Apple Cider Vinegar, Zinc Oxide Cream
I think the ACV is good as the first treatment because it must kill the bacteria (also irritates the skin), and then the zincoxide helps the skin repair.
3 days is sufficient for completely healed skin.
Avoid Sodium Laurel Sulfate
So fast forward 5 years later I went back to using a shampoo with SLS and bam it was back on my scalp worse than ever and my face got alot worse. So I switched my shampoo back to an all natural and my scalp cleared but my face remained a red flaky mess. So one day I checked every product that I used and the SLS was in the last place I could imagine... In my toothpaste!!! I felt so dumb that I had never seen that before.
So I switched to an all natural toothpaste that is SLS free and viola... Face is as clear as ever. I guess it was circulating through my gumline making my face breakout. Ok that was the silver bullet. But you must repair the skin barrier that had been damaged by this chemical. I found a product called _____ cleanser and moisturizer that is SLS free and this repaired my skin. I do not use it anymore simply because I do not need too. *I am not trying to sell anything on here just trying to help someone if possible. Just avoid all SLS which is in 99% of products out there. Peace out. Pat
(Austin, Tx)
Pat, thanks SO much for this entry. I have the same facial problems and it really flared up last week after weeks of great looking skin and scalp. What did I do wrong, I wondered, viewing my ravaged, 1000 tiny bumps, flaking, itching skin in the mirror? Well, in a hurry, I had used my daughters regular toothpaste that she left on the sink. Mind you, I only used it once! My husband and I originally thought it was the great, California sweet oranges I ate. Then, thanks to your article I looked at her toothpaste and low and behold, the enemy, SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE (SLS) was present. I tell ya, vigilance is quite the necessity with man-made products. While I wait out the 4 days it will take my skin to get back to clearness, I will more dilligently stick to my natural mix: BS, peppermint oil & HP. Thanks for the heads up! Peace to ya as well.... CAT!
(Philadelphia, Pa)
(Washington Dc)
Baking Soda and Water
But this alkaline method did it in 3 days. I put a 1/4 teaspoon in half a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and in three days, no more flare ups. Thank God.
Baking Soda and Water
(Philadelphia, Pa)
(Pineville, La.)
(Virginia Beach, Virginia)
Try this link for instructions or just google "ted's alkalizing formulas".
(Portland, Or)
Borage Oil
(Az, US)
Also be advised a manganese deficiency can cause dermatitis symptoms.
(Az, US)
Borage Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Pine Tar Shampoo
The real cure came recently and made a drastic improvement. I boiled 2 cups of water, 4tspn Borax, 2 tspn baking soda, and 1tspn honey. I let it come to room temp and poured in an empty shampoo bottle. Take a shower, give the bottle a good shake, pour some of the watery solution on your hair, and massage scalp with your fingers. I wash the rest of my body while it soaks for around 10min, also cleaning my face, neck, and chest with it. It won't sud up in your hair, but might feel a bit slimy while wet. Finally, rinse it out. I choose to use ACV afterwards as a conditioner.
It leaves my scalp feeling totally refreshed. No signs of flakes, skin has returned to normal color, and pores are shrinking. I end by using a face moisturizer (I like Aveda for sensitive skin).
That's it! I hope this helps anyone else who might have symptoms like I used to.
(NSW, Australia)
I'm grateful you posted this one, for as good as ACV is, the mixture of borax, baking soda and honey in the proportions above have been terrific. I used it as a facewash in the shower
I tried Mule Borax for my hair because I wanted to put fewer chemicals on my body and I heard great reviews. It's odd and tough to get used to and I'm not sure I like it. But that's another post. As a side effect it ran over my face in the shower. A few days later I noticed my face was different. It wasn't as red, it was less oily, and my pores were not clogged. Thrilled beyond imagination I did it for a few more days to make sure. Yes it really works!!!! My pores are shrinking!!!
- pour Borax in a container, about 1/4 cup
- add hot water and stir to dissolve ( ignore the crystals that don't dissolve)
- ( my container is 8 cups because I'm using it on my hair)
- pour on face and scrub hand over face
- repeat about 3 times
- rinse
- Try in shower every day for a week, then see if your face is different
I'm sure there is a reason why this works, but I don't care. I'm just so excited!!!! It's the best $2 I've ever spent!! Thanks Earth Clinic!!!
Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
(New York, NY)
I left feedback for borax saying that it worked for my rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. It worked initially but it came back today. So I detract my initial claims in the feedback I left yesterday. Thanks.
Borax was not taken internally later on of 1/8 teaspoon in one liter of drinking water and only the borax and peroxide was applied externally. That's probably why it didn't work. Of course, getting the pH to 7 is still important. Dietary sugars and acid forming food is what is causing the seborrheic dermatitis.
(Devon, Uk)
Hey there Bill, That's what Ted is saying, oral and topical borax-H2O2 are two popular remedies he suggests for various skin disorders like this (often caused by mites). Oral Borax & H2O2: 1/8 teaspoon borax and half cap (or 30 drops) of 3% H2O2 in one liter of water (drink this throughout the day). When it's done, drink plain water. Topical Borax-H2O2: Add enough 1 to 1. 5% H2O2 to borax to make a paste and apply it to the problem area. Repeat as needed. Borax can cause skin to get dry, so make sure to stay hydrated and use a good moisturizer (e.g. Jojoba oil) on dry skin.
