Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
I've been diagnosed with mild rosacea & poklioderma of my neck. The rosacea didn't fit the exact criteria - though I do have enlarged pores and a lot of comeodones and accidentally using any antibacterial soap on my neck proved excruciating, ending up in inflamed poklioderma (next search - do demodex mites cause poklioderma?). Anyway, after one night of use- Incredible improvement! Pimples along hair follicles are GONE - pores are smaller - less sebum (a major issue with me, which I've tried vitamin B5 at extremely high doses along with an Rx for aldactone, etc. - no results) - and skin just majorally improved! I used it again tonight before going to bed and plan to continue to do so. I'll update, but right now, I'm high on this miracle (for me, at least! ). I used 5 T. of 20 Mule Team Borax (that's right, from the laundry detergent aisle!), 1/4 c. Distilled water and a little less than 1/4 c. of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The borax would not dissolve so I'm sure I made too big a batch, but I used my Ninja blender and got it down to a good consistency - still grainy, but not too bad. I wrapped an old beach towel around my bed pillow to protect it and that worked well.
Hope this isn't too long a post, but I am thinking miracle here and wondering why more attention isn't being paid to demodex mites. I was seriously considering having the hair along my temples removed electronically (sp?) just to eliminate the small yet painful pimples I kept getting. It took me a long time to make the connection, but I am very hopeful at this very early stage of the game.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
update on my skin - skin is all clear of rosacea! its unbelievable how i did not discover this last winter. my rosacea typically occurs during winter. i stopped using the borax for the moment but i'm thinking of doing it every other day.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
I read one post here from a guy that had been struggling with a Rosacea problem for 20 years and found the cure in Ted's Borax/Peroxide solution topically applied. My condition has only been with me for 3 years but it's been very, very frustrating to deal with. I've tried all kinds of things, included ridiculously expensive 'laser therapy', without any success. Finally I found Ted's remedy at this site, got the borax and peroxide that same day, made the formula and applied it that same night. Well, in three days I saw a complete change in my complexion.... all the pustules and soreness had cleared up and I was looking at clear, unbroken skin for the first time in 3 years. Wow! Pennies worth of ingredients to make a cure for this vexing problem. Contrary to American 'medical science', the mites are it and killing them simply does the trick, at least it seems so with me. Probably, whatever good results come out of those laser treatments has to do with killing the mites as well. Probably the laser zaps them. Well, I'd rather zap them with a few cents worth of Borax and Peroxide than with literally thousands of dollars worth of laser treatments. I want to thank Ted wholeheartedly for contributing such a great cure for this 'incurable' condition.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
The formula I came up with is borax, HP, and tea tree oil and I mix this formula in a coke bottle cap and spread it on and in my nose morning and night. Since the critters live in you hair folicals , I also spread the solution in my nostrials. Don't look for a quick cure. If your Rosacea is from mites, then it is a long process. 6 months to a year.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
I am 39 years of age and started to have the breakouts off and on since the age of early 20's. When I discovered topical cortisone it was the only thing that had helped up until that point. After using the cortisone off and on for more than 10 years I finally realized that not only did the topical steroids have side effects, but that I was unfortunately experiencing them: thinning facial skin and broken blood vessels-- in other parts of my face where the Rosacea didn't bother me. Although that could be side effects from long term Rosacea breakouts too I know.I would usually get the rosacea breakouts around the eye brows and adjacent sides of the nose. The Blood Vessels are on the upper outside cheek areas. One day this year I was determined to stop the cortisone but I knew that my face was addicted to it and it would be hard to it and it would be hard to stop because of the strange mind-body'connection to having something that I knew could work temporarily to get me through the self vanity crisis of facing fellow employees in the work place-- not to mention nothing else had ever worked!!! The feeling of the slight stinging/flushing sensation of the breakouts was the most noticeable characteristic that the cortisone would alleviate after a day or two. And then I would patiently wait for the redness and swelling to subside. I ended up ordering some florasone-- steroid alternative with a base ingredient of Cardiospermum-- hoping, and trying to convince myself this would be the answer-- while gradually trying to ween myself off of the Cortisone. Unfortunately, the Florasone just bought me a little time before sure enough, the Rosacea breakouts would return. Sometime around this time during my continued research and frustration, I discovered the idea of Demodex Mites being a possible cause for Rosacea which led me to this site and the Topical Borax cure. By the way, I haven't yet had the courage to try the internal version but that is definitely on the upcoming summer healing agenda. To make a long story short, one application of the Borax/H2O2 solution over night gave me successful relief for almost a week, enough to give some hope. I never really noticed the mites running like mentioned can happen; but I can say now, I have applied the solution three or four times on entire face and scalp (even eye lids-- no problem)-- usually spaced out by a week. My condition seems to be gone.
!!! It is gone!!! And now that my face has weaned mostly from the cortisone (haven't used it in 2 months), my face seems happy to receive an organic coconut oil moisturizing session during the interim between what is now a weekly Borax schedule that I am trying to follow. Interestingly I noticed that the condition seems to gradually attempt to return in-between treatments, but that returning has gotten longer and longer; this leads me to believe the Mite life cycle is close to broken in the epidermis. I have also added Tea Tree oil to my Coconut Oil and my face seems to like it a lot as along as the Tea Tree concentration is not to high in proportion to the Coconut Oil. Also, my face used to breakout when applying any kind of oily moisturizer, but now it is starting to like the CC. I can't tell you how empowering it is to get to the bottom of an elusive 20 year half-my-life condition, even if it is just Rosacea. By the way, for those that find the Borax solution to be very drying, I accidentally discovered that cutting the concentration of Borax down, in half or so, can make the drying effect less and one can still receive the benefits, and just apply it more often. Good Luck!
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
I have ingested the borax several times now with no ill effects at all. I was quite leary at first, but I knew that everything else Ted had stated had proven to be true- so I took a leap of faith. I am so glad I did! Now I just need to stay focused and disciplined to follow through on the routine. Thank you so much for your help.You are making a huge difference in the lives of many people.
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
EC: Thank you, Kristy!'You are right -- the correct dosage is 1/8th teaspoon, not tablespoon!
Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide