Aloe Vera
I had pterygium in my left eye and came to earth clinic. I am currently taking ACV. I've had it for 3 months. The lump was bigger than a pin head and growing. It was hard like a callous compared to rest of eye. I put on aloe vera gel and rubbed on my eyelids an let some seep in. It stung for like 1/10 of a second, next morning it was significantly smaller. I used morning and night by second day it was completely gone. Plus my little red veins from being tired were also gone. Thanks earth clinic!
Did you really have such a succes with Aloe Vera Gel, incredible. You wrote you are taking ACV, can you tell me what that is?
And last but not least, did you talk to a doctor about putting Aloe Vera 'in' your eyes? It sounds to good to be true.
I am taking Dipyrademole eyedrops at the moment. It is completely safe and helps a lot for all the symptoms from Pterygium. Only the red veins are difficult, so I am going to try the Aloe vera Gel for that.
Thank you!
EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar
(Lae, Morobe Province Png)
(Sydney Australia)
(Carol Stream)
(Snow Mountains, Interior BC Canada)
Hi there, I am happy to read about your success with Aloe Vera - can you please confirm - can we take the aloe vera from the leaf and put on the eye lid to get the same results you have? my partner has this pterygium in the left eye and does not want to do the surgery. really looking forward to your response.
Just make sure to let the resin drain out from the leaf first. After you've cut it, lean it upright and wait (maybe 5 - 10mins for a tiny piece enough for one eye) for the yellowy liquid to drain out. Rinse it off with water, and then use the pure aloe vera GEL only. (I got this info from:
Also be sure you're using the actual species Aloe Vera (there are other species in the genus which get lumped in being commonly called aloe vera even if they're a different species, so get the exact right plant).
Avoid Sugar and Salt, Take Potassium
best of luck
Omega 3, Vitamin A
I believe I figured out what my problem was, I was deficient in Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin A for quite a long time in my life as I do not like to eat Spinach (Vitamin A) or Seafood (Omega-3). I found this out using the Cronometer app, plugging everything I ate on a daily basis, and I was constantly deficient in these two nutrients. I decided to do research to find a food that had both of these nutrients and found Cod Liver Oil which is high in Omega-3, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D. I also found out that Spinach was very high in Vitamin A and Vitamin K. I purchased the best Cod Liver Oil I could find, I wanted a Cod Liver Oil that was un-heated and in its raw form to ensure I had quality nutrients in the most natural state, I settled with Rosita Cod Liver Oil. 5mL of this oil has about 1100 mcg of Vitamin A, 9 mcg of Vitamin D and 1293 mg of Omega-3. I decided to take 1.25mL to 2.5mL a day as I wanted to keep my Vitamin A under 900 mcgs per day since I do not want to overdue it due to hearing about side effects of too much vitamin A. I have been taking 1.25-2.5mL every day for the past 15 days and I can tell you everyday is an improvement! My ultra red-eyes are nearly gone (just a few red veins now that I can barely notice), my dry eyes are nearly gone and believe it or not but the Pterygium in my right eye looks less thick and yellow/orangish since I have been taking this oil. However, the bevel near my cornea is still there. I can say without a doubt that this oil is helping me tremendously, I feel 1000% better about my appearance and hopefully my DED (Dry Eye Disease) completely heals so I no longer have to worry about the Pterygium growing out of control anymore. I have also noticed my mind is much less foggy and much more clear after taking this Cod Liver Oil.
I am also incorporating Spinach to my diet, but I am using Cronometer to ensure that I don't overdo Vitamin A in my diet. I also notice if I stop taking Cod Liver Oil or when my diet is absent of Vitamin A and Omega 3 my eyes dry up again (I'm not making that mistake again, I'm taking this stuff everyday now).
I now believe that Dry Eye Disease and Pterygium is a deficiency symptom, as I said before, my diet did not consist of any seafood or spinach. It's either a deficiency in Omega-3 or Vitamin A I was dealing with. Now that I know, I am keeping an eye on all of my deficiencies with the Cronometer app. I am 100% grateful for Rosita, I do not trust any other Cod Liver Oil manufacturing company. I hope this helps someone who is dealing with this scary disease.