Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Coconut Oil, Aloe and Lemon Juice
Posted by Dave (Johannesburg) on 12/07/2016


I am trying coconut oil mixed with pulp from Aloe Vera mixed with lemon juice all over my head and body parts that itch.Over last +- 13 years I have tried many different things but this infusion is the best so far.

It stays on between showers and is a good sun protection agent for hot climates like South Africa(the sun isn't what it used to be and can also aggravate skin conditions you know).

Correct me if you find different but I think pathogens hate coconut oil (from my experiences). Aloe Vera soothes/heals skin and kills pathogens also (not sure what lemon juice does in the mix).

I think what I started as relief is developing into my cure (finally).

Let me know your experiences with this...


PS vitamin C in large doses never hurts also!

Posted by xiusiq (TX) on 04/10/2021

I experienced a skin condition in about late January 2020. It happens that I am familiar with morgellons prior to my experience. I am a long time follower of earth clinic and ted.

There was a sensation sometimes biting my toes. like a flea or something. I paid attention whenever it would happen. Then one evening when I was paying attention to the biting sensation, I felt a vicious bite on my cuticle of my toe that I about jumped out of my skin. I searched multiple times, turning light to see, only nothing; using a flashlight to try catch in the act, nothing. there was always nothing to be seen. I put bug lotion with permethrin and white larva looking things came out of the skin legs, arms apparently microscopic, there were the seedlike things also along my hairline eyebrows, they looked like sesame seeds. I had never seen or heard of anything like it (a former science major I liked microbiology).

I was not able to resolve this on my own initially, I tried to see MD at a clinic and he wouldn't diagnose and didn't even try. I was losing a lot of sleep every night. Seemed they knew when it was dark in that way it seemed like scabies but it wasn't. I read what I could do. I don't necessarily recommend this but it was what worked. I mixed permethrin home professional strength buy chemical into lotion (I calculated to get 3% in the cream). slept in it. washed the next day. washed sheets, clothes etc, didn't wear more than 1 time, washed bedding after one use. stayed off the furniture. I treated the whole room with chemicals because I didn't know what it was and where it came from.

The above helped but it wasn't enough. I showered using borax laundry booster like a body scrub, washed my face with it too. Not on hair, it is hard on the hair. It is a salt, leaves skin really soft.

I kept reading as the treatment would work temporarily, but after a day or two it would return. I read about ivermectin and decided to try it. It is available in pill form in other countries but not really in the US. There are other postings of how much to take. have to do your own search if you are going to try.

I took the dose for my weight, on day 1, day 2, and again on day 8; then 3 months later and 1 year later. whatever it was died off, my skin was expelling something from the layers like little pimples in a few cluster areas. Though there was no more evidence of the problem the sores took a long time to heal and the skin flaked weirdly, this kept on, some months later I had a respiratory infection and was prescribed an antibiotic, I think it was doxycyline. The skin finally started healing normally. I have scars on my arm they are not terrible I hope they continue to fade.

I later saw a video on YouTube, some fellow from UK filming things crawling out of his arms. They look just like whatever I had going on. He had been going at this for 7 years and he has not figured how to rid of it. He is in Mexico now. He was lured out there with the promise of a cure and stuck there now. In his videos he puts oil on his skin and they just come out. That's how it happened to me also. So I got through my ordeal the worst of it in 3 weeks, the skin didn't settle down until I took the antibiotic. I was looking up what it could have been and I'm still not sure but I think it could have been strongyloids which is a microscopic nematode which is a worm-like creature.

This experience I had was torturous. I am glad I somehow found a remedy. I hope this helps someone.

Shungite Water
Posted by Anonymous (Arizona) on 02/28/2016

I think I found the source of morgellons. I made shungite water. I sprayed it in my yard. I swear on my life it looked like a swarm of tiny white bugs flew up and out of the mist. I researched shungite; it's from a meteorite, meteorites have dormant worms in them. Sentient oil is Artificial Life. I'm guessing the worms are inanimant until they have a host, us. Look up Morgellons and the fibers/worms coming out of skin which is nanotechnology that comes from carbon nanotubes. Shungite absorbs toxins. Fill the nanotubes with toxins and they deliver the payload to us through Chemtrail spraying. I showered with shungite water and it feels like hundreds of tiny bugs coming out of the skin. I'm not kidding. People are killing themselves over the suffering of this nanotechnology. Man is too stupid to create this monster.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Myredemption (Wa) on 12/06/2015 5 posts

I wanted to confirm that the superbugs that I'm dealing with and has been my biggest problem is the same one referred to by some Morgellon's sufferers. I understand that there are variations and differing symptoms and that not all MD sufferers have the "bug" aspect. I am certain that I have Morgellon's due to thick black fibers with white feathery ends coming out of a lesion that never fully healed after a few weeks of what I believe may be a variation of the "superbugs" biting my ankles under my desk at work. My body started expelling these bugs after I found out about and used a debriding soap product; it caused for strangely shaped debris and squiggly short thread-like fibers come out of pimple-like lesions on my bald head and then the fibers that I mentioned above from my ankle. But these "superbugs" are causing immense discomfort and life-endangering associated floating/flying particles in my home.

