Recent research seems to confirm that mercury and selenium are antagonists on a roughly one to one by weight basis. People consuming fish high in mercury do not suffer mercury toxicity when the fish and/or other foods contain comparable selenium amounts.
In fact, the toxicity of mercury is the result of depleting the necessary essential selenium stores.
A new perspective on mercury toxicity:
(500 mcg Se is not a hazardous dose for moderately long term, 5 months in the case cited. Unless added to high dietary content.)
>In recent years, there has been an important shift in theunderstanding of the mechanisms of toxicity of mercury(Hg) both at the cellular and organism level. The shift in a large part has occurred from a long-held focus on the covalent binding of mercury to sulfur in the body's ubiquitous sulfhydryl groups. There is convincing evidence that the pathophysiological target of mercury is not the in vivobinding of sulfur, but rather selenium (Se). Recent evidence suggests that the mechanism of toxicity of mercury is the selenium-based proteins thioredoxin reductase and glutathione peroxidase [1,2]. We report a case of severe mercury poisoning unchanged by chelation who later achieved significant improvement related to selenium and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) supplementation.
A healthy 15-year-old male spilled elemental mercury contaminating his garage and bedroom. The patient developed new onset hypertension, significant weight loss, pain (muscular, testicular, and abdominal), insomnia, delusions, hallucinations, tachycardia, palmar desquamation, diaphoresis, tremor, and ataxia leading to two consecutive hospitalizations. Blood and urine mercury were 23 and 330 mg/L, respectively. He received 21 days of chelation with 2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic acid during his second hospital stay. He continued to deteriorate. Three weeks post-chelation, he was transferred to our facility and his exam was unchanged. He could not stand or feed himself unassisted. He was started on selenium 500 mcg/day and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 50 mg/kg/day. By day 3 of Se and NAC, he showed noticeable improvement, and by day 11, delusions, delirium, tachycardia, and abdominal pain resolved. Muscle strength, weight gain, speech, unassisted ambulation, and emotional liability improved. After five months with Se and NAC (1) he had regained 45 pounds, (2) restored to premorbid emotional, academic, and athletic performance, and (3) tachycardia, hypertension, rash, palmar skin changes, tremor, and insomnia had resolved. Features of this case include (1) improvement after selenium and NAC supplementation (2) contrasted with continued deterioration after DMSA chelation.
Chronic Diarrhea
This will help for diarrhea, 1/2 spoon of ginger powder in glass of water morning and night.
Also, apply Frankensence Oil on any area you think is a tumor. Kills cancer, apply morning and night on area.
I would stop Brazil nuts, If you choose to clean the body of cancer/toxins buy a bag of Food Grade Calcium Bentonite Clay, take 1/2 spoon in water or juice, once daily. Do all of the above and you will be great in a few weeks..
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Constipation, Burning in Stomach
Avoidance and time should resolve the excess, but it is possible you aren't utilizing Se properly which in turn could cause a Glutathione deficiency. Try this regimen to correct any utilization problems. Take 1 or 2 grms NAC daily and Vit-E (mixed Tocopherols & Tocotreinols) 400 IU 2x daily. Before retiring take 3mg Melatonin. This will force the Selenium to be used as Selenium Peroxidase and Glutathione Peroxidase, coenzymes critical in defense and antioxidant. CoQ10 would also be beneficial, especially energy production. This might provide some healing to your seemingly stressed glandular system.
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
I want to thank you. I had a selenium toxicity develop this spring after taking 200 mcg. for a few months. I stopped in May and the level was still 225 by mid July.
I followed your advice and it's now at 160. I had my hair cut short and it's definitely fully growing back in. I found nothing at all about what to do about this problem except your post. Thank you.
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
For that pain in shoulder, elbow, wrist, lower back, knees, that doctors can't figure out and will even do surgery to 'clean out' a joint to see if it helps, start eating a couple (2) Brazil nuts a day. The selenium is needed to convert thyroid hormone. I can do the same thing by taking a little active thyroid hormone (cytomel)
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
1. benadryl or 4 charcoal capsules with a cup of water.
