Peripheral Neuropathy
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Peripheral Neuropathy: Dosages & Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Old Fart (Winamac, IN) on 09/21/2022

Regarding DMSO, I have used it both internally and externally for years with what I feel are very good results. I take 1 tsp of the 99.9% pure liquid every morning along with cider vinegar and H2O2 in a glass of water. Since I've been doing this, I can get out of bed in the morning, stand up straight and walk like a normal person. I also use DMSO / aloe vera gel for aches and pains from arthritis. I am 75 and have peripheral neuropathy due to agent orange in Vietnam, and DMSO gel is also a big pain reliever for my achy feet and hands.

You can buy both products on Amazon, but I found the pure liquid is cheaper at " Pet Meds". The gel is 70% DMSO and 30% aloe. From all I've read, and that's quite a lot, it is more effective at the 70 / 30 ratio when applied toppically.

If you want to learn more about DMSO, there is a good but short book available online from "HOOPLA". I don't remember the authors name, but the book is, "What Doctors Need to Know about DMSO."

At present time, I am also using it topically to treat my 'shingles', and it is working unbelievably well. I simply apply the gel several times a day. It has stopped the spread and kept the rash to limited space, as well as reducing pain.

Replied by Preston

How much ACV in the drink? Thx much

Electromyography for Peripheral Neuropathy

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joanne (Tampa, Fl.) on 06/20/2013

I have peripheral neuropathy and my neurologist wants me to take an EMG test which is a nerve conduction study... Of course I am hesitant because I have had problems with most tests I have taken... Does anyone out there have any experience with this test?... He says he would stick a needle in the nerve and shoot electrical shots thorugh the nerve to see how far it transmits. It doesn't sound pleasant... Call me very cautious... I had a liver biopsy and walked bent over for 6 months and my enzymes went from normal to close to 300 each. He says this test will tell him if the problem is in the myelin sheath or the axion(sp?) Thank much.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Joanne: I have had this procedure twice. It's not nearly as dangerous as other invasive procedures like biopsies or surgery. The pain is not-so-bad, somewhat tolerable; but it sure feels good when it's over. No near or long-term side effects.

Replied by Cheryl
(Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.)

I had it done and refused to complete the test. It is extremely painful.

Replied by Ray
(New York)

I had that test done its painful but it tells you how much nerve damage has been done to the nerves. My left leg has worse damage than my right but it hurts. I will never have it done again but try it once to see what your results tell your doctor.

Replied by Brian
(Lewis Center, Ohio)

I had an emg for my PN and it was not anything that I expected it to be. Did not hurt as the needle is so small. Confirmed the neuropathy but couldn't find the cause. I am searching for relief for my feet and I am tired of spending money for something that does not work.

Evening Primrose Oil

Posted by Diane (Framingham, Ma) on 02/26/2013

I also would like whatever info on evening primrose oil as I have tried everything on this site and every other site for peripheral neuropathy... I have spent close to $10,000.00 on accupuncture, micro current therapy, IV alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C , etc. etc. and am worse! I have trouble walking up stairs and have terrible pain, hot needles, electric shocks, everywhere all day and night long...

Replied by Bob
(Rosedale, Md)


I too suffer from nerve issues in my feet. Hurts like hell at night, the rest of the time it is numb and feels like electric flowing around my feet. Calcium and magnesium helped me. The pain and numbness is there but manageable. Reflexology every other week really helps to as well as a good deep tissue massage once a month or so.

Take care,

Bob R

Replied by Kate

I am grateful for this info as I too am trying to find relief from PN and have tried all that you mentioned with little relief. A chiro tried to sell an 8,000 pkg to me including a Tens unit and Low Level Light therapy therapeutics.

Fish Oil

Posted by Karren (Tampa, Fl) on 06/24/2013

Bill from Phillipines or anyone who knows... I have hep-c and peripheral neuroapthy which I believe was caused by the hep-c.. I read where most people are taking fish oil for P.N. Is Salmon oil just as good and what about the vitamin A I'll be injesting with the oil? I heard that it can be detrimental to my compromised liver... If I decide to take it, what dose whould I consume? Thanks for reading.

Gingko Biloba

Posted by Diane (Framingham, Ma) on 06/13/2013

Hi Bill, Do you know if either cayenne or ginkgo will open arteries and help with peripheral neuropathy? I have burning, stabbing pains, cramps etc. etc. and don't want to make the situation worse with the wrong remedy. Thank you much.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Diane... Gingko Biloba, cayenne and tumeric will certainly help to open up the blood vessels.

But the strategy that I would use for your Hep C as well as your neuropathy problems would be a combination of Magnesium supplementation (250 mgs twice a day), Alpha Lipoic acid(300 mgs twice a day), Milk Thistle (1000 mgs) twice a day and selenium (200 mcgs twice a day). These supplements should be taken at lunch and dinnertime. These strategies will help to repair the nerves and help to clear the blood of toxins caused by an insufficient liver due to the Hep C. See the Berkson Triple Anti-oxidant Liver Protocol given at this link. Dr Berkson has been highly successful with this combination protocol -- to help cure diseases like Hep C, pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. ALA does much more than just heal nerves. If you want to read about the wide beneficial effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid -- you could do no better than read Dr Berkson's book -- The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough.

I would also advise that you take B50 complex once a day with higher dose niacin(not niacinamide) at 500 mgs twice a day at mealtimes. The higher dose niacin (flush form) opens up the blood vessels(causing the niacin flush), thereby helping to transport essential nutrients efficiently to all areas the body where they are most needed -- to the nerves at the peripherals of your body -- ie the head, hands and feet. From the research -- taking higher dose niacin in this manner also increases immune system strength by a factor of 2000.

I would also include organic Chanca Piedra in your protocols -- 500 mgs twice a day or just drink the tea form if you can get it. This will further help to purify the blood by reducing excess levels of toxins, lipids, sugars and also helps to lower blood pressure. From the research, Chanca Pedra also kills the Hep B virus which can also be involved (undetected) with and greatly aggravate Hep C infections.

Replied by Mary

Hi, I was wondering does Bill have an opinion on the use of ALA with mercury fillings. There seems to be a lot of conflicting articles on the net but I would really like to get his opinion. I know other users have asked this question. I am guessing it is safe to use ALA with medication? Thankyou Bill in advance.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Mary.... I can't really see a problem with taking ALA with mercury fillings. Personally, I think the arguments for not taking ALA verge on the ridiculous. Here are my arguments pro-ALA supplementation:

If you don't take ALA then the mercury in your fillings will still vaporize and still go down your throat and be stored as a heavy metal in your body anyway.

Is that beneficial to the body?

If you take ALA then, yes, its certainly possible that the mercury could be redistrubuted throughout your body but some of it will also be removed and excreted.

What about the other benefits of ALA?

  • ALA is a super-antioxidant that is both water soluble and fat souble -- this means it can act in both fat and aqueous mediums as an anti-oxidant throughout the body. ALA, as an antioxidant, leaves vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamn E at the post -- these two only act as anti-oxidants in aqueous and fat mediums respectively.
  • ALA regenerates used up Vitamin A, C, D, E in the liver and also regenerates used up glutathione and CoQ10.
  • The reduced ALA form -- dihydrolipoic acid or DHLA -- also has benefcial action in the body -- mainly used to regenerate used up vitamins.
  • Both ALA and DHLA also act to extinguish a large range of dangerous free radicals in the body -- hydroxyl radicals, superoxide radicals, hypochlorous acid, peroxyl radical and singlet oxygen. Hence ALA's anti-aging effect.
  • ALA is found in high amounts in young people. These levels reduce considerably at old age. The body needs ALA for anti-aging.
  • ALA is a magnificent poison detoxer of the body, particularly useful against deadly fungal afloitoxins and mycotoxins and particularly useful against poisonous mushrooms.
  • ALA heals neuropathy problems and helps to heal the liver and pancreas due to its anti-oxidant action.
  • ALA chelates heavy metals from fat deposits and from aqueous mediums such as blood and tissue.
  • Supplementing ALA discourages cancer forming in the body.
  • ALA removes and reduces sugar in the blood. Very helpful for diabetes and other chronic problems.
  • Dr Berkson has been using ALA, Selenium and Milk Thistle for many years to help cure Hepatitis C, liver cancers and pancreatic cancers.

Source: The ALA Breakthrough by Dr B Berkson.

I think, perhaps, supplementing ALA has clinched it here since supplementing mercury -- by way of fillings -- will do nothing but extreme harm for the body over time.

And if you want to ensure protection against re-absorbtion of mercury then just supplement Chlorella and eat raw cilantro two or three times a week as a salad. This protocol rapidly removes mercury and other heavy metals from the body (without danger of re-distribution or re-absorption) and also protects against re-absorption of heavy metals from the colon.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Thanks for the info Bill. I started ALA more than a decade ago at 30 mg daily. At that time I got upset stomach or irritations and was limited to that amount. After improvements in digestion, I took a whopping 300 mg 2x tonight with only little irritation. For supplements or drugs that cause irritation I usually take with a bite of food, but to my surprise the ALA is best on an empty stomach, and a few more drinks of liquid seem to help. Lately I pre-dose with 500 mg Vit-C, then 3 gms MSM, then 200 mg ALA for maximum effect.

If I might back up a bit on the facts of ALA, it is, as Bill states, an antioxidant, BUT it is first a metabolic antioxidant, that is, ALA is a key nutrient, and sometimes referred to as a coenzyme, in cellular respiration and energy production.

As an addendum to the health advantages of ALA, I would also recommend supplementing Co-E1 NADH. NADH is the end product of the Niacin vitamin. At one time, I experienced quite profound effects in recovery w/ as little as 5mg daily. Fast forward a few yrs and NADH is available in 20 mg doses. Like ALA, NADH benefits are numerous and worthy of consideration for everyone seeking health and vitality. Here's a link to one of the major proponents of NADH touting the virtues of this coenzyme:

Replied by Diane
(Framingham, Ma)

Hi Bill, Thank you for the reply. I recently bought 2 bottles of R-lipoic acid. Is it as good as ALA? Also is Acetyl-L carnitine the same as L-carnatine? Thank you again.

Replied by Mary
(Regina, Saskchewan)

Hi Bill, many thanks for your in-depth response. Are there any hard and fast rules as regards using ALA, I read an article that said to increase vitamin c and drink lots of water. Any other considerations? Also wondering if you know of anything to regenerate nerves say for sensory nerve damage, I bought helichrysum to apply topically but it just made the tingling hyperactive

Thank you again.

Replied by Diane
(Sherborn, Ma.)

HI Bill, I was on your magnesium oil on body for peripheral neuropathy and it worked for a couple of days then stopped. I'm still doing that therapy and today am on day 13..I have hep-c and PN. I feel my PN was caused by Cipro but I had cold extremities previously from Atenolol. (drugs have not been good to me)I take many supplements for both conditions and just included your magnesium oil treatment..I had been getting phlebotomies to lower my liver enzymes. I find when my ferritin level lowers, so does my liver enzymes...I stopped the phlebotomy last month and just did Lugols exclusively at 50 mgs/day and occasionally went to 150 mgs/day...According to Stephanie Buist there is not problem going that high...I found that my ferritin went from 28 to 18 with no phlebotomy and I made it a point to eat a lot of red meat when it was it 28, yet it still went down...I feel 18 is about as low as I should go and maybe even not that low...My neuropathy just got horrendous...Is this because of the lowered ferritin.? Does ferritin carry oxygen? Should I lay off Lugols for a few days or weeks? I am freezing from my knees to my feet 24/7. 3-7 AM is absolutely terrible....The neuropathy has also recently gone to my forearms and hands. Recently started taking Cats Claw for pain, Nucleotide inosine to build myelin sheath and inositol hexanicotinate to open capillaries per Dr. Atkins. Your advice has been invaluable to me.Please advise...Thank you very much.

Replied by Hilary

Diane, I came here to browse but saw your post and have to reply. I was able to turn around rapidly progressing PR in both my legs and arms caused by antibiotics about three years ago. It required extreme diligence. I cannot list everything I did, but the general areas were:

1. Absolute anti-inflammatory diet--but including raw eggs for the fatty acids in the egg yolks.

2. I kept my feet warm all the time. I kept my feet on a hot pad when I sat and worked. I wore socks with a sewn-on pocket at the toes, and inserted hand warmers. These stay warm about 10 hours. You can find these socks and warmers online. Any time I allowed my feet to get cold, I noticed a regression in the NP.

3. I took all the supplements recommended on this site, except ALA, as I was cautious regarding heavy metals and heeded the warnings of Cutler.

4. Metal detox. I did a few rounds of the Cutler protocol, and it was powerful, but products based on seaweed and modified citrus pectin are ideal as well. This is important as the metals inflame the nerves in our extremities.

5. Rebuilder. This is a machine like a tens machine, but it is supposed to have a pulse that stimulates the nerves. I used this religiously and it helped a lot.

6. Comfortable shoes. In my case, I found that flat and wide shoes were best. Any shoe that constricted even slightly, or slanted forward so that more pressure was one my toes, were catastrophic.

7. Swimming. The rhythmic motion and circulation helps, I was surprised by how much.

8. Visualization. I would mentally circle down through my legs and send my mind into the areas that were numb, encouraging them to come back online. I did this each day, especially before sleep.

I did many more things. One thing I learned on this site is the very basic combination of B6, methyl B12, and fish oil to help the nerves re-myelinate. Everything else is on top of that. If you can afford nothing else, at least do this.

Today, my NP is about 95% better. Don't give up, do the research and be diligent.

Replied by Ellen
(Long Island)

Great info. Do you or does anyone have experienced having a flair-up on their feet when: drinking soda (either diet or regular), wine, or Honest Iced tea! If so, do you know if it's the phosphoric component, or why? Please advise. Ellen

Licorice Extract

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Preston (MA) on 10/07/2022

Put licorice extract on your shingles then wrap a piece of saran wrap around the outbreak then take a one hour nap...shingles will be own personal remedy which works always...

Macadamia Nut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 12/21/2022 64 posts

macadamia oil internally for suspected peripheral neuropathy or toenail fungus

Probably 10 years ago, what got rid of numbness and tingling (I assume peripheral neuropathy, PN) in my toes was taking unrefined or virgin macadamia oil.

It took about 2 months and one 16 oz bottle at 1 or 2 measuring tablespoons per day after a meal. Interestingly, my fungal great toenail dropped off or lifted off of the nail bed at the same time the numbness and tingling stopped in my toes. Then the toenail grew in healthy over the next year.

It was the NOW brand 16 oz unrefined macadamia oil, but NOW discontinued the product at the time.

So I now take PipingRock's 16 oz virgin macadamia oil or the Carlyle 16 oz virgin 3 bottle pack through Amazon.

However, the fungal toenail came back recently, so I have restarted taking the macadamia oil internally with good results. I take a flatware tablespoon of the oil, which is about a half measuring tablespoon, every 6 hours or 4 times per day. So that is about 2 measuring tablespoons per day, which is 1 oz per day. So I take it (plus or minus 2 hours) at 6 AM, 12 PM, 6 PM and 12 AM.

Macadamia oil is the highest food source for palmitoleic acid, at about 18%. Palmitoleic acid is antimicrobial, so that is what I think extinguished my fungal toenail and PN.

The macadamia oil internally also works wonders for some jaw-related pain that I have.

Next I may order a gallon of virgin macadamia oil from in Chicago. That would be 16 pints which, if ordering a gallon, would save about 2/3 of the cost if ordering 16 separate pints.

Or The Sulu on Etsy:

Macadamia Nut Oil
Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 12/21/2022 64 posts

macadamia oil internally for suspected peripheral neuropathy or toenail fungus

Probably 10 years ago, what got rid of numbness and tingling (I assume peripheral neuropathy, PN) in my toes was taking unrefined or virgin macadamia oil.

It took about 2 months and one 16 oz bottle at 1 or 2 measuring tablespoons per day after a meal. Interestingly, my fungal great toenail dropped off or lifted off of the nail bed at the same time the numbness and tingling stopped in my toes. Then the toenail grew in healthy over the next year.

It was the NOW brand 16 oz unrefined macadamia oil, but NOW discontinued the product at the time.

So I now take PipingRock's 16 oz virgin macadamia oil or the Carlyle 16 oz virgin 3 bottle pack through Amazon.

However, the fungal toenail came back recently, so I have restarted taking the macadamia oil internally with good results. I take a flatware tablespoon of the oil, which is about a half measuring tablespoon, every 6 hours or 4 times per day. So that is about 2 measuring tablespoons per day, which is 1 oz per day. So I take it (plus or minus 2 hours) at 6 AM, 12 PM, 6 PM and 12 AM.

Macadamia oil is the highest food source for palmitoleic acid, at about 18%. Palmitoleic acid is antimicrobial, so that is what I think extinguished my fungal toenail and PN.

The macadamia oil internally also works wonders for some jaw-related pain that I have.