The bug: clothes, plastic, and paper are their ideal infestation sites. Tried everything for the clothes and the only thing that has worked is Pressure Cooking my clothes for 2 hours to make them comfortable enough to wear for 12 hours before being reinfested due to the environment or reproduction. They fly extremely fast, and most likely whitish to translucent/clearish in color. I see white specks and white powdery residue on infested items. They are virtually invisible unless sunlight is shining from certain angles and when I disturb any item that they are resting on/in, they will fly for my face, especially my scalp. For example, if I open a ziplock bag of contents that they are in, they will fly out of the opening with enough force that I will hear a slight pop if they hit my earlobes, or clothing. It's not the air current causing for its collision with me; you can feel that it is purposefully flying at my face due to the force and speed between disturbance and making contact. If I'm washing an item that they are on, I will feel that something has landed on my scalp. Some are random scatter collisions but others are definitely with purpose as I've wrung out an infested towel, moved myself from being directly in front of the towel, and feel them landing on my scalp. As I'm typing right now, I can feel them coming out of the cracks/openings between the keyboard keys and pepper my face. Maybe so many are coming out that they are not aiming for my face but I doubt it because I will feel them landing on the BACK of my head.

The second aspect of this is there are so many floating particles/"superbugs" in my apartment that I choke/cough at times as I'm breathing them in. If I don't clean off most surfaces each day, the concentration of the particles are so dense that careful observation will reveal a slight haze of white in the air between myself and the object that I'm viewing inside the room. My joints hurt and I have a lot of inflammation due to all of these particles breathed in and I fear is contributing to my Morgellons condition and ever increasing Morgellons related organisms/myiasis inside my body. If so, my condition would be indefinite. I'm confident in saying that they are related to the superbugs because with careful observation against a dark background, I can see tiny tiny things floating/flying around me. The best way to describe it is to visualize Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon and his omnipresent cloud of dust that surrounds him. Airing the room out doesn't help, they stay around infested items. Air purifiers don't help because the filter will become infested in a day and end up blowing the bugs/particles. Using a fan doesn't either because once the "superbug" infests the fan, more bugs are blown into a room. All it takes is a few infested items in a room and over time, the airborne particles/bugs increase in number and there is no saving it. My sleep has been minimal and I can't improve my immune system to fight these bugs from hell off. As I mentioned before, they envelope me and I'm breathing them in...causing health problems. This polluted air will infest ANY item within 6 hours; that is how bad this is. If I lay new clothing items out in the room, after 6 hrs, I will feel the bugs coming off of it when wearing. Black, white, and brown specks can be seen on the shirt. Moving is the only answer but I can't do this over and over.

This also complicates ridding myself of this problem because I will need to not only kill the Morgellons parasite IN me, but also get rid of EVERYTHING in my environment at around the time when my internal body environment is free. But one will usually cause the other and it's hard to time everything. Not to mention all the money that I don't have. Cleaning helps for 24 hours because anything cleaned will still be in the polluted air as well as being reinfected from the superbugs/cloud of debris that is around me. I've no avail. I'm ready to leave everything, then clean them off my skin, toss the clothes on my back, and for someone not infested to bring me new clothes to start over. And of course if my internals are ok, then I won't reinfest my environment.

I believe that some people don't realize this aspect to their condition and therefore not able to rid themselves of the problem. Or due to the inability to send a sample to a lab, some of us don't correctly know what we have. Add to that people who advise on the wrong parasite and it becomes very confusing. Does this parasite go hand in hand with Morgellons? Is this the same bug that Morgellon's sufferers refer to? If not, what is it? I'm trying to figure out if I have other parasites afflicting me. In terms of what's helped me:

1. Debriding Soap (NG) (Google it, it can be purchased on a website called "Get Your Life Back, LLC"). This kills the parasite in the skin and causes for debris/fibers to come out of lesions. I had myiasis of the superbugs in my fingers around the nails and anything that I touched would have biofilm/white granules on it. It contributed to infestation of items.

2. Oil Remedy: I found this on EC - Ingest the following oils: Rosemary, Red Thyme, Lemon, Cinnamon Cassia, Clove, Oregano. I personally do 8 drops with water, 3x/day, 3 days on - 2 days off. Less "superbugs" are attracted to me and I think it played a part in expelling fibers from lesions. Noticeably less people around me are scratching and sneezing from me, which would indicate that less particles are coming out of my skin. This is different from dead Morg fibers coming out: there are other ones that causes people to scratch and sneeze associated with my condition.

3. Chelating with Chlorella, taking Vit D 10,000 IU/day, Wormwood tincture taken internally, Glutathione (this is a key antioxidant and immensely helps with cell functioning, healing, etc), Biotin (I take double the recommended dosage on the bottle), Vitamin C, 3,000 mgs/day, Ted's ACV/Baking Soda Alkalizer 2x/day after meals, Ted's Hydrogen Peroxide 3% concentration (capful), 1/4 tsp of Baking Soda, 1/4 tsp of BoraxThanks for any input in a liter of water 2x/day.

4. Only necessary cleaning; all cleaning is moving contaminants from one place to another and with my condition it goes from an item to ME as I clean. This makes my body more infested. But I use Ted's recommended EDTA Tetrasodium 10%, Ammonium Chloride 10% in 80% water to kill/disinfect environment. Downside is when anything with the superbugs is sprayed upon, they fly everywhere in distress and many land on my clothes.

5. Pressure cooking clothes - only way for clothes to not have superbugs jumping onto me when wearing them. DO NOT use inside your home as the parasites will come out while used. Do it away from your home, outside, and know that eventually THAT area will be infested.

6. Always wearing a beanie/hat. It protects my scalp from further infestation and are purchased from the Dollar store.

7. Wearing a wet handkerchief on nose/mouth when cleaning or using a clean dust mask to minimize breathing the parasites in.

Posted by Diane (San Diego, California) on 04/06/2011

Hi Suffered with Morgellons for one year was horible. Started using Max GXL(Glutatione), Max one and Jarrows Glutatione 500 intercellular and many other things...But I do believe that it was the Glutathione that helped me get better. Due to my mom has it too and I only gave her Glutatione and she was able to get off the MMS. Diane

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Sharon (FL) on 03/07/2022

Thought I had scabies, but think my morgellons are back, just did a scrub with DE and the Black bug/fibres started coming out! I have not suffered with this since 2012! I think they are spraying it in the chemtrails.

Goat Milk Soap
Posted by Mikey (Portland, OR) on 11/26/2021

I'm really confused why this hasn't been set as a standard for curing and treating Morgellons. You need to use goat or donkey milk probiotic soap made with yogurt (google search to find). You need to soak in goat milk and sour cream. You can also add plain yogurt, evaporated milk, buttermilk, and powdered milk all work. I would do 4-5 long soaks a week. It's important to always use a goat or donkey milk moisturizer on your entire body daily. Internally you should be taking a lot of MCTs. Caprylic acid 3 times daily, monolaurin acid, undecyclic acid, and grape seed extract. All 3 times daily. And stick with it. Most if not all symptoms will subside by 8-10 weeks. Just 4 weeks in is amazing. Also continue to treat and clean your environment. Purchase cheap air purifiers on Amazon or eBay. If you can afford it get an ozone water treater and treat all clothing and bedding. Soak all linens in tub with ozone air stone for a few hours. There also a probiotic all purpose concentrated home cleaner. Continue to always clean your house with probiotics or ozone water. They eventually just leave. It's hard to believe, but they do.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Art (VA) on 06/08/2021 4 posts

For Morgellons in the scalp to control those little black bugs.I went online at Amazon and brought a 10 pound bag of Diatomaceous Earth food grade. I was so desperate bc I had brought everything for my scalp and they were in my eyes and nose. So I washed my hair with Neutrogena tea tree oil, then I took a cup over and mixed it in with the shampoo.Got it nice and gooey. That really helps me bc with the DE on my scalp they were moving but they didn't run to my face and eyes and ears. I put a plastic cap in my head. Remember to not let it dry out. Keep it saturated. I'm waiting on my edta to come so I can put that in my head. But I don't understand what Ted said about using edta with water to make a soap. Can someone please tell me how to put the edta on my head?? And please simplify it. Thank u.

Posted by Connie (ND) on 06/07/2021


I use protocol 1000 MMS, which kills and deactivates them and mud mix ( which shreds them) do the saltwater/ liver cleanse I joined (Blessed 2 teach) there is lots of information on these nato bugs. Working for me.

Posted by Debra (Tulsa, Ok) on 05/29/2016

I've been battling morgellons for over 2 years and decided to try MMS. After one day of using 1 activated drop every hour for 8 hours I saw results in the toilet. I read that it works topically as well so I decided to try it. I am mixing 5 activated drops in 16 oz of water and applying it to the areas that are affected, rubbing it in well. I am doing this 2 to 3 times daily. My skin is dramatically improving and in such a short time. It's removing the biofilm associated with this, truly amazing! I finally have hope and I praise God for this amazing product. Also I spoke with a lady who reports she completely ridded herself of this plague by taking MMS orally 1 drop 8 times a day. I don't know how long it took but I would encourage anyone who has this disease to give this a try. It's very inexpensive, good luck and God bless. One more thing, check out Mel's protocol for Morgellons. This man reports he has been rid of morgellons for 7 years. He also uses MMS in conjunction with products to support the immune system.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Viverre (Pasadena, Ca.) on 01/20/2016

I call this the common sense attack. I'm much better but can't say fully cured yet. Fitst learn to think like a bug. Where would you live ? hide ? feed ?

What kind of bug is this ? More than one. I believe its a food chain. One bug attracts the other. Thats why some things seem to help but make worse at the same time...kills this but attracts that.

Why do you attract the bug while someone else doesn't ? Chemicals in the body maybe, subtle fragrance maybe, diet maybe, low immunity, who knows.

I believe we have an internal parasite, maybe a worm that is good food to outside bugs. Ground Cloves are helpful for internal bugs. I also believe that the sealant on my dental work is a strong draw. My worst lesions are over my dental implants because I think the chemical has leeched into my body already so removing them would only have minimal results.

So....think like a bug. I have two major bugs. One Springtails. They are vicious. Live on everything, fly into you like a dart, ouch, and hook on with the same mechanism they jump with. They don't let go even when dead. Two...filth flys..yuk. These live in swarms near your drains or wet areas. When you walk through the swarm they embed thrmselves in the wounds and dead stuff caused by the springtails. Filth flies turn to a white wet dust smear when touched. Im sure there are more involved.

So, nothing will work on you if your environmrnt reinfests you just as quick. Start outside your home. Make sure there is no standing water, mold growth, vegetation growing against your home. No birds nests in the area, no leaking drain pipes leaving ground water. Put buckets under drainage areas if possible to avoid water pooling.

Mix lemon scented ammonia and SMALL amount lemon dish soap with water in spray bottle. Again dollar store items work fone. Spray outside house heavily! (save for floor and inside cleaning also ) This will not be enough..keep finding things to spray outside. Do it daily if possible. Try Blue mouthwaah, epsom salts and beer mixed with water in spray bottle. Keeping in mind this may kill wanted flowers and might try pouring peroxide on soil in wet areas. NOTE...Clean your front door and screen doors often...even daily. Your door becomes part of your room if left open.

Now, clean out all the drains in your house, invisible flys swarm there. Open and snake, then pour anything you can think of down there...not all at once...never mix chemicals, even natural ones. Use gel type cleaner to clean the sides of pipes. Now keep the drains closed....always! When not in use. Good hot water, bleach anything...constantly keep those drains clean and closed. I bet you will see a difference. cant get better with contaminated clothes. Replace what you can. First clean your washing machine. Using your lemon mixture you sprayed outside..think like a bug. Never lead with your face. Hold head back while spraying, Ok Im a bug, the water is coming in...where will you run. Clean inside lid, agitation thing in the middle paying close attention to top. Really clean everything..sides, top. Use spray bottle and spray back of machine , underneath. Now pour white vinegar and water and fill drum. Now add water from sink to clean above water line. Let your cycle run to clean machine. Phew...I know! But what good is washing if there are bugs in there. Always soak clothes before washing. For me, Borax alone just won't do it. Being careful of expensive work or dress clothing...Soak in Spinosad. Its a natural product from the ground like Borax but kills bugs efficiently. I've had no problem with casual clothing...not sure about fancies. When in doubt, dry clean. Google Spinosad for brand name...starts with Captain. Its usually found in garden the concentrate. Don't stop if doesnt work the first time...remember your problem could also be storage. Keep soaking in Spinosad. If not working try soaking in decolorized iodine. This will be more expensive. Again be careful with dressy clothes, testing for safeness. Soak clothes for as long as possible before cleaning. Important. these bugs swim. Use small bowl or cup to skim off the top of the water after soaking and flush down toilet. Now wash clothes in soap with NO floral scent. Sheets should not be 100% cotton...they love and breed in cotton. Stick to polyester blends. Use a seperate sheet to wrap just around you at night...roll up in it...have lots of them...wash after every use or at least every other day. Use the bottom fitted sheet from the set by simply cutting away elastic. For home clothes I recommend WalMarts black yoga pants with top waistband folded inside instead of outside. the fewer seams touching you the better. Cut the neck out of your tshirts to avoid seams. Lay Viva paper towels against any active lesion area and place clothes over. The Viva clings well to the inside of clothes.

Lots to know here of course. Now lets fight some mold and fungus. Make sure there is nothing growing in your bathroom. Use bleach to kill mold spots. Air out and ventilate after shower. Even better, shower at gym, spa, work, friends house and help keep it dry. Use super hot water to rinse walls and tub after shower because it dries faster. Pour alcohol down drain to kill anything you just washed down there. Close drain!

Very Important...replace your shower curtain. I guarantee they are living on it. I use dollar store shower liners and replace every couple weeks.

Buy lots of zip lock bags. Keep all bathroom counter items in ziplock bag...including toothbrush. Its much easier to clean the bag then to constantly clean the individual items. I suggest the same for things like vitamin and pill bottles..makes cleaning inside cabinets way faster. It also allows you to spray your lemon mixture into the cabinet lightly. Clean your countertops, wood surfaces as much as possible. Cover the back of your toilet with saran wrap or tin foil and replace it often. Never store anything on the back of the toilet! Keep super clean. Keep your toilet seat down...they love water. Always roll up pants before using toilet so they arent sitting on floor then pulled up on you. Remember keep your drains closed. Move your couch and bed away from the wall as much as possible. about that smell of yours that attracts them. Do not eat or store fruit in any infected areas. No eating fruit at home...nothing...careful even with tomatoes. Once you have fruit in your mouth they will come after your face. Eat it outside the home and brush your teeth well after. DO NOT use anything on your body that smells like flowers, trees, or food. Citrus in small amounts might be ok. Coconut is ok. This includes laundry products and dryer sheets.

Pay attention..When and where do they attack ? What did you eat, wash with, etc. I personally wont use tea tree, eucalyptus or other botanicals that make me smell like vegetation or trees. Now lets get personal.. flys like the smell of waste products...yep, monkey butt I'll call it. Don"t smell like that even a little. Use wet tissue toilet paper products...unscented! Never use the toilet paper thats been exposed in your bathroom. Never use kleenex or tissue exposed to the air in your house. Keep your tissues in ziploc bag. I like White Cloud wet wipes for personal cleaning.. Clean extra well with the wet wipes. Thats not enough. Use a cream of some sort...light or no scent...dollar store has aloe vera hemmorhoid well. Replenish each time you use the bathroom. Douche clean with plain yogurt until no personal scent remains.

Use dollar store antifungal under breasts, inside elbows, top of shoulders, sides of nose and any other folds where it would be safe to use. Dab on sores to kill what the bugs feed on. Consider washing with plain yogurt occasionally. It helps to kill fungus and bacteria. Cover body with it including hair and leave on for a few minutes standing in shower then wash off. Always final rinse in shower with Borax and water to remove any lingering smells no matter what you use. I do not recommrnd ACV on you or in you if you have Morgellons....... fermented fruit draws flys. Wash with cocunut oil soap...3 for a dollar at Dollar tree. I wash my hair with it too then use an unscented conditioner. Note....wash hair in sink before showering if you can to stop bugs and hair product from washing down body. Will help stop body lesions.

Ok now that we have started to clean house, we can start trying to treat the skin. Rule number one...the best way to kill them is dry them up. I take a cheap knock off antihistamine every 12 hours with a break every couple days and watching for signs of dehydration. Calamine lotion might help. Alcohol is a good drying agent.

Taking Melatonin seems to help. I take 10mg before bed.Other things that help..Chlorella to flush out metals, Black Walnut to limit internal parasites, probiotics, Glutathione, NAC.

Miracle II all natural CLEAR product can be used everywhere! On eyes, nose, ears...brush teeth with it. so important to clean those areas, especially inside of nose. Their blue soap has too much smell for me..stick to the scent. The gel can be used on scalp with no greasy feel to hair ...on butt...near your eyes, under your breasts or genitals, anywhere with no problems. Much, much better than the petroleum product...vaseline. You can even drink the clear liquid. I keep it in a small spray bottle next to me always. Must be bought off the internet.

Soak your feet! Keeping fungus off feet is very important. I use a battery operated ped thing to remove the dead skin that attracts bugs and then soak in epsom salts. You could try peroxide for soaking also. Keep your feet scrubbed and clean. Wear shoes in the house...socks will just pick things up and keep them on you.! Make sure your shoes arent the problem. Wear shoes that can be cleaned. Use dollar store pad inserts and toss often. Never have contact with the permanent padding in your will never get them out of there. Spray inside shoes after wear with alcohol to help dry them. Think about the coat you wear. Is it washable ? Is it clean ?

Remember to keep all clothes in plastic bags and dont expose them to the air until your house is doing better. Vacuum lots! Even run the vacuum on a chair just to pull some stuff out of the air. Suck up Borax in vacuum to keep bugs from coming back out. Keep everything dry in your house using your hair dryer. Spray car with Miracle II clear product and water. Keep spraying. If you have a desert area nearby, temps over 100 will clean out your car efficiently. Remember to open your trunk, your glove compartment, between seats storage and let that bake also. Get rid of cd cases, they love those. Declare war. Keep on it. Don't let up because it's somewhat can come back..keep fighting. Use a pad type computer, they live in your PC computer! Keep earphones and extra wires clean and in plastic bag. Stay outside of your house as much as possible to weaken its hold on you. Go to the library. Go away for weekends...deserts are great! Sit in the sun when you can. Find moments to enjoy your life. Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cary (Usa) on 11/06/2015

I have had Morgellons for over two years. I have finally found something that seems to be helping me. I use the dilluted oregano oil, ( 1/2 dropper of oil to 16 ounce spray bottle of water). I have had a very bad problem with my scalp. This has been working so far. I warn you that the oregano is very strong and will cause a burning sensation to the scalp. It is worse where the Morgellons reside. I spray anytime I feel something on my scalp or body. Make sure that you shake bottle before each use. It has loosened the fake skin on my scalp so that I can remove it with a good nit comb.

The other thing I am using is: 5 drops of oregano oil, 5 drops of red thyme oil, 5 drops of cinnamon oil, 5 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of rosemary oil, and 5 drops of clove oil. Put in 3 ounces of water (oregano first so it doesn't hit your throat first as it will burn.) I gulp it in two gulps and chase with lemon water, as much as you need. I tell you this is not for the faint of heart as it will burn. I do this 3 times a day for 3 days then take 2 days off and then start again. I have been doing this for 2 rounds and have felt relief quickly. I will continue to do this for quite a while but will taper off the dosage.

I also use 91 % isopropyl alcohol on everything as it kills stuff in the enviroment, especially bathroom surfaces. I also spray my air mattress with it every morning and every night, putting bedding in freezer set at zero during the day. I then put in dryer before bed for 1/2 hour.

I hope this helps some people because I know how helpless and frustrated you feel.

May God bless you all.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kelly (Pasadena, Ca) on 11/08/2018

Absolutely not, dry rot it is from a bite from an insect usually giving a person Lyme. The right lab test needs to be given or it is misdiagnosed as a psych disorder. There may be a different diagnosis for the person with the movement in the scalp. Recently I went to emergency room because I had something in my scalp moving. They took a ct scan and said it was a cyst. But when cut, the emergency room doctor extracted out an inch long larvae that looked like a caterpillar. It was horrible, he said it was most likely a tapeworm that's egg got in the bloodstream. The doc thought it was funny and asked if I wanted to name it. I did not laugh.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gina (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/09/2009

Hi - very grateful for the info on this site! My question to Ted is how long on the average, before the borax tubs and drinking the 1/4 tsp in a litre of water daily.... before possibly clear of Morgellons?? Do you actually know of anyone who got rid of them??? ALSO - how much magnesium citrate should one take daily and how much potassium citrate.....should you take both at once, alternate or only need one?? This I haven't added to my routine yet. The borax is one of best remedies I have tried! Was quite desperate at not having cleared it totally when I found your site....thank you so very much.

Originally I worked with the condition thinking it was a bad pinworm problem. Months later discovered more symptoms on Morgellons and found I had all but the skin lesions. Also, a site named Acremonium as one species of it, and an independent university analysis named that as one of the infections I have (a common environmental species), as well as Novospingbium.... a bacteria apparently modified genetically. Doctors ridiculed it as 'lint' of course. Sounds like this originates in genetically modified food sources and jumped to human genes via an agrobacterium used in the plants they've been crossing genes in with our foods.

Some successes first: my daily baths in apple cider vinegar 1 cup + 3/4 to 1 c.baking soda helped noticeably. I originally started with one cup hydrogen peroxide, soaking my ears as well, thinking it was pinworms coming from my ears.The head is the worse still but now they're very tiny for the main part. Borax seems much better now that I found this site, I use 1 cup borax and sometimes 1 cup A/C vinegar. Then applying oil (with essential oils, and thanks to Ted, now use Vetiver, Myrrh, + my regulars of Juniper or Cedarleaf and Basil.
It helps to quickly eliminate red blobs/pimples that appear, to use Castor Oil + baking soda as a paste, with a bandaid on the worse offenders. I also applied the Castor Oil with essential oil over whole body. When you mix it with baking soda, it seems to drive them out, so you are quite itchy and best not do at night. A fine comb collects them from body or head. Also sometimes use coconut oil instead, but castor oil seems preferred as its thicker and sits on skin longer.Castor Oil is said to have antimicrobial properties. They seem to adapt to most things, so best to alternate remedies I guess.

Iodine was an excellent for some time. I drove many long curly filaments out of my head by painting my scalp nightly for maybe 3 nights in a row and wrapping head in a cotton scarf. The cotton collects them and even washing in chlorine did not kill them. I now use a polyester scarf as I don't want them crawling out on my pillow at night and borax in laundry with a 'green'liquid wash. Iodine painted on my neck and torso seemed very helpful to eliminate some stages, but will burn the skin if used too long (over a week for me). Can be a tough remedy if used too long, but nothing is as tough as the condition. Also baths in a couple droperfuls of iodine now and then. Then oil up. Maybe this is why I missed the skin lesion part, I've done this for months.Sometimes I drink 4 iodine drops in my water to help thyroid and immune function (from health food store)

Little noticeable results with Collodial silver regardless of the ppm for me. I thought maybe grapefruit seed extract and caprylic acid helped, and taking antioxidants like grape seed extract, or green tea extract. Gets too expensive. LIVER CLEASES and colon cleansing definitely helped a lot and drove many out. Improves lymphatic/immune function also. I've done 5 liver cleanses thus far this year. The Hulda Clark liver cleanse routine is inexpensive and easy, using epsom salt drink, olive oil and grapefruit - one of the best cleanses. Also tried Oil of Oregano, Garlic, Bee Propolis as a natural antimicrobial. I think all help our system strengthen, but need be alternated. ALOE VERA GEL was fabulous. I rubbed all over body when out of tub, letting it dry. Areas would turn red where they were clustered and then they'd leave in a day or so. You can rub some black specks off from those areas with rubbing alcohol, or I've been told a better choice is vodka. All gets expensive. I also ingest at least 1 1/2 oz aloe vera gel in AM and PM now and then a few weeks and believe its excellent for colon and intestines, where I think they're focused. Always with liver cleanse, many more come out...sometimes the multi-branched filaments.Can we actually kill them or must we drive them out?

I also use frequency, particularly at 465 as a medical intuitive said that was the frequency they resonate at. Borrowed a machine with multiple settings, so use them all to electrify my blood and who knows what really is making the difference....perhaps all. If anyone can say they've known someone who actually eliminated the condition....that would be encouraging. Did some energy clearning on myself with medical intuitive's help and a skilled shaman to hopefully removed whatever energetic attraction drew this experience to me. I think it important to work spiritually with self to connect to Source and change our patterns, attitudes, etc.

Wishing you all the best to transmute this experience as quickly as possible and hope some of the above may help you to any degree.

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Jennifer (Los Angeles, California) on 01/09/2009

I have morgellons and i am being treated by dr. staninger in los angeles. She uses Far infra red radiant heat therapy treatment and i think that anyone that has morgellons should use this treatment. I was in the hospital emergency room three times the week i went to see dr. staninger. I couldn't breath due to the morgellons attacking my throat, lungs and esophagus. It took 3 weeks using her far infra red machines and other machines she has at her clinic and now i can breath again when i didn't know if i was going to live when i was in the hospital. I purchased two of her far infra red machines to use at home and i sleep under them every night. I recommend this therapy for morgellons. And i just want to mention that Far infra red is different then just Infra red. And the machines dr. staninger uses are specifically tested for morgellons patients. I would only purchase the ones that she sells for safety reasons since morgellons patients have silicon in their bodies.

Oh and one other thing. If you want to test and see that your morgellons is not a parasite and is a man made technology. Buy Pedifix tea tree oil lotion and Endure 2000 lotion. Rub the pedifix on your lesions and then rub the endure 2000 on your lesions. You will be amazed at the silicon plastic goo that comes out of the lesions. This technique will help to flatten them as well. Also, if you look at your lesions under ultra violet light you will notice they have a flourecent glow. This is a man made disease we are dealing with another natural.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Nan (Raleigh, No Car, Usa) on 06/21/2010

Have tried a million things...the latest and best so far is psorinum 200c, a homeopathic remedy that is quite powerful....when I took the 3 small tabs I literally felt these things cramp up in my feet and around my was amazing...they hated it and it was harming them. I felt only slight movement most of the day...Unfortunately w/homeos one cannot eat strong tasting foods like mint, no chocolate/coffee because it dulls the affects. and I foolishly partook of some coffee and lost a little steam... Happily I made a water solution of psorinum by putting 1-2 of the small tabs in about 3/4 c of water and you have to put in a jar and pound the jar a bit to transfer the psorinum into the water and then I put some of that water on my immediately killed oodles of the face mites. Homeopathy vibrates so it doesn't necessarily have to touch something to kill may go down into the skin further than the surface...but it worked amazingly on the mites. I also put the water all over my body and it seemed to work to calm the morgs all over....but not 100%. Definately gave more sanity though, because after the new moon they were going crazy and I was quite alarmed...seemed monthly they were worsening. There are stronger solutions of psorinum...1m & 10m and I imagine they might work quite well in water on the skin as well. You should work w/a homeopath with psorinum as it is strong...I was at first a little scared when I took the first pills and their reaction was so's nice to know you have someone you can call can be antidoted by putting something w/camphor in it on your or smell it. I think psorinum may be our answer to this monstrosity...but it's all technique...dose, frequency of use, length of use...and sticking to a good diet and not ruining the homeo w/coffee, cinnamon or mint (toothpaste) or can look for a list online of things you can't use while on homeopathics....if someone finds the right dose/freq, etc...please post...and I will let you know when I know more. Sulphur homeo is another possibility.... lycopodium or thuja for the spores/fungal

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Carol (Houston, Tx) on 08/07/2011

I went to homeopaths.... Spent $150 per visit with no results.... I do better on my own. This thing is so multi-faceted it is very difficult.. I've studied homeopathy for the past 17 yrs and am fairly well-versed in it.... I've suffered no harm from any of it.... It is certainly safer than hardcore antibiotics (5 at a time).

I've gone to doctors 3 and only lost money and received no assistance - only made more upset and depressed because they have apparently been instructed to tell us all we are crazy and should immediately get on their "crazy" pills... No thanks! - we are on our own on this one.... It's likely going to kill us if we don't cure it.... I'll take my chances w/homeopathy...its safer than anything else we have access to.... It is certainly better than self-administering animal worm killers from feed stores! I won't take strong homeopathics w/o a homeopath and I do have one I consult but he has been of limited help. The water applications on skin have helped tremendously and seem quite harmless....

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Diane (Madison, Wi) on 09/19/2011

Try Dr Bronner's Peppermint Soap... I've heard people saying to use this for some time, but it has really slowed the buggers down.... It really kills the mites... I put it in bath (pretty strong dilution)... Used it for shampoo.... And just plain put it straight on my body.... Excellent results and its safe and smells good... I think its pretty effective and if you then continue to attack them from within with garlic or what have you they have to get out to skin area and hopefully will be damaged by the peppermint oil and other ingredients.... You could also add other oils to the mis like eucalyptus, tea tree, lavendar (will relax you too), cedarwood also useful, etc. I'm going to kill these buggers.... If it kills me!!! If we all keep sharing what we've learned I think the synergy of all these minds working toward one purpose will solve this plague! So keep at it.... We can help the world rid itself of this monstrosity!

Posted by Nanm (Minneapolis, MN) on 11/05/2008

Morgies Don't Like These

Just wanted to mention that nothing calms these beasties down like eggs... don't know if it is the sulphur in eggs but when I eat eggs they go really slows them and takes away a lot of their power. Unfortunately there are very few foods that they don't like so if I want to keep them at bay I have to be on a diet of eggs...meat is okay too...lettuce, celery, not a lot of other things do the job... But Eggs are like magic...try it. I make up a batch of boiled eggs and pop one when I need it...

Don't eat sugar, processed foods, wheat, most foods stick to the foods above for a couple weeks you will see results. I've soaked in everything, making myself sick w/all those things, dried my skin out with so many salt baths I swear I look 10 years older...eggs are healthy, the perfect protein they say.

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