Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Nausea: Effective Home Treatments

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1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Designer (Washington, Dc) on 03/31/2012

For the past couple of days, I've been feeling really nauseous after eating. I tried ACV thinking it would help since it works for a lot of ailments, but it didn't. I knew that probiotics are really beneficial to the digestive system, so I thought why not give it a try. I took 2 capsules each time and felt relief in a matter of minutes. I was so amazed. I used the real-deal type of probiotics that you have to keep in the refrigerator (bought from the health food store).

Sea Sickness Remedies

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Robyn (Perth, Western Australia) on 02/27/2013

I am about to do a 14 day cruise (first time) but am prone to sea sickness and am worried about being on a ship this long without some good standby remedies. I know ginger is reputed to be beneficial but also would like to be able to take a range of possible cures with me. Would like to hear from the EC community on this one. Thanks.

Replied by Robin
(Rural, Va)

Go to your pharmacy and get a Seaband. These go on your wrists and work by accupressure.

Sea Sickness Remedies
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 12/27/2011

Does anyone have a remedy for seasickness?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

They say ginger is good for nausea.

Replied by Tina
(Houston, Us)

MotionEaze available in US pharmacies, or on

Also ginger chews (ginger/sugar) sweets to suck on, help prevent motion sickness.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2042 posts

Debbie, my small craft flight in had me filling the sick-bag to the brim. A week prior to my flight out, I acclimated myself with about ten minutes swinging on the children's rig daily. All went well as I first fell asleep for a good while, then I was awaken by my mates for a view of Mt McKinley and without any sickness on a Cessna 210 was very fine.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Debbie, Ginger tablets are brilliant but the secret is to take them 30 mins before boarding. I see no reason why you could not take fresh or powdered ginger. Some comercial opperators on boats offer ginger tablets on boarding. These help some but for most people it works best if taken 30 mins before you board. You can top up with them onboard. I forget the recommended intervals but you do need to take them more than just the initial dose.

Sea Sickness Remedies
Posted by Tahiti (Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America) on 06/09/2010

I am going on my first cruise in seven days and would like to know how to prevent sea-sickness. Has anyone had any experience and know what to do to prepare oneself before hand, or what to do if you experience sea-sickness once on board the ship? Any and all advice is appreciated!

Replied by Clarity
(Los Angeles, California, Usa)

Sea wrist bands, found at Rite-aid, CVS, etc. They are better that any drugs I've used. The principle is accupressure point.

Replied by Tahiti
(Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America)

Clarity, thank you so much for your reply. I am going to buy the sea-sickness wristbands for my family and myself. Will let you know how they work out for us on our return!

Replied by 7zeropoints
(Toledo, Oregon)

Stop at an Oriental store and purchase some Ginger Candy. Take this as needed. Drink Ginger Ale on the ship, WASH YOUR HANDS a lot.

Replied by Tahiti
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

Thanks 7zeropoints for the seasickness remedy! I'm going tomorrow to buy the ginger candy and use it along with the seasickness wristband. Since we are permitted to bring our own soda on board, I'll have a stash of ginger-ale too. We will most certainly keep purell handy at all times. I appreciate the information that you've provided. It will be put to good use! Tahiti

Replied by Faith

Get some organic cotton balls. If you are right handed, put a cotton ball in your left ear, if you are left handed put a cotton ball in your right ear, this helps some people with seasickness.

Slippery Elm Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Vanessa (Arizona) on 11/11/2020

Editor's Choice

I've been experiencing nausea every night for months. Went to the docs twice, said it could be gastritis or acid reflux.

I was reading up on some Edgar Cayce remedies and his suggestion of slippery elm bark (the loose powder form) is the one remedy that has been helping me.

I put an 1/8th of a teaspoon in a cold glass of water in the morning. Let it sit for a few minutes, stir, then drink.

I've tried nearly every other home remedy and nothing else helped. I figured maybe it could help others out there as well. Cayce also suggested American saffron tea. Haven't tried it but I will be soon.

Note: don't take other supplements 2 hours before or after drinking this as it may hinder absorption.

Unsweetened Blackberry Juice

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Beverly (Hart, MI) on 06/27/2009

My family has used blackberry juice for nausea for as long as I can remember. My mother always had some on hand, and most of us have adopted this practice. One of my brothers used it faithfully when he was going through chemotherapy. He said it was the thing that kept him going. He had a very difficult time keeping anything down.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lauren (Detroit, MI) on 08/02/2021

I don't often get stomach aches, but when I do, I take wormwood. It also treats and prevents nausea, so I'll take wormwood if I'm anticipating nausea as well (like from certain supplements). It is absolutely foul tasting, so if you plan on taking this for when you get sick, you might want to familiarize yourself with the taste first. That said, there really is nothing better for digestive issues.

You can take it as either a tea or a tincture. You can take the tincture by putting a dropperful in a small glass of water. For the tea, I use one teaspoon in one cup of hot water and steep for five minutes. When I have a stomach ache, I won't bother bringing the water to boil since I want to drink it as soon as possible.

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