Any suggestions please as to what it may be and any possible remedy.
This one is self talk but he has others that are very interesting too.
DON'T take this post as me judging you but remember we can only change ourselves and that changes our environment. Define boundary lines on behavours you permit, and talk through issues that are unacceptable. You loved him enough to get married. Please don't take this wrong heart is right.
Sounds like system wide infection. The coated tongue is more evidence. That condition is likely fungal and or viral. I used to have a coated tongue but after taking a swallow of Colloidal Silver a few times a week and leaving in the mouth for a minute so the tongue was covered, that problem went away. If the problem is, indeed system wide, swallowing two tablespoons twice daily for me, was enough to turn around systemic infection. Assuming the infection is not in the brain via an old ear infection, six months on CS might be sufficient. Ask him if he has had persistent or a few VERY severe ear infection that predated the sensitivity matter...hearing, smelling light sensitivity. If so, write back; I'd suggest ramping up the protocol.
I read Bill's book on candida and my life is slowly changing. I feel better in many ways even though I'm still undergoing the treatment and into my 5th month. I take it seriously and do the ACV, iodine + baking soda, turpentine and borax powder water, avoid bad foods. My stomach is flat and I've lost 7 lbs (I weigh 107 and am 52.) My complexion is much better although I had a severe breakout recently (4th month), I think I may have had a delayed herxheimer effect or was slow in getting rid of the systemic fungus. Does that make sense?
My new husband, a very handsome 55-year-old who looks 40, is not good internally. I've looked online to find what he may have and cannot locate except he could have fibromyalgia (I don't believe that's it which is why I'm throwing this email out to you guys, and Bill and Ted, of course.)
He's bloated often, except when he wakes up in morning. He's got acute anxiety--let's people know how wrong they are on the phone, and often asks for "their supervisor." (He's really a gentleman inside but gets this way often.) He volunteers as a prison minister on Thursdays for four hours and has been doing this for 10 years. He's a cyclist and works out at gym (although he's slacked off a bit lately.) He does not work for anyone but works a tad (spinning his wheels making occasional loans.) I don't think he's capable of working a real job for anyone else. He'd be miserable.
Here's his symptoms: extreme sensitivity to many things such as light, sound and smell. He can smell something bad in the fridge while its in a closed drawer and must have "just gone" bad. I cannot really smell it even close up! We clean out fridge every Monday.
He is sensitive to others and gets feelings hurt easily. He gets acid reflux and gas occasionally (unsure if this has anything to do with what he's got, but I'm listing everything I can in case any of you have any ideas on what this could be. He thinks he needs an anti-depressant (I do too sometimes) or some type of anti-anxiety medication. He has to maintain order in house or gets stressed. He's almost a hoarder but not--treasures many things in general and saves them. He brushes teeth and drinks those protein shakes but has a film on his tongue and uses a scraper to remove the film (he swears it's just the "shake.") He's got breath issues sometimes too. Eats "okay"--definitely wouldn't work with my candida so we rarely eat together.
Please someone help or his anxiety could destroy us. He gets angry and disrespects me often, speaking down at me. It will destroy our relationship and we're just 10 months in. If you have any ideas I would appreciate your input.
I read Bill's book on candida and my life is slowly changing. I feel better in many ways even though I'm still undergoing the treatment and into my 5th month. I take it seriously and do the ACV, iodine + baking soda, turpentine and borax powder water, avoid bad foods. My stomach is flat and I've lost 7 lbs (I weigh 107 and am 52.) My complexion is much better although I had a severe breakout recently (4th month), I think I may have had a delayed herxheimer effect or was slow in getting rid of the systemic fungus. Does that make sense?
My new husband, a very handsome 55-year-old who looks 40, is not good internally. I've looked online to find what he may have and cannot locate except he could have fibromyalgia (I don't believe that's it which is why I'm throwing this email out to you guys, and Bill and Ted, of course.)
He's bloated often, except when he wakes up in morning. He's got acute anxiety--let's people know how wrong they are on the phone, and often asks for "their supervisor." (He's really a gentleman inside but gets this way often.) He volunteers as a prison minister on Thursdays for four hours and has been doing this for 10 years. He's a cyclist and works out at gym (although he's slacked off a bit lately.) He does not work for anyone but works a tad (spinning his wheels making occasional loans.) I don't think he's capable of working a real job for anyone else. He'd be miserable.
Here's his symptoms: extreme sensitivity to many things such as light, sound and smell. He can smell something bad in the fridge while its in a closed drawer and must have "just gone" bad. I cannot really smell it even close up! We clean out fridge every Monday.
He is sensitive to others and gets feelings hurt easily. He gets acid reflux and gas occasionally (unsure if this has anything to do with what he's got, but I'm listing everything I can in case any of you have any ideas on what this could be. He thinks he needs an anti-depressant (I do too sometimes) or some type of anti-anxiety medication. He has to maintain order in house or gets stressed. He's almost a hoarder but not--treasures many things in general and saves them. He brushes teeth and drinks those protein shakes but has a film on his tongue and uses a scraper to remove the film (he swears it's just the "shake.") He's got breath issues sometimes too. Eats "okay"--definitely wouldn't work with my candida so we rarely eat together.
Please someone help or his anxiety could destroy us. He gets angry and disrespects me often, speaking down at me. It will destroy our relationship and we're just 10 months in. If you have any ideas I would appreciate your input.
Your best bet is to seek a specialist. Dr. Vargas in Nebraska heads a carcinoid clinic. I personally like him. There are other doctors but I cannot recall their names.
It all started with dandruff on my scalp. Later seborrheic derm. on my face. Afterwards nail fungus on my little pinky - then on the toe beside. White-coated tongue, cold urticaria and now urinary problems. I got completely tested. kidneys x-rayed and are ok - urethra x-rayed, also ok. blood, prostate and urine also ok. Urine stream with low pressure. Same with ejaculation. What is wrong with me? Is the problem within the gut? Leaky gut syndrome?
You describe what could be Atrial Fibrillation. A Fib is usually associated with a lack of Magnesium. The "pounding in chest" could be heart's irregular beat. (Epsom Salts baths are a great way to get magnesium into the cells of the system as well as Mag caps.)
Also you say it is worse in the morning; this could be a stomach ulcer. You need to kill the underlying virus/bacteria...I use Colloidal Silver plus DGL (a licorice extract) plus aloe Vera broken into two doses of all the above twice daily on empty stomach. One of the doses must be at night before bedtime.
OR...if the condition is "gastritis" (pan gastritis) as the Turkish Doctor said then that condition is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Such inflammation of the stomach lining is usually a viral infection, so again the Colloidal Silver will kill that infection. I'd use the same formula for that as for a stomach ulcer.
You only give two real clues: "pounding in chest" and "worse in the morning"... so my best guess was those three possible causes. (And what the Turkish Doctor said.)
You were talking about "running and stop order" or something like that and I was not clear what you were saying. If you have any more description, I'd be happy to try again but if you try the combo of Epsom Salts baths (along with taking Magnesium caps) plus Colloidal Silver and DGL plus aloe, you might just find you hit on a solution.
I always...and I mean always assume a virus MIGHT be working. No harm making sure those little monsters are not the underlying cause of the problem. (Hence, the CS...which kills virus/fungus and bacteria.)
It's a sad state in much of the world. There are un-rehabilitate rescued pets, adopted children far to damaged to ever repair. Often, the caregiver takes a loss. My few yrs as a Nurse Assistant had several cases of being hit, bit, slapped, clawed, etc and there is nothing to be done as the patient has all the rights and the workers have no defense. The world is literally full of people that have pain as their closest friend. Alcoholism and substance abuse is overcrowded w/ this category.
Back in the mid 20th century there was a psychologist that explored the basis of such insistence on pleasure/sex & pain & death; his findings (can't think of his name right now) expanded some of Freud's theories of Id-Ego w/ the fundamental pleasure/pain principle. Very simple, we are all conceived in pleasure and born in pain. Most world religions aim at transcending or mortifying these basic carnal imprints, compulsions, and behaviors.
Well, what a rant. At least there is some knowledge on this subject that can lead to the possibility of cure, otherwise it's a lost condition.
You said that the USA has “51% victims as citizens” (are these your statistics?). How does that help anyone on a site where people from around the world are looking for advice about their health problems or sharing their solutions?
A little bit of compassion and understanding goes a long way. Here's what Mmsg from Europe had to say to Robyn: 07/22/2014: Mmsg from Somewhere, Europe: "Robyn, I don't know how I can help you but I love you and suspect that many here do too, without ever having seeing you!! Whoever we are, we send you hugs and hope, even though we don't yet know how/what will help you."
Well said, Mmsg! I hope Robyn gains strength from your words.
Thanks, Milena
You want help? Then ask for it. These folks would love to help you, but you wrote a ditty that is supposed to put us all on a guilt trip. The USA now has 51% victims as citizens. Your story tells me that you too are a victim. A victim of what? I have hoed my own row and suggest others to do the same. When I get in deep stuff, I ask for help and this site responds. They will for you too.
======OLE ROBERT HENRY=======
So how on that basis when you can't go near a phone, rarely use a computer, can't bathe or clothe yourself on most days, food is a nightmare would you do community work, run a foundation or do anything to help anyone else even though you would like to?
And prior to that I lived in an area where there was a huge leak from a nearby Chemical plant at the time I walked past it so everything came to get me at once it seems. Blood test showed I was seriously toxic after Doctor's trying to say it was 'A Mental problem?'
I have recovered really well and some things only bother me a tiny bit now, but nothing to write home about. To be honest I know that it's residual fear from when certain things that used to effect me badly to the point of near death, or dying. But this will go away soon like many things now have, and life is worth living and a big adventure, and not just an every day trial for me just to live for one more minute.
By accident I found a community of MCS sufferers on-line a few day's ago while looking for something else. Here is the .com address...
There are many like you and worse than you although I know that right now that's the last thing in the universe that you're going to believe, but don't give up. Have faith in yourself and your bodies infinite wisdom to heal in the right circumstances. And faith in yourself to learn how and what to do. It will come, the Universe will send the answer, all you have to do is just be willing to watch, listen and do. And bit by bit everything will fall in to place and you will get well. Never-mind 'diagnoses': your ears are the one that hears that.
Your Body knows nothing about it except to look for what it need's to repair itself. And remember you are way more than your body, you are not your body, you just reside in it. And neither are you anyone else or their diagnoses or trials, we are all unique. But one thing we all have in common is the capacity to heal and hang any diagnoses.
It's too easy to get disheartened just because your pain has now got 'a name?' This does nor sum up who and what you are and diagnoses? There are more misdiagnoses than correct ones and wrong survival time line's given. If they where correct then I should have died more times than a quarter of earth's population by now man!!!
There is lots of things at 'Planet Thrive' that will help you and you can get in touch and there are more than you know understand exactly what you are going through. In fact they considered themselves 'A Tribe' as they all know what each other is going through and here is some where where you will and can fit in and get help and support from as well as all of us here at EC.
Love and hugs xx Andrea C xxxx
You can purchase a $40 Ultrasonic Cleaner from Amazon plus a container of Lecithin Granules for about $15. An empty 32 or 48oz plastic bottle for mixing. Be sure to drink lots of water to help flush out the copper.
Last year I watched JFK shows. He had addisons and thyroid disease, also in terrible chronic pain, IBS and the rest. He ran a country, a family, extended family, affairs, was adored by many, but he could live in a house, be in the same room with people, could breathe. Of course, he took a long list of drugs to do this. No one could say his life wasn't full and rich despite the pain. But I don't know how to achieve anything when I can't get any improvement on any front no matter what I try. It might help if I was a religious person. Unfortunately, my father was a minister of the church and also very abusive so I haven't followed that path.
