Multiple Remedies
First I tried using gel tabs throughout the day it took a long time for results but I did see worms and egg sacs, plus alot of other unknowns. so I added Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and after a few hours I would see worms and more things even flukes, I have dumpster dived, sushi, luved water crestnuts, etc so I have been troubled for a long time. Oo seeing this result I been experimenting, snorting the parasite powder, and also ACV. I been just using powdered combos w ACV in the morning just a wicked elixir shot w water sometimes in a smoothie, a light breakfast and coffee. It's been good on my hunger attacks even candida which I'm now seeing is another culprit.
I try to take DE at night before bed if I remember, but the latter is working the best morning elixir, detox teas during day, snd DE at night all while keeping a watch on my food intake occasionally ill have fast food or ice cream, suffering the die off isn't nice try to be nice to yourself and others and take water thru it because it distributes the medicine and moves the scum out. pets are another big problem too.
Parasite Combo Ingredients:
Gentian, Irish Moss, Oregon Grape, Fenugreek, Cascara Sagrada, Myrrh, Yellow Dock, Echinacea, Black Walnut, Barberry, Dandelion, St. John's Wort, Chickweed, Wormwood I use w/ the parasite combo: sym (calmyourgut) combo, pain/arthritis combo and st johns wort w/ ACV, mixed with water first thing in morning, then light food & coffee. it very effective and strong, just lay down for a little while. detox tea is good thru the day, and a couple spoons of DE before sleep...
H2O is a necessity, plus spiritual practice and gratitude because you'll go thru some trauma lol!!!!
Multiple Remedies
Symptoms: All of the Worse explained in article below.
Primary: Parasite Infection (WormsEggs in Colon, Lungs and Stomach)
Secondary: Infection of Blood, assorted YeastCandida, Gardia in Colon:
Third: Stomach Ulcer with remaining Candida Romaval - One feeds the other.
- Fenugreek Tea w Honey: 2 kettles per day. 5-7Cups.
- Add ColloidalSovereign SILVER Drops- ADDED PER CUP TEA.
- L-Glutamine Powder 4500mg (Cabbage Extract) - ADDED PER CUP TEA. Quickly soothes the Ulcer and drank the tea all day. Could feel lining of stomach had signifigantly improved in a week.
- 1/4tsp Baking Soda - - ADDED PER CUP TEA. Acid from throwing up was chemically burning my Mouth and Lips. Badly. Instant relief.
Tablets - Propolos 1000 (Bee Polen) - Appears to have a very quick affect of healing, not simply soothing. - A tree resin gathered by bees to keep beehive sterile. Feels like it is changing the terrain inside.
Hydration: CytoSport Fast Twitch
Because these infections majorly screw up your hydration. A runners Electrolyte Supplement seems to have kicked my body over to the health levels instead of trying to ease it there.
Ulcers cause Anemia (B12) and severe low Folic Acid levels, reestablish Minerals and Vitamins to normal healthy Physical Levels:
From the Earth Tablets or Natural Greens drink.
Ultimate Flora Probiotic - 15 Billion
Raw Probiotics - 85 Billion
2 Glasses LemonLime w Honey Drinks per day.
No Alcohol - YeastCandida - Hardest 'longterm' to cure which other infections use as a BASE for other Bacteria Production.
No Sugur (to ANY form of Parasite, WormBacteria, the Sugar is like steroids to them.
No Milk - Seriously, what looks like it wouldn't use Milk to aide its growing.
Multiple Remedies
1. Test for Protozoan Fl1953 or others.
2. Cleans body for any type fungus/flukes etc. with Blk walnut/Clove/Wormwd, 2-3 tbl apple cider vinegar daily. ph balance your body it needs more oxygen in body to kill of fungi/parasites/viruses etc. especially if no gallbladder.
3. Test for metals, fungus loves metals. demodex love metals/fungus, amalgams merc/lead/alum etc. Root canal/metal fillings can have underlying low grade infection with no obvious signs of immune burden with any above.
Now clean all your organs 1 at a time colon/kidneys/liver/blood Dont do to much at one time you will herx: edema heart palp, ra symptoms go slow and steady. House clean your body 2-3 times a year.
- Face: products that worked for me: metrodiazonole gel with nystatin helped rash and stop spread
- Face: sea buckthorne oil as much as needed to spread on face with 2-4 drops blk walnut hull tincture mix
- shower: hibicleans-be careful very drying, ceravea, aveeno for moisture, vinegar rinse you hair to get rid of hitchhikers.
- body/skin: mix cervae, palmers oilgel, sea buckthorne lotion, 4-5 drops sea bck thrn oil tincture, with 3-5 drops blk walnut hull tincture
No quick fix with this situation sorry so sorry.
Products for home: cedarcide spray ($$$$), enzyme cleaners, apple cider vinegar and alcohol wipe frequently. Wash clothes and sheets everyday. I found microfiber sheets stay away from cotton as much as possible.
supplements: balanced minerals, balanced multi, digestion enzymes/systemic enzymes, human food grade diatomaceous earth DE 1/4 tsp work up to 2 tbls daily, check vit D, chlorella w/cgf, Kelp, spirulina, probiotics, vit C crystals 10gm or more a day/msm. Everyone's bodily terrain is different mix and match what works for you.
I am not a Doctor and no harm is meant. Blessing with you all gods love and light. I hope this helps someone.
Multiple Remedies
(Hatfield, Pa)
Reply to worms in hair: I am dealing with the same thing! I am ready to commit myself. My family thinks Im nuts or stressed out! Certain hairstrands will move all about, especially at night. What is this??? I really feel helpless. This is not a joke. I cannot sleep I am so freaked out! Also, see worms in my stool. Just recovered from c diff, was recently diagnosed with anemia, and white blood cells in stool. Getting further testing but I am pretty sure traditional doctors will be of no help dealing with the parasite. My family doctor advised me to see a shrink. I was furious! Help!
(Decatur, Il)
(Baltimore, United States)
What your are describing, sounds like Morgellon's disease, If that's what it is, It's possibly not really a parasite but a type of plant hybrid that's growing in your body... (believed to be genetically engineered) I wish I was more help but my knowledge of the subject is limited, just stumled across it in my perusing the internet. Lots of conspiracy theory stuff behind the explanations but also a lot of very real people suffering from it. For what's it's worth... I believe you. Just remember God is bigger!
(Bucksport, Me)
The scalp movement is from demodex mites. They live in the hair follicles. Everyone has them but some people get a proliferate. I know because I fight them myself. What seems to work is ivermectin. ACV hair rinse helps. After I dye my hair it also feels better. Currently I have changed my diet to exclude wheat, sugar and any and all junk food. I am eating a LOT of garlic.
(Tyler, Tx)
(Phoenix, Arizona/usa)
To All, In reading about the post regarding petre dish of skin afflications, had them all hair, rash, bacterial infection with lesions, constant for 3 years. Something new has come to fruition. After constant doctors including several top dermotologist to no avail. This is what progressed:
Metal Test-Doctors Data: Very high metals including uranium. Chleate metals, including replacing silver amalgams and root canals bio-dentist.
I had 10 silver mercury fillings, 6 had underlying infection no outward signs, 3 root canals 2 infected with bone loss. OUCH
BioComp Labs Report: test all dental materials with your blood to make sure not allergic, metals, ceramic, titanium, porcelin veneers did you know some porcelin veneers have uranium in them.
Fry Labs- test your blood for Lyme, bacterial, fungal, protozoa (FL1953-Protimyxzoa rheumatica) new kid on the block.. All of these I mention can become a community in thick biofilms in you body reaking havoc. Fl1953 is mine. strong link to morgellons.
After results attack 1 at a time or as needed its not instant gratification, its gradual.
Everyones bodily terrain is different, this information is meant with no harm intent. It has been a godsend for me. Be Well Peace
(Texas, Us)
Reading all of the replies about parasites had startled me greatly! I remember my mother telling us that when my older sister (who is in her late 40s) was a small child she pooped out worms. My mother took her to the doctor and they told her that there was no such thing. I can only imagine how she must have felt as a young mother concerned for her child. So when I read above where the commentor was told by a doctor to go see a shrink, I was reminded of this. Just wanted to share that. Sometimes we have to take control of our own health. I hope you find relief!
(Louisiana, US)
One night I was listening to Coast to Coast show on the radio and a guest came on and it was a guy that cures Morgellons. He was interviewed on Coast to Coast; find the archives and he may be your answer. I think I read that the way you know you have it is by using a black light in a dark room - you will see the fibers on you.
no your not crazy! I've had miserable "invisible" bites for 3 years!! We throw out all our furniture and replace mattresses every 6 months! We cover them in plastic. sometimes washing clothes, pillows etc in super hot water and dryer doesn't work! I know! The outbreaks have gotten less..not so many bites but we still have "crawly days"..all the doctors think im crazy! We poisoned ourselves with ivermectin to no avail. I recently went thru cancer..I think the poisons and creams did it! Use lemongrass oil topically and im trying this Parisitin pills from a heath food shop. They seem to bite a lot less but not all gone. you are not crazy! I have a medical background, and I know I am not delusional, as my partner, family, etc feels it too. vacuum a lot! Mop daily with eucalyptus oil in the water and cleaner. I use a spray of water eucalyptus, tea tree, lemongrass and citronella oils and spray myself after showers and also a our pillow, rugs, shoes, furniture, chairs, etc. we wash our bed sheets everyday and any clothes we wear. Never wear the same thing twice without washing! Be diligent. Were not rid of them but its gotten better! Hang in there, I have seen 5 "specialist in parasite", 22 dermatologists in 3 countries and no one can find anything!! I was told I had leishmaniasis! Well no! Because thats not contagious and this is! We all have it! Don't go mad, stay calm, get wormwood pills or a natural anti parasite pill, bathe 2 x daily, put on the oils I talked about (non toxic) and keep cleaning. I think these suckers get around from all this modern world being able to travel easier. We are more mobile, so more people travel now to exotic places, its cheap, so a lot of weird, obscure skin diseases are being spread around more! I think I got mine in Australia! Try not to scratch! Bathing in epsom salt helps too..good luck!
Olive Leaf Extract
(North York, On, Canada)
Hi Magda,
I'm happy for you that you got rid of this nasty protozoa with olive leaf extract. Could you tell me for how long you took and how? Also what was the strengh of the extract?
Best regards,
(Santa Fe, Nm)
I expelled giardia cysts after ingesting Wormwood Combination remedy. It contains quassia, which specifically addresses giardia. I had had a giardia infection for many years. I supplemented with raw garlic and used a zapper as well.
Oregano Oil
After doing a research on this website and internet I decided not to take Flagyl or Metrinazol or any other pharmaceuticals. At first I tried Hulda Clark anti-parasite treatment. I think it did not work for me completely. Then I took Allicin garlic capsules (6 a day) for 3 months. It definitely helped, but I still got cramps occasionally, my stool was not as it had been before and felt that I still had it inside me.
Then I started to take oregano oil (oregano oil with 80% carvacol, bought it on the internet). Make sure it is pure organic oil. I also bought empty capsules in a pharmacy. I filled the capsule with coconut or flax seed oil by half, then put 2-3 drops of oregano oil - you may start with one drop, as it is very strong), closed the capsule, swallowed and drank one full glass of water. The capsule will melt in your stomach or even in your colon a do the job. Take 3 capsules a day, preferably on an empty stomach. You may need to do this for at least a month and then you will see if it works for you.
I also stopped eating dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yogurt), cut on starches and hardly any sugar for at least a month, and I ate a lot of raw vegetables, drank a lot of herb tea and water. And also I drank fresh green vegie juices.
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
(Orlando, Fl)
(Waukesha, Wi)
You can mix it with toothpaste/mouthwash...just a drop! Just tastes like the spice oregano but, a little bit stronger!
(Grand Forks, Nd)
If oregano oil is to be used for parasites, make sure it is oil of WILD oregano. There is a big difference. The oregano used for cooking does not contain a phenol called Carvacrol which is antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antivenom and antiparasitic. Do some research on Wild Oil of Oregano to find out more about it and to choose a good quality product. I use a drop or two in the oil when I oil-pull. A drop or two under the tongue when I feel a cold coming on or have more congestion than normal has been beneficial to me. Just make sure you get the WILD OIL OF OREGANO and not a derivative from the ordinary oregano.
Papaya Leaf
(The Netherlands)
You can use the black seeds of a papaya. Works awesome. The people in South America use this instead of pharmaceuticals. Just a teaspoon on an empty stomach. Chew very very well. Taste is nasty, but hey, it works :) At least 7 days in a row. You can eat the seeds fresh, or dried. When I buy a papaya, I always save these seeds.
Papaya Seeds
Papaya Seeds
A simple and inexpensive cure: I blended 1 cup of papaya seeds with 2 small bananas (it just have to be edible as the seeds are like pepper) and ate the whole thing. I lay there and could feel how it became quiet in there. This might be too strong for some but I was desperate. So, one might want to start with a lower dose as recommended but that is not how I personally operate.
(Sydney, Australia)
Hi Lotusborn (or anyone else that might know) did you use the Papaya seeds straight from a fresh papaya? I have been using fresh garlic before going to bed and have seen the "white rice" in my bm that others talk about so would be keen to try your remedy. Thanks! PS I only found this site a couple of weeks ago but love it and thank everyone for their contributions. I already feel better than I have in the last 15 years!
(Indianapolis, In)
I've had much success expelling parasites with papaya seeds. I buy fresh papayas and eat the seeds. I chew 1 to 2 teaspoons then swallow with water. I do this 3 times a day and continue for several weeks.
Using fresh ingredients is always better than encapsulated. For example, wormwood, black walnut and cloves are antiparasitic herbs but if they're not fresh, they won't work. For cloves, they must be fresh, non-irradiated. Usually organic cloves are non-irradiated but if it doesn't say on the bottle, ask to be sure. I grind them myself in a coffee grinder and put them in empty gelatin capsules.
I'm not sure I can go with the claim "If wormwood, black walnut, and cloves aren't fresh, they won't work". Tons of people all over this site have used those ingredients dried and had very good results.
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Jok, I am very surprised to hear that you eat papaya seeds as they seem to be very toxic. I always remove them very carefully before making a juice although I don't remove the seeds of any other fruit! I am confused now....
(Rustenburg, North West South Africa)
Hi Francisca, Pawpaw seeds also contain enzymes to digest food so it cannot be dangerous.
(Gippsland, Australia)
Hi Francisca, My friend whilst living in Nth Queensland was told about this remedy and knows folk who do it for a few days every year as a preventative. They apparently also aid digestion so she used them instead of digestive enzymes. They can be dried and mixed in with whole peppercorns and ground over food.
(Quezon City, Philippines)
Papaya seeds are indeed used by the natives here in the Philippines as purgative. I have seen some websites recommending that the seeds be air-dried and then pounded, but here in this country the natives just cut open a ripe papaya and then scoop up the seeds and swallow them whole. Chewing is not suggested as the seeds may be too bitter for one's taste.
Papaya Seeds + Oregano Oil
Papaya seeds have been used for centuries to cure digestive problems (as I learnt in Thailand many years ago) as well as papaya leaf and the fruit itself. I was also taking (and topically applying) oregano oil to cure a skin infection.
The combination of both of these unknowingly killed and expelled a couple of worms. I'm now doing a 7 day fast, only drinking herbal teas (peppermint and green tea) as well as ingesting essential oils diluted with olive oil - clove, ginger, oregano and taking apple cider vinegar twice a day. I passed a few more yesterday and the day before and can feel more of the blighters moving. I am desperately hoping this may cure my severe food intolerances but the combination is definitely working.
07/19/2019 has a whole parasite protocol. They use mimosa pudica seed caps to encapsulate the parasites. Dr. Klinghardt ( says old methods for parasite control don't work well anymore--not strong enough, and that they also harbor heavy metals in their biofilm. He says if you become ill on a parasite cleanse, you are just making them give off more toxins.
What is the dosage for the mimosa pudica capsules for eradicating parasites? Thanks for the information.
Parasites are in the body feeding off the toxic chemicals already in it. If you kill them off too quickly before doing a cleanse first, you will get very sick and nauseated from the toxins they are not digesting, as well as the toxicity from the parasites' excrement as well.
Parasite Symptoms
See if your symptoms match.
1- did you start with just feeling exhausted all the time?
2- heavy feeling in chest but no cold?
3- panic attack feeling like heart racing
4- rashes started to appear
5- started to feel things on you like no seeums or fleas?
6- progresses into crawling?
7- loss of appetite or uncontrollable carb craving?
8- intermittent constipation / diarrhea?
9- insomnia
10- single line lesions? Looks like a scratch
11- bladder, urinary or kidney, genital issues
12- every test is negative?
13- any nodules?
14- you can feel where they are and collect them?
15- they prefer hair follicles- anywhere on the body?
16- you sometimes get a jabbing pain?
17- you get brown marks where you know they are. (hyperpigmentation)
18 you also get red dots
19-all kinds of things come out of your skin and they all look different? Black, white, Sand like?
If you said yes to most of these, investigate 2 parasites. Filariasis and Schitosmias.
Then the different species. Some go intestinal, some bladder and some cutaneous (skin)
both have zootonic species.
In dogs, it's called H Americana.
look up life cycle of Schitosmias and symptoms
life cycle of filariasis and symptoms.
think back - way back - to any places you traveled when looking at the region of each species. Did you swim in a lake? Eat local food abroad? Are you all of sudden remembering a bout of food poisoning?
these things can lay dormant for years.
Step 1 - get the best parasite cleanse you can afford!
look for my other post on Earth Clinic's morgellons page - morgellons =parasite for more details.
best of luck to everyone for a diagnosis and speedy recovery!
(New Zealand)
Hi Darlene, what do you suggest for this condition?
Myself and a couple of family members have schistosomiasis (undiagnosed) as I lived in Peruvian jungle for a couple of years and was exposed to several.
The symptoms are very similar to mite infestation, candida, morgellons, many different parasite infections. it's so varied that it's difficult to target.
You mention other posts you've made.. can you please be specific?
(Vero Beach, FL)
Yes to all symptoms. Have known it was a parasite infection 4 years now. Hyper infection now affecting whole body. Help has not come after many different type doctor visits. I strongly suspect it has been in my body decades because of past health problems and stronger location concentration of them in my body. Suffering is great. Have found that Borax brings them out of skin, but they are endless.
Parasite Testing
(Oakville, Ontario, Canada)
(Portland, Oregon.)
Not sure where one can go for parasite testing, however, I don know through my own experience that if you use grapefruit seed extract oil in water, it will kill parasites in your system. I have use this when traveling aboard to 3rd world countries and have had much success. One can buy this product at any health food store. Good luck
(Milwaukee, Wi, Usa)
A Parasitologist or any Internist... either could do these tests, BUT there is no test that is very accurate... It's usually only 25% accurate!
(Hull, Mass)
Try labs Phoenix Arizona. Cutting edge testing for biofilm and associated pathogens.
Bioman, I am pretty sure you accidentally typed "Try" Labs instead of the actual name, "Fry" Labs in Arizona. Here's the website,, and yes, they do detailed, comprehensive testing, and are known for their Lyme disease testing.
(Exeter, Missouri, Usa)
There are about 4 parasite testing labs that I know of that will definitely be definative. Here is one I have used recently, located in Arizona:
Parasitology Center Inc. 1-480-767-2522
It is a good place to get started. God bless.
(Christchurch, New Zealand)
I used metametrix. They test for DNA in stool, so dead worms are okay as well. They test for bacteria and fungus too, but they are expensive. But they found an answer to my problem!
(Philadelphia, Pa)
The only doctor left in the country performing colon wall swab/scape test using sigmoidscope and his own lab is Dr. Kevin Cahill in NY. MANY have finally found cures for their illnesses after years even decades of suffering. Standard medical stool testing will not pick up many parasites unless your stool is teaming with parasites. Parasites live on the colon wall beneath the mucus. This renowned doctor is nearing retirement. See him soon.
Genova Diagnostics (formerly Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab), Asheville, North Carolina has always been recommended by my practitioner.
You can find more info on turpentine usage on Dr. Jennifer Daniels website....I also have been using turpentine for my horse.
I found an chart for worming farm animals with the turpentine to oil ratios, 1.5 ml turpentine for every 50 pounds body weight, and for every 1.5 ml you add 7.5 ml oil.....mix it very well with the oil... this shouldn't be taken long term.