Last year, I received a letter telling me Dr. Langsjoen has retired. However, there is a YouTube video (from 2012) of Dr. Langsjoen explaining CoQ10 and how it works.
As an aside to your suggestion (which I know you have to make) to discussing the use of NK, K2 and GSPE to lower cholesterol and minimize atherosclerosis, they won't even consider that as an option.
In 2022, I was having shortness of breath and fatigue. I went to my husband's cardiologist. He didn't know what was causing it, so he ordered a heart cath. I went into it thinking since I'm over weight with high cholesterol, I would have blocked arteries. I was shocked to learn that my arteries were perfectly clear.
I have been taking NK since 2012 to prevent stroke, due to a strong family history of stroke (maternal grandfather, maternal 1st cousin and younger brother). I started with 100mg, but after six years started having a weird feeling in my head. As a retired RN, I did my own assessment and research and realized I might be feeling a precursor to a stroke. So, I increased my dose to 200mg (4000fu) per day, and within hours that feeling went away. Then, last year, I started getting that same feeling. Again, I increased by 100mg (2000fu). By the next day that feeling was gone and hasn't come back. So, now I'm taking 4000fu at night and 2000fu in the morning and will continue to do so.
I have spoken with two Cardiologists and 3 PCPs about the effectiveness of NK for preventing stroke and atherosclerosis, mentioning that there are hundreds of clinical trials verifying that. All of them shake their heads, dig their heels in the ground, and say, “There is no conclusive evidence that it works.” They refuse to even consider NK as an option for lowering cholesterol and preventing stroke or atherosclerosis. And without fail, they want to put me on statins!!! That's a hard NO!!! Not going to happen!!!