(Devon, Uk)
(Miami, Florida, Usa)
(Devon, Uk)
Thanks for that, and if I want to mix it with the borax do I just add the borax to that solution until it's a paste? how may times a day would I do that for? Thanks
(Kyle, Tx)
(Devon, Uk)
Caprylic Acid, Probiotics, Avoid Milk
1. Taking Caprylic acid supplements (used to fight candida and fungal infections)
2. Taking a potent probiotic strain (mine contains l. acidophilus, l. rhamnosus, l. casei and b. longum)
3. Avoiding milk as much as possible
This is not a cure, but taking the above 2 supplements will make the rash disappear. 1-2 weeks to see results. It you have seb derm on the scalp, these 3 suggestions also may work for you too. Please let me know if it helps anyone!
(Acworth, Ga)
Hi, I also have seborrhea, and I have been trying to avoid simple carbs for 1 mo, I am not eating sugar, or sweets, I have a proteing shake in the morning and add some blueberries, but for lunch and dinner I have meat and veggies, and it went away, and it is coming back. I am not sure what I am doing but I would like to try what you are doing, what probiotic are you taking? I live in GA and would like to go to the store that you went, what is the name of it? Thanks, Isabel
Chamomile Tea
Coconut Oil
As for my mild roseaca, I keep out of the sun, using a 50 sunblock and stay away from very spicy hot foods as both exposures seem to cause a flair up.
Coconut oil on the face I no longer do because I was told the large molecule can clog pores. I heard (very expensive) manuka honey from the continent down under is anti-viral, but you have to watch out for fake stuff.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Leslie, coconut oil hasn't seemed to clog me any pores. I only use the least amount that will extend all over the face and neck.
Coconut Oil
I tried so many things. At first the steroid cream I used did the job in the short term. But it was no long term cure I was comfortable with. If I stopped using it it was back in a week. Maybe less. So I stopped using that pretty early. I also used aveeno yeast cream, aloe vera (from a bottle and from a plant), going on a yeast free and sugar free diet (to be honest this lasted about a month and a half, and don't think I went completely all out. But tried to cut the main stuff out), and garlic- none of these things worked.
Funnily enough, when I went to the states, it practically seemed to go on its own.
Then I decided to use coconut oil. externally (100% coconut oil- the brand is pukka). I applied it about once every day, not very much was needed as it is a very oily product. Actually I started by using this and taking it internally, eating crushed coconut from a jar with a spoon. but now I just apply it externally. I've been doing this for about 4 to 5 months now, and it is already feeling like a miracle cure, so I hope it carries on like this! I only had one major flare up since, whereas before I was getting one every other week. I hope I'm not speaking to soon, but it's really helped my confidence, and probably changed my life for the better. And something so simple! Just gotta thank the people on this website (and this website for this).
Of course a downside could be seen as it coming back if I stop using it. But who knows, it might even go for good!
(Portland Or)
Coconut oil made my seborrheic dermatitis worse. It actually spread it from around my nose and chin up to the corners of my eyes. After a little research, I am convinced that adding oil is the wrong move for SD. The area needs to be dried out. See my cure under sea salt.
(New York)
I had the same experience with coconut oil, and actually all oils because they feed the yeast, but I recently had a breakthrough. I've been using straight caprylic acid, isolated from coconut oil. The yeast can't eat it because it's too acidic. It restores the skin's acid mantle. I use it instead of soap. Soap of any kind will make things worse because it strips your skin's natural defenses and the yeast prefer the alkaline environment. Caprylic acid is much more cleansing and less irritating. I use it to remove makeup, shave, and even wash my hair instead of shampoo and conditioner, rubbing it directly into my scalp. It will leave your hair soft, frizz-free, and strangely not oily. Any other oils I've put in my hair have bogged it down and made it impossible to dry, causing humidity that only made the problem worse. I've tried everything else and it wasn't until I ditched the soap and adopted nothing but caprylic acid that I was able to sleep without itching. Seriously. I tried apple cider vinegar, baking soda, witch hazel, calendula, dead sea salt, various clays, manuka honey, tea tree oil, oregano oil, olive leaf, various herbal tinctures (NEVER put an alcohol tincture on it. The yeast will start furiously feeding on the alcohol and you will have the worst flare up of your life! ), a paleo diet, a candida diet, an autoimmune diet, various top shelf probiotics, etc. You name it; I tried it. I was desperate to avoid corticosteroids, but I was forced to resort to them when I was losing sleep to itching. I would get really strung out. Nothing has worked like caprylic acid.
(Wales Uk)
Brain Octane (from Bulletproof) is C8 Caprylic Acid
Cold Laser Therapy
(Asheville and Boca Raton, North Carolina and Flori)
Hey Hillary, I also have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and I have it on my eyebrows as well, I was wanting to try this cold laser therapy, I had a few questions though. At the chiropractic that you went to, had he done this before for conditions like yours? I'm afraid of getting it done at a chiropractic office if they only have experience on using it for muscle issues. Also how is your condition now, did it come back? Have you had to do maintenence therapy? I'm amazed that nothing came back even after 6 months, that is enough for me, but just curious what has happend now.
(Vancouver, Bc)
P.S. Also tried the borax remedy, topical and internally, but it only helped temporarily.