I only had 2 EDTA IVs because I can't go in a building or near other people. I have used suppositories and orally. My understanding is EDTA will pull out the heaviest metal first. I have every toxicity possible except mercury. My lead and cadmium did come down a bit. But in trying to understand this I understand sick people don't detox well. My liver stage 1 works too well, stage 2 is too slow, my bowels, gut, kidneys are all too slow so I would have just reinfected myself. Copper is best removed with zinc, I believe, and no surprise mine was very low. And if you're adrenals are bombed you will accumulate copper so I'm not sure how good any detox is if you're adrenals are dead. I hope this helps someone else. I used clays, zeolite, chlorella, cilantro, ST; apparently all too harsh for someone sick. And it didn't bring the levels down. Hope this helps someone else.
These are a new emerging health problem, especially affecting people who have spent a lot of time hiking, on farms, in gardens, around animals or dirt. Drink a couple glasses of cold water afterwards to rehydrate yourself and cool down. Do the Borax baths twice a day for 2 weeks and then a few times a week for maintenance - it may take a very long time to get rid of it entirely, but I have no doubt you will see quick improvement right after you start. Borax is cheap at the Dollar store. I have done this and know of others who have and it works every time.
You could also at the same time do other things that are helpful if you're able to such as alternating drinking different anti-parasitic teas (sweet annie/Chinese wormwood, rosemary, cilantro, etc.), use neem or tea tree soaps, pine tar shampoos, make an oil to spray on your skin mixing mineral oil or deep tanning oil (without any sun block) with 5-10 drops of clove oil and/or tea tree oil to apply to everywhere on your body, and avoid foods that feed bacteria or parasites and help them grow or create an acidic environment they thrive in - avoid coffee (instead drink black tea or lemon water with no sugar or herb teas), no soda, sugared drinks, no fruit juices (eat real organic or non-chemical-treated fruit and vegetables instead), no artificial sweeteners/chemicals, dyes, no white processed foods like white bread, white rice, pasta except 100% whole-grain, preferably rye, brown rice, sprouted or gluten-free.
Eat plenty of protein to build your cells like beans, seeds, nuts in salads, eggs, fish and lean meats, and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine - the UV kills the parasites too so don't wear sunscreen for at least a couple hours (and if you do make it natural/100% organic). Probiotics are also very helpful to add good immune-supporting bacteria to your system, and the best all-natural vitamin/nutrient product I've found that is potent and easy to take is the Alive powder shake with pea protein which comes in chocolate, vanilla, and green apple. It comes in a large canister and lasts a long time, can be expensive, but if you get it online it can be found on sale for about $20-25. Hope this helps & best wishes! :-)
I had read a vitamin B-6 deficiency could result in hair loss and fluid retention. Because it is important to take all the B's together, so you don't cause a deficiency in any of the others, you might get a high potency B-Complex supplement.
I would suggest taking Blackstrap Molasses because it is an excellent source BUT with what has happened to our food supply you have to be so careful not to get too much sugar from other sources.
Re the scalp condition et al...
To figure this out...if hormonal or a disturbed endocrine system or a fungal invasion, it would be helpful if you told us how this all started. Have you been on meds ... what and why....
I note the infection issue is present too. That is an indicator that maybe the heart of the problem is viral/fungal. If you just want to start up with attacking that aspect, it's easy enough...just get a bottle of colloidal silver and start topically applying to scalp as well as irrigating the sinus, ears and gargling. Drink two tablespoons twice daily. If this thing attacking you is viral, you'll start getting relief in a few days. You might have to be on the CS for six months to kill the virus...if the cause is a virus. I'm not convinced that the cause of your problem is viral/fungal.
Of course, that could be PART of the issue. So nothing lost in making sure no viruses are doing damage to an already damaged situation. I'm thinking endocrine system. Now it is totally possible to have an infection in one of those glands that compose the endocrine system. I presume your doctors have taken saliva samples to see what your endocrine is doing...correct?
But back to some basics...please tell us how this whole thing started...if with some sinus infection and then you started having scalp and headache issues (sinus)...then if the inception of symptoms was close to a bad infection, then I'd be blaming virus/fungus. Only one thing might indicate virus as the culprit...that sinus infection you mentioned. The CS will knock out the sinus infection. If it's quality CS. I use an ear syringe to squirt the CS deep into sinus cavity. That gets it into Eustachian tubes too where LOTS of bacteria/fungus/virus hide.
Please report back and give a detailed description of inception...back to before the bad symptoms you describe began. Was there a prior infection? Describe. HOW did symptoms first start?
I have a couple of thoughts. I imagine other posters here will have more thoughts and hopefully among them all you will be able to figure out what to do.
My first thought when you said that you had hair falling out was "infection." I have heard a couple of times of ladies who had a sickness and following it they had major hair fall out. Do you still have sinus infection symptoms? You could try Dave's colloidal silver irrigation of the sinuses and ears, or other ideas on the sinus infection page here at Earth Clinic.
You can also see the page on hair loss to try to encourage regrowth.
In the fall I was possibly exposed to lice so treated myself as if I had it. I used castor oil and coconut oil with tea tree essential oil on my scalp. I did have new hair growing in after a time. This may also help with an itchy scalp. I mixed a jar up with 1/2 cup castor and extra virgin coconut oils and added a teaspoon or two of tea tree essential oil. It is super duper messy. I would I carefully massaged it into the scalp and left it on a couple of hours (I wrapped my head in plastic and then a towel). It took a couple of washings to get it all out. I repeated a few times in a month on myself and daughters. Do this gently, though if you are losing hair.
My other thought, as soon as you said, ""Thirst, " was "Thyroid." I was having severe unquenchable thirst and found out it was because my thyroid was low. I have been using Lugol's iodine and companion nutrients for years. If I run out of iodine, my symptoms return after a while. There is a lot about it on Earth Clinic.
While you are trying to figure out what is going on, some extra vitamin C would be good. Also, a teaspoon or two of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar in a tall glass of water once or twice a day has helped so many with such a variety of problems, it would be an easy thing to try.
I would look for hidden sources of MSG in your diet as that can cause thirst.
Please let us know what you find out! I hope you are feeling better soon.
~Mama to Many~
I saw your post this morning but was unable to write until now. My heart goes out to you. I am sorry you are suffering so much.
I have been thinking of you since I read your post. Feeling hopeless is miserable, on top of terrible pain. What I do know is that of the people I have known in the past who were truly suicidal (made attempts but failed) all of them went on to live and indeed overcome their circumstances to an extent, some quite abundantly. While it never seems as if they will, things do always change.
Have you ever read the book, Joni by Joni Earekson Tada? It is an amazing book of human courage in the face of dreadful circumstances. In the 60's, Joni was in a diving accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. She was suicidal. She was 17 at the time. She has lived decades of a fruitful, though often full-of-pain life. She would say she is glad she lived.
I agree with the others who affirm that your life is indeed precious. And you yourself understand a need to have someone to whom you can show love, but cannot figure out how under your current circumstances.
This morning my family was at a nursing home where our family goes monthly to sing with the residents. I was sitting by a 20 something year old girl who is in there for life. She was in a care accident that left her paralyzed and brain damaged. Another lady is elderly and dying of I am not sure what. Each of the residents there has their story of pain. But many still sang and smiled and talked. Humans do have a pretty strong will to live and connect with others. I always leave that place feeling very blessed to be able to walk and do dishes etc, things I usually take for granted.
For me, my purpose in life is God and my fellow man. Whenever I take my eyes off of that, I am prone to sink into melancholy.
Even when I have been failed by humans in some way, I always have Jesus, the Rock of my strength. At my lowest times, He has sustained me. And He has known pain, too. "He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." When I am low, the Psalms are a comfort, especially singing them.
I will pray for your healing. I think Mr. Rhee's carrot juice plan sounds excellent if you can implement it. And I will pray for you to find a way to reach out to others. People that have suffered much often have much to give, as it sounds in your case.
Please keep us posted. Take it a day at a time. An hour at a time, or a minute at a time.
~Mama to Many~
Try organic carrot juice and only that for 30 days...I'm sure it will change your status...4-6 glasses a day, of course spread out...If you can't afford the organic buy regular carrots and wash throughly.
The other thing is to take sea salt baths daily..OR if you live near the ocean, go in for 45 minutes daily...
Please report back with the results...
I also, have been very ill for a long time, and have only recently begun to make some strides in recovery from a severe environmental illness much like your own (with the exception of extreme chemical sensitivity, although I may classify as moderate CS).
Now, back to your physical condition. It is very important to frame your beliefs & expectation around some point of possible wellness, however seeming impossible. Rsw has just been giving me that hope & encouragement that is beneficial for wellness. This works both ways. All my time here on E.C. is a getting/giving relationship. Part of your own recovery is going beyond yourself to help others, even if this involves only intent. Intent is another necessary aspect of the goal of wellness. And of course staying as positive as possible.
Back to specifics, have you not had EDTA chelation for the removal of the Copper?? Those Copper levels must come down somehow. Does Sodium Thiosulfate taken orally remove Copper? EDTA can also be LET'd and taken orally and will remove the Copper, but you must also replenish the body w/ broad spectrum mineral supplement. Calcium AEP & Hemp Oil have only recently made major improvements in me and I am sure I would be near dead or dead now without those natural remedies.
I can't have a pet to love. I have tried to find a purpose, something to live for or something to love but to no avail. EMFs prohibit me from using the computer for more than a few minutes, a phone never, I can't go near a person. I have no friends, family, place to live, work I can do, I can't sit up for long. I fail to find anything I can do or be. And since I've tried everything on here and the net (most making me worse) I have decided to give up. I am interested in how people are finding purpose.
thanks for the suggestions.
Before giving up, have you tried Medical Marijuana? I have had very good results w/ Hemp Oil/CBD for my severe environmental disease. These Cannabinoids are the ultimate total body & mind balancers. Our bodies (as well as many or most warm blooded animals) are created w/ Cannabinoid receptors of 2 types ---C1 and C2 which regulate most body systems.
Please do not give up until you try these suggestions.
21 yrs of torture, severe pain & allergic to everything including building materials so homeless for 5 yrs now. I cant take anymore. Theres no hope anymore. Ive been to every environmental this country and everyone else. 6 mg natural cortisol x 2 a day gives me the right cortisol levels on the blood tests. The problem is everything else is out of whack because of this illness. According to the lab Im the most copper toxic person in this country. I've got equivalent to 27 mg of amphetamines in my system constantly x more than a decade. What does that do to your nervous system? And I cant get it out. My liver, kidneys, bowels, digestion, immune, thyroid don't work properly. Im sick of all the supplements which have helped none. I dont want to do any meditation again ever. Or enemas or saunas and sit by myself all alone with nothing to do or nothing I can do. Because of the adrenals my na/k levels in my tissues are too low. That allows calcium to build up which is also very painful. How could I not be acidic with all that metal in me? Also painful. I eat alkaline but thats not enough. Ive had enough detoxing crap. Very very slowly it did remove some of the lead & cadmium but not the copper. And what about the hormones? After menopause all your hormones come from the adrenal glands. I have none. Try living without any hormones. Is anyone else with addisons able to manage their mineral balances? Is anyone else in screaming non stop pain? Anyone else this allergic? Or am I battling a heavy duty candida aswell causing these symptoms? If I am I cant get rid of that either. Ive done my will and I cant even think of anything I could eat for my last supper. Even food is awful.
