spray painting the cracks. In my disgust I wrote on the ceiling. After I'm done the ceiling looks like a graffiti of multiple colors. I still felt like droplets of something on my head every now then./Every time I have seizzures difficulty breathing I cried almost every night. I surrender myself to Mother Nature. I prayed that if she wants me to die I am willing to go. I also prayed that I am exhausted pls. Guide me. Then one day I ran across one website that says Thieves oil. I went to the market to find the ingredients on how to make Thieves oil. One of them is eucalyptus that I could not find. Came home I thought the concept is similar to when I was young where we live in a farm where there is no electricity yet we used kerosene lamp. We lived using a kerosene lamp for more than ten years. So I made a lamp then fuel it with kerosene. I found an oil lamp at Salvation army converted it into a kerosene. I made a wick made of towel about half an inch in diameter not length but the width where its going to lit. How big of the fire it will emit should be thought of ahead of time. The lamp is lit continuosusly. I put it inside a clay pot to secure that my cats cannot knock it down. After I lit it I went outside do my chores while the smoke of from the lamp is engulfing the living room. I know its safe becoz that's what we have when I was a kid. I am a pro in making this stuff as my father taught me how to make them that he made me the designated light manager of our household. In about two hours I came in the lamp kinda died down. It was lit for the night that I never expected what its going to do. The website didn't say how to do it what is that you're going to find out. I lit it late in the afternoon , the following day when I wake up I saw a massive black dust everywhere, every single surface that I can tell. Basically what had happened the zoot from the lamp carbonized or carboxylized what was on the ceiling the floor the walls. I saw a massive fungal lines everywhere. Had its not for the carbon from the lamp I have no clue what state of infestation I was in. I shut down the air purifier the AC. The inside look likes holloween for me. I took my time have a coffee it was the most peaceful morning I have ever been. I fell on my knees sob on the floor. At long last the battle I won. It's been more than days now that nothing is crawling even when it rains. Today I took a blanket stand higher up under the lamp to carbonized my body. My scalp was riddled with mold for years. I cover my self inside with the lamp inside the blanket when a continuous popping sounds for about an hour. The mold spore are popping out. I think what had happened to the mold spore is since the spores is made of a filament that is hydrophilic/lipophilic, the carbon attach to the water molecule of the mold dropping out the oxygen out when the carbon combined. I made another three lamps to complete the whole entire house one in each room I made one with a long handle like a torch so I can reach the corners of the roof.
The lamp have a half gallon kerosene is still lit until now. My kitties are not scractching that much anymore. I am very happy celebrated my triumph with Mother's earth guidance. I am very grateul to the people here at earth clinic the reason why this is the place I chose to share this knowledge. I am happy if you have a comment or a question feel free to contact me at Lakambini19(at)yahoo(dot)com.