Natural Remedies

Scoliosis Remedies

| Modified on Mar 09, 2023
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Treatment of scoliosis ranges from chiropractic treatments to exercise, orthotic inserts and nutritional supplements. The appropriate treatment is typically best identified by determining the cause of the condition. Nonetheless, many home remedies offer relief from misalignment of the spine caused by any number of factors.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition defined as curvature of the spine. The condition typically develops at the time of the growth spurt right before puberty; however, it can occur at any point in an individual’s life.

Common symptoms of the condition include uneven shoulders, a more prominent should blade, an uneven waist, or one hip that is higher than the other. If the condition progresses, the spine may even rotate or twist. The condition is caused by a number of factors including genetics, neuromuscular conditions, birth defects and injury to the spine.

Home Remedies for Curvature of the Spine

A number of treatments have been found effective for treating curvature of the spine. Exercise is one of the most important factors associated with strengthening the spine. Additionally, orthotic inserts work to steadily realign the spine while nutritional supplements support the spinal development and regrowth of cells.


One factor that often contributes to scoliosis is weakness in the spine. Targeted exercise techniques can strengthen and straighten the spine naturally. Swimming, yoga and other stretching type exercises work to realign the spine safely and effectively.

Orthotic Inserts

Many individuals have positive results from lifts or orthotic inserts. Lifts are inserted into the shoe at a specific height so as to tilt the pelvis in the correct direction. With regular use, lifts naturally reposition the spine and correct a curvature.


Nutritional supplements can also help strengthen the spine. Bone broth and boron or borax supplements are effective nutritional treatment options. Scoliosis is often the result of a magnesium-calcium imbalance, and these supplements help to correct that imbalance.

Scoliosis can be defined as the sideways curvature of the spine. Many cases of the condition are mild; however, without treatment even mild cases progress to more serious curvatures. Home remedies offer effective treatment options that prevent the condition from worsening and often correct the curvature gradually.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Atlas Profilax

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cateye (Melbourne, Vic., Australia) on 07/04/2011

I have had a 'bad back' for about twenty years, and was diagnosed with scoliosis (lateral, not s-curve) about ten years ago. The pain between my shoulders and down my spine has been relentless since about 1999. (It's mid-2011 now).

I started with massage as a means to cope with the pain, which led to swimming (almost obsessively some have said) to try and strengthen the spine, regulate my breathing and straighten out my twisted rib-cage.

I then found a Gonstead Chiropractor (should a chiro really be rewarded with capitals?) who was proficient enough to keep me hooked on the pain-lessening cracks and yanks and crunchings. The big deal for me was the atlas adjustment with this guy.

He was the only chiro (I'd been put RIGHT off chiros when my back first popped twenty years earlier) who'd tried it, and it meant I could go anywhere from one day to three months in a state of ... ? less pain to almost painlessness, until it popped back out of place.

I found this chap about four/five years ago. Recently- about one month ago- I'd had a great series of Chinese massage and acupuncture sessions with the new massage shop opening round the corner. I knew I had to go back to my chiro, lovely guy he is, but I wanted to tell him, 'Just adjust my atlas please, everything will plop in to place once that's done. ' It seemed to be okay when the atlas was in place. Just seemed to suck that it popped out with a wrong turn of my head or even a sudden lift of my arm...

He did the atlas and several more (unnecessary) adjustments and I left walking on air. Colours brighter, air smelled... Less toxic, etc. That appointment I had said, 'Look, all due respect but I've been coming here for years and my back is still as dodge as the first time I met you. I want it FIXED. ' He suggested I come in the following week to see how long the atlas held, and to get some more adjustments. I was willing to give him the benefit of my doubts and the following week I went in and oh ye gods, what an horrendous sensation. He recognised the atlas was still in place and the usual suspects were in place too, so he did some crunching on some irrelevant PAINLESS vertebrae which had me walking out as if both sides of my bodies energy had been cheese-grated in different directions.

AWful. I got really mad with the pain, his work and myself and went home and studied up on the atlas. Also known as the C1 joint- the first bone by the base of your skull and mine. I figured there was was WAS a solution and I was GOING TO FIND IT.

'Atlas Profilax' kept coming up and I ignored it because it sounded like some cheap scam. After two nights of reading various forums and chiro pages, pseudo-science and claptrap I decided to check it out and was surprised at how much sense it made. I looked into related forums, reviews, you-tube personal accounts of experiences, the official site, and finally a local practitioner.

I made the appointment, cancelled my next chiro apt. the same hour, waited impatiently for five days then had it done.

This was just over one month ago.

The result is outstanding so far. At the risk of boring the brains out of everyone, this is definitely something worth researching. My back pain is dissipated into insignificance. I'd like to say it has completely gone but the muscles are still a bit stiff down in the mid-back where they've historically twisted the most. They no longer ache. This is HUGE for me. I feel them there when I turn, not every other moment.

The neck/shoulder pain is *poof* GONE. I can cook for hours (literally up to four hours) without uttering a word of pain and misery/throwing down utensils and lying on the floor to rest the muscles, I can even pick my hefty two yr old boy, cuddle him and carry him across the room. Miracles...

: )

I'd say it has gone altogether already but my righthand shoulder is giving me a bit of jip right now- it's probably related. That plus my massage girl has gone awol and one ought to get a fair bit of body work done to start to unwind the years of twisting that got one in a scoliotic state in the first place. I had a huge detox reaction to a massage the second week- 20mins on my right shoulder, shortest massage ever. AMAZE-ing sensation. I was balanced. Really amazing.

My husband has classic s-curve and has agreed to have it done if I can go two months without grizzling about my back. One month down, one to go- I'll be in touch.

It also helps with emotional things, spiritual things- private things. Please investigate- from a pain point of view there is nothing like it. I'm so happy about this, it's great to have an 'interested party' to vent my joy!

Replied by Cateye
(Melbourne, Vic., Australia)

I wrote screeds and screeds earlier today with a specific treatment but realised it probably wouldn't be posted due to a specific product/service being named.

So all I can call it I suppose it 'genuine atlas installation'. Sounds weird but oh my giddy aunt does it work. I've has a scoliotic spine for about ?years, all my life probably but it only became apparent twenty years ago, then dreadfully painful in everyday life about ten years ago, aged about 27/28yrs or so.

I google-searched as much info on the C1 joint- the top of the spine, also called the atlas, and came up with some extremely interesting information.

I found the relevant practitioner, had the atlas installed permanently in less time than a chiropractic appointment and a LOT LESS TRAUMATICALLY! And my whole being has transformed. Emotional issues have floated away. I haven't complained about back pain in the month since I've had it done. My husband is incredulous that it was so quick and has affected so profound a change in my body but particularly my character.

I urge anyone with a bad back/scoliosis to research their options regarding their atlas or C1 vertebra- it's the best, most relaxed physical, spiritual, emotional state I've been in since I was seven years old. Beautiful.

Best health to you always! : )

Replied by Nia
(Melbourne, Australia)

Hi there, First of all I just want to say how happy I am for the both of you, it sounds amazing that you've found a cure and are feeling much better :)

Well I have been having problems with scoliosis for 4 years however my physio doesn't make it sound so bad, he tells me I don't need surgery or a back brace, he just told me to exercise. I don't feel much pain except for every now and then, I would say once a year and once I exercise I feel much better but I just started thinking about it and now I'm paranoid and can't sleep, I'm worried it might get worse and maybe it's more serious than I thought.

What is this Atlas Profilax? I looked it up for information but haven't found anything about how it helps scoliosis. And can I ask what clinic you went to since I also live in Melbourne. Thank you both so much for your information and for trying to help others take care.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Michael (Atlanta, Georgia - USA) on 08/21/2008

Kimberly from Mineral, Va mentioned that she has scoliosis and was saying how she was going to have to treat this ailment differently. There is a "cure." Go to for Pete Egoscue's web site. Order his book, "Pain Free." In the index is the root cause of scoliosis and how to cure yourself. Read the first 3 chapters. Book is written so ANYONE can read, understand and follow.Pete Egoscue helped internaional golfer, Jack Nicholas cure his back problems and Jack says so on Pete's site. Jack Nicholas has done very few endorsements in his life. I cite this so people will know this is an actual method that works.

Replied by Tricia
(North Carolina)

I do not have scoliosis, but I can tell you that every ache and pain I've had this year (and there have been several! ) has gotten better using the exercises in "Pain Free." I can't say enough good things about this book. I've cured the mysterious pain in my knee that came out of nowhere, regained mobility in an injured shoulder, reduced swelling in an injured foot, and relieved tension headaches when absolutely nothing else has worked for years. I'm a huge fan, I've told everyone I know with any sort of pain about the book. I'm shocked at how few of them actually follow thru. Maybe it seems too good to be true, but it has absolutely worked for me. About 30 minutes a day and a book that costs less than $20 -- you have very little to lose by trying.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/16/2013

Exercise for Scoliosis:

One day I was reading the page on Scoliosis, with interest, and thought I should share my story. I was diagnosed with Scoliosis when I was 11 or 12. (In the late 70's. ) So the traditional treatment was tons of x-rays to see how "off" my spine was (well, I guess that isn't treatment! ) If, at some point, my spine was 20 degrees off, that mean "backbrace" - my worst nightmare. I got x-rays every 3-6 months, depending on how I was growing. (The concern was that when I hit a growth spurt, it could get a lot worse. ) At one point, I hit the dreaded 20 degrees. The doctor I saw sent me for some physical therapy. I went once time and was given exercises to do at home. I am not the "athletic" type, but did do my exercises 6 nights a week for 15-20 minutes. I don't remember what they were, exactly, just basic back stretches and back strengthening exercises. My chiropractor has since given me similar exercises to do. I am sure you could find lots of ideas on the web.

Anyway, I did them for a month and then went to my next appointment. Praise the Lord, my back had corrected to 18 degrees! Well, 2 degrees doesn't sound like much, but it spared me from the back brace. I continued the exercises for some time. They continued to monitor my scoliosis and it did improve more--at some point it was about 11 degrees and another point it was 14 degrees, but I can't recall which was first. When I quit growing, I didn't have to go back anymore.

So, now I am 46. My scoliosis bothers me some (it didn't when I was young.) Pregnancy hasn't been great for my back. I do have trouble with my hip and neck at headaches, some. If I go to my chiropractor monthly it helps a lot. And, if I walk regularly, it helps. If I am good about doing back stretches and exercises it helps a lot. (I should be better about this than I am.)

Anyway, that is my scoliosis story. Mine was mild in the scheme of things, but I think the exercising did help the muscles to be stronger to keep my spine from worsening. It makes sense. If the spine is supported by strong muscles, it won't be so likely to bend or twist or whatever it does. Oh, I think swimming may be one of the very best exercises for scoliosis, but I didn't always have access to a pool growing up. One summer as a young adult I lived near a pool and swam 5 days a week and felt great.

Hope that will be of help to some parent whose child is dealing with this!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Kathi
(New Brunswick, Nj)

I want to second use of exercise to improve scoliosis. In my case, my scoliosis S-curve was first pointed out to me by an exercise instructor when I was in my late 30's, after I had my two daughters. So I can only guess but it seems the pregnancies and nursing ended up causing the skeletal issue. Since the degree of curvature is not severe, it is not something I have sought medical help for, but I do check every so often using mirrors. I am quite excited that in the past few months the curvature has visibly reduced. I credit cardio exercise classes I have been attending regularly (2-3x per week) for more than a year that have focused on strengthening "core" muscles. Squats, crunches, planks, etc. I also love gardening and the improved strength in my lower body has helped my gardening endurance.

General Feedback

Posted by Loraine (Orlando) on 07/07/2014

Hi everyone....I have a quick daughter who is 17 has scoliosis and someone recommended that I take her to the Clear Institute here in Orlando for treatment. Since these people do not take insurance, and I would be paying out of pocket, I was wondering if anyone has heard of these people and if so are they the real deal or a scam as some people seem to think. Please advice asap as I have an appointment with them this Wednesday. Thank you guys so much.....

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Loraine from Orlando, I also have scoliosis of my spine. I am assuming this is what you are talking about. My scoliosis resulted from a really bad gunshot wound that removed a large amount of muscle tissue that the bullet penetrated and destroyed. This caused an imbalance of muscle tissues in the area damaged along with scar tissues that pull in such a way as to cause this spinal curvature.

What helps me is appropriate exercises. If I do these exercises the pain is greatly reduced. If I do not I suffer bad pain in the injured area of my spine.

I know of NOTHING else that can help. There is NO pill you can take that will resolve this problem that I know of.

Said exercises include " cat stretches ". A person gets on hands and knees and pushes the back upwards and then pushes the belly downwards. This is done slowly for at least 10 times. There are twisting exercises that also help. Simply twist from side to side with hands behind the head with fingers locked together.

These simple exercises really do work. If pain occurs adjust or reduce the range of motion as necessary. With some small effort this problem can be worked through. Oh I know EVERYONE wants some pill to take to resolve any and all problems. But I do say: appropriate exercise is the best answer available for this problem....Oscar

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Loraine, in Pete Egoscue's book: Pain Free, he maintains that some of his exercises/postures will help scoliosis over time, especially the one "laying on the floor with feet up on the couch".

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Loraine from Orlando ---- IMO it would be better to find a good experienced yoga teacher and go from there. I have the same condition and yoga was the answer without falling for big business. A yoga teacher who has had personal health issues is to be preferred over one who has had a dance career before. After all it is a regimen to develop through life with best permanent results.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Betty
(Tn, Usa)

I have a friend that sees a Schroth practitioner once a week for her severe scoliosis. She says the exercises really help her. Might be worth looking into!

Replied by Loraine

Thank you everyone for your responses regarding possible solutions for my daughter's scolosis. I am so grateful for the people on guys are just the best. Thank you again everyone....

Replied by Anon Not Canada
(Not Canada)

I miss ❤ Oscar ❤

General Feedback
Posted by Bob (Makawao, Maui, Hi, Usa) on 09/21/2011

Aloha, my 31 yr., old daughter has a terrible case of Scoliosis and has heard that it may be related to a bacterial infection?? Any insight??

Replied by P
(Middle Of, Fl)

If bacteria is the case, then you might want to do a little research on rubbing lavender oil along the spinal cord, however earthclinic is filled with wonderful remedies, take some time out and read them through, they will spark other searches and gain some perspective on your situation! Lavender oil!

Replied by Jen
(Bozeman, Mt, Us)

I have also heard that it might possibly be a virus. It seems very possible. I have a very slight form of the disease and have thought about trying something called "Raindrop technique" someday. You should google it and look into it. I have lots of scoliosis in my family and have had one family member die from complications after surgery on her back. It is not worth the pain and suffering and I hope that this is a non invasive cure. Please let us know if you choose to try this for your daughter. I would love to hear how it works and if she feels any better. I will do the same if I get a chance to try it.

Intensive Therapy for Scoliosis

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 03/06/2023

Dear all,

I just got back from Florida where I went to receive two weeks of intensive treatment for scoliosis.

There are a few of these treatment centers in the states. (

I went to Florida because Dr. Tony Nalda has a lot of experience and has treated many older patients. I learned of him from my daughter-in-law, who has been going to him for years.

It is not cheap therapy, it is intense, and most insurances do not cover it (thought it would behoove them to, as it is much cheaper than surgery! )

My scoliosis was diagnosed when I was a child. I had it monitored all through my teens. 20 degrees off was the magic number for a brace. Once I did get to 20 degrees off but after a month of physical therapy, it improved to 18 degrees and I never wore a brace. I was released from care when I was 17 or so because I had stopped growing and they were no longer concerned.

Either they did not know, or did not mention, or I was not listening, but scoliosis tends to begin to worsen again when you hit middle age. Sometimes the curve worsens a degree or two a year.

Back in September, I went to the orthopedist with bad hip pain. I had to stop taking walks. He did an xray and said it was my scoliois. He recommended PT.

My daughter in law suggested her doctor. I agreed that getting therapy tailored to my situation would be better.

I was at the clinic for 2 weeks. (Some will be there for just 1, others as much as 3 weeks.) All day, every day, I was on different types of machines, given chiropractic adjustments, and given specific weights and exercises specific to the curvatures in my spine.

In 2 weeks, my kyphosis was reduced from 85 degrees to 70 degrees (a curve of 30-50 degrees is a normal curve for my age.)

In 2 weeks the worst side to side curve went from 27 degrees to twelve (normal being 0 degrees.)

I was fitted for a custom brace to wear for 18 hours a day for the next year and have about 90 minutes of home therapy to do daily.

It is all a big commitment, but I think will be better for my health in the long run than surgery.

My hip pain, TMJ pain, posture, and digestion have all improved since going there.

It is not the easy route. The brace is not comfortable, but I am getting used to it. Just like a retainer after braces on teeth, the brace is meant to hold the correction and may even improve my numbers further.

My 19 year old daughter also had mild scoliosis and some back pain. She went with me for one week of treatment. She is young and flexible. She had a 50% reduction in the curves in her back. She has 90 minutes of home therapy a day but no brace.

Years ago, someone asked here on EC about this treatment, concerned it was a scam. I understand that concern! It is a lot of money. But after seeing and experiencing it, I can say it is not a scam. Everyone has a custom treatment plan, and it is scientifically based.

I will keep you posted on my long term results but wanted to put this out there in case someone needs to know about this sooner!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Art
2370 posts


I am very happy to hear of your positive results with the treatment for scoliosis! Those are great results!

You mentioned that apparently scoliosis progresses in middle age. At this same time melatonin production in people is declining at a fairly rapid pace. In the following study it is stated that melatonin deficiency goes hand in hand with scoliosis :

Here is a relevant quote :

' Our results indicated that melatonin deficiency may be crucial for scoliotic development, and restoration of melatonin levels can prevent scoliotic development with the improvement in bone density. '

Previously I wrote about how melatonin is good for fractures, osteoporosis and osteopenia and bone strength in general, here :

Other studies have suggested that melatonin can help reduce or prevent disc degeneration as discussed here :

In most human studies involving melatonin and scoliosis, they involve adolescents, but I think the results are relevant to adults also. Here is a more recent study in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis that took melatonin with calcium and vitamin D to good effect :

Here is a relevant study quote :

' In this perspective, randomized, case-control, interventional study, the impact of using melatonin, calcium, and vitamin D, respectively, on idiopathic scoliosis patients was analyzed. Our preliminary results showed that these drugs positively affected the illness progression quantified by the spine curvature. Patients with idiopathic scoliosis may benefit from a novel treatment by supplementation with vitamin D, calcium, and melatonin. '

In any case, perhaps melatonin can help you to sustain your progress and improvement in spinal curvature angle!


Mama to Many

Thanks Art!

I have been taking 20 mg of Melatonin every night since covid began, after you introduced it to EC as a covid remedy. (And high dose melatonin was so helpful to us during covid! )

~Mama to Many~

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

MtoM, a mild scoliosis I have had forever has been kept under control, I believe, with the Alexander Technique laying on the back with knees up, feet on the floor.

Pete Egoscue, in his book Pain Free, also uses that position for scoliosis and kyphosis (which I have no more).


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 06/09/2011

cattlab2010(at)gmail(dot)com Scoliosis/Short left leg 2cm. I've put 5mm cardboard lifter in the left shoes & wondered why not put 1-2cm in. It will level the pelvis. Anyone see any problems?

Posted by Lisa (Vancouver, Wa) on 10/22/2010

My brother cured himself of scoliosis by putting lifts in his right shoe. His right leg was shorter than his left--you could see in the mirror that his right shoulder was lower than his left--It makes total sense.... His spine was being pulled to the right because of the pressure. Also, He had TRIPLE "E" wide feet.... They shrunk back to "E" width. Makes total sense... The pressure was relieved. He said he could feel the strain in his right ham string (he says this is necessary--Also, look in the mirror to make sure your shoulders are even--I'm using 3 lifts now)--He believes that the leg grew muscle hence lengthening his right leg to be even with his left leg. It took 2 years, but now he doesn't wear lifts anymore. He mentioned to me that I should try it, as my right shoulder is lower than my left... Well, Praise God, I Grew 1".... Actually, my spine just straightened out... Lol... Since I've been using the lifts for a few (maybe 2) months... I'm literally 1" taller! I made the nurse measure me twice at a recent doctor's appointment cuz she said I was 1" taller than I've been since high school... I'm in my mid-40s now. I have a way to go to get my leg lengthened... But I'm so Happy! Woo Hoo! We're supossed to shrink as we get older.... If that ain't "God using the foolish to confound the wise" then I don't know what is.

Replied by Connie
(Franklin, Ma)

Hi Lisa. My daughter is 15 with scoliosis~ please tell me more about the lifts! I loved your quote at the end and feel I am to reach out to you for help we need help with this- thanking you in advance and Praising God, Connie

Replied by Connie
(Franklin, Ma)

I can no longer find the post from Lisa submitted on Friday Oct 22 concerning lifts in shoes for scoliosis. I had written her back about more info as I need help for my 15 year old daughter, , , the post and my response are gone. Please help as I need to read this again and hope Lisa can give me more info. thank you, Connie

Replied by Lisa
(Vancouver, Wa)

Hi Connie, I'm so sorry.... I've been busy w/ life... What other info do you want. I use 1 S**** Feet, & 2 that I just bought at the store... So 3 on the right side & 2 one on the left side. I'm so pleased... It's only been about 3 months or so & my right shoulder is the same level as my left. 1 thing also that I find useful is sleeping w/ a pillow between my knees.. It seems to take pressure off my spine... Since its in a pliable state right now... I think that's important... Please list whatever ?s U have... I'll be happy 2 help :oD Glad You like the quote... Praise Be To God... 2nite, I was just thinking about how I had been praying for a creative miracle for God to just make my back & leg whole... But how he chose to use my brother as the miracle instead... Many Blessings 2 U! :oD

Replied by Connie
(Franklin, Ma Usa)

Sorry I took so long to respond... Maybe we can talk via email? my daughter has scoliosis (in the natural, not in God! ) what kind of lifts did you use and how did you buy them, , , ? we have poor health ins, and limited funds right now but I will do what I need to help her. She has a hump in on the right side of her back and her shoulderblades stick out. I am reaching out in God's Name for your assistance in how and what you used to change you situation, , , thank you so so much! Connie

Replied by Lisa
(Vancouver, Wa)

Hi Connie,
Well I don't have a hump & my shoulders don't stick out... So maybe its a mild scoliosis. As far as the lifts... The brand S**** F**t U can get at a sports store like T** S***** A********. The other ones (like the gel ones) I just got at T***** or W**-M***--They don't cost too much. I'm not sure how much it will help the hump, but its definately a start. 1st step, stand behind your daughter looking into a mirror & see which shoulder is lower... If its the right-side... Then put the lifts in that shoe... However many you need to get the shoulders even.... Hopefully you won't need to buy a larger shoe size for that size... I took the insoles that came w/my sneakers out & the used the other 3 lifts... U only need 1 lift to be the full size... The other 2 can just cover the heel area or 2/3rds of the foot. You can even use paper... If buying lifts is out of your budget... I don't cuz it rains a lot here & that would just be plain messy... God Bless You & Your family... I will pray that God gives You divine wisdom...

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Hi Connie.
If you do not have insurance, I suggest this:
Have your daughter stand on a flat surface in her stocking feet in fromt of you - Look at her shoulders. Is one higher than the other? Is it OBVIOUS? If so - you can make a lift for the shorter leg out of some substance like cardboard.... Put it in the shoe on the shorter leg. (The lower shoulder).

Start off with LESS tha you think you need. I started mine at 1/4". Go for a day or two to see if this helps. If it does not help, and does not bother her... Add another layer of cardboard. Keep doing this until her shoulders look level, and until it looks like her stance is correct.

Once you figure out the the thickness she needs, you can buy shoe inserts at the drugstore and either super glue them together, or duct tape them to the right thickness.

I have some $500.00 heel orthodics (from back when I had GOOD insurance)... And I STILL have cardboard built up under one of them! IT IS HELPING! I was diagnosed with scoliosis a couple of years ago - at the age of 48. My upper back has ALWAYS been an issue for me.

Also - You might want to look into buying an inversion table. Google "Inversion table and scoliosis" - they are not horribly expensive for the amount of good they do. One would make a wonderful Christmas present. Best of health to you and yours!

Replied by Connie
(Franklin, Ma)

Thank you lisa!! I will do as you say but everything was xed out as far as the name brands so I don't know which ones you used can I send you my email and you can email me privately? I would so much appreciate it as I believe you have wisdom in this area... And the prayers are greatly appreciated! Connie

Replied by Connie
(Franklin, Ma)

Carly... Thank you so much for your info! Earth clinic friends are the BEST! I am going to do as you and lisa have suggested and pray this is our answer, she clearly droops one shoulder and has a curvature that is visable to the eye.. Also a protrusion of shoulder blades and a slight hump. I have heard mixed things about inversion tables but I will look into it, , , thank you for your help! God Bless! Connie

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

You are very welcome Connie! I hope it is just the ticket for making your daughter better. Being as old as I am (almost 50) I am sure that my bones and cartiledge is much more "set in its ways" than a young person like your daughters are. Getting to the issue while she is young is going to really be a great thing for her I think. :-) Please let us know how it is going when you have the time to update? I love hearing success stories.

RE the inversion table.... I have read a ton on it, and then I didn't even use mine for a year after getting it because of some of the negative things I read (I am a bit of a chicken, and am OLD mind you. Lol). Anyway.... Now that I have been using it for the past year I truly believe it is an amazing devise. I am a firm believer in it. I wish I had started using it a decade (or two) ago! Best to you and your daughter,
Carly :)

Replied by Lisa
(Vancouver, Wa)

Hi Connie & Carly,
Happy New Year! Connie I would love to email U, but don't know what Ur email is. I will still b praying 4 Ur daughter. Hey Carly, great idea on the inversion table... I got a outdoor camping chair (not sure exact name) it has a metal frame w/ mesh & I made a cushion for it--bought 1 1/2" thick foam at the fabric store & covered it in fabric... Much more comfortable that way. My dog lays underneath... Has a bed down there & uses it as her den. It does take a lot of pressure off the spine & helps relax the back. The outdoor recliner chairs are sold at sports stores for about $40... U usually see them in ads around summer time. Look at this link... Its the 2nd picture with the pillow at the top/grey mesh with wooden arms.. , mine has plastic arms:, 24472, 27147&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=camping recliner&cp=5&client=firefox-a&hs=C12&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=939&bih=849

As for the brand of the lifts... The FIRM expensive ones I got from the sporting goods store are Super Feet ($30-40) & the PLIABLE ones from a regular store are Dr. S.... Or whatever they have.... Doesn't really matter. Definitely let us know how its going... My shoulders r almost even... Started in Sept 2010... But need to add one more lift... My calves started hurting bad last week... Had to stretch them a lot... My brother said that was good, cuz it means I'm growing muscle. May God Richly Bless U All! :oD

Replied by Maureen
(Hamilton, Nj)

I have S curve scolosis and was told by a chiropractor about 10 years back that my left leg was short (you could visibly see it when I put my legs out straight). I wore a heal lift for 10 years. Suddenly developed sciatica and am again treating at (a different) chriopractor. He said my leg "shortness" was a "functional shortness" and with his adjustments my legs are now even.

Just be careful diagnosing yourself. My chiro said that it is unusual for someone to really have a short leg-- yours might be caused by misalignment like mine was. I thought my heal lift was a God-send too but really my new chiropractor is a God-send since he has my legs even now by correcting my back.

Replied by Cateye
(Melbourne, Vic., Australia)

Hi Connie and Carly; re lifts.

I used them for about four years aged about 26-30yrs. (I'm 38 now.)

They worked for a short while in alleviating pain, but the root cause was still very much there, and active. Please don't rest on lifts being a solution to back pain. I'm speaking from years of pain and experience (and experimentation too most importantly). Granted everyone is different, but it sounds like my story you're discussing. (In fact everyone's does on this subject.)

My hips were out of alignment, one leg was shorter than the other and the scoliosis kept worsening. It has been two months since the atlas installation treatment now and my ribcage has started to smoothen out/come straight after at least tens years of getting about with (lots of pain and) visible warping.

Please, for the health of your young women, look into permanent atlas alignment.

As far as scoliosis is concerned, this is most likely the permanent cure. At any rate it is a one-off, cost-effective and most importantly, SAFE system. One has nothing to lose but the cost of three or four dodgy chiro appointment's!

Best for the future, : )

Melatonin, Vitamin D, Calcium

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Art (California) on 07/01/2022 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

Recently I was talking with a friend whose daughter has Scoliosis that is worsening and causing her significant pain on most days. She was asking me if there are any alternatives that might help to slow the disease progression and I explained to her that studies on this aspect of supplements for scoliosis are very limited.

I mentioned to her that there is some data that suggests that melatonin may be helpful and I related a recent study (May 2022) that used vitamin D, calcium and melatonin at relatively low doses and did show some positive activity. She asked me to tell her more about the study and I did.

The study :

In this study they used Melatonin at just 1.5 mg/night, vitamin D at just 2000 iu/day and calcium at 600 mg/day, all relatively low doses.

One way that they determine the severity and or progression of scoliosis is by measuring the actual curvature of the spine in degrees and this is referred to as the "Cobb angle". In this study, they measured the participants' Cobb angle at the beginning of the study and again after one year of supplementing the test intervention. In the control group that did not receive the supplements, the average initial angle was 27.00 degrees and after one year the Cobb angle had increased to 32.15 degrees indicating that disease progression and further spinal curvature had occurred.

In the intervention group that did receive the supplements, their initial average Cobb angle was 23.73 degrees and after one year of intervention, their Cobb angle was 22.76 degrees or almost a full degree lower than at the beginning of the trial suggesting that the curvature of the spine not only did not worsen but actually had slightly reversed.

Here is an important quote from the study :

>>> ' In our study, the melatonin mean was 8.44 pg/mL for the control group, which is at the bottom level of the normal range (8–16 pg/mL), and 7.66 pg/mL for the study group. The value increased to 14 pg/mL after one-year supplementation treatment with melatonin and also correlated with a positive outcome for the patients enrolled. In our opinion, patients should be monitored for their melatonin levels and supplemented if values are close to the baseline or below. ' <<<

Here is a chart from the study that shows the Cobb angle changes from before supplementation and after one year of the intervention :

Control Group

Study Group

Initial Cobb angle



Cobb angle at one year



Initial vit. D3

19.39 ng/mL

19.93 ng/mL

Vit. D3 at one year


39.88 ng/mL

Initial Ca

9.87 mg/dL

9.87 mg/dL

Ca at one year


9.90 mg/dL

Initial melatonin

8.44 pg/mL

7.66 pg/mL

Melatonin at one year


14.00 pg/mL

Given the fact that there are limited options for scoliosis, this study is important as are its findings.

So after telling her about the study, I encouraged her to read it as it is very informative and offers hope where there is usually very little hope in a disease like scoliosis other than surgery. I further reminded her that the doses used in this study were relatively low compared to the doses I have used and she agreed the doses were low also. Her daughter's primary doctor had her in tears by the time she got back to her car because he told her that her daughter would likely need to go on an opiate for pain management and she would only get worse from this point forward and would eventually have to have surgery on her spine to try to reduce the spinal curvature. I'm not sure what his intent was by telling her that, but the effect it had on her was terrible. After I told her the results of this study she seemed much more positive and she said she was hopeful that her daughter would be able to at least significantly slow the disease progression at a minimum.

Her daughter's primary doctor referred her to an orthopedic doctor and I encouraged her to discuss this study with him when she goes for that first appointment and to also discuss the possibility of increasing the dose levels a bit higher in the hope of improving further on the study results in terms of time to improvement and magnitude of improvement. She is looking forward to that appointment now!

