Retinitis Pigmentosa
Natural Remedies

Retinitis Pigmentosa Remedies

| Modified on Dec 10, 2017
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Treatment and prevention of retinitis pigmentosa ranges from mere eye protection to natural supplements that support eye health. Protecting the eyes prevents premature deterioration. Additionally, nutritional supplements offer eye support, manage regular circulation and maintain eyesight effectively.

What is Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Retinitis pigmentosa refers to a group of genetic disorders that cause retinal degeneration. The retina lines the back inside wall of the eye and is rich in cells. This part of the eye makes capturing images possible. Individuals with retinitis pigmentosa experience a gradual decline in this area as the cells within the retina progressively die. The condition typically begins as night blindness that progresses to include decreased central vision and the loss of color perception.

Natural Treatments for Preventing Retinal Degeneration

Retinal degeneration is a complex condition that requires focused treatment. Natural supplements are among the most effective treatment options for the condition. DMSO, coenzyme Q10 and alpha lipoic acid are three of the most common and most effective supplements for supporting eye health.


DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, is an organic sulfur compound that has recently gained popularity as a natural health treatment. The compound is a powerful detox agent and anti-inflammatory. As such, used as an eye drop, it is effective for eliminating eye issues and treating problems such as retinitis pigmentosa.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally found in the body. Taken as a daily supplement, the nutrient protects the body and specifically the eyes from harmful molecules and other compounds. The nutrient also plays a role in healthy cell growth and function, making it doubly effective for treating retinitis pigmentosa.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is also a powerful antioxidant. This compound oxidizes and eliminates a number of toxins in the body that may contribute to retinal deterioration. The nutrient also restores levels of vitamin E and C and prevents cell damage.

Retinitis pigmentosa is a term used to describe a group of inherited diseases that cause retinal deterioration. While the condition is often progressive and aggressive, early treatment can prevent full deterioration. Nutritional supplements are among the most effective and safest treatments for the condition.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


Posted by Mehmet (Ukraine) on 12/21/2014


My 30-year-old wife was diagnosed as Retinitis Pigmentosa and she has been using Vitamin A supplement of 15.000 UI daily already. I would like her to try these as well, as her eyes deteriorate.

What is the amount of daily intake for each of those elements; Q10, A.L.A., and DMSO? In the market here, there are supplements with various amounts with big differences between them.

Your kind response will be gratefully appreciated. Thank you.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

M: Recommended doses are almost always labeled on the container, so fallow those recommends. As for the DMSO, try reading info here:

as there are many variables.

There are other nutrients recommended for eye health; here is a list: Bilberry & Eyebright herbs, Grapeseed extract, Taurine, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin. At least 25 mg Zinc daily will bond w/ the Vit-A to provide protection for the eyes.

Replied by Mehmet

Dear Timh,

Thank you for the response. You say, the recommended doses are labeled on the container. I don't buy those supplements here at stores. The main question I wanted to ask was:

How much Q10 should a 30-year-old female rp patient get daily?

The same question goes for A.L.A. Hope that clarifies.

Kind Regards, Mehmet

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

M: OK, I would start w/ 50mg 2 times daily for both ALA & CoQ10, after finishing the first bottle, up to 100 mg each 2x day, and again up to 300mg. To get the most out of your CoQ10 also supplement Vit-E & Selenium as these work together. The for-mentioned supplements will increase your body natural Glutathione levels. 3 mg Melatonin before retiring will also boost Glutathione antioxidant.

Replied by Mehmet

Dear Timh,

Thank you for the response.

She gets ALA (same will go for CoQ10) twice a day, 50mg each time for the first bottle (supposedly 30 days). Thus, 100mg per day for each element.

She gets ALA (same will go for CoQ10) twice a day, 100mg each time for the second bottle (supposedly 30 days). Thus, 200mg per day for each element.

She gets ALA (same will go for CoQ10) twice a day, 300mg each time for the second bottle (supposedly 30 days). Thus, 600mg per day for each element.

Is my understanding right? If so, after the third bottle, does she continue taking them the same amount as third bottle?

How much Vitamin E and Selenium should she intake per day in mg ?

Finally, regarding 3mg Melatonin, is that the daily amount for intake? What does retiring mean here, do you mean until getting old?

Kind regards, Mehmet

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

M: It is advised to take the ALA on empty stomach w/ liquids. Take the CoQ10 w/ 200mcg Selenium and 400iu Mixed Natural Tocopherols and/or Tocotreinols (Vit-E) w/ food as they work together. You can take these supplements indefinitely as they are not toxic and only good for the body, BUT you wish to see improvement in the eye condition. If no improvement is noted after 2 or 3 months, you will need to introduce the other nutrients I suggested earlier, and maybe cut back to the minimal dose to save money.

3mg Melatonin before retiring means before going to bed to go to sleep, is the nightly amount to be taken.

Replied by Jean
(Oaklanad, Ca. Usa)

Hello and thanks for your information.

3 months ago I was diagnosed with vascular retina detatchement on my left eye and last night the same symptoms are developing on my right eye.

Will the suppliments listed above, (TimH to Mehmet), help my situation as well, and, is there anyother suggestions that you may have?

I'm 64 years old and am not ready to give up on getting my sight back.

Thank you so very much,



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Posted by Endevor (Phoenix, Az) on 10/07/2014

I recently found several articles on the benefit of consuming curcumin, a component of turmeric, on the retina, specifically it slows down rods degeneration. Has anyone used turmeric, for how long, in what daily dosage and what results, if any, followed. T

Are there any side effects of ingesting Turmeric? What other proven natural alternative cures are there that can slow down this eye disease?

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Replied by Ana
(New York)
15 posts

I use turmeric, I tried some that was compounded with black pepper but I found it caused for me bruises and not the results I wanted. So I tried a related and more potent product more easily absorbed at 750mg-yes it has turmeric in it and is the basis of how and why it works but it is stronger in different ways, that works for me, it is to improve your cells and function, helps with anti-inflammatory properties. This has assisted my eyes with lifestyle changes too, paleo eating with support and tracking with Cronometer, rest and exercise with meditation and prayer daily. It does not go away overnight and you need to just start adding in things, it maybe easier as too much change can get tiresome and confusing.

Each person is unique, also plenty of fluids is crucial and good gut health so you can absorb nutrients, minimize drugs where you can, use only good sourced food based supplements that you need and remember food is best when you can digest well. Oral health tells a lot about ourselves as well as our eyes. For me with rescuing dogs and people, take the damage of a lifetime lets say 50 years of insult to the body so take 50 months of doing all the right things to get healthy as a guide line. So you will notice good change before that but don't stop there keep going and dont forget to always cleanse every 6 months. For me after 18 months I healed my cavities but still need to replace bad fillings.

My gut has begun to be manageable, my eye floaters are less and less eye pain, I have better stamina and less overall pain. My auto-immune numbers are cut in half and my skin is less sensitive to the sun and now I can tan healthfully of course, no sun bathing. My blood pressure is manageable as is stress. I hope something here helps you get a gage for your needs. Blessings and may God provide.
