Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Earache Remedies for Pain Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Ear Remedy Warning

1 User Review
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Posted by Shari (Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada) on 04/27/2008


A lot of the remedies listed here, mention warming solutions or onions or using hair dryers or hot water bottles. This is definitely very soothing when you are experiencing ear pain but can also be VERY DANGEROUS. As a nurse I was taught to never do this....here is the reasoning. If there is infection on the other side of your ear drum??? the heat will draw it out causing the ear drum to rupture and perforate. Scar tissue forms as the ear drum heals but a reduction in hearing will be noted. please be very careful when using any form of heat.

Eustachian Tube Stretching

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Ella (London) on 11/13/2022

Eustachian Tube Exercises

I suspect I've developed a dust mite allergy. Symptoms include sinus pressure; bad breath; headaches; itchy nose and itchy eyes that are puffy and blue in the inner corners; a sore throat and a hoarse, croaky voice; sunken upper eyelids (superior sulcus) and a feeling of being unwell.

Within the last few days, however, I've been visited by an unpredictable earache that was shocking in its intensity - so in a panic, I went to Earth clinic, which is usually my first port of call.

I tried some of the garlic remedies, and whilst I believe they are effective, they didn't work for me, unfortunately. Since earaches are often caused by infections, which are in turn caused by physical blockages, I wondered if physical stretching exercise might help. I looked for videos online and found the video linked below.

After following the instructions in the video and learning the different stretching and loosening-up techniques, I felt a shift. To my relief, my earache has gone.

I recommend exercises for stretching and loosening the eustachian tubes. They might help someone.

'Eustachian Tube Dysfunction ETD Exercises and Massage Techniques for Ear Fullness' -


Fenugreek and Thyme

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tara (Provo, Utah) on 11/19/2007

All throughout my childhood I had bouts of vertigo. Fluid would get into my ears, cross the ear drum and get stuck around the eustation tube. Recently, I had a severe bout that lasted almost a month. Decongestants and Meclizine would help but it would just come right back. I spoke with a good friend who is extremely knowledgable about herbs and she said she has had a similar problem. She uses a mix of Fenugreek and Thyme. She said its also good to use Pcynogenol as well. I have only been using the Fenugreek and Thyme mix but I have noticed a huge improvement. The mix of herbs is also good for general sinus clearing. Drink lots of water though because this will pull the fluid out of your body. Hope this helps!


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1 star (7) 

Posted by Kenneth (Florida) on 05/23/2022


1) Take a clove of garlic, lay a large knife flat on top of it and push down hard with the palm of your hand on top of the knife. 2) Slide the solid part of the garlic to the side. 3) Put 10 drops of vegetable, olive or coconut oil (the one that smells like coconut) on top of garlic oil left on the counter and mop up all the oils you can with a cotton ball. 4) The cotton ball should have enough combined oils to squeeze out 4 drops in the infected ear, with the head turned sideways. Then gently push the cotton ball in the ear canal.

Notes -

A) Most ear infections start with moisture behind the ear's protective wax.

B) The oil melts the wax and the garlic oil attacks the infection.

C) The cotton ball soaked with oil blocks the oxygen from getting to the infection.

D) The pain should be immediately greatly reduced and the next day the cotton ball can be removed and the infection is usually gone (If not repeat again).

E) make the cotton ball big enough so that not all of it will fit inside the ear canal for easy removal.

F) Early detection is best, so a slight tug on the ear lobe will tell you right away if you or your child needs this treatment.

Posted by Gerber (Tucson, Az) on 07/23/2017

What I have done is take out the oil from two garlic cloves and dilute with olive oil and take a cotton ball and put one or two drops in my ears and bingo. I then put the piece of cotton and leave for a while or over night. Ear infections are gone with no antibiotics. It really works.

Posted by Steph C. (Missouri) on 03/07/2017

Editor's Choice

Garlic for Earache:

This is what I do for my kids. Garlic clove crushed and warmed in olive oil. Once the oil smells garlicky I let it cool a bit and then place in the ear and have them lay down with a cotton ball in the ear for as long as they can (usually lasts 10 minutes before they get impatient). I usually do both ears for prevention. I will say I have only ever had to do this application once per complaint because it is so effective. My kids are very compliant with this treatment, also, because they know it is fast relief.

Replied by Art
2412 posts

In reply to Steph C. (Missouri),

Your method also eliminates the chance of being burned by the potential for direct contact with the garlic clove which on its own is quite strong and capable of burning your ear.


Posted by Evash (Uk) on 11/30/2014

I feel emotional - after trying everything to no avail in resolving uncomfortable itchy ear, I tried the olive oil and garlic ---- what can I say - it stopped immediately. And I want to give this a thumbs up. Thanks for sharing, now I feel better too.

Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 01/24/2014

I use garlic for ear pain.

