EC: No, you were very clear, our mistake! Will cross-post to the Jock Itch remedies page. Since it may also cure scabies (yes?), will leave it here too.
Orange and Neem Oils, Borax and H2O2
Recently I had scabies and decided to treat my son in order to prevent him from catching them. The things i did differently than usual were to add some orange oil to his body wash and shampoo, I rubbed his skin with neem oil and/or extract in olive oil carrier daily, and soaked him twice in one week with Ted's borax/hydrogen peroxide soak (not too much peroxide) and left it on the skin. After about ten days, I brought him to the doctor to make sure he didn't have scabies. When the doctor examined his private area, he looked so surprised and commented about how much better my son's skin looked. My mouth dropped open when I noticed that beautiful normal color of his skin of his private area. In fact although still dry looking, the redness that pretty much covers his entire body is about eighty-five per cent gone! I realized that he hasn't been scratching lately either. I don't know which of the three remedies contributed to his improvement, possibly a good combination of treatments. In fact it's early to tell, but he might even be completely cured of the jock itch. I chose the neem for it's anti-scaby benefits, but also because it's said to be kind to the skin. I had the impression from researching that neem eliminates scabies, over time, with consistent daily applications, not a one or two time application to be effective.
BTW, I enjoy sharing effective remedies, because we've been helped so much by the info on the site and i like to give back.