437 User Reviews
So after feeling pretty bad on Friday and Saturday, I spent all day Saturday doing my diagnosis and trying to find cheap home remedies, all on-line of course. Saturday night around 8 pm, I drank 2 oz. of pure, fresh lemon juice mixed with 2 oz. of extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed). Yeah, it's gross, but definitely do-able. Unlike others here, I did not experience any quick relief. In fact, I felt worse and thought I had perhaps misdiagnosed myself. But knowing that persistence can pay off, I got up Sunday morning and took another dose of 2 + 2 oz around 10 am. Again, gross. Again, I felt awful. I experienced a LOT of swelling in what I think is my gallbladder region - guess my gallbladder didn't like processing 2 big boluses of fat 14 hours apart. BUT, the payoff came Sunday night. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night and could tell I was feeling better. On Monday morning, I felt MUCH better. Not 100% mind you, but about 95% better than I had.
Originally, I could tell the blockage was in my right ureter, but overnight on Sunday, I felt something moving in my left ureter as well. The swelling seems to be going down in my gallbladder, but I may go to an herbalist or get some acupuncture...anything to avoid a $15K MRI/lithotripsy/gallbladder removal procedure.... Thanks, Earth Clinic & other contributors!
Hi PB, did it occur to you that the bloated feeling in what you thought was your gallbladder area might have been that your lemon juice/olive oil might have been moving some gallstones also? Now that you are rid of the kidney stone, you might get some Beelith tablets or B6 and magnesium to take to prevent them. Vitamin C is also said to help keep those stones moving and probably help to keep them from forming.
(Austin, TX)
Just an update from me, PB - the stones have not returned. I started taking B6 right away, but it caused a widespread and scary breakout on my back. I discontinued the B6 after just 3 days. The breakout cleared up after a week.
I have been following advice I have read here and there on the internet. I am limiting my intake of beverages such as green tea, soy milk and soda pop because they contain one of the chemicals which cause the stones. These sources also say that it is better to get your calcium intake from dietary sources rather than supplements, so I am trying to incorporate more dairy as well. So far, so good.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
(Palo Alto, CA)
(Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Hey Daniel, I had a bipolar girlfriend. In doing Internet research I found a natural supplement company out of Canada called "True Hope." Though Julie never tried it (in denial about her bipolarity), I heard some good things about it. I remember that it was a lot cheaper than lithium or other less-natural symptom suppressors. Since you're on an all-natural kick, this might be something you might be interested in.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Hello Albert, welcome to the wiser and healthier. You might want to inquire if your pharmacist stocks Beelith tablets or can order them for you. You also might check a health food place for them also. Beelith tabs are a combination of B6 and magnesium oxide which keeps stones from forming. No prescription needed but I don't think you'll find them out on the shelf. Also vitamin C helps keep these stones moving.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Jim in Panama City Beach, FL
(San Antonio, Tx)
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Hi Mack, and welcome to the world of western world of medicine which has the reputation of being the most expensive, but often less effective record on Planet Earth! You just came face-to-face with the reality that the doctor is going to recommend what pays him the most money. Start spreading the word and he won't like you for causing his income to drop drastically. You might also want to ask your pharmacist about Beelith tablets (a combination of magnesium oxide and vitamin B6) which is nonprescription, but I have never seen them sitting out on the counter. They are said to decrease formation of kidney stones. Of course you might find it cheaper to just get a 2 lb. box of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) at the Dollar tree and a 50 - l00mgm. Vit.B6 tablets. If so take about l/2 tsp. of Epsom salts and l B6 tablet twice a day. You could increase the Epsom salts as it will let you know when you take more than necessary by increasing bowel movements. I also suggest you decrease carbonated beverages and increase your water intake to improve both your stone formations and constipation problems. You probably should work on increasing the fiber intake also - lst big change would be to go from bleached flour products to all whole grain cereals and breads. Also increasing the leafy greens you eat will add lots of fiber.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
(Cazma, Croatia)
When you feel like the stone is in your penis it actually is not! It is at the entrance of the bladder. Here it occasionally creates sharp pain, especially when your colon or rectum fills. Remember Porthos in The Three Musketeers - "Kidney stones. It hurts when I piss. It hurts when I sh*t". And you also might experience constant urge to urinate. It can be here for several days. I even had one at that particular spot for a whole month because it was the first and my doctor didn't diagnose it well and didn't tell me that I had to drink a lot of water to pass the possible stone. In the past I had several stones, the largest of them was about 7 mm. In all cases the entrance into the bladder was always the hardest place to pass it for me (I guess it is the narrowest). I usually feel immediate relief when the stone goes into the bladder. Moreover then I also know that there is only one step for it before I will get rid of it. For all bigger stones (3 mm and larger) that finally went into the bladder I had to relieve my bladder at least twice to get them through the penis. At the first relieve it would usually got stuck somewhere (perhaps because of the prostate) and from that moment you cannot sit anymore because you will feel sharp pain if you try. So I walk and wait for bladder to fill up and then on the second relieve the stone finally goes all the way through the penis. Yeah, this is definitely sharp pain, and once you felt that then you can compare and unmistakably know when it is in the penis and when it is only at the bladder entrance trying to get in. Until now I usually would drink 3-5 liters of rose hip tea daily, especially when the stone is at the bladder entrance. In my opinion rose hip is also great for reducing the urinal infection which almost always accompanies the stones. However, at the moment I have one particularly difficult stone stuck at the entrance of the bladder for last 4 or 5 days so I decided to try the olive oil lemon juice remedy. Hopefully it will help it to get into the bladder. Or even better dissolve, as many of people have said here...
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Keep in mind that I'm 28 years old and in very good shape, exercising 24/7. So you can see my concern.
At first I thought I might have testicular cancer on the right ball, but everything feels fine, and I "sense" the pain originating from the right kidney area. The thigh is probably due to toxic or limited blood flow from/to that kidney. Thank heavens our bodies keep the toxins from our hearts and lungs until last, I guess.
I took creatine recently at the suggestion of a physical trainer, and I bet that is the source of the problem, since I can trace my pain to the time I started taking Betagen, first, and then some other creatine loader, pretty much every day. I got really sick, flu-like symptoms, and am just now getting over it. After reading all the other posts, I realized that every piss I was taking while on these supplements was cloudier and cloudier, so that's really why I'm pointing the finger for now.
After doing some quick research and finding this website and discussion, earlier this afternoon, I'm convinced I've got a stone and am trying the lemon juice and olive oil remedy as we speak. Here's the breakdown:
- Found out about miracle cure @ 2:30 pm, at work. Immediately drank 6 glasses of water.
- Went home on bike, (uncomfortable of course) and shopped for ingredients that I'd read about: lemon juice, olive oil, and magnesium, which I'll add to the routine if the little SOB doesn't come out.
- Took first dose at 4:00 pm, roughly. Dose was 3x3 oz lemon juice to olive oil. Drank like 4 glasses of water. Went down no problem.
- At 6:00 pm I drank a bigger dose, 5x5 oz lemon juice to olive oil, but cheated and lathered it up with toasted bread (like the other guy). Go big or go home. Followed with 3 glasses of water.
- It is 6:50 pm Mountain Time and I've got a full chicken in the oven, stuffed with couscous, garlic, and onion, and it's totally lathered in olive oil, which I'll down with a glass of lemon and water, so that everything is basically proportional, 1:1.
So, I'm in mid-recycling state I guess. I'll update tomorrow. I can say that I had a little weird sensation feeling in the kidney about 1/2 hour ago. Hurt and then tickled. Who knows, only time will tell.
Cyndi from NC: Thanks for the suggestion. I think my odds are pretty good, judging by the ratio of success stories to failures/surgeries. Probably around 70%, as long as my innards don't get so lubed up with excess olive oil that they slip outta me. :)
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil