Natