Rheumatoid Arthritis
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effective Solutions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

3 User Reviews
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1 star (2) 

Posted by Mebeingme (Sarasota, Fl, Usa) on 07/30/2011

I've been taking Apple Cider Vinegar & baking soda for 7 days now Three days ago I started one of my worst flares of RA ever. Is this to be expected and do I need to stop or is this a "good" sign?


Replied by Gavin
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)

In an old book called "secrets of the wardmaster"the author claims that a RA flare up is easily contained by taking baking soda untill the ears ring.. And then go to bed and sleep it off. When you awake the attck should be over.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Crystal (Mount Vernon, Indiana) on 08/23/2007

I am 29 and have been diagnosed with severe RA. I was diagnosed bout 2 years ago. I am trying the ACV remedy. I have been taking 2 TBLS of ACV with a 1/4 tsp baking soda for about 2 weeks now. I have not had any results as of this time. I was just wondering if it should have shown some kinda change in pain or weight loss by now. I also tried the ACV soak on my wrist, it helped for maybe 10 minutes. I'm getting discouraged about using the ACV. I am considering not using the ACV anymore.

Replied by Martha
(Mattapoisett, Ma)

To Crystal from Mount Vernon Indiana, I have been taking 2 teaspoons of ORGANIC apple cider Vinegar and 2 tsp Organic honey and 1/4 tsp baking sodA FOR 3 DAYS AND MY RA SYMPTOMS HAVE ALMOST COMPLETELY GONE AWAY, SO TRY THAT COMBINATION INSTEAD OF Tablespoons of ACV and no honey..Add the honey to your recipe.....I can't believe how much better I am , it's been 6 months of constant pain, I can even wear my rings again!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Dietary Changes

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Dona (San Kose, Ca) on 09/20/2017

I have RA, and I tried everything. Out of all what I've tried these what have helped me: Low Dose Naltrexone (this drug has hardly any side effects, and a cheap drug. It helps the body to heal itself). I started taking Raw organic apple cider vinegar with honey & water a few days ago. I can see the swelling & pain on my fingers & wrists improved a lot. I believe it has to do with ACV. If it is that, taking ACV would be the biggest thing that helped me so far; I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The other things have helped me were not eating gluten, following sort of ketogenic diet (eating very less carbs), and getting 8 hour sleep, taking early dinner, and doing regular mild to moderate exercise. Hope this would help for all out there looking for help. All the best for a quick remission!

Black Cherry Juice

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Posted by Myrranda (Kentucky) on 03/16/2014


I have discovered that ham makes the joints in my fingers stiff, swell, and hurt. So, I threw what I had left in the garbage, never to buy it again. Good quality black cherry juice makes it go away. One to two tablespoons a day, but like certain supplements its not to be over done (like dont turn it up and drink half the bottle). Can be found in most healthfood stores and some grocerys where the vitamens are.

Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Linda (North Carolina) on 09/23/2013

Will Blackstrap Molasses counteract with an 82 year old who is taking potassium, nexium, and other over the counter meds?. She is becoming non mobile due to RA. What dosage is recommended? Thank you.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Linda,

Because Blackstrap Molasses is a nutrient dense food and not a supplement, I think it would be compatible. Of course, some foods do not agree with some people, so it wouldn't be 100% certain, but a very safe option to try. I would start with 1 teaspoon, morning and evening. If that agrees, the next week, try 2 t. morning and evening. If this is a small person, that may be enough. Otherwise, you could go up to 1 T. the next week, morning and evening. If diarrhea is a problem, you should know that Blackstrap can have a laxative effect. Blackstrap does have potassium in it, and I suppose could affect the need for a potassium supplement.

I noticed here on Earth Clinic that Nettle Tea has been helpful to someone for RA. I mention this because it is another very safe thing to try. Nettles used to be a "spring tonic" for people. They would cook the fresh nettles in the spring and eat them for health. My daughter had symptoms of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis a year and a half ago. She was also having trouble with asthma, as well, I was giving her nettles (because it cured my son of asthma) for her asthma, in addition to a number of things I was trying to help her arthritis. Perhaps the nettles also helped her arthritis. She has been symptom free of that for over a year. If you decide to try the nettle tea, try 1 cup per day at first and move up to 2-3 cups per day. It would be compatible with the Blackstrap.

