Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Natural Remedies

Myelodysplastic Syndrome Remedies

| Modified on Nov 11, 2023
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Holistic adjunct treatment for Myelodysplastic Syndrome typically involves natural supplements that try to treat some symptoms and prevent infection. While no definitive "cure" for the condition has been identified, a few remedies might help fortify the body and immune system. However, they should only be used with a doctor's supervision and not as stand-alone remedies.

Unfortunately, as you will read below in our Reader Feedback section, we have been sent very little information over the years from Earth Clinic readers about this condition. If you have ever tried a natural remedy for this condition like hydrogen peroxide therapy, kindly send us your feedback.

What is Myelodysplastic Syndrome?

Myelodysplastic syndrome or MDS is a term used to describe the condition caused by poorly formed blood cells. The bone marrow is a spongy tissue within the bones in which stem cells develop and mature to red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. If the stem cells are unable to mature to healthy blood cells, however, MDS is the result.

Common symptoms of the condition include shortness of breath, fatigue and tiredness, pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, and frequent infections. The causes of the syndrome vary but stem from something happening to disrupt the normal production of blood cells.

Risk factors associated with the development of the condition include being over the age of 60, being male, having chemotherapy or radiation treatment, and being exposed to certain chemicals including benzene or heavy metals.

Natural Remedies for MDS

While no definitive cure for myelodysplastic syndrome has been identified, natural remedies may be helpful in treating some symptoms. Hydrogen peroxide, curcumin, and gingerol are three non-toxic natural compounds that are thought to deliver healing properties.

Hydrogen Peroxide

The only germicidal agent composed of just water and oxygen, hydrogen peroxide attacks disease by oxidation. Generally perceived as a “controlled burning process,” oxidation reacts with the organic matter and decomposes it into water and oxygen. As such, peroxide oxidizes any disease-causing agents in the bone marrow, substantiating the health of the blood.


Curcumin is an important component of turmeric and is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. These components may be helpful in alleviating certain symptoms.


Gingerols are the effective components of ginger. These substances inhibit inflammation and remove toxins in the body. The compound’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it a helpful adjunct remedy.

Continue reading below for feedback from Earth Clinic readers.

Related Links:

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions
Integrative Cancer Remedies: Natural Healing Approaches
Natural Remedies for Supporting Bone Cancer Care

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by medicineman9 (Austria) on 10/09/2023

Regarding Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), I wrote a german thread here, 1352.0.html
and just made an english one here (based on this message), 1384.msg9391.html#msg9391 )

Dr. Banerji published homeopathic remedies for "anemia" which are also supposed to work for MDS, there are several homeopathic recipes in his book, here the main recipe, I translated this from the german text:

"Natr. Mur. C30" once per day two tablets,
"Kal. Mur. D3" 2 Tablets and "Ferrum Phos. D3" 2 Tablets taken together, 4 times per day
Vitex Negundo mother tincture 2 drops 2 times per day

Here the original german recipe:


Dr. Banerji Protokoll bei Aplastischer Anämie:

Dr. Banerji Globuli-Protokoll, keiner seiner Patienten brauchte deswegen je Blut:

Natr. Mur. C30 einmal täglich 2, Kal. Mur. D3 und Ferrum Phos. D3 2 Tabletten von jedem Schüssler Salz zusammen = eine Dosis, insges. 4 mal tägl., Vitex Negundo Urtinktur 2 Tr. 2 x tägl.

Wer war Dr. Banerji? Protokoll aus seinem Buch "The Banerji Protocols" von Pratip und Prasanta Dr. Banerji. Im Buch sind bei jeder Erkrankung 3 verschiedene Protokolle enthalten die man ausprobieren kann falls die erste Kombi nicht anspricht. Die erste Kombi ist immer das was den meisten Patienten von Dr. Banerji half.


According to Dr. Banerji, nobody who took this homeopathic remedy ever needed blood transfusions. Try to stay away from blood transfusions as long as possible for very good reasons.

If the above mentioned recipe does not work, please look up the other recipes for anemia in Dr. Banerjis book. The above mentioned recipe is the "main one" which helped most of Dr. Banerjis patients.

I found all this on the german page


Furthermore, there is a substance called Methylene Blue which, according to "the AIs" (like ChatGPT), showed promising results in various studies (but I guess you will never hear about these studies as the substance is very cheap and effective, so there is no money to be made etc.). There is a book about the substance by Mark Sloan. Start extremely slowly with the substance, first, put it on the skin in diluted form and wait if any allergic reaction shows, if nothing happens, then start with 1/5th of a drop (dilute 1 drop in 1 liter of water and then pour out 0.2 liters into a separate glass and fill it up with water). Then 1/4th of a drop and so on until you reach one drop and then continue to the recommended minimum daily dosage (see book by Mark Sloan).


Another important tip is to reduce your breathing see, for example by using the "Samozdrav Comfort" breathing trainer, see You can find a guide how to use it on youtube by simply searching for "samozdrav".
Combine this method with the oil-protein-diet by Dr. Johanna Budwig which jumpstarts CELLULAR breathing.

The reason is that improves GENERAL oxygenation of each body cell and the oil-protein-diet improves CELLULAR breathing, so this is a golden combination. Methylene Blue can also help in this regard, so it is probably best to combine all three.

Also see, 1379.0.html
regarding all this.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Posted by Courtney (Granbury, Texas ) on 04/04/2014

Please elaborate on treatment for Myelodysplastic Syndrome. You mention hydrogen peroxide therapy as well as gingerol and one other what dosage?

Replied by Ken
(Lynnwood Wa)

Am considering taking the hydrogen peroxide treatment.....would like to hear from anyone that has used it.

Replied by Bib
(Vero Beach, Florida)

Interested in hydrogen peroxide regimen for refractory MDS

Replied by Kathie

Yes, please elaborate on the hydrogen peroxide and any other supplements that are working.. Thank you

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Rochester, New York) on 09/19/2009

My colleague was recently diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome. I gave him the suggestion that an oral hydrogen peroxide therapy regimen might be beneficial to him. Does anyone have any knowledge of this therapy used for this diease?

Replied by Audrey

what do you do with the peroxide .... drink it???

Melatonin, NAC +

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Art (California) on 11/23/2021 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

Someone recently asked me if I had a remedy to treat MDS. I looked at the page on EC, which doesn't have much information. This is a disease that although there are a significant number of studies about it, very little is known about it other than the basics of perturbed bone marrow activity that results in an imbalance in the blood cells which can potentially turn into Leukemia.

There is one existing article written on EC regarding MDS and it gives a few supplement recommendations, but gives no reason for those recommendations. I agree on the curcumin mentioned in the article because MDS is considered a type of cancer and curcumin has shown benefit in multiple forms of cancer and it has anti inflammatory and antioxidative stress qualities which are generally at elevated levels when it comes to cancer. Studies have used 4 to 8 grams of curcumin and Bioperine or Piperine is noted for increasing the bioavailability of curcumin while having some anti cancer effects of its own. Studies use about 10 mg of piperine or Bioperine at the same time as curcumin to good effect.

MDS, as mentioned above has the potential to morph into leukemia and for the purpose of helping to prevent this as well as infections associated with MDS, colloidal silver (CS) seems like a reasonable choice to consider as it has shown benefit in fighting leukemia in some studies. When I have used CS for serious health issues, I have used 8 ounces of capped 20 ppm per day for one month only, and then as needed to help fight any infections that may come along.

Melatonin has shown anti cancer effects, antioxidative stress effects, anti inflammatory effects, apoptotic effects (cancer cells), anti angiogenesis effects, synergy with radio therapy, synergy with chemotherapy, bone marrow protective effects and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell protective effects. Something else to consider is that melatonin production significantly declines with age and cancer is considered an age related disease. So melatonin seems like it may have benefits making it worthy of consideration and given its excellent safety profile, even more so.

Some people have a feeling of next day tiredness from taking melatonin orally.

Melatonin using a topical application (15 drops) to the scalp, twice a day. Mix at the rate of 3/4 teaspoon melatonin powder per ounce of Everclear 60%. Topical application is thought to not have as much of a melatonin hangover effect in some people. I am currently using a similar mix, but I don't get the melatonin hangover, so I do not know how true this idea of helping to prevent next-day tiredness is for topical application.

The reason for topical application to the scalp is because the hair follicles have been found to offer good absorption and bioavailability.

N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) has shown synergy with melatonin and has also shown the ability to reduce the oxidative stress generated by colloidal silver in studies. It is also a potent antioxidant. NAC at 1200 mg a day in a divided dose of 600 mg and 600 mg.

Fish oil at 4 grams per day. Vitamin C at 2 grams per day in a divided dose of 1 gram and 1 gram. Vitamin D 10,000 IU per day. Vitamin B-50 twice a day. These have all shown benefits in helping to improve the gut microbiome.

Based on the known effects of the above supplements, these supplements seem likely to act as an adjunctive treatment for MDS based on my understanding of the available studies. This is not a cure or stand-alone treatment.

Anyone considering trying this combination of supplements should absolutely get your doctor's approval and supervision to make sure it will be safe for you and compatible with all of your medications. I am not a doctor and this information is not a substitute for a doctor, as MDS is a serious disease!


Replied by Michael
(Dallas, TX, USA)

MDS is where the DNA in the bone marrow(Stem Cells) is altered, and therefore it cannot create and introduce healthy blood cells and platelets into the blood stream. There can be any combination. Red, while, or platelets only. All three, or any combination of two. It seems that most are affected by not having healthy reds. In my friends case, her bone marrow is not able to produce healthy while blood cells. They are all transfusion dependent.