2. baking soda bath (1 cup in bath)
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Chronic Diarrhea
NAC promotes glutathione, a powerhouse for mitochondria. It is known by many studies to be a good addition.
It really only takes two brazil nuts per day to get selenium.
The selenium and vitamin E need to be in balance along with magnesium.
Constipation, Burning in Stomach
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
This only happend over a few weeks, so hopefully, it will resolve itself, as you said. Some of the symptoms are really painful especially the brain sparks. I was just wondering if there was someway, if the selenium attaches to some of the heavy metals in the brain, to pull the attached molecules out. I tried a nano form of detox yesterday and got really tired and nauseated. I am assuming that began the process of pulling this stuff out. If I go ahead and take support for liver and kidneys for the detox, I assume that will be enough. Would I be correct?
Thank you
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Sel methionine has a long half-life, so this will take 3 - 6 months but the less you ate the faster. It's excreted through methylation and protein is generally protective. It may disrupt methionine and cysteine functioning, and will likely disrupt thyroid conversion and thus, lower total t3 (in the studies it did by about half).
Eat 200 g protein a day and anything that supports methylation or raises glutathione; tmg (likely most helpful), choline, b vitamins, creatine and glycine for methylation; and NAC or whey protein, vitamin E and C for glutathione.
good luck
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
The body uses Alpha lipoic acid to make glutathione. MSM use with c as your body is doing tissue repairs and making collagen .I use a lot of things and add mineral supplements like full spectrum minerals and it is not complete but has a lot. Unsoaked or unsprouted grains, nuts, beans and legumes have phytic acid on them. The seeds use this to grow in soil but in the body they suck up your nutrients and rob your body....too much to learn ...
Blessings, charity
Chronic Diarrhea
Hi, I started eating Brazil nuts and now have chronic diarrhea.
Assuming the two are related, can I simply discontinue the nuts and wait out the diahrhhea or do I need other nutrition?
I also have breast cancer and read that NAC/Gluthione actually encourages metastasis so I am worried about this. I am aware that NAC is good for removing toxic substances and it is used in paracetemol overdose, but it also makes things 'more runny'... so is it really a great idea to use it in this case?
How are Brazil nuts best used as an antiproliferative substance? Should it be eaten along with specific other foods?
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
In the process of eating and increasing my consumption of the tree nuts, my water/salt problem had amazingly started going away, so I stayed with the tree nuts. After about 3 or 4 days of not having intense craving for salt and water, I began realizing that something was very wrong. I had been having what I call sparks in my brain, then my nerves had problems then my heart. When I fell into a door and almost past out I began researching and found my culprit, selenium. I obviously stopped anything that has selenium in it.
Now, my question, if selenium binds to metals, how do I get this out of my system?
Thanks from Renee
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
I love Brazil nuts and also read that they might help during the luteal phase when trying to conceive... So have been eating 6-10 brazil nuts every other day (to every day) for the last 4-5 weeks. Just now reading about their selenium content. Wish a warning label came with them!
My question is.. I'm now about 4 weeks pregnant (1 week since positive tests started), shall I just stop eating Brazil nust altogther so that selenium flushes from my system? or is there anything else I can do? I'm assuming that selenium has built up in my tissues, but in toxic quantities? I haven't noticed brittle hair or nausea or nail issues or other symptoms related to selenium toxicity so am hopeful. Also hope my uturus and the rapidly dividing cells have not been harmfully affected. I drink over 2 liters of water a day, which I'm hoping helps wash out some of the selenium..(?)
Thanks in advance with your help with these questions.
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Could I use these recommendations to help rid myself of this selenium. Of course I am stopping my supplements as I seem to just feel worse on anything I take. I have also started having low blood sugar issues, wonder if it is connected? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts
Selenium Toxicity From Tree Nuts