(Sacramento, Ca)
Citicholine is a good supplement. Last year, when I was a student, I did try it with good results.
Coconut Oil
Since I wrote about my terrible reaction to coconut oil (the skin on my neck got cracked and soooo dry) I am not going near coconut oil. I have had many other symptoms for which I am not blaming coconut oil, but I am sure the oil did exacerbate my particular situation. Things like internal shaking, anxiety and all kinds of aches and pains. Things like feeling I'm on caffeine when it's time for bed and I am certainly exhausted.
After so many trials and doctors I now know that these are all premenopausal symptoms, which in other words mean that hormonal balance is changing in my body and doing all kinds of numbers on me (emotionally too of course). If coconut oil stimulates the thyroid that definitely explains the strong adverse reaction to it.
During menopause some women's thyroid becomes under active and for others it might become overactive (Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism) so it very much depends on your specific constitution.
What am I doing to relieve these symptoms? The answer is not simple.
I am trying very carefully monitor the effects of different foods and to find the right balance of exercise and the right supplements like magnesium, zinc, E and others which are known to be helpful.
I am trying to de -stress my day as much as I can.
Meditate and teach myself to take it easy and let go. (as a mother of two young kids that is a feat in its own right.)
Anyway, I am only writing all this to suggest to many women who might be going through all kinds of weird things to take into consideration that the onset of menopause might be the cause of many a strange sensations and emotions. Hope this helps.
(Hot Springs, Ar, Usa)
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Did you start by taking a lot at once? I am 52, have just started cooking and taking coconut oil and the only side effect was constipation, no idea why as I haven't suffered from it for many years. Maybe the secret is starting only with cooking as you will only use a bit with every meal and go on from there. No menopausal symptoms here and I am a lot older. Also no other symptoms like someone just mentioned here like sleeplessness (I often don't sleep very well anyway), restfulness and so. I now only rub it on my skin twice a day as it is very dry and will use it only with cooking for a while before I start taking an extra spoonful or two a day.
It is possible that nervousness, anxiety, heart palpatations, the feeling of being wired but tired, are all the result of too much of a drop in progesterone. I went through this, and after being misdiagnosed, several years later had a hormone saliva test from ZRT labs indicating high cortisol and low progesterone. A blood test did not show this, because it does not indicate what hormones are in the tissues. I was told by a Naturopathic Doctor who worked under a cardiologist in his office, that cortisol and progesterone compete for the same receptor cites. So if your body is low in progesterone, guess what - the cortisol makes you feel wired, nervous, anxious, cause insomnia, etc. It became a viscious cycle with me because I couldn't sleep and still had to function with toddlers, so my cortisol was up from just trying to survive. I ended up with chronic fatigue from it. I was eventually prescribed topical bioidentical progesterone cream from a compounding pharmacy. You can get other creams like this in the health food store. It really helped but took about 3 mos for it to build back up in my system. I have been taking it for over 10 years now. I always wondered, why in the world was my progesterone low in the first place? What is interesting is that later on, a health consultant told me that if you have fungus in your system (small intestine/stomach, maybe from too many antibiotics, which I definitely had growing up) that the fungus will use up the progesterone in your system. This was confirmed to him by someone he new in the pharmaceutical industry who worked in a prescription drug producing lab that grew fungus in a progesterone environment to get the mycotoxin to make the drug. All in all, the root for me was to try to eliminate the fungus. What a challenge that Candida is. Still haven't done it, though I've tried a tone of stuff. Since I found that fungus can lead to cancer, I found out about the Budwig Instuitute in Spain on this EarthClinic site. They gave me a link to a home remedy for killing fungus, which I think is the best so far. You can contact them and ask for it.
(NC, US)
I'm surprised there is so little about perimenapause. I started having it in my 30's thanks to having ezcema. It seems to be caused by a combination of acidic pH and yeast. I take black cohosh, MSM, and korean ginseng. I have found the ginseng and cohosh make a great combination to sleep at night and help my pH. I have had to go on a strict alkalizing diet of nothing but veggies and apples. I alkalize my water. The yeast die off symptoms are terrible but they do lesson over time. Also there are natural hormonal creams on line. Doctors are no help so far.
I'm 37 and I've been feeling very ill with so many bad symptoms. Like you said internal shaking, my hair is falling, digestive issues and heart palpitations like it feeling like its beating to hard, fatigued, and worsening periods. Test are fine. Anyway, I'm taking better care of my self, my diet, and looking into supplements to support me. Heard good things about omega 3s and lugols iodine. Coconut oil gives me diarrhea. But great for dry vagina and sore muscles. Looks like I'll have to become a menopause expert. Take care!
(San Diego, CA)
Interesting about low progesterone and the fungus connection. I've read that the best natural method and most effective way to kill fungus or candida is to eat nothing but coconut oil, a tablespoon every two hours for three days . The coconut oil MUST be make from fresh coconuts, NOT dried because dried coconuts have mycotoxins in it.
So let's embrace this time in our lives as the beautiful second prime that it is. Yes those symptoms need to be resolved but looking at menopause in a more empowering way can also help. We relinquish our power of fertility but become so much more with our wisdom, surefootedness and commitment to action.
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Thanks, Bryana, for such an empowering and uplifting comment. So many women (especially in North America) are worried that menopause is the "end" of things, yet, in reality, it's the beginning of a whole new adventure. Margaret Mead was right - it's time to embrace the new you! Cheers, Bess (and, yep, I'm a postmenopausal woman)
(Waco, Tx Usa)
There are many formulations you can find at the drugstore or discount store that will provide moisture for menopausal women. I chose one that didn't have mineral oil (highly allergic) but does contain hylauronic acid. It really does work.
I have for many years taken a formula by Nature's Way called Change O' Life. I originally took it to help w/hot flashes. The smoother skin and enhanced libido are just side effects! I can live w/that.... :-D
(Tampa, Fl)
Thank you for that post. I am looking forward to my vital postmenopausal years. In the meantime, how do you deal with the symptoms of ovulation at low ebb? It feels like I'm on the verge of a heart attack or stroke every time I get a period, and since mine are no longer regular it's impossible to predict when it will strike. I'm so tired of being sick and tired. But it's nice to know there is something to look forward to.
Excessive Sweating Remedies
(Battleground, Wash)
I never sweat a drop until I was pregnant and after the baby was born, no more sweat.
Then menopause came and I sweat on a regular schedule.
I haven't tried to stop it since it is one of the ways the body cleanses.
A magnesium deficiency will cause hormones to go out of balance sooner than they would if a person has their minerals in balance. Most cal mag supplements have too much calcium 2/1 ratio and our diets cause a calcium overload, which cause health problems of many sorts but especially heart issues because calcium makes the muscles tighten and magnesium relaxes them A magnesium deficiency presents in many symptoms... Muscle problems of tension and headaches and TMJ and the list goes on. Hope this helps.... Find the right magnesium for yourself through research. Then if you get your minerals in balance, since the body need them for the electrolyte system to work, and vitamin D helps them all do what they do. Most people are low D unless they run around with shorts and tank top in the sun.
If you still need help, after that... Try a dab of progesterone cream... bio identical.
I am 46 and definitely have the sweating issue too. I have noticed that caffeine makes it much worse!!! One cup of coffee makes me sweat like a marathon runner! I did have green tea this morning and did not sweat, so maybe the lower caffeine content was ok for me.
Multiple Remedies
To my fellow ladies, I have used and love this site as it can be very isolating to deal with heavy and painful bleeding plus a myriad of other connected issues. I have suffered with this since aged 13. Now 45. Endometriosis, infertility and now menopause/perimenopause. A few changes have really helped me.
A tonic every morning made with half a glass of warm water, half tbs raw organic apple cider vinegar, 1tbs organic black strap molasses and drink up. It keeps everything under control. The heavy and painful bleeding, night sweats and it gives me an increase in energy.
During the day I will have a cup of tea made with lemon, ginger and a quarter teaspoon of turmeric to help with inflammation and detox. I have also started taking plant based organic vitamins. They are not cheap - about 29.00 for a 30 day supply but feel good.
Lastly, I am on an Ayurvedic diet which is specifically tuned to my body chemistry. You can find a free profile questionnaire online. I have also started meditating. These are massive changes to balance my crazy city hard work lifestyle but throughout my whole journey I have come to understand that we all need to look closely at our lifestyles, stress levels and especially what we put in and on our bodies. Sites like this one are so crucial for us all because here we can share, learn and have a real chance at healing ourselves. I hope every person here, reading or sharing their pain will feel better. Xx
Is your new diet vegan? I went vegan a few weeks ago and my period became shorter and the clots went away.
(Decatur, IN)
I know this is an old post, I just wanted to thank the author if she happens to see this. I related so much with your journey and your info was very helpful for me. Thank you!