Next I may order a gallon of virgin macadamia oil from in Chicago. That would be 16 pints which, if ordering a gallon, would save about 2/3 of the cost if ordering 16 separate pints.

Or The Sulu on Etsy:

Replied by Maggie
(Morris, IL)

Wow, if it works, that is a great and simple solution! I just got on this site so maybe that would be a good place to start. Do you remember if you took it once or twice a day the first time you had NP?

Macademia Nut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tom (Currently Yuma, Az) on 12/27/2020

Editor's Choice

In 2011, I got rid of numbness and tingling in my toes by taking two tablespoons of NOW brand unrefined macadamia oil after meals. This was twice per day. In two months and one 16 oz bottle later, my toe numbness disappeared and my fungal great toenail also lifted off and a new, healthy toenail grew in over the next year.

NOW brand discontinued the macadamia oil, but PipingRock has excellent oils, including macadamia oil. Macadamia oil has the highest percentage of the antimicrobial, palmitoleic acid, at 18%, which I now believe is antifungal as well.


That dosage for macadamia nut oil was just one measuring tablespoon after meals, up to twice per day.

That way, one 16 oz bottle would last about 32 days since there are 2 tablespoons to a fluid ounce.

However, just a half measuring tablespoon after meals might be enough, though, for the first two months. A half tbsp ended up being my maintenance dose for years, at once per day.

Assuming 13.3 grams per tablespoon of oil, 18% of that is 2.39 grams or almost 2400 mg of palmitoleic acid per measuring tablespoon.

At the time, I was using a flatware tablespoon that holds half of a measuring tablespoon, and I would take two of them after meals for the first two months. I no longer take macadamia oil, but the numbness in fingers and toes has never returned, nor has any fungal toenail.

Replied by Peter


How long did you you have the numbness and tingling before you began using the macadamia oil?


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Bonnie (Ravenna, Ohio) on 09/03/2014

I had such painful cramps in my feet and legs it would wake me up at night-I remembered I had magnesium oil and the gel--put some on the bottom and top of my feet and on my legs. Also started taking Boswellia/Turmeric combo and Magnesium Malate-drank a small glass of water with 1/2 tsp. baking soda---have no more cramps--my feet are warmer, less pain when I walk too. Now gave my old dog boswellia/turmeric---she's going up and down stairs with no problem. Hope this helps. Bonnie

Posted by Karen (Tampa, Fl) on 07/23/2013

Bill from Philippines. Looking for a suggestion on which magnesium to take for peripheral neuropathy. I have been taking magnesium malate (280 mgs 3/day) and magnesium chloride (520 mgs 3/day) together with no results with my horrendous calf cramping 2 years worth and counting... I just started taking magnesium citrate 200mg 2/day and think it is giving me diarrhea. I still take the mag malate.

I don't take any calcium. Should I?? and and if so what kind... I'm so confused about forms of different vitamins to take. There are so many... Thank you. I've also been through acupuncture (twice) and physical therapy and got nowhere... Except lost a lot of money. I get cramps 24/7 all over my calves and feet and now my leg biceps.

Replied by Yogi

My doctor suggest 400 mg of Magnesium Oxide and Calcium to prevent leg cramps -diarrhea can be a result of the magnesium.

Replied by Prioris

Magnesium glycinate will not cause diarrhea. Also it is easier for the body to absorb.

Replied by Lily

Buy magnesium oil in the gel type and rub it on your feet and legs. Magnesium is absorbed well transdermally and no loose bowels . Wonderful stuff. You can also buy it as a spray but I find that I like the gel better.

Replied by Rick

I have always used generic Vicks Vapo Rub for muscle cramps. It has never failed to work for me and it is an inexpensive remedy which works immediately.


Omg thanks sooo much Rick..I was having nerves pain on my foot for 3 days straight. Could not sleep..then remember ur post about the Vicks. I had some and I rubbed the area on my foot n got immediate relief. N it has not returned. It definitely works.

Replied by Jan

Do not take magnesium oxide; absorption is terrible and magnesium citrate in large doses causes diarrohea/leaching your body minderals. Take Magnesium orotate and calcium orotate. Also foods high in magnesium and calcium - leafy greens also organic cocao. Your diet should be as organic as possible with lots of vegs and fruits though it will still take some time for your body to correct itself. Good luck

Replied by Gord235
(Vancouver, British Columbia)

I have had lots of success taking a calcium-magnesium supplement for leg cramps. It never failed to work for me.

Replied by Renee
(Atlanta, Ga)

I am a bodyworker and I specialize in pain relief. I recommend Magnesium Glycinate for pain relief, insomnia and irregular heartbeat, leg cramps, etc. I am not a doctor but after 35 years, I have been thanked over and over again by people who got relief without diarrhea. 80-90% of people are chronically low on magnesium. It is called the “master mineral” because it affects so many areas of the body - your muscles, your brain, the heart and nervous system.

Posted by Michelle (Austin, Tx) on 04/08/2011

I have had peripheral neuropathy for years. I have discovered several things along my journey. The absolute best supplement (but not a cure) for me has been transdermal magnesium oil or gel. One of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency is numbness/tingling. The reason to use the magnesium transdermally is that you can get more absorbed directly into your system without the possible side effect of diarrhea which can occur with oral dosages. I have tried many brands, but Ancient Minerals is hands-down, the best. It is made from condensed sea water. Since it can sting a little if you have sensitive skin, I just rub it on my feet twice a day and then put on socks. You should not use the magnesium if you have kidney problems or low blood pressure. If you do end up trying this, you may want to give it several weeks to a month before determining if it is helping you. Supposedly once magnesium is depleted, it is notoriously difficult to replete.

I have also discovered, that the main reason that I am so magnesium deficient is because my body is too acidic. Most people (myself included) consume a Western diet that consists of a of processed foods, meat, dairy, etc. , all of which are acidic. In the body's attempt to neutralize the acidity of the blood, it takes copius amounts of calcium, magnesium and potassium from different places in the body (bones, etc) and uses them to buffer the blood (make it more alkaline). If your problems persist, you may want to try an alkaline diet. You can also drink water with 1/2 tsp of baking soda dissolved in it (on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes prior to eating), as this greatly helps to alkalinize your body. Hope some of these suggestions help. I know how miserable it can be to experience these symptoms!

Replied by Monique
(Ellington, Ct)

Hi, I suffer from extreme neropathy pain in both feet. I'm constanly trying new "cures' but haven't tried the transdermal magnesium therapy. Thanks for the tip, it will be the next thing I try ASAP. I always wish some brillant doctor or person could create some type of "cooling gel" that could be injected into my feet and have the substance cover my nerve endings so that the pain message wouldn't go to my brain. Isn't there any way someone can do research andcome up with a cure. I'd be willing to invest my time with anyone respectable to research cures. I even went and had surgery and had a Spinal Cord Stimulator trial implanted in my spine at the Lehey Clinic but it didn't work for me. Supposedly, it can help a lot of people but it didn't reach my feet (the toughest location to get at) and added a tingling in my back and legs I couldn't stand. Other patients with success swear by the SCS so it may be something others out there can look into, there is also a nerve root stimulator I'm investigating. Best wishes to anyone with this disease. I know first hand how difficult it is to live in constant pain 24/7.


Medication Side Effects

Posted by Diane (Framingham,ma.) on 07/27/2013

I have hepatitis c and peripheral neuropathy... My neuropathy is very painful with many different types of pain. I have tried everything- believe me... My doctor said I should try fentanyl patches.. They don't bother the liver and will remove much pain.. Does anybody have any experience in this? I just don't want my liver enzymes to go up through the roof. thank you for reading.

EC: Extensive list of side effects found here:


Posted by Karen (Tampa, FL) on 08/25/2013

Does anyone have any first hand experience with Keppra, a medication used for epilepsy? I have hepatitis c and horrible peripheral neuropathy with HORRENDOUS pain. I have tried tumeric 3 heaping teaspoons a day and nothing... My dr and my pharmacist both said this will not bother my liver... I have tried 101 things for my neuropathy and it's still there. I can hardly walk and the shooting, stabbing, electrical shocks are 24/7 and I do mean all night long... I also have neuropathy in my arsm and torso with someimes stabbing pains in my chest or sides... I didn't ever think life could be this bad... The last 3 weeks I have gotten about 3 hours sleep each night...

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

Karen, I had the horrible pain that you speak of and mine was from B12 deficiency. The pills and shots did not work for me..... But the b12 patches worked. I had to make adjustments until I found the amount that worked. One was not near enough but now I have lowered my dose and have rid myself of the pain. When I feel the numbness come back I increase my patches. Good Luck!

Replied by Karen
(Tampa, FL)

What do you mean by "One was not near enough." Did you use several patches or did you use the patches for an extended period of time?... And what sttrength patches did you use? Thank you for the response.

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

Karen from Tampa: The amount of B12 patches that I use are 5000 mcg. I had to start off using several a day at first. At one time I was using 3 or more a day.... Just depends on the day. I guess my stores of B12 built up and I was able to reduce the amount after a while. The pain in my hands would wake me up out of my sleep in the wee hours of the morning. I had almost no energy, and I thought it was from sleep deprivation, but now I know that it was the low B12 in my body.

You are welcome and I hope that this helps you.

Replied by Karen
(Tampa, Fl)

Are the B-12 patches something a Dr prescribes or something you can get over the internet? Thank you again for the quick response.

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

Karen, Google "Vitamin B12 Patches" and there will be a lot of internet sites that sell them. I get the ones that are offered by a Dr. I am praying that this helps you because I know how painful and hopeless you can feel with that pain and nothing seems to work. I will buy the patches before I buy food.... that is how much they have helped me. Namaste

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Investigating the benefits of the amino acid Serine, says that myelin is comprised of much Serine. Serine is a non-essential amino synthesized from the essential amino Glycine in the human body. Supplementing Serine would likely provide some relief w/ neuropathy considering it's derivative Phosphatidylserine, is also one of the most beneficial nutropic (brain & nervous system) substances.

Replied by Karen

Tinydancer, Is it at all possible to give me the brand name of the patches you use? I have spent a lot of money making mistakes with supplements that either didn't work or were overhyped to sell and they failed... I don't know how to do this but I'll even give you my e mail address. I know people have posted brand names sometimes. I think they would be OK with it. But do keep in contact.. I would eat rocks to get rid of my cramps.. I do not have a life for the last 2 years.. It's 24/7 pain.. Thank you for reading.

Replied by Karen

Helllo again Tinydancer from Ohio, I checked out the B-12 on line and found one from a Dr. D----. Is that your brand? Also did you find your B-12 deficiency by experimenting or did a dr tell you that you were deficient? My Dr says I have too much B-6 and B12... But I've also been told their tests don't accurately tell the story. Thx again.

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

Karen from Tampa: By the time that I went to the doctor I had already been to a hand therapist and had taken B12 in pill form and did not have any results. I even got B12 shots that cost me 38.00 a piece and it did not help me. I had purchased the book "Could it be B12" and I had all the key things in my life that could cause a body to be low in B12. I had my doctor check my B12 and the results came back that my B12 was high and not deficient, but I had already supplemented with the pills. From what I have read is that the blood can show that the B12 range is normal while there is deficiency in the cells. I happen to see a webinar for B12 patches and I ordered some that day. I was desperate...... The pain was so intense and I could feel the tingling starting in my feet. I found that this worked for me and I hope it helps you. I know that everyone will not get the same results, don't give up and also pay attention to the magnesium in your diet. Do you eat enough foods that have magnesium or should you supplement?

And yes, I get my patches from Dr D....



I told my GP, as my b12 was good, that it does not always get into cells and he agreed and said MSM can help unlock the cell doors to let nutrients in and toxins out.

Replied by Karen
(Tampa, Fl)

I will order B-12 patches today from Dr. D.... I eat 99% organic and have tried many different types of magnesium. Mag malate, chloride, citrate, glycinate and still have horrendous cramps..... Thanks for telling me about your test results with B-12. My dr said the same hing. I was "high and do not have a problem with low B-12"... From what I know it's water suoluable and can't hurt you regardless. I will let you know how I make out... I wake up every morning screaming in pain with multiple cramps all over my calves from a dead sleep ay 5:00AM...... My neuropathy is creepin up my thighs and I occasionally have cramps in my leg biceps... I have poly neuropathy... Which means I have it in my arms as well... I had cramps in my forearsm the other morning, but they're not nearly as painfull as calf cramps which are crippling... Thank you so much for your time and information. You are a saint...

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

Karen from Tampa: I feel so bad that you are going through that endless pain. When it would wake me up in the early morning hours I would just sit and rock and cry..... Nobody knows how bad it hurts unless they have experienced it. I thought that I was going to have to go through life like that. When I would leave the house, people would ask what was wrong with me because I had so many patches on me. I had them everywhere..... I laugh now to think about how I must have looked to people. But when I woke up naturally one morning and realized that I had slept through the night without pain, I knew I was on the right track. Keep adding patches until you start feeling some relief. I pray that help is on your way. Did you know that a lot of MS patients have been misdiagnosed and actually are vitamin B12 deficient? That's what I've read at least. Lack of vitamin B12 can have you curled up in the fetal position..... But until I asked no doctor had ever checked my B12 levels. I am asking God to surround you in his light and asking that your healing will be swift.


Replied by Karen

Tinydancer, Should I start by taking one 5000 mcg B-12 patch and after 5 days if nothing happens add one which would mean I am now wearing 2 patches... Then continue to add patches until how many patches, or until I get relief. How would you know if it were not working? What was the final count of your patch wear. Just trying to get an idea of what to do. Thank you so much for the blessing. I am in deep doo and have this neuropathy all over my body pain 24/7 everywhere... I dread going to bed at night... I cannot move a millimeter because I get cramps.. I have to sleep directly on my back with my hands beside me..

Replied by Karen

Karen from Tampa to Tinydancer... You have worn 3 or 4 patches at a time.. Do you wear them for a week or just one day... I ordered some and the directions says to put one on for just 24 hours then take it off and put anohter one on in 5 days.. Is that how you do it? I thought you wore it for a week, then took it off and put on another one. Thank you for reading and your feedback. I can't thank you enough..

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

Karen from Tampa: When I started with the vitamin B12 patches, I started with one and the next day I would put on two fresh ones and the next day 3 fresh ones and so on. I would not wait 5 days, you want to find relief as fast as you can. I have had as many as (5) 5000mcg patches on at once. I wore 5 patches (fresh ones) every day for weeks and then I was able to reduce the amount of patches. Now I wear two patches for 24 hours and I don't apply any more for about 4-5 days. There are times when I will get a tingling feeling in my hands and I go back to 2 patches daily. The tingling always comes first with me and if I ignore it the pain comes next.

On a personal note: I have been telling my brother and sister-inlaw about B12 supplementing for a long time and it fell on deaf ears. My sister-inlaw is now in the hospital for respirator problems and the doctor was discussing her lab results with her. Her doctor told her that her B12 was so low that she is surprised that she was still able to stand. B12 makes a difference in our lives. You're in my prayers Karen.


Replied by Karen

Hello again Tinydancer, Can you give me a guestimate of how many patches you went through in a week? So I can order a similar amount... I only ordered a small amount but it would appear I am going to need much more... They come from Canada and I don't know how long it takes to get here. I'm also guessing that no one gave you this protocol... You just experimented and found what worked for you... Did you have any side effects when you were up to 5 patches a day??? I'm a bit concerned as I have hepatitis-c... On another note I absolutely had to put on a fentenyl patch last night (# 50) I was in such pain I couldn't sleep. Today I have laryngitis from yelling so much when the stabbings and shocks hit all night long-every 5 mnutes... Thank you and much blessings sent to you. I need to get out of the hell that I'm in...

Replied by Karen

Hello again Tinydancer, Are you using the B-12 patches with the 10 vitamins or the plain B-12 patches? Don't want to make a mistake. Thank you much.

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)


Sorry for the delay in responding..... Been away for a minute. I use the B12 patches only. You don't want to overdo it on the other B's. I wanted to ask you what medications do you take?

I will look in my "Can It Be B12" book and see if it addresses anything about your issues. Only do this if you feel comfortable enough to share that information with me. I wish there was a way that we could send each other our email addresses without them being visible to the world and we would not have to wait until it appears on EC. But right now this is the best that we have.

I used about 5 patches a day for probably the first 2 1/2 weeks, after I knew 5 patches was the magic number for me. I felt so sure that it would work because of the webinar that I saw and I was not going to be defeated again like with the pills and shots. After that I was able to taper down to 3 patches/day for another 2-3 weeks and I just kept eliminating until I found the amount that worked for me. I was following my own guidelines and flying by the seat of my pants but it finally worked. Your condition sounds so much more serious than mine. I feel like I would have ended up like you if I had not found out about the patches when I did. My sister-inlaw and I met for lunch one day and I was shocked at how she was walking..... Kind of stumbling and unsteady. Now she knows why..... She said that she thought that it just was old age creeping up on her. She is getting daily B12 shots in the hospital and she is walking better already. I'm surprised that she was not in severe pain but she said that she wasn't. I think that it affects everyone differently. Gotta run but when I get back I'm going to look up Hep C in my B12 book and see what it says. Take care.


Replied by Karen
(Tampa, Fl)

Hello again Tiny dancer, The only drug I'm taking is fentenyl opatches (50) and I just started taking then 4 days ago... I was up until 5:00A.M. and getting shocks and stabbings everywhere.. I had the patches from the drug store and had to put one on.. It is helping with the shooting pains, but I wonder how bad it's eff3ecting my liver and liver enzymes? My Dr. said I would be OK, but of course I don't trust dr's. Too many bad experiences which could fill up a book between me and my family... 4 Death close experiences for me... I have a friend who owns a health club and writes for fitness magazines... Maybe I could give you his e mail address and he could forward it to me then it's kind of muffled.. Do you think this would work on your end?... If so I'll contact him...

Replied by Karen

Hello Tinydancer, I already ordered the B-12 patches with the "essential 10 vitamins. I ordered the 5 pack then they give you 2 free packs with it... I also ordered "Could it be B-12?" from my library...

I would like to correspond with you directly also... Maybe I could find a person that would let me use their e mail address and they would forwad it to me.. Get a middle man??? Don't know what else to do.. Any suggestions? Thank you for your much needed help and your time.

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)


Don't bother your friend. That would probably open him up for a lot of spam mail. Earth Clinic is fine for corresponding. I get the same amount of patches that you ordered. It doesn't take long.... They ship them right away. I'm happy that you ordered the book from your library..... A lot of information in that book. I am praying that you find relief with this. Almost everyone that I have recommended these to and they actually used them, found some relief. I can't tell you how much money I spent on B12 supplements and shots trying to find something that worked. I chewed pills, I put them under my tongue, I had expensive drops that I put down my throat and I got numerous shots..... To no avail. It is always darkest before the dawn.... hang in there.

Replied by Karen
(Tampa, Fl)

Thanks again for your time and information. I have spent about $15,000.00 on supplements over the last 2 years with no resolution for my Peripheral Neuropathy... Do or DID you have neuropathy?... It sounds like you had it in your hands maybe it was reynauds syndrome?

In any event I have the B-12 coming and the book you recommended is coming from the library and am hoping for a cure... This is something that my very poor (2) neurologists have told me CANNOT happen. Even if it were true they shouldn't tell someone that. Of course they want to keep me on drugs as there is no profit in recommending supplements. I have seen many people over the last 2 years who have overcome neuropathy with various supplements. I do believe it's a lack vitamin or minerals... I had stage 4 chirrosis in July of 2011 and the same time my neuropath surfaced... I believe my because of the chirosis my liver was not producing some vitamin or mineral or fatty acid and the neuropathy came on...

And by the way there are many supplements that are very questionable with regard ot their effectiveness. There are as many cooks in the alternative world as there are in the medical profession, which in my mind if packed with liars and frauds...

They told me that IF I didn't take interferron and have a biopsy I would die... I didn't take interferron (thank God and lloyd wright) but I had a biopsy and my liver enzymes went for being in the 30's to being in the mid 300's... I could go on and one... But again thatnk you for your time.. And by the way I just started taking fentenyl 4 days ago... It's the only drug I am on.. I haven't been on any drugs for many mnay years... The last time was for food poisoning...

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)


My condition is neuropathy.... It is not gone, only contained as long as I keep my body supplied with the B12. I feel like I will always have it unless I learn something new about it. As long as I am on the medications that I am on then it will always cause my B12 to be low. I do not have Raynaud's disease. The treatment is entirely different and my condition does not have any thing to do with the temperature and the color of my extremities have remained the same. I know that my lower half was starting to show signs of neuropathy when I got involved with the B12 patches... So I was able to avert that dagger. And I feel like if this was not neuropathy then the B12 would not be working for me.

I do believe there is a lot of information about interferon in "Can it Be B12". I have been running back and forth to the hospital (sister-in law) and have not had a chance to look up information in my book. I believe that man has limited knowledge about what is going on with our body's. Most of what they say is guessing. I think sometimes that if man has not seen or witness something for themselves then they don't think that it is possible. When my doctor could not tell me what was going on with my pain then she just dropped the ball. I had no other choice but to find my own answers. The Creator will be the only one that would be able to say whether or not you can be cured..... Put your faith in him. That is what I did.


Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Tiny Dancer:

On neuropathy, google "Calcium AEP diabetes" and "acetyl l carnitine diabetic neuropathy" and you should find what these substances do to help the condition. Especially Cal AEP works wonders for the pain you're experiencing. You may not have diabetic neuropathy but it helps on the cellular level restore electrical interaction and helps maintain cellular health. Also google an article "calcium aep nutrition review" and you'll be amazed at the many other things Cal aep can do.

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

Thank you Tom..... Any advice is welcomed and appreciated. Namaste

Replied by Janice
(Sydney, AU)

I have had monthly B12 injections for over 30 years, with pernicious anaemia.

When I was unable to get the injections I required, I relied on Dr D's patches, sublingual tablets and sprays for 8 months. Ended up with severe irreversible peripheral neuropathy. The patches and sprays helped, but now I take daily Methylcobalamin injections. If you suspect B12 is a cause of your problem, I strongly recommend you check out or pernicious anaemia society.

My progress is slow, but definitely some improvement after 18 months.

Replied by Deborah
(Rochester Ny)

Connect with each other on FB and instant message each other things like email addresses phone # etc. I have been reading this thread and have some homeopathy and and finding the info helpful. Mine is in my feet only and its just numbness and warmth. I find mine flairs up 30 minutes after I eat carbs that may have GMO or Glyphosate. its is always 30 min after. Chocolate which can be full of carbs does not make it flair up so I find it is more grains that do. I have used B12 sublingual but maybe it is not enough. My neuropathy has gotten better not so uncomfortable but not all gone yet. Thanks for the info.

Sending healing and Blessings, Deborah

Replied by Juanita

I have epilepsy and take Keppra, Lamictal, and Klonapin to control the three types of seizures. I also have restless leg syndrome and polysensorymotor neuropathy. The only thing that helps me is Neurontin, an anti-seizure medication. I just make sure I leave a three hour gap prior to taking my next combination dosage of Kkeppra, Lamictal, and Klonapin. When the pain is mild I take 400 mg at bedtime and when it is severe I take 1,200 mg. Check with your neurologist. My primary care came up with taking Neurotin while my neurologist wanted me to take Mirapex. Mirapex would last four then symptoms were back. Then suddenly augmentation occurs in which Mirapex no longer works then have to go to Requip and then Mirapex then Requip again and it is a never ending cycle. Neurontin has been a life saver for me for fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and neuropathy. It doesn't help me with epilepsy but it helps me with everything else. Depending on the brand or generic version it can make you tired so I get the brand only so I know what to expect. Now I have a good night sleep. No pain, burning, tremors, etc.


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Posted by Art (California) on 09/15/2022 2390 posts

Peripheral Neuropathy And Melatonin Repair Of The Actual Nerves

The following two studies show that Melatonin can be helpful in the fight against Peripheral Neuropathy (PN). I am adding this post because Melatonin is not currently on the EC list for PN supplements, but it clearly belongs there.

In this first study / Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) it is shown that melatonin provides benefits against PN even at the low dose of 6 mg / day :

Here is a relevant quote from the RCT :

' At the study endpoint, treatment with melatonin resulted in a considerably higher reduction in the mean NRS pain score in comparison with placebo (4.2 ± 1.83 vs. 2.9 ± 1.56; P-value < 0.001). In terms of treatment responders, a greater proportion of melatonin-treated patients satisfied the responder criterion than placebo-treated patients (63.5% vs. 43.1%). Melatonin also reduced pain-related sleep interference scores more than did placebo (3.38 ± 1.49 vs. 2.25 ± 1.26; P-value < 0.001). Further, at the endpoint, more improvement was also seen in terms of PGIC, CGIC, and Health-related QOL in patients treated with melatonin than placebo. Melatonin was also well tolerated. '

In this next study, melatonin is shown to actually repair peripheral nerves :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' Collectively, these findings indicate that melatonin upregulates Parkin-mediated mitophagy and promotes peripheral nerve repair. The results provide a basis for the development of effective drugs for PNI treatment. '

Admittedly, a 6 mg/day dose is rather modest considering they are trying to treat PN in the first study. Considering the results obtained in the study, future studies should use higher dosing to answer the question of whether more melatonin will have an even greater and faster effect, as shown in other studies not involving PN. In any case, working toward actual repair of peripheral nerves as opposed to trying to kill the pain, burning, tingling and numbness seems much more important IMO.


Replied by Edy


Do you know if the melatonin is applied to the sciatic area and the feet for the improvement? I have Zeptil 200ml per 1/2 tsp and I tried a dab to bring that lower, but it sure did make me drowsy. Any thoughts on where to apply it? Thanks, Edy

2390 posts


In the study, they used 6 mg of oral melatonin, they didn't apply it topically. Taken orally the melatonin goes systemic fairly quickly and is able to move into tissues throughout the body quickly. Topical application of melatonin moves at a slower pace as it traverses through the dermal layers and then into the system. Generally melatonin is taken at night before bedtime. The time can vary depending on how you react to melatonin. If it seems to cause next day sleepiness, some people have opted to take it earlier in the evening to try and reduce this effect.

Topical melatonin delivery is not required based on the study, but I imagine you can try that, but definitely not in the morning or early afternoon. I believe Zeptil comes in two different concentrations of melatonin and one is significantly at a higher concentration than the other so you will have to take that into consideration if you use it. Oral melatonin is less expensive.

On a related note, you may also be interested in this if melatonin still makes you feel to sleepy during the day or in addition to melatonin for better effect :

Sunil T. Pai MD, in Integrative Medicine (Fourth Edition), 2018

Benfotiamine: Vitamin B1

Benfotiamine, also known as S-benzoylthiamine-O-monophosphate, is a lipid-soluble derivative of vitamin B1 (thiamine) and is absorbed up to 3.6 times more than water-soluble forms. Vitamin B1 is associated with a 120-fold greater increase in the levels of metabolically active thiamine diphosphate. Its lipid solubility allows it to penetrate the nerves more readily. It has been found to provide a higher bioavailability of thiamine than its water-soluble counterparts.292-294 Benfotiamine reduces advanced glycation end-products (AGE) by 40%, which has been shown to prevent macro- and microvascular endothelial dysfunction in individuals with type 2 diabetes.295-300

Studies have shown that benfotiamine improves neuropathy scores significantly, 301, 302 increases nerve conduction velocity, 303-305 and reduces HbA1c and pain.306 On the Russian market, it is one of the most studied drugs for neuropathic pain.306 In addition, it lowers inflammation and may be useful for ameliorating the analgesic effect of mu-opioid agonists on neuropathic pain.307-309 In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study and phase III clinical study, investigators demonstrated a pronounced effect on the decrease in pain310, 311 in conjunction with the previously described benefits. Benfotiamine may also be beneficial in preventing diabetic nephropathy312 and retinopathy.313 Therapeutic benefits can be seen as early as 3 weeks, with the most significant improvements occurring in patients taking the highest-dose of benfotiamine, that is, 600 mg/day at 6 weeks.310, 311, 314


The recommended dose of benfotiamine is 150–300 mg twice daily specifically for diabetic peripheral neuropathy.


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