Our family has found Blackstrap (and nettles! ) to be helpful for many things. I hope you find that to be the case as well!

Please let us know how it goes.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Sheri

I would look into Rheumatoid Solutions. Basically, exercise is proven in case study to reduce inflammation (stationary bicycle) and eating Whole Foods, high in nutrients, also intermittent fasting. I start eating around 1:00pm and it's reduced my pain and swelling. I avoid oils and most animal products and refined sugars. You will see swelling go down in one to two weeks. You will wake up feeling less pain!


6 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by chickenpatti13 (U S) on 01/18/2024

I started taking Borax to remove the fluoride from my bones more than 10 years ago. At that time, I was having to get pain shots almost monthly so I could walk due to rheumatoid arthritis.After starting Borax, I didn't notice any changes right away but I quit taking it after a couple of months because I ran out of bottled water. Within 2 weeks in July, I woke up, could hardly move&was so sore&stiff&in pain. As a former nurse, I started looking at what changed&I kept coming back to the Borax. After a little more research, I learned Borax was an old time arthritis treatment.I started taking it again&went back to no pain or stiffness in my bones&continue to this day. I put 1/8th teaspoon in my coffee at least 5 times a week. People have seen me before&after Borax & I tell them what I do&I get crazy looks.No one else will try it but I digress. While I'm still chasing chickens&climbing into tree stands, they can barely get off their couch.The best part about Borax-relief from arthritis symptoms, no more pain shots & no side effects like many arthritis medications. My doctor is amazed because she thought I'd be in a wheelchair by now. I'm almost 60 y o&I'm not going to let arthritis ruin the rest of my life. My question is-is arthritis today a real disease or is it consequences of drinking fluoridated water?

Posted by KDMR (Ontario, Canada) on 10/30/2023

Seeing exciting improvements with Borax but days off are hard

I have been doing the borax protocol, 1/8 tsp per day in a litre of water, for almost 3 weeks (for RA). I am seeing gradual improvements that have me very excited and hopeful. However, I find that the days off (i.e., 5 on, 2 off) are quite difficult. It's like I go right back to pre-borax days... even if I just take one day off. Makes me want to do 7 days a week. Thoughts? I am wondering if I should increase dose? Or just do every day for awhile?? Fyi I am a woman, 59. I am in quite bad shape without the boron. I have lost faith in doctor's / drug company's treatments and so am not on any for the RA. I do also take CBD oil, which is helpful, too. Thank you.

Replied by Deirdre


When I was treating my trigger finger with borax, I did the protocol every day with NO days off for the first 4-5 months. I also upped the dosage from the women's dosage to the men's 1/4 teaspoon borax dosage after a week or two, feeling 1/8 teaspoon was not enough. I started to get faster improvements after that. So, in my personal opinion, yes, you can do this. After a number of months, perhaps 4-5 months, I cut back to doing the protocol once in a while with several weeks of breaks in between. It did take about 4 months of every day borax tonic to get optimal results. I needed surgery on my thumb at the point where I started the borax protocol after two rounds of cortisone shots wore off (each lasting a year to 8 months of relief).

(Ontario, Canada)

Hi and thank you so much for your reply. It is good to know someone else successfully went daily with the dose, as I think that's what I need to do for now. I'll also keep in mind the higher dose option. Your reply helps me with my decision, and makes me feel less alone in this. Thank you. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well.

(Sydney, Australia)
63 posts

I have gone through periods where I have taken the protocol daily for extended times too. I follow the 5 on 2 off now but was so bad with mold previously, I couldn't take the 2 days off and I was fine. It really helped. I've increased the dosage a little too so probably almost 1/4 tsp now.

(Ontario, Canada)

Thank you for letting me know this, I appreciate it.

Replied by Art
2390 posts


It sounds like your second choice is a good one. Start out at everyday and once your pain is well managed take one day off and then when you feel ready, add the second day off to the first day off.

Since people with RA are at increased risk for osteoporosis, it is good to know that borax also works against osteopenia and osteoporosis.


