1 or 2 garlic cloves
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1 tbsp ACV (braggs; apple cider vinegar)
1 tbsp flaxseed oil with lignan
1 cup vegetable juice (I use Bolthouse Farms "Vedge")
fresh lime juice (optional)
I mix everything but the juice in my food processor. Once the garlic is minced then I add the juice. Warning this is spicy but it tastes like a blood mary.....CHEERS! To your health!
THEN! I have my "breakfast"
1 cup blueberries or mixed berries
1 cup Bolthouse "purple carrot" juice blend
1 tbsp raw honey
1 packet Emergenc vitamin c blend
mix in a blender and YUM!
So, before I leave the house I have had all my veggies and fruits and feel ready to conquer the world! I'm 42, a vegetarian (6 months) have two children, one has autism and I teach 6th grade...I need to have my energy and health. My daughter teases me and says I'm a walking antioxidant. Blessings to all. I love this site! Marisa