I cut up a garlic piece into slices 6 (I guess). I use olive oil, Im sure you can use other oils. I put oil in a spoon and some slices of garlic. I warm up the spoon. I take out of the fire, I get a small piece of cotton and absorb some oil with my cotton piece and place this warm oiled cotton piece in my ear and leave it in. I works awesome, down side it smells like garlic :S. Will be looking into more non smelly solution, like just using the olive oil instead. But this works so far...


Earthclinic rocks!

Posted by Lyn (Indialantic, Florida/ Usa) on 08/31/2012

Yea thank you. My daughter called me from college in excrutiating pain and of course the student health clinic was closed and a holiday weekend. She had been to the clinic the day before for a severe sore throat and fever. They swabbed her and told her it was a virus..... She tried the crushed garlic in the olive oil heated and three drops in the ear, Fantastic within ten minutes the pain is almost gone, I can't thank you enough for this assistance as I am three hours distance from the school. Thankyou thankyou thankyou

Posted by John (Cumberland, Md) on 02/08/2011


Garlic has given me tinnitus for five weeks now. Really worried. Do not, Do not put garlic in your ear

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City)

Hi John, it is very likely that the ear infection caused the tinnitus.

Replied by Pam E.
(Southern California)
154 posts

From what I've read, straight garlic is not recommended. Allowing crushed or sliced Garlic to infuse some oil, such as Coconut or Olive, then using just a few drops of that oil is recommended. Some people have a very strong negative reaction to straight garlic, actually getting burned by it! Some.

Posted by Lizzy (Fargo, Nd) on 11/02/2010

I use this method for my ears as well. I usually wrap the garlic clove in gauze so it doesn't burn my skin. It really clears up my infections and I am in my 30's! I use to have to take antibiotics when I got ear infections, now I use garlic! (I have had tubes 3 times in my life, I have had my eardrum rupture... So I truly mean this works! )

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Thanks for this info. I have never used the garlic clove but have used garlic oil capsules with great success. We just pierce a capsule and squeeze it into the ear, we try to lay down for a few mins.

Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 06/21/2009


I had a really bad ear infection in January of 2009 in which the infection caused my right ear to have hearing loss, as well as a constant sense of being clogged with something and/or feeling clogged from high altitudes (pressure change). I took a clove of garlic, peeled it, then scraped a part of it to release the juice and allicin, then CAREFULLY (I CANNOT emphasize that enough) the scraped part into my ear canal and let it stay there for at least 2 hours, possibly 3. When I took the clove out, the infection was gone.


Replied by Erin
(Tampa, Fl)

Thank you for this remedy. Instead of a scored garlic clove, I used garlic ointment on a tissue. I obeyed your warning to be careful, as it seems most of the bad reactions reported on this site came from instances where the garlic was placed farther into the ear canal than the opening. I just placed my garlicy tissue in the opening of the ear canal. It took about an hour, but the pain subsided, and shortly after that, the pressure began to subside as well. I'm going to leave the tissue in for the recommended 3 hours and see what happens. Thanks again for this!

Posted by Susy (Woodland Hills, CA) on 03/10/2009

I've been using Garlic for earaches ever since I can remember. It works like a charm. You use one Garlic Tooth, heat it up but not burning hot, you cut the piece small enough to fit in your ear but not small enough to go into the ear canal. It works like a charm. I've done this on my kids as well. They fall asleep & wake up pain free.

Posted by Eb22 (Hilo, Hawaii) on 02/28/2009


Warning! Do NOT PUT GARLIC INTO YOUR EAR! I placed a peeled garlic clove in my ear for 2 hours to relieve a 5 week long ear infection which had made me me desperate. 1 hour later my face went numb on that side. 7 hours later I woke up with vertigo and ringing in my ear. It is now 3 weeks later and I still feel vertigo and the ringing makes it difficult to sleep. I hope this goes away!

Replied by Jeremiah
(San Diego, California)

Eb22, there are likely several reasons that this happened to you. If you are allergic to allicin or any of the other properties unique to garlic, that would explain the reaction, which I remember reading somewhere (I'm sorry that I can't remember where). Allicin is a very potent chemical, which is why it can irritate the stomach and/or the digestive tract.

If you are not allergic to any of the compounds, the length of time that you had the ear infection (5 weeks is quite a bit of time) might have something to do with it. The potency of the garlic/allicin, added to the fact that your immune system is working hard against the infection anyways, may cause for a little bit of overcompensation in regards to fighting the infection.

A third possibility is the first two possibilities combined. Both an allergy to the unique compounds in garlic combined with the duration of the infection as well as the fact that your immune system is hard at work already, could very well cause a little bit of overcompensation in regards to fighting the infection.

I don't know whether you are allergic to garlic, but something about it caused an abnormal reaction to what has otherwise been proven an effective method of treating an ear infection if used properly. I would advise that you look further into this, as this could be an underlying symptom of something else.

Posted by Sarah (Youngstown, OH) on 09/11/2008

Fresh Garlic cure for Ear Infection: I put a few drops of fresh garlic juice in my infected ear, hoping the burning would stop the itching. I felt nothing and it did nothing. Disappointed.

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