Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Madrid, Spain)
Maybe you put it straight from the bottle without diluting, I tried it one part(10 drops h202) diluted with mineral water (20 times the amount of h202) and worked marvelously and at the same time I gargled it and got rid of ear ache and sore throat due to infection. I reccomend doing it every 5 hours and 48 hours later you're fixed. Maybe you can't take it in this solution either but it helped me to the max and I reccomend it. I'm also using it for a toe nail fungus and day by day it's getting better and better. Have a nice one.
It's supposed to bubble, crackle, pop. That means your ear had germs that the Hydrogen Peroxide was killing.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Ear drops from the doctor were warm, oily, expensive, and took about a week to cure the infection. My mother heard that you could get rid of it with hydrogen peroxide and I have never looked back. Any time my ear starts to hurt, I put a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into my ear and let it sit until it stops bubbling. Then, I drain out the ear and put one drop of rubbing alcohol. The peroxide cleans and sanitizes the ear canal. The drop of alcohol mixes with any water or peroxide left in the ear and evaporates it quickly.
This method usually takes care of the infection overnight, and I haven't had an earache for more than two days since I started using it. I don't know how safe this is, because I'm not a doctor. I do know that I have been doing it for the past 14 years and still have good hearing and no known problems with my ears.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I came to the website in search of something to help with my ear pain which I associated with having impacted wax with a q-tip yesterday. I read about the peroxide and used it and was immediatly regretful! I became so dizzy that I passed out immediatly and when I woke up I didn't stop vomiting for the next 2 hours. It took the whole day for the dizziness to go away. And after all that-nothing changed in my ear whatsoever. I went to the doctor and he said to make sure you MIX the peroxide 50/50 with warm water, and to make sure the peroxide is WARM. If you put it in your ear cold-you will get the side effects that I did. So-I'm not saying it doesn't work because clearly for some it does. Just make sure you WARM THE PEROXIDE and make sure you DILUTE it, and make sure it really is ear wax because I ended up having an infection and a ruptured ear drum!
Take care guys!
(St. Paul, Mn)
I think you work for the AMA and you made this story up to try and discredit a valid natural treatment.
She's not lying. A nurse told me to make sure to not put anything (she was referring to water--but it's still the same principle) cold in your ear because it could make you pass out and/or vomit. Always make sure that whatever you put in is warm.
He mentions his ear drum was ruptured, I think the obvious conclusion is that he ruptured it with the q-tip and then the sudden pain from the hydrogen peroxide hitting his ruptured ear caused the problem. You must be sure it's not ruptured before you put anything in your ear (alcohol, peroxide, ois)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Yesterday i woke up with a horrific earache - it just came out of nowhere. It was making me dizzy and nauseous.
I am a stay at home mom of 3 little boys - i don't have time to be out of commission.
So - i came here as usual and found the Hydrogen peroxide remedy. i poured about a eighth of a cap-full (3 ml), tilted my head and poured it in. It was rather uncomfortable, mainly because of the liquid being in my sensitive ear, and the bubbling.... LOTS of bubbling :) But i don't think it was so bad that i couldn't do it on the kids.
anyway - i did it about once every 2-3 hours totaling 3 times. The last time was right before i went to bed.
I woke up this morning feeling 100%!
**other things i was also doing: GSE and Oregano oil in water to kill it from the inside, and immune boosting herbs. (if you use gse/oregano oil, please look up dosage info first!!!)****
Hydrogen Peroxide
For some people this may work, but for me Never again. My fiance kept telling me just pour the peroxide in your ear it will feel better. The pain was very bad and I have had this ear rupture before on my from the pressure well I said fine. So i poured just a little in my ear and with in 10 minutes it ruptured and it drained puss and blood out of it. Very gross and expensive. All ways check with your doctor mine told me never to use it again on my ears.
(Brooklyn, NY)
i have a history of ear problems throughout childhood. i havent had any infections or pain in about 15 years, since i was 12-- until now. last week i developed a cold, everyone in my house is sick and coughing, phlegm, congestion, some with fever, you know the deal. winter in new york. i read about hydrogen peroxide in the ear and tried it, it barely even went down, that's how clogged my ears must have been. but i had zero ear pain at all, i have had many sinus infections/ flu / colds over the years, all cured naturally with no spread to ear. 2 nights ago i had a severe earache, for 6 hours i was literally wailing in excruciatng pain. i put in a cap of peroxide 2 or 3 times, it started to feel better when it first when in and as soon as it got deeper the pain was just as bad. i think it's a bad idea to put anything in your ears, especially anything liquid, if you have a history of problems draining fluid or tubes put in as a kid, because that drainage problem can come right back as it did for me. the liquid got trapped in there the other day when i first did it (in attempt to cure the cold) and whatever clogging was there just left the little peroxide with nowhere to drain, and it caused an infection.
yesterday felt a little better when i woke up, but muffled hearing. woke up today with blood and white fluid (some pus?) coming out of ear. i got scared and went to a doctor. i'm pregnant and refuse antibiotics, she said since the pus isn't green, i can try to cure infection myself but still recommended penicillin. i will continue to inhale steam, eat lots of raw ginger and garlic and massage all around the ear (around the outside of ear, all those pressure points especially behind earlobe and a little down the neck) and that could cure the infection. do both ears to prevent spread of infection to other ear. also massage pressure points around nostrils. ACV is great too!!! i swig a few teaspoons mixed with water and cayenne, like 5 times a day when im sick. it's a great sinus reliever and breaks up congestion. turmeric is great too, it's a potent anti-inflammatory. hope this helps.
Hydrogen Peroxide
And I was watching Rachel Ray one day and a doctor on there mentioned using sea salt to cure an ear ache. I thought he said something about making a "heat pack" out of the sea salt and placing it on your ear, but I can't remember exactly. Any clues? I didn't see anything here about sea salt for ear aches. thanks
(Baltimore, Md)
Hydrogen Peroxide
(London, Uk)
I would say this does help but if it's your first time trying this please use lukewarm water mixed in with the Hydrogen Peroxide and make it much less then 3% to begin with - say about 1% - you can always reduce water later to make it stronger but please start off with a weak mix and see how that goes first.
The reason I say this is because I think for some people 3% might be too much and cause damage - I also used 3% in my mouth for gargling and noticed it made the top of my tounge white.
I think Hydrogen Peroxide has it's uses but just start off weak to begin with is my best advice.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide and Apple Cider Vinegar
(Fairmont, Wv)
My advice would be that if the peroxide and ACV are irritating your ears, that is an indication you should STOP using them--at least for now. I frequently have that problem too. I haven´t used ACV in my ears before, but I use peroxide often if my ears are stopped up or irritated. It almost always helps, but sometimes makes my ears really irritated. So I usually apply coconut oil or olive oil. It works best at night when you can leave it in for a long time, but you can use it during the day too. You might want to put some tissue in the outside of your ear for a while to keep the oil from running out and getting all over you.
Jean's Tomato Tea
EC: For those who haven't seen it, instructions and feedback for Jean's Tomato Tea is here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/tomato_tea.html