Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Cold Showers

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Burness Speakman (Fredericktown , MO)

I read about the cold showers here 3 days ago. I have experienced whole body pain for as long as I can remember. Recently it has become unbearable to try and sleep without double doses of over the counter pain killers. The legs throbbed, prickley needles in the soles of the feet, leg muscle pain, skin pain, hip pain, numbness in the shin area. It was building up for years. I was ready to check myself in somewhere but I do not go to doctors. Anyway to continue. After reading the messages, I went and took a cold shower. This was the afternoon. Just before retiring I took another. This one really affected my body. Gasping and panting but not painful I stayed in the shower. For the first time since I could remember I had a peaceful night sleep. No pain in the legs at all, no numbness, no prickleys. I took three the next day with the same good results at night but with one more added strangeness. My Bowel Movement turned green. Not a dark green a kackie green and I was not constipated as usual. I gathered my bile was flowing. I had come to think I had a gallblader problem years ago but never associated the whole body aches with it. There might be some siatic nerve situation involved also, but I don't know. All I do now is that this seems just short of a miracle for me. I certainly hope it continues, because I don't know if I ever want to take another hot bath again as long as I live. Oh, the energy and high spirits are there too as others reported. Bless you all.

EC: Read more about Cold Showers here.

Common Salt

1 User Review
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Posted by Doug Smythe (Yucaipa) on 10/27/2022

My cure for the Severe pain running from my lower back on the right side, lower.... all the way down my hot sexy butt, through my thigh- in the back, down through my calf and into my right foot... Severe, pain shots like electricity, pretty much constant pain throughout the day and even in bed and even when sleeping.... (THE CURE FOR ME WAS)... THIS.... I ate two large avocados with lots of Common Salt on them. The next morning was a night and day difference, compared to the 6 days of painful hell before.... On the 2nd day the pain was pretty much non existent... I'm a 60 year old guy in Yucaipa CA.

Cyst Removal

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Posted by RW (OH) on 02/24/2024

My husband was suffering from sciatica for many months without relief. He could not sleep and was in constant pain. The only thing that helped somewhat, was walking. Finally, a doctor ordered an MRI of his back, and a cyst was found inside his spine. He had surgery to decrease the cyst as much as possible, and when he got home he said he had no pain in his legs. He continues to improve and now has no pain. He came home from the hospital the same day as the surgery.

D3, Temporary High Dose

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Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 08/16/2023

Hi guest

Sorry to hear of your problem. Mag Oil is Magnesium Oil. Best thing for your nervous system is vitamin D3. Everyone in my opinion should be taking 10,000 ius daily Monday through to Friday and stop on weekends. High dose I took 10,000 3 times a day for 2 days when I had sciatica. After that, it never came back. I hope this helps you.

God Bless


Dietary Changes, Supplements

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Posted by Bluefriend (Bc) on 06/01/2017

I am now pain free from severe sciatica, and I'd like to share the story. First to say that it began about 6 months ago, extreme pain, twice knocking me to the floor with excruciating jabs in lower back, right side. Felt like electric shocks were running down the front of my legs, and feet so heavy at other times I could barely pick my feet up. I did try the pillows, the exercises on floor, and a lot of ibuprofen.

But it occurred to me about 3 weeks ago that pain is caused by inflammation. So I looked up an inflammation diet..... eliminate all sugars and starches which feed
inflammation. And at the same time took 3,000 Vit. D3, 3,000 mg Vit. C and 3,000 Salmon oil with these numbers: 300mg EPA/DHA, each day. After 2 days the pain
had dropped from a 10 to an 8, then on 3rd day of this the pain was about a 6.

Steadily dropped until today, 3 weeks later..... I am totally pain free. I will continue to follow this regime for at least another month. I just want to share this info with anyone suffering the horrific pain of sciatica. This regime may work wonders for you, too.

Drink Distilled Water

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Posted by Bella (Holyoke) on 07/02/2020

Many thanks to the person that sent a great link in today about distilled water from doctors. This feedback from Dr. Graham Bell should go in the sciatica section for someone to test!

Source: Raymond W. Bernard - 1996 (Google Books)

"Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, recognized the health value of distilled water, and claimed that its daily use prolonged his life. Afflicted and bed-ridden with sciatica, Dr. Bell could find no relief for the pain. The attack came just as he was investigating the deposit of salts in the human system. A well-known scientist had written a book in which he said that old age came from such deposits, and that the ills of advanced years were due to the lack of their elimination. He believed that when such deposits went to the joints, man had rheumatism. When they went to the kidneys, he had kidney trouble and stones in the urinary organs; and when they lodged in the arteries, they produced what is called hardening of the arteries. In the same way when such deposits coated the nerves, they caused sciatica.

Dr. Bell wrote: “I knew that distilled water was pure. I thought that if I drank plenty of it, I could get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it and it worked like a charm. I have kept up my drinking of distilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it.”

—Dr. Alexander Graham Bell


1 User Review
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Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va Usa) on 03/02/2013

I sympathize about sciatica pain and found help by using enzymes such as bromelain. I took one 500 mg pill or capsule of it on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, and just before bed, or during the day 2 hrs after eating and. 5 hour before eating. With food it acts as digestive enzyme; without, it reduces inflammation. Also, turmeric capsules or pills (450-500 mg), with meals that contain fat and black pepper. Both of these supplements are available at health food stores, relatively cheap, with no side effects for me. Best of luck.

Epsom Salt

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Aldo (Brisbane, Australia) on 06/04/2009

Epsom Salts Worked for Sciatica!

My mother came down with sciatica last week. Immediately she went to see my brother, who is a chiropractor. That helped her a lot but the pain and discomfort was still there for her. Since then she was resting her leg as often as she could and taking pain killers when needing to walk on it for any extended period of time. When I heard about it, I had a look on this site and noticed the epsom salts testimonials. I suggested that she try having an epsom salt bath and to drink a couple of teaspoons of it with a glass of water also.

Well, I called her this morning and my mother was so excited! She said that she had a bath for about 30 minutes (and read a magazine!) with 2 cups of epsom salts on Wednesday night before going to bed. She also drank a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of epsom salts with some honey to improve the taste. She said that she slept so peacefully that night and woke up in the morning with NO PAIN! She was over the moon!

On Thursday, she drank a couple more glasses of water, epsom salts and honey and she plans to have another bath tonight (Friday). There has been no sciatica pain since waking up Thursday morning.

Thank you to Jean and Gwen for posting your results, the good news has now spread to our family too and we are passing it on to others. God Bless.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Jean (Los Angeles, California) on 03/22/2009

I had severe siatica. could not sit or get out of a chair. walking was difficult. I went to a gentle homeopatjoc chiropractor who told me to sit in a hot bath of two cups of epsom salts for 15 minutes. The next morning 90% of the pain was gone. No aspirin. I will do more epsom salts baths until my exercises begin to loosen the muscles which were tight from too much sitting at the computer......

Epsom Salt
Posted by Gwen (Denver, CO) on 02/19/2009

I have found over the years that I will experience severe sciatica when I am severely constipated. When this happens I pull out the "big guns", Epsom salts. 2-4 teaspoons dissolved in water. Small amount of water followed by as much water as possible after wards. I'll use a straw to drink solution. Put straw to back of tongue beyond taste buds & suck. Taste terrible, but when I am in that much pain I'll do anything to relieve it! You can also add lemon or lime juice to lessen the taste. Pain starts to diminish after first trip to the pot. Works every time & I'm over it in less than 24 hour. Good luck & God/Goddess Bless!

Exercise and Stretching

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Posted by Lorraine (Derby, Kansas) on 12/02/2008

Sciatica: Using a Precor stretch trainer does wonders for me. These seem to be available at many gyms including the YMCA. Too much sitting causes flare-ups for me. Getting regular exercise and stretching allows me to do my work (which is sedentary) without pain. My pain used to be so bad that doctors prescribed painkillers. As long as I stretch and exercise regularly, I find that I am pain free.

Ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon

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Posted by Mitch (Helena MT) on 09/19/2024 9 posts

Made a concoction for Sciatica that has sidelined me for 8 days. I have been in and out of the Hot Bath using Dead Sea Salt, which helped in the Bath, but didn't last... Have dealt with Nerves feeling like there is a constant mini Football bulge in my Hamstring or Calf, just seemed like a huge knot... I figured WHY NOT... So I did...
TSP Ginger
TSP Turmeric
TSP Cinnamon
TBSP Honey
In Boiling water... Downed it and for the first time, don't have a NEED to get in the Hot Bath... The Nerve Stinging is down 75%,
My Legs and Butt still hurt wickedly because of all the gimping around I have had to do for 8 days, but it's more like I had a heavy day in the Gym yesterday and I'm paying for it.
Too early of course, but if THAT impacts Inflammation that fast, being that all 4 are Anti-Inflammatory, I will be drinking that maybe twice a day forever, whether I feel like I need it or not... I'm not even thinking about the Hundreds of other benefits to the 4.
And it tastes good... Need the Honey to combat the Turmeric, but it's all good

Homeopathic Hypericum

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Posted by Ve (Dayton, Ohio) on 08/05/2013 3 posts

My mother was walking with a cane for months because of sciatica. An herbalist recommended she take the homeopathic Hypericum. Within 4 days she was able to walk without her cane. And within 1 week was pain free.

My husband also developed Sciatica and I couldn't find the homeopathic Hypericum. So I purchased St John's wort which is also Hypericum and that cured his Sciatica in 3 days. Make sure you take the product for a few weeks as directed on the bottle.

Hyaluronic Acid

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Posted by Barbara (Idaho) on 12/31/2022

I have had sciatica for almost 40 yrs (happened during childbirth). I am now 70 and the episodes are lasting longer and are more frequent. This last bout lasted almost 4 months. I have tried the tennis shoe and ball technique, ginger slices, inflammatory supplements, blackstrap molasses, lysine, dmso (for pain, but made my breath stink)..etc. Finally came across the Hyaluronic acid recipe (Ted's recipe) and after 2 weeks I am back to normal! Other remedies that I feel contributed to my recovery is:

1. yoga (adapt and modify for your individual practice) and stretching out that piriformis muscle.

2. foam roller- I put pressure on that piriformis muscle (it hurts but consistency helped my leg)

3. chirp wheel- this is a shark tank product that aligns your spine! much relief from the Hyaluronic Acid recipe 3x a day on an empty stomach. I am so grateful!!!

Hope this helps someone else as Sciatica is so debilitating and painful. Good Luck!

EC: Hi Barbara, are you referring to Ted's Hyaluronic Acid and Sea Salt remedy for Degenerative Disc Disease per this page: ? Please let us know.

Replied by Barbara

Yes! Ted's Hyaluronic acid and Sea Salt remedy for Degenerative Disc Disease.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Prioris (ME) on 12/19/2020

Biocell's special formulation of hyaluronic acid, biocell's collagen and chondroitin sulfate

How to cure 90% of sciatica quickly

Study on sciatica pinpointed herniated discs as the cause of 90% of all sciatica. Chances are very high that if you have sciatica, you have some degree of herniation causing it. You need to cure the hernia to cure the sciatica.

How to cure the herniated disc?

Use Biocell form of Hyaluronic Acid which includes Biocell's collagen and chondroitin Sulfate. It also uses rooster comb type of hyaluronic acid. Doctor's Best brand is the one I use. I can't recommend anything but this formulation because I can't prove it was any one specific ingredient. All 3 components are used by the gel between the discs.

There are two type of Hyaluronic acid.

1) Original rooster comb based HA

2) fermented high molecular weight HA

I have completely cured both L4-L5 and L5-S1 herniation in 6 weeks.

The L5-S1 literally crippled me with sciatica and put me on crutches and bedridden for 7 weeks along with severe pain. I was taking the fermented form of HA so wasn't protected.

When I realized what the cure was, my progression was

After week 1 ... most pain sciatica pain went away

After week 2 ... 95% of the pain went away and could stand

After week 3 ... I could start to walk somewhat without crutches and start rehabilitation of my right leg ... still some very slight sciatica

After week 4 ... I could walk around better without any crutches. Still need to rehabilitate my leg to get it stronger

Take 2-4 capsules of the Biocell formulation with cup of water on empty stomach

You will know within 1-2 weeks whether it is working.

Of course if you have more milder type of herniation, sciatica will probably resolve quicker.

Without the supplement, people with degenerative disease may never heal or take a long time. People who are young and relatively healthy will likely take only 4 weeks.


as a bonus, it will regenerate the gums

Replied by Deanne
(Sydney, Australia)


Thank you for letting me know about this remedy!!

My condition is much improved since taking liquid biocell collagen. Been 3 weeks and want to continue. The biocell you mentioned was hard to find for me but I ended up finding it at collagencollective website, they sell it in liquid form and the liquid biocell stuff is doing its thing and working for me. Will continue and update. Thanks again!


That's strange. You can find it on amazon and many other health supplement websites. I use "Doctor Best" brand because it is lowest cost. Maybe outside the US, it could be a problem. You look at the back label to determine it's from Biocell.

If it works, please post information on other sites. Sciatica is a very terrible thing to permanently have. Or a nightmare if it is severe.


Hi Prioris,

I have very bad arthritis in many parts of my body. Is this the product you are recommending?

Doctor's Best Hyaluronic Acid + Condroitin Sulfate 180 capsules

Thank you for posting this.


I cured my rheumatoid arthritis in one month with borax.

I subdued osteoarthritis with antibiotic minocin100 mg.

I keep it in check with boron/magnesium drops. Addresses the restless leg stuff too.


That is the product I recommend for herniated discs, back pain and regenerating the gums. Also it may help regenerate the joints but I have no experience with that nor how long it would take in your case.

Arthritis is a systemic infection.

What you use depends on how bad the infection is.

1) I would normally tell you to use ionic boron. That can be found on amazon. You could make your own from borax but amazon liquid drops are just more convenient. Plus it has some magnesium.

Ionic boron is more slow.

2) I would recommend minocycline if it is bad. Of course using antibiotics comes with a caveat.

You could be sensitive. I take it with bromelain to attack any biofilm. The positive thing about minocycline is that it doesn't wipe out your gut bacteria but only the gram positive gut bacteria so most good bacteria is protected.

You can go to calvet website.

You need to make an account because it will not show you the product minocycline without having an account. It's important the minocycline be a QUALITY one.

After making the account, just search for antibiotics minocycline. It will be container with 30 capsules. Take one twice every day with bromelain.

The alternative is to get a doctor to write a prescription. This can be yours or an online doctor. Some doctors may refuse or refer you to a specialists. The calvet website cuts thru the red tape.

People will claim other things work for arthritis but I think it is dependent on how severe the arthritis is. I had osteoarthritis so had to revert to the minocycline. It is used successfully in other chronic illnesses.


I left this out of previous post. Just wanted to be complete.

I recommend that product for sciatica especially severe sciatica that doesn't heal.

Most sciatica is mild and temporary and will heal on its own with rest, especially in younger people. If it doesn't heal in 4 weeks, one needs to bring out the heavy artillery of the supplement. If this doesn't heal the sciatica then one may be in the 10 percent category of other causes.

Many You Tube videos recommend physical rehab of various types which is absurd when the supplement can make it so much easier and far less pain. Plus it is not healing the root cause.


Hello Prioris,

Thank you for your posts. What dosage did you take and at what frequency?


2 capsules on empty stomach with water every day.

Higher doses may heal you faster.

Replied by Phyllis

Thank you for the good information of the right kind of HA. I ordered the rooster comb based HA and it's supposed to come today. I also have the other type of the HA. Should I only take the one that is rooster comb based or should I also take the other form with it? Also is it best to take 4 at a tiime or take 2 in morning and the other 2 before bedtime?

Do you still take it?


Yes. To replenish as I age.

Replied by Prioris

Mild sciatica vs Severe/Chronic sciatica

I think this is important for Earth Clinic to talk about upfront.

My guess is that most of the cures listed are for mild sciatica.

Medical study on sciatica concluded that the root cause of 90 percent of sciatica is caused by some degree of herniated disc. They are LESS likely to see mild cases.

This brings into question many of the cures. The only mechanism of action is through some inflammation touching a nerve.

Most mild herniated discs will resolve on its own, especially in healthier younger people, through self-healing.

For more serious sciatica, one needs to use something similar to Doctors best formulation of hyaluronic acid that also includes collagen and chondroitin. The degeneration of the disc gel that cushions the disc is most likely to cause misalignment, hence the nerves can come into contact within the spinal column. This will cause a more chronic or severe form of sciatic.

If one is much older, regeneration of the spinal gel is less likely, unlike in younger people. I've had the more milder forms of sciatica in my younger days.

One needs to categorize the cures into whether they are for mild/chronic-severe-older-age.

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