Apple Cider Vinegar
Avoid Bleached Flour
As far back as I can remember, my entire family played the eat and race to the baking soda to counteract the acid problem. I finally stumbled upon the cause of my constant heartburn, indigestion, and nausea, and flatulence(gas) in my thirty's. Elimination of all bleached flour from my diet worked wonders for my stomach problems. My PUD has only hit me once since I discovered this. I devoured a bunch of raw broccoli with dip over 2 days. I finally had to realize that the dip probably contained bleached flour. which caused the problem, since I have eaten raw broccoli since then with no problem. I now have what some call a cast iron stomach. I can eat hot salsa, black coffee, have my occasional liquor on the rocks with no problem.
About 15 years later, I was researching PUD for a term paper. I learned that PUD became a problem in the upper socioeconomic group about 11 years after someone came up with bleaching flour. It was so expensive only the wealthy could afford it. Some years later it became cheap enough that the middle socioeconomic group could afford it. Yep, PUD moved into this group about the same number of years later. Then somebody in (Minnesoto, I think) came with a process of bleaching it that made it so everyone could afford it. You guessed it-after approximately the same number of years later, PUD moved into this group also. My AHA! conclusion -SOMETHING IN BLEACHING PROCESS CAUSES UPSET STOMACH WHICH PROGRESSES TO PUD.
Now I still have a question. Can anyone explain why drinking, eating acid foods (tomatos, citrus juices, etc) from metal cans causes upset stomach or why eating bananas be they ripen enough to get brown speckles on peeling does the same.
Whatever, my advice to everyone is to eat your food as close to the way God grows it, if you want to be healthier.
Cabbage Juice
I juiced 1/2 a green cabbage everyday (once/day) with 1-2 carrots added for sweetness. Within 3 days of juicing and eating a very bland diet, consisting of mostly veggies, rice, and chicken, my ulcer no longer hurt. I continued doing this for 2 weeks and my symptoms vanished. I did have to make permanent changes to my diet and adhere to them. I avoid alcohol, wheat, dairy (except raw cheeses), and ANY and ALL junk food. It has been over a year now and I have no symptoms of the ulcer and no digestive problems since making these changes. I do still juice a few times a week with cabbage and many other varieties of veggies and fruits for the numerous benefits.
After a lot of research, I found that the enzymes in raw foods are essential to proper nutrition and digestion. When we are deficient in digestive and pancreatic enzymes, our GI system suffers for it. I also learned that a lack of stomach acid is more likely the culprit with such GI upsets than too much acid, which can be easily overcome with fresh squeezed lemon in water after meals or a tbsp. of ACV added to water works great too. God gave us all we need to live long healthy lives, we just need to keep passing on this great information to each other. God bless us all!
(Oregon, Portland)
I've been a super healthnut for most of my life. One day my stomach began to hurt I had pressure in my abdomen, low grade fever, nausea and burning in and around my stomach, the dr gave me 5 days of cipro (which has fluoride in it but I was so desperate) One week later I woke up with chills, fever, headache along with pain and burning in my stomach. I had CAT scan, ultra sound (looking for stones) and blood work everything was perfect! I was referred to GI dept. I was suffering so bad one night, I took 3/4 tsp baking soda and milk of magnesia in water that Ted recommends and the pain subsided enough for me to sleep.
I researched and found raw organic green cabbage would heal the ulcer. I began juicing the green cabbage and would drink it two to three times a day with a little bit of cayenne pepper mixed. I also wouid juice one raw organic potato and mix it with the green cabbage juice This is an easy juice to drink no strong flavor. The GI Joes in WWI suffered horribly with ulcers and they were give raw potato juice to drink daily and the majority were cured in ten days. Juicing green cabbage has been a life saver. I would highly recommend.
This time around I refused them and was adamantly "making a demand" from who-ever-or-whatever in charge of healing. Then I picked my mobile and a few pressing of some keys led me to this site. I took some activated charcoal and the relief was so instant and soothing I slept for Hours. I woke up like into a whole new planet: a renewed person. Then I started cayenne. That was so so miraculous! Even though much emphasis is laid on African Bird Pepper, there are HOTTER varieties. Just 4 days into my cayenne treatment and I came alive for the first time in my life. If we are truly related, I think on this site we have eventually met. Natural, clean, simple living just the way it was before! There is really a force pulling us together, introducing us to one another. Nice reuniting with you all.
(Tx, US)
I just drank a cocktail made with V-8 juice, cayenne pepper, and turmeric. It seems to have soothed the burn quite well. I will keep doing this. I also use ACV with baking soda in apple juice or water. I took a tablespoon of raw, Manuka honey too. Not all at the same time, of course. The cayenne/turmeric cocktail provided the best and fastest symptom relief. Thank you.
(Sherman Oaks)
Dear Kiki in Nigeria, I read your post how cayenne really helped you. Please give the portions and details, thank you. Many people on these posts do not give the amounts of what they took or go into the protocol, but only write what they took. it would be so helpful if people were more specific, thank you.
(Faithville, Usa)
Probably the vitamin A content in cayenne pepper that heals the ulcer. Eat some grass fed butter /not low fat or another fat food with vitamin A in it ....liver is high in vitamin A
Dear Marilee,
I am afraid you won't hear back from the original poster. For an ulcer I would try a teaspoon dose of powder in water, or 4 tablets, or 4 capsules. Whatever you have.
I also have used slippery elm for an ulcer - 2-4 capsules every few hours. It is nutritive and side effects would be very rare.
~Mama to Many~
I should clarify that in my previous post, my dosing suggestions were for activated charcoal. They were in a threat entitled, "Cayenne for Peptic Ulcer." I didn't want it to be misunderstood that those were instructions for using cayenne.
~Mama to Many~
Multiple Remedies
I was going to do 1 pill of the Mastic Gum 2 times a day?
(Frederick, Maryland)
Slippery Elm bark supplements should help with the "hunger" pains you are describing. Slippery elm is an herb that helps produce mucus to line the intestinal tract. I used that in addition to cabbage juice and occassionally still take a couple of capsules if I eat something that isn't agreeing with me. You can make a tea out of it, but I find the flavor unappealing, so 2 capsules works best for me. If you take medication, do not take slippery elm within 1 hour of medication because the medicine will not be absorbed properly. Best wishes!