Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic, p. 280, Volume 29,1892
Dr.J. Hermann ( Wiener med. Presse, No. 26,1892) speaks very highly of cranberries in the treatment of rheumatism, both acute and chronic. This berry has long been employed in popular medicine as an anti-rheumatic remedy. The writer had a case of chronic rheumatism which had resisted the salicylates and all the ordinary remedies. The decoction of cranberries was given, and after a few weeks a striking improvement set in, to be followed by a complete recovery in two months. The remedy was also tried in nine other cases, of which six were acute and three chronic. All these had been treated in vain with the salicylates and the various preparations of iodine, as well as with warm baths. The berry was employed in the form of a decoction, thirty to sixty grammes ( 1 to 2 ounces) of the entire plant-leaves, stalk and root-to 180 grammes (6 ounces) of water. This is drunk in twenty-four hours. The duration of the treatment was from one to three months. Out of the nine patients seven were cured, while in two the remedy failed. In all the nine cases a slight diuretic effect was noticeable. It is advisable to continue the use of the decoction for some time after the disappearance of the symptoms, in order to prevent the appearance of relapses.
How I suggest to use this remedy: Cranberries have anti-inflammatory effects, thanks to their high amounts of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins and flavanols, which give cranberries their dark hue. “Antioxidants have been shown to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases because they can help lower inflammation in our bodies, ”.
Take a handful of cranberries – 20-30 berries (frozen is OK and the way I use them) and place them into a blender. Add 8 oz. apple cider to blender. Optional but adds potency to the mixture are 1 tsp. Cinnamon, 1 tsp. Ginger powder, 1 tsp. Turmeric powder. Blend mixture til uniformed and drink as a smoothie daily before bedtime. Do this for 1 – 3 months