(Ontario, Canada)


Thank you for replying. It is good to get some feedback on this, and to know that it's not unheard of to have to begin with every day dosing. I will give this a try and post an update in awhile, if I can figure out how to do that lol.

2390 posts


Thank you for the feedback and I look forward to your updates!


Posted by David K. (Minnivale, Western Australia) on 09/02/2022

A friend had chronic rheumatoid arthritis for a long time before I met the family. I told him to try taking boron in the form of borax, but because of the label on the container, would not - even though I showed him that I take it every day as 'preventative' medicine. So essential as our soils are deficient in it - the reason why sheep and cattle suffer from arthritis.

I showed him the on line publication, "The Borax Conspiracy" which while remaining hesitant, decided to ask his specialist if it was OK to take it.

The reply was, "If it does not do you any good, it will certainly not do you any harm." So he took ¼ teaspoon for two weeks, after which he was pain free and off all his medication for which had to have blood tests every 3 months'.

When he said to the specialist, "I suppose you will recommend this to all your patients?" The reply was: "I am not allowed to." Of course, so many people make money as a result of the suffering of other people.

Posted by Veronica (Tilbury, Ontario, Canada) on 09/29/2017

Editor's Choice

My husband and myself have started drinking one 500 ml of borax water a day. My husband uses 1/4 teaspoon mixed into 1 500 ml of bottled water. I take 1/8 teaspoon mixed into 1 500 ml of bottled water and have been doing so for a little over a week and the results already are amazing. We drank this for 5 days in a row and go off 2 days. I suffer from RA (autoimmune disease) OA, fibro and a small list of other ailments. To make a long story short we are both feeling amazing and not only the swelling but the pain has subsiding immensely. We will both continue on this regium for life!

Posted by Shaz (Nsw Australia) on 07/02/2017

RA: Used borax drink for 6 months, was in remission. Now it's not working, any ideas as to why? Plz and thank you.

Replied by Art
2390 posts

In reply to Shaz (Nsw Australia),

I have a friend who tried borax for his arthritis and it had no effect at all in terms of reduction of symptoms, but he did get other health benefits from it so he has continued to take it everyday. People here on EC have reported as much in the past. Apparently arthritis can have more than one cause and I imagine it is possible to have two different causes at the same time or in close proximity to each other and borax does not seem to be able to deal with all causes even though many people report benefit, as you already know.

Many people believe that a mycoplasma organism may be one cause, but if this is correct, there are at least 17 of these that have been isolated through research and I doubt that borax could be effective against all and this may be a contributing factor as to why borax does not offer any help for some people with arthritis.

There is not much research in terms of borax and arthritis other than the original work done by Dr. Rex Newnham and of course Ted who advocated a higher dose than Dr. Newnham. You didn't say what dose you are taking. Are you taking Ted's recommended dose or Dr. Newnhams?

Dr. Newnham's dose was not fully effective for me over time, but Ted's dose has been effective for me for years.



HI, just wondering who the TED you referred to is please?!! would be interested to read about his dosage recommendations and any accompanying research, many thanks in advance!

Replied by Denise
50 posts

Hi Melanie,

Ted's remedies are at this link. I am fairly new here so I can't tell you much other than he has given tons of information for us to study. Others than know him better can tell you much more than I. Here's the link;) I've already used several of his suggestions myself:


Posted by Milton (Miami, Florida) on 04/26/2017

I cured my rheumatoid arthritis in 4 weeks with borax. It had no effect for 19 days then on day 20 I could feel it working. I put 1/4 tsp in glass luke warm water and drink it in morning. Borax, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax is low risk. Lot of people have taken it. Research it. To be on safe side just know what boron overdose symptoms are.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Daza (Mackay, Australia) on 01/19/2013

Boron cured my RA. I no longer take any meds and live a fully active life without pain. It has a lower toxicity than Table Salt. The docs don't want you to know this as they will be out of a job. I had severe RA for 5 years. The docs ended up poisoning me with their so called remedy. You can get boron or borax tablets.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Daza, I was wondering if you took the borax laundry detergent amount, as suggested here, or if you took the 3 mg capsules? If you took the capsules, how many did you take each day and at what time during the day for each one? Thanks for your post. To others on Earth Clinic, do you think the capsules also kill off candida and pathogens in the same way the laundry detergent does or are they much lower in dosage (supposedly 9 mg/day, max) than the borax laundry detergent in a liter of water solution? Thank you. I am always confused about the number of mg of borax in a liter of water at 1/8 teaspoon per liter.

