Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Earache Remedies for Pain Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Olive Oil
Posted by Kia (Columbia, South Carolina) on 11/25/2007

Sweet Oil: I'm 26 years old and I lived with my grandmother a majority of my life. For as long as I can remember, anytime I would get ear aches, she would put sweet oil in my ear. Sweet oil can be found at any grocery store. All you have to do is get the sweet oil, pour the sweet oil in a tablespoon, and heat it up. I usually put a lighter under the spoon to get it warm, (not too hot). Next, get a cotton ball and soak up the sweet oil. Put the cotton ball(s) in your ear(s), and the next day you will be cured. This remedy has never failed me or anyone else in my family. Its guaranteed to work.

Olive Oil
Posted by Beth (Conway, AR) on 02/08/2008

I have always used sweet oil for all my ear trouble and my mom used it when I was little girl. I am now 26 and use it to this day I will not buy any OTC stuff it is a waste of money. they say you should heat it up but as long as it is at room temp. and at ___ it is $3.84 I cant go to the doctor

Oregano Oil
Posted by Michelle (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 03/05/2008

I couldn't find this one so here goes. Best for kids, as it helps whatever is causing the fever, especially virus. Two drops of Oreganol Oil, on each foot rub it in and fever will break in a matter of five (5) minutes. I have four kids and have used this on ALL of them. It has absolutely always worked.

You can rub a few drops on chest for congestion or sinus trouble too. I have used two drops behind ear (rub all around area) for curing ear infections, ear pain, etc.

You can't beat it for cuts, they will never get infected! Best for little finger cuts as they are hard to keep clean! Also cures toenail fungus, especially seriously infected ones, drop several drops around nail bed, under nail, and around affected toe, with in hours, the pain is gone! Three times a day and the toe infection will be gone in a few days. My friend 6'11" male, was about to go to the ER when I told him to try this, he could barely walk! It was easy to walk in a matter of hours and completely cured in a few days! Three times a day several drops. Epsom salt soaks help to draw out infection and help pain too.

Earth Clinic is my Favorite for everything!

Olive Oil
Posted by Michelle (Lamora, Mexico)

When I would get earaches as a child my mom would warm a spoon over the fire or even with a match/cigarette lighter, for a few seconds then dump either olive oil or onion juice on the spoon then dump it in both my ears and put cotton balls in them. Then she'd let me lay on a hot water bottle this usually helps. But once when I was younger I tried to do that for my sister and I heated the spoon too hot and burnt her so you have to watch for that

Warmed Salt
Posted by Amanda (Burlington, CO) on 03/07/2008

My son had an ear ache last night. somtimes ear drops can be painfull. Now he was already on medication for a cold( first dose given today). I gave him a pain reliever, but knew that would take time. So, I contacted my local hospital. The nurse on call suggested I place salt ( any amount) in a sock and heat it in the microwave. once making sure it wasn't too hot. I then put the sock under my sons ear while he was lying down. I placed about half a cup for one minute on high. There is no exact amount that would be right. enough to cover the ear while lying down. also a thicker sock is better than a thin one. Place an elastic band at the end or tie. Some will leak out, but totally worth it. After that my son only woke once more. I know the pain reliever helped. But the warm salt really helped sooth him.

Warmed Salt
Posted by Clyde (Kenai, Alaska) on 03/15/2008

An old trick for relieving earaches is warm salt in a cloth heated in the microwave as you have or will read in the comments here. PLEASE be very careful when microwaving socks & clothe they can and will catch fire. 30 seconds at a time is plenty if not warm enough heat 5-10 sec longer.

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