About the Papaya: the leaf tea can be made with fresh leaves if you have access to a tree.
Also, if you are eating the fruit, chew on a few pips from the middle. It's supposed to do you good too.
And I can't seem to get the copper out. It might help a bit if I'm not putting it in by way of beet juice or coconut oil & the rest, coffee, choc, avocado, seafood.
Anyway, perhaps the pain would be less if my cells were being nourished.
Ill try papaya tea if I can find it. We call it paw paw here. Quite nice to eat with meals but it is very sweet.
Since pain is inflammation and turmeric and ginger are reported to reduce inflammation, I use both (1/4-1/2 tsp.) in water and sprinkle on food. In addition, I take blackstrap molasses in water or milk which also reduces inflammation.
I have been more coconut oil with a little salt-free butter. Binders and fillers in any medications/supplements could interact with each other. Because our food supply is now loaded with GMO's, in one way or another, it's becoming difficult to know how to eat safe. The GMO's are harder to digest and could also be contributing to your pain. The flowing or anti-caking agents also contribute. They are in common table salt and in various spices. This is only my opinion based on my piecemeal experience for over two decades. I hope some of this helps you.
And in 2007, my Mother who was dying from Cancer after having a Mastectomy, wheeled me into Hospital screaming in agony and they did nothing.
Neither did any Doctor, Neurologist, or every other 'Consultant' I saw and mentioned Lyrica too.
And two month's ago I was prescribed it again and in 24 hours I had huge peeling blisters all over my face and more agony. This has accelerated the 'skin shedding' and other problems.
Andrea C xxxxx
I still have problems escalating to the point I look like a 70 year old and usually look many years younger than my age and not a line or wrinkle. I look like an ancient leper!! Not to mention the agony of not being able to bear clothing on and wiping on a towel after washing, which I try to avoid. And my eyes and the skin around them are in a mess, and my body looks like a withered old lady. My teeth were and are still affected as is everything else. I am now after reading this and the link trying to find a solicitor to take it on in UK which is proving hard. Is there a USA Solicitor to anyone's knowledge who will act on behalf of a UK Citizen?
Thanks, Love Andrea C xxx
One of the major side-effects of Lyrica is skin sensitivity. See this link.
Lyrica was the replacement for the older medicine -- Gabin -- which is only a GABA analogue copy called gabapentin that contains the synthetic and more expensive form of GABA(Gamma-Aminobutyric acid) which is just a natural body vitamin. So why not save some money and avoid all those synthetic drug side effects by just take ordinary natural form of GABA instead? This, of course, will only help to manage your pain but will not cure your condition.
For a cure, taking Alpha Lipoic Acid(ALA), Brewer's Yeast and Milk Thistle might help you more. ALA and Brewer's Yeast (containing all the B Vits except B12) act to repair the nerves while Milk thisle and ALA will act to remove any residual synthetic drugs in your body that shouldn't be there.
Taken at mealtimes
Organic Brewer's Yeast -- One tablespoon twice a day with water at mealtimes, morning and evening. You can cook with it too -- it has a nice nutty flavour. You can also take B50 complex if you wish but Brewer's yeast is better I think because it is in the more natural form.
ALA -- 300 mgs taken twice a day at lunch and dinner.
Milk Thistle -- 500 mgs taken twice a day with meals.
L-Selenomethionine -- 200 mcgs twice a day with meals.
Vitamin B12 -- 1000 mcgs once per day. Take this as the lozenge or as the capsule(at mealtimes).
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) -- As the powder form -- 5 grams a day in a glass of water. Helps to repair skin and is a remarkable anti-inflammatory and pain killer. DMSO(Dimethylsulfoxide) has the same properties. You can buy MSM at any health store or from internet vendors such as
Selenium combined with methionine(or L-Selenomethionine) will help your body to to produce more cysteine and hence more glutathione in the body which will also help to detox any unwanted residual drugs causing side-effects from your body. Methionine also provides essential methyl groups which also help the Methylation Cycle and which also helps the body to detox.
I would also switch from using Gabin to using the more natural GABA. If you do this then the Milk Thistle and ALA -- which only expel xenobiotics(chemicals and synthetic drugs that the body does not recognize) -- will be able to more quickly remove all the residual synthetic chemicals causing any side-effects. The natural GABA that you supplement instead will not be expelled because the body will recognizes that it is a required natural vitamin.
Drinking tea or coffee would further deplete your B vitamins, so that is my guess as to why your symptoms worsen with caffeine use. Thiamin deficiency is also associated with decreased circulation to the brain, which may explain your brain fog.
It's funny--the Lyrica is for nerve pain, I take it, but it causes a vitamin B deficiency, which leads to nerve damage. Lots of pharmaceuticals seem to operate that way!
Hope that curing it is as simple as taking some B complex vitamins--best of luck.
I have been taking lyrica for nerve pain. I have noticed quite bad forgetfulness/brain fog along with the burning lately. I used to get along quite well with the drug, however lately I have been getting these side effects. It used to cost €80 euro and now it costs 33, so I am wondering if it may have anything to do with a change in ingredients? I know that burning is a side effect as this was stated in the leaflet, however I didn't think that it could possibly mean this bad of burning. I have googled the drug online and see that sun sensitivity can also be a side effect - not listed in the leaflet. I have been on it a couple of years. The burning actually seems to get worse when I take tea/coffee so I don't know if its the water thats adding to the problem or the caffeine itself.
The doctor has now prescribed me Gabin, which I started taking a few days ago. I still do experience some burning but I have started getting chills at the top of my back, and when I put on a sweater, it turns to burning, so I don't know that this one will be an option either. I also have sensory nerve damage which I tried peppermint oil for but it was not effective. Does anyone know of any natural remedies for nerve pain, as I think the drugs might not be the way for me to go anymore. How would you go about switching. I don't know that the ALA would be an option as I have lots of mercury fillings. Thanks again folks.
You might have taken medications for which you have high sensitivity to their side-effects. These meds might have caused nerve damage in your skin making your skin over-sensitive to both pressure and sunlight. Unfortunately you haven't told us what these meds are so we can't find out.
A possible approach for you might therefore be to take nutrients that expel xenobiotics -- that actively remove substances and chemicals in the body that the body does not recognize I.e. synthetic drugs. Supplementing nutrients like Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, Milk Thistle, MSM(Methyl Sulfonylmethane) will act to expel xenobiotics(drugs) from the body quickly and may well help to remove the cause of your problem. But this will take time depending on how long you took the meds.
Also please bear in mind that if you do take these xenobiotic-removing nutrients then they will also tend to remove ALL synthetic drugs from the body and will probably reduce the effectiveness of any current meds that you are supplementing now. So this may not be a workable option for you.
The only other thing that could have such an effect on the skin and nerves is probably excessive aspartame or neotame in the body. So if you are taking any form of sweetener like Equal or NutraSweet -- I would stop using these sweeteners now. The antidote to aspartame is taurine(an amino acid) which will help to remove the excess aspartame in the body.
Re the itching problem you relate... Google "itching 70 causes" an article with photos on "healthline"...
My big question is ... when did the problem start? Did anything proceed in time the onset? I mean some event like an infection; like starting with the meds you mentioned; like an insect bite/bites etc. That might help narrow the search for the cause.
How to use it: put a drop of honey on a piece of cotton and put it on the navel hole from night to morning, then remove it. you may suffer from bowel pain in the first few days but don't stop using it the pain will disappears in few days and you will notice difference change in your ailment it deserve a try.
The period of use this way may take month or more it is different from patient to another and severity of the disease.
Re your array of problems;
I'm so sorry you've been suffering so much. What a story.
As I first started reading your symptoms I immediately thought: Bet he's got food intolerance of some a carb issue. But reading on, the problems seemed to indicate not ONLY the possibility of food intolerances but also something more; like fungal or viral infestation.
Some hints; are you having chronic sinus congestion... or sensitivity/swelling/burning in the eyes or...constant ear canal irritation/ itching ... or scalp break out like intense itching or burning when certain foods are consumed. Any or part of that might indicate fungal issues. And often food intolerance goes with fungal infection.
On the more serious issues concerning pancreas et al I was guessing a serious viral infection might be causing that. You might have had a serious viral infection six months or a year prior to the first symptoms years ago; like mono/ staph ... chronic ear infection ... etc. If so, I'd suspect you have a virus issue.
So worse case... if this were me analyzing what you gave in your one post, I'd suspect:
1. Food intolerance plus aspergillus or another fungus probably one more at least. Candida is there too.
2. A Virus is working in the system which is a co-infection perhaps with the fungus and that also is causing so many of the problems.
I would if me; start taking two tablespoons of colloidal silver three times daily on empty stomach (long term).
Consult quickly with a microscopy analyst to read blood (see google "youtube live cell microscopy") to KNOW what is going on in the blood. If lots of fungus shows up your MD can also help with what to take to kill (nystatin for instance).
And the microscopy analyst should also be able to help you with exactly what foods you are sensitive to (not just allergic to)....I have 15 different foods that I do not digest well. Whereas my niece tested and she has only six or seven. I am very sensitive to wheat (to my distress) and am generally carb sensitive.
3. I'd also (and do now) take two HIGH potency digestive enzymes with each meal. At the health food stores I go to, only Digest Gold comes close to all the ingredients in my "TransFormation Digest Enzyme Supplement" which has a broad array.
First, none of these remedies have anything in their protocols that removes fungal biofilms. So the candida is able to hide away from the anti-fungals in these protocols and reappear after your stop the protocol. Second, most of these remedies concentrate on just removing candida from just the intestinal area. These protocols seem to completely ignore the fact that candida is dimorphic -- it has two different forms. The yeast form -- a saprophyte -- normally infests local areas like the intestines and skin. The fungal or systemic form -- a true parasite -- is able to infest the blood, organs and tissues. These two reasons also help to fully explain the inadequacy of these protocols and why the candida just keeps returning after you stop these store-bought and candida guru protocols.
As an additional protocol which might also help you, Dave from Fountain Inn has been experimenting with papaya. He has various serious allergies and reactions against spices and milk based products. He found that if he ate raw papaya fruit with ice cream or salsa(which normally cause his allergic reactions), he got no allergic reactions. Papaya contains papain, a protein digesting enzyme that is easily absorbed into the blood. Papain then works to properly digest foreign protein bodies in the blood caused by a leaky gut problem. With these foreign protein bodies quickly digested, neutralized and removed from the blood by papain -- no inflammation, no pain with no allergic reactions. This worked well for him, despite eating large quantities of spicy salsa and ice cream and chocolate at the same time as eating papaya(and mango). You can read about his papaya experiments here. So either eat papaya or take the papain enzyme(triple the advised dose) at every meal to help you cure your allergies.
To remove xenobiotics -- other poisons that the body does not recognize like xylenes, plastics etc which cause chemical sensitivities, then particularly turpentine and milk thistle would also be helpful as I've already mentioned. Molybdenum or molybdate would also remove the candida aldehyde poisons from your body. Once you heal your intestines, remove the foreign protein bodies and remove all other poisons and xenobiotics thus purifying the blood, your allergies and sensitivities should diminish and you should be able to better withstand the other candida protocols without such adverse reactions.
I've had literally close to a hundred docs & naturopaths over the years, more recently, new year, new doc, I had to try something different. These environmental docs think they can charge SO ... much but he's not with me. I already had all the tests done so he could see all the damage & poisonings etc. Other than increase my dosages he told me not to come back for 3 months. The only thing that is new to me from your suggestions is turpentine so it must be that. And all the other you suggested made no difference unless my dosage was too small.
best regards,
The most awkward problem that you have is your chemical sensitivities and allergies problem which is preventing you from taking healthy nutrients and food. So I would, for now, simply concentrate on healing the intestines, liver and kidneys and purifying the the blood. Take the drink that I advised for you in my last post(with or without the alkalizing ingredients -- take what you can) and take the borax water and the liver/kidney support nutrients as well. It's also very important to take the molybdenum at the advised higher dose if you can. This will act to sharply reduce the aldehyde poisons and will also help to reduce the excess copper in your body as well as helping to kill the candida and reduce the pain.
The excess ammonia in your blood is also quite a worry. This situation is evidence of heavy stress upon your liver, kidneys and your protein/urea pathways. I've already advised you to see Walter Last but if you cannot do this, then please try and find a more knowledgeable and compassionate naturopath or doctor in you own area to help you. I feel that you really need someone with you, by your side, who can assist you through these awful problems.
Remembering computers electricute me I managed to comb through info about turpentine or kerosine protocols. I saw parrafin oil mentioned. I used to take that to help with lifelong constipation until I saw somewhere it was petroleum and it tastes like it. Then again I dont like the taste of castor oil much either. It seems like the diggers low odour might be the best.
Thank you. I'm hoping after 50 years of hell this might finally work.
From what you describe, you seem to have the following problems:
Serious digestive and Intestinal Issues
Serious candida and bacterial issues
No Energy
High Copper toxicity in the body
Liver problems
Kidney/Addison's Disease/Adrenal Problems
Probable Thyroid issues
Not digesting proteins Stressed pancreas(low insulin)
Allergies/Chemical Sensitivities
The greatest and most serious problem that you have, mainly caused by your candida and other bacterial infections, is poorly functioning digestion and poor nutrient absorption in the intestines. The intestines is the throne of candida; this is where the majority of candida toxins are being pumped out into your intestines and your body; lack of nutrients in your blood(from poor digestion and absorbtion) together with inefficient excretory clearance of toxic waste by your stressed liver/kidney is what is causing the toxin build up resulting in all the mental, physical, hormonal and metabolic distress in your body; this is also what is putting such severe stress on organs like your liver and kidneys.
So, above all and as a priority, you must act and do all you can to revive and heal your intestines first. Then your body will not be poisoned from all those toxins and you can excrete the toxins quickly and properly. Your healed intestines will then be able to absorb all nutrients properly into the blood and organs via the blood in order to feed your own body properly. Healing the intestines like this will also stop chemical sensitivities and allergies which is such a huge problem for you.
Some suggestions for you.
If you can do it, obtain sodium molybdate and take 25 mgs a day with water for two weeks. This acts to kill candida, it removes copper and will neutralize all the candida aldehyde toxins rapidly. You should take this protocol, which is Ted's protocol, for two weeks on and then one week off in a cycle like that. If you cannot find sodium molybdate, use the ordinary molybdenum sold in the health shops. Buy molybdenum at the highest RDA dosage -- which is 900 mcgs -- and take that at least 3 times a day(outside mealtimes) if you can. You should also take 25 mgs zinc every day. Zinc also helps to get rid of excess copper in the body. Both Vitamin C and Manganese (mineral that supports SOD) will also help reduce excess copper in the body. See this link.
Supplement organic Aloe Vera Oil at mealtimes -- one teaspoon. The extracts from this plant are extremely healing for the body and for the intestines. Aloe vera works to heal no matter whether you have an alkaline or acid body. It's a healer and a balancer that also acts to kill candida and bad bacteria. Another beneficial oil -- especially healing for allergies -- is organic Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa). Taken with meals -- one teaspoon.
Here is a drink that will help you with your candida issues. In a glass of water, add the following:
MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane)-- One teaspoon -- Supplies essential sulfur to the body. Helps to heal the intestines. Heals allergies as well.
5% Lugols Iodine -- 6 drops. The benefits of iodine are too numerous to list but here are some of them: kills candida and bacteria, supports healthy thyroid, supports proper bone formation, needed for proper digestion, ammunition for the immune system. Work up to the full dosage slowly!! Follow the guidelines for iodine supplementation and take the extra nutrients shown here: Guide to?Supplementing with Iodine.pdf
Ascorbic Acid-- 1/4 teaspoon.
Lemon Juice-- one lemon
Add sodium bicarbonate until the fizzing stops -- this creates the alkaline form -- ascorbate(anti-oxidant) and citrate(for energy) which are highly beneficial for the body. If you have sodium issues then you should take potassium gluconate to balance the sodium. Take this drink twice a day outside mealtimes.
Other remedies to try:
Borax Water (as shown on EC) -- Kills candida and mycoplasma, removes fluoride, helps bone formation, and rebalances hormones. Superb anti-fungal and parasite killer.
Magnesium Chloride as Magnesium OiL. 10 drops twice a day with water at mealtimes. Helps to regulate excess calcium in the blood and does 300 other useful things in the body. If you can't find mag oil -- use magnesium citrate -- 250 mgs twice a day.
The Pure Gum Turpentine or Kerosene Protocol. This protocol kills a huge range of pathogens including candida and parasites. It is also the only protocol I know of that can efficiently get rid of candida and bacterial biofilms in the intestines. See the Turpentine section on EC for dosages. Normally turpentine is supplemented at one teaspoon a day three times a week. It is normally taken mixed with either molasses or honey and castor oil. The castor oil also kills the candida but also helps to spread the turps throughout the intestines. Word of warning: if you are heavily infested with candida then you will get a Herx reaction from this remedy -- so start small and go slow with the dosages. See this link:
Poor Digestion-- Take betaine HCL with pancreatic enzymes (pancreatin)at every meal. Also eat papaya fruit at every meal. Papaya contains papain which will digest proteins in either an acid or alkaline environment. Add BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) to your diet. This will help to fix allergy problems and will also help tp boost protein digestion.
Liver/Kidney Support-- Alpha Lipoic Acid(300 mgs twice a day at meals), Milk Thistle (500 mgs twice a day at meals) and Selenium(200 mcgs twice a day at meals). You can also eat 4 to 6 brazil nuts a day to obtain proper daily amounts of selenium and glutamine.
Adrenal and Thyroid Problems-- As well as Lugol's Iodine, I would also consider using bio-identical hormones from porcine or bovine sources. This is really the quickest way to improve your adrenal and thyroid issues. But you will have to get tested and recommendations first from a qualified naturopath on this.
Enemas-- If you are taking molybdenum to remove copper then coffee enemas that you say contain copper become a non-problem. For the coffee enemas you should really be using ground organic coffee beans. All sorts of pathogens can hide away and become untouchable in the lower intestines -- including parasites and candida. Enemas will get rid of this hiding place and help to clear out and make your lower intestines healthy again. Coffee enemas also expel all the toxic waste that tends to accumulate in and stress the liver. That's why coffee enemas are so important and beneficial -- because it helps the body to excrete and get rid of liver toxins fast.
Another suggestion for you. Walter Last, a well-known Australian alternative healer, lives not far from Melbourne and his views on candida and problems such as yours are knowledgeable and honest. If you can, I would try contacting him in your area as a reliable naturopath for some support.
Liver profile, phase 1 too high, phase 2 too low. I don't know what to eat because my copper levels are extraordinary!! I have read what high copper does to you. All the veges I eat have copper. I have addisons disease and it is advised that protein be eaten at each meal. But I have so much trouble eating it. I can't digest it. The lighter proteins (fish & poultry) I am allergic to. Grains I am allergic to. I don't eat much carbs which may be a good thing if I can't metabolise it. I am in ketosis (also on my lab report which is not necessarily a good thing).
I got a stool test back recently that also confirms I'm not digesting. and that I have no good bacteria, 1 strain, I think. That's not good news. So I found an 8 strain live 30 billion and take that twice a day.
For a new year, I went to a new Dr.(environmental). Not much help except to increase most of the supplements I'm taking which haven't helped. And my dheas was almost nil. My adrenals are dead. They produce almost nothing. But I take estrogen, progesterone, dheas, testerone bioidentical troche but I am converting the dheas straight to testerone. Some think progesterone should be taken for 14 days a month, others 25 and I take it the whole month.
Here I can't go into a shop and get any of these things in a cream like you can. Or order them off the internet. They're banned. So getting a different form of dheas is not easily achieved. From what I read dheas is responsible for, it seems like it is not a hormone you want to be without. I just read an article that says for adrenal people vitamin B, C, stimulating herbs such as licorice, ginseng, hormones such as dheas, pregnegelone are all too stimulating. And now I'm even thinking that salicylates are probably a problem for me.
That would give me nothing to eat. I was using coffee enemas (organic) to try to clear my liver but that seems a joke too. Coffee is full of copper and I don't believe you don't absorb in your rectum. Then there's the train of thought that enemas wash out the good bacteria. Being too acidic is often blamed for osteoperosis, which I have, and calcium lying around in your tissues. But copper can do that too. And it seems I have alkaline tissues everywhere. Alkalising with lemon and bicarb was excruciating. I did a lemon fast for a day. That was excruciating too. I can't get the copper out. From what I gather, that is probably not possible until the adrenals are healed. Which I have been told is not going to happen.
I feel totally in despair. Im sorry I've covered a few topics here but I don't know what to eat. I've tried most of the remedies here but I didn't know I had such a copper problem and many of the remedies have a lot of copper in them (eg. coconut oil). So eat? supplements? hormones? and if I have no good bacteria candida must have taken over. I have a very coated white tongue (20 yrs or more). I asked the doc if that was candida to which he replied no. I wasn't digesting anything.
James Loh
I'm not Ted but just a question relative to your daughter's condition. You do not give any of her history...medical, physical or anything else that might help Ted figure out what is going on...or for that matter anyone else who would want to help her. For instance, has she been on medication of any kind? Statins in the last year? Any history of A Fib? Any history of serious infection (mono, strep etc)? If an infection (a memorable and serious infection...what was it and where in the body)...Any accidents in the past year?
And...When was onset of the headaches? Does she think the headaches are related to the rest of the problems? Is she depleted of energy? If so, did the energy depletion coincide with the onset of the other symptoms?
You said she had an MRI of the head...nothing of the spine that might be showing lesions?
There are two parts to good analysis: First an accurate diagnosis and Second a possible array of either cures for the problem or "helps" to alleviate symptoms.
The more clues you can give Ted, the better he (or others) can give you good suggestions.
James Loh
My current conditions:
- have hot and cold fever long
- stuffy nose if hot / warm
- sleep sitting / slanting a lot
- stomach ache when hungry
- splashed water everytime overheated
- easily cold
Re your son's condition...
My take on this: Your son's instinct is correct. He contracted an STD of a viral nature maybe fungal that is not registered as regular STD.
He is suspecting this (ask him if I'm right) because of the proximity in time between his relation with the former girlfriend and the onset of his symptoms. I'm guessing that is why he suspects STDs.
Well, so assume it is correct; that means he's gotten infected and so has his wife from an unknown virus or fungus.
I'd use LOTS of Colloidal Silver... four to five tablespoons daily on empty stomach AND Echinacea ... five drops in glass of water, three times daily for a full month. Use the liquid Echinacea. Also if me, I'd get DMSO and take ten drops of that and mix with equal amount of Echinacea drops and apply topically over the spleen. The DMSO will carry the Echinacea into the skin and into the spleen and kill the infection. I'd do that topical application three times a week for a month.
He will know this is working within a week because his energy level will begin returning. But the infection is all in his body so he must stay on the CS for six months.