Replied by Rob

Boron, Borax, and Boric acid are all related compounds that contain boron (known as borates) which are compounds that come from the element boron, a naturally occurring crystalline element:


An element that can affect how the body handles other minerals. It can be ingested through food, but high exposure can be harmful.


A naturally occurring mineral that's a salt of boric acid. It's made up of sodium, oxygen, and boron, and is found in cleaning products, laundry detergents, and ant and roach killers. Borax is also a common ingredient in homemade slime.

Boric acid

A more refined and processed boron compound that's used in chemical products. It's created by mixing borax with other minerals, and is commonly used as an insecticide. Boric acid is also used in eye wash products and as a remedy for yeast and fungal infections.

Both borax and boric acid are toxic to people in large dosages and animals if ingested, and should be handled with extreme caution around children and pets.

Boron is a successful treatment option for arthritis and in more than 95% of cases, significant improvement was noticed as it effectively increased calcium integration into the cartilage and bones. With increasing age, the bones might become weak and porous, and it can stem this deterioration by ensuring that calcium levels are maximized and used effectively.

Some animal and human studies support the anti-inflammatory effects of boron on arthritis. Early research also suggests that it may help reduce the severity of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Boron is also beneficial for your bones and joints, too. Studies have shown that boron plays an essential role in keeping your bones and joits functioning optimally by helping your body metabolize important minerals such as calcium. In the 1980's under media influence, people started to believe boron can cure osteoporosis and arthritis, increase muscle mass and more.

The “boron vitamin” as it's commonly referred, is actually a trace mineral. Boron allows certain nutrients within your body to perform at their best.

Boron helps reduce inflammation — even harmful (and painful!) osteoarthritis, which is inflammation of the joints. It does this by turning itself into a signal suppressor that stops the activities of certain enzymes involved in the inflammatory process, curbing the inflammation.

source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/(SICI)1520-670X(1999)12:3<221::AID-JTRA6>3.0.CO;2-X

Dr. Newnham's research proved that after Borax supplementation an individual's bones were much harder and stronger. With additional Boron, bone fractures healed in half the normal time in both man and animal. Horses and dogs with broken legs, and even a broken pelvis, fully recovered. A young girl, aged 9 months, with juvenile arthritis was supplemented with Boron and she was essentially ‘cured' by Dr. Newnham in 2 weeks.

Boron's power in controlling inflammation is well known in many parts of the world, especially in Europe. There, boron is often prescribed as a remedy for osteoarthritis — many people supplementing with boron have reduced, and even eliminated, their osteoarthritis symptoms altogether.

AnchorAnchorAnchorAnchor Epidemiological evidence, case reports, and controlled animal and human studies have provided evidence for the use of boron as a safe and effective treatment for osteoarthritis (OA).52–54 Examining the relationship between boron administration and OA prevalence around the world, researchers discovered that in areas where boron intake is greater than or equal to 1 mg/d, the estimated incidence of arthritis ranges from 20% to 70%. In contrast, in areas where boron intake is usually 3 to 10 mg/d, estimated incidence of arthritis ranges from 0% to 10%.55 The boron concentration has been found to be lower in the femur heads, bones, and synovial fluid of OA patients compared with individuals without OA.56

source 52-54-55-56: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4712861/#b52-35-48

Since 1981, 7 occasional reports have appeared suggesting that boron can ameliorate or prevent arthritic symptoms. Based on limited observations in several countries, Newnham14 reported that the occurrence of arthritis is negatively correlated with the amount of boron in the soil and in the food and water supply. In areas where daily boron intakes were typically ≤1.0 mg, the estimated incidence of arthritis ranged from 20% to 70%. In areas where daily boron intakes ranged from 3 to >10 mg, the estimated incidence of arthritis ranged from 0% to 10%. Newnham also stated that arthritic dogs, horses, and cattle given 3 mg of boron for every 25 kg of body weight generally showed improvement in 2 to 4 weeks. This observation apparently has not been confirmed by controlled experiments. Although the evidence in these early reports by Newnham14 is weak, his suggestion that boron can help alleviate arthritic symptoms could have some merit. In a double-blind study conducted in Australia, 20 patients with confirmed osteoarthritis were given a placebo or a supplement providing 6 mg of boron daily for 8 weeks; 15 patients completed the study.15 Of the 7 patients consuming the boron supplement, 5 reported improved subjective measures for their arthritic condition (eg, less pain on movement), whereas only 1 of 8 patients consuming the placebo reported an improvement in their arthritic condition. Shortly thereafter, it was reported that boron concentrations in bone and synovial fluid were lower in rheumatoid arthritis patients than in healthy controls.16 A recent study of 20 patients with mild, moderate, or severe osteoarthritis also found that boron supplementation alleviated subjective measures of arthritis.17 Patients with mild to moderate arthritis supplemented daily with 6 mg of boron as calcium fructoborate (a naturally occurring boron complex commonly found in fruits and vegetables) reported markedly reduced pain. By week 8,80% of the test participants reduced or eliminated their use of painkillers. Joint rigidity essentially disappeared, and mobility was markedly increased at 8 weeks. Patients with severe arthritis, who were supplemented daily with 12 mg of boron as calcium fructoborate, exhibited a more subdued improvement in mobility and rigidity but still reported a significant reduction in the use of painkillers. These findings, however, are weakened by the nonblinding to treatment and lack of placebo controls. Interestingly, Keshan-Beck disease (characterized by degeneration of the articular cartilage between joints) has been associated with low boron concentrations in hair18 and with deficient boron in soils and crops in China.19

source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2156587211407638

Rex Newnham's research on Boron indicates that generally people are healed from their arthritis pain, swelling and stiffness in approximately 1 to 3 months. He also stated that many patients with arthritis commonly experienced a Herxheimer reaction, which is an early aggravation of symptoms with increased pain for a short period of time (you may feel worse before you feel better). It is commonly due to toxins being released by killed Candida and mycoplasma. This is very common with antimicrobial therapy, and borax definitely is an exceptionally good and strong fungicide. Dr. Newnham regarded Herxheimer as a good prognostic sign indicating that the body was healing.

Note by Rob: My personal experience using Boron tablets. A few years ago I bought Boron tablets from Vitamin Shoppe 3mg 100ct. Took the whole bottle and showed no effect.

Recently, I decided to try Boron again but from a different manufacture, "Bronson Boron" 3mg 250ct on Amazon. They were half the price of Vitamin Shoppe.

In 24 hours after taking the first tablet (I was also ingesting raw minced garlic on toast, too), I could see a BIG different in my pain and stiffness levels in my joints. Especially in my hip joint.

Conclusion, just because you buy from a big company does not mean better. Doctors will never tell you about simple vitamin and mineral deficiency; they are pill pushers, no money in cheap things. And never give up

Calcium and Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bill (Boston, Ma) on 05/20/2016

Amazingly Coconut oil!

I have had pain all over for 7 months. Started with knees, feet, spread to hips arms and shoulders and really all over. My left arm at the elbow very painful. I just turned 60 in great health never smoked drank really took care of myself all my life eating very healthy with occasional indulgences.

I believe what I have it Rheumatoid Arthritis which really comes and goes but now has been with me constant for 2 months and painful.

2 weeks ago I started on Calcium 1 teaspoon a day and also 7 days ago I started on coconut oil extra virgin natural.

I eat 3-4 tablespoons a day 2 in morning 2 in evening. I heat up the oil (because it is paste) and then drink it but take water immediately after because of the taste is a little hard to swallow.

Well it's been 7 days and the coconut oil and my pain has reduced significantly, maybe 75%.

I don't really know what has caused the pain to reduce so much but it had to be one of those 2 things Coconut and/or the Calcium.

I take Calcium Carbonate (NOW) and Coconut oil (Natures way).

Something is working and I am very happy about it. I also have a good diet you must do both or one bad will cancel one good.

I also juice. Spinich, carrots, ginger and maybe an apple.

But I have to give the credit to Calcium and Coconut oil. I also took a bath in the oil this morning, felt good because what you put on your skin goes in your body.

I also oil pull. Using Coconut oil with water and a little Baking soda for 5-10 minutes cleaning my mouth esp before bed. The mouth can hide and breed many diseases.

That's my story.



1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Regina (Marietta, GA) on 08/11/2023

When I figured out that I have RA I did a lot of research and found that capers are loaded with Quercetin. I bought a jar of organic capers from Costco and began to eat 2-3 Tablespoon per day, or sometimes more. After a few days I could feel a big difference in my pain level, and after a few weeks I would not have any pain any more at all. I followed this protocol for about a year and thought my RA was cured since I didn't have any symptoms. So, I stopped taking it. Shortly after discontinuing it, my RA came back but not with much pain. I was getting tired of eating so many capers every day that I incorporated only about a teaspoon per day or nothing at all. I also dipped into chocolates and sweets much more often than I should, and ate lots of breads, rolls, noodles, etc., etc. You get the picture. This was probably the time when my Hashimoto's started to creep in. I have started again with my capers routine because I know it works, but it does not cure RA. Quercetin is a Flavonoid and a very powerful antioxidant, which combats inflammation, but it does not cure anything by itself. It is a bandaid only. You have to find the cause (very likely a leaky gut) and take it from there. In the mean time the Quercetin in capers will help you to be pain free, or close to it.

Another important thing - the capers in the jar are extremely salty. I have to rinse the jar about 5-6 times thoroughly and fill it with fresh spring water. Then I put some in a smaller jar that I fill with plain spring water and put them both in the fridge. Each day I rinse the smaller jar and fill it with fresh spring water again until the salt is gone. The salt serves as a preservative but if you use it every day it is gone before it can get bad. I never had any problem with it.

Hope this helps you as much as it did help me.

Chicken Cartilage

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Michael (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 07/29/2015

I have suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2004 (age 42 then) mainly being on Methotrexate and at times Prendisone. Eight years into the condition I had many flare-ups and took large doses of combination fish and krill oil five years into the condition which did help take the worst edge off the inflammation and at times reduce it quite significantly. Stress and too much consumption of animal fats would contribute to inflammation.

By 2012 I was experiencing nausea for three to four days after taking the weekly dose of Methotrexate, which was simply just more impact on my life. I read on this site (I think) about a Harvard University trial of French Organic Chicken Cartilage tablets. There was success according to the study with some patients going into a kind of remission.

I immediately ordered several bottles from the supplier in the US (but now available now Perth, Australia) and started taking it. Within about 6 weeks I noticed my symptoms reducing enabling me to trial going off the Methotrexate. Today in 2015 I am virtually symptom free with returned use of my limbs, hands and no swelling in my feet and knees! The active ingredient in the Chicken Cartlage tablets apparently is type 2 collagen. I ran out of the Chicken Cartilage tablets about 6 months ago and haven't gotten around to ordering any more. I am largely still symptom free!

I stopped going to the Rhuematologist about 6 years ago as I didn't feel they were listening with regards to the moderate success of the fish oil...no point in spending $$ on someone who didn't appear to want to listen to how and what I was doing about the condition.

I would strongly recommend any sufferer of RA to give this a go! I have had my life returned to me!

Replied by Frances
(Cabarlah, Qld.)

Michael, I live in Qld. could I have the supplier in Perth? I couldn't find it via eBay, etc.

Replied by Rose
(Dallas, Texas Usa)


Can you please tell me what brand of Chicken Cartliage you ordered? I too was diagnosed with Rheumatoid and have had very bad reactions to the medicines. But am afraid of going back to the crippling state that I was in at the beginning. There are so many products out there that I just don't know which to choose from. I would greatly appreciate your input on this. Much thanks, Rose

Replied by Phyllis
(Vero Beach, Fl)

Google Borax for arthritis. It has helped a lot of people.

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