I researched and found raw organic green cabbage would heal the ulcer. I began juicing the green cabbage and would drink it two to three times a day with a little bit of cayenne pepper mixed. I also wouid juice one raw organic potato and mix it with the green cabbage juice This is an easy juice to drink no strong flavor. The GI Joes in WWI suffered horribly with ulcers and they were give raw potato juice to drink daily and the majority were cured in ten days. Juicing green cabbage has been a life saver. I would highly recommend.
Cabbage Juice
I juiced 1/2 a green cabbage everyday (once/day) with 1-2 carrots added for sweetness. Within 3 days of juicing and eating a very bland diet, consisting of mostly veggies, rice, and chicken, my ulcer no longer hurt. I continued doing this for 2 weeks and my symptoms vanished. I did have to make permanent changes to my diet and adhere to them. I avoid alcohol, wheat, dairy (except raw cheeses), and ANY and ALL junk food. It has been over a year now and I have no symptoms of the ulcer and no digestive problems since making these changes. I do still juice a few times a week with cabbage and many other varieties of veggies and fruits for the numerous benefits.
After a lot of research, I found that the enzymes in raw foods are essential to proper nutrition and digestion. When we are deficient in digestive and pancreatic enzymes, our GI system suffers for it. I also learned that a lack of stomach acid is more likely the culprit with such GI upsets than too much acid, which can be easily overcome with fresh squeezed lemon in water after meals or a tbsp. of ACV added to water works great too. God gave us all we need to live long healthy lives, we just need to keep passing on this great information to each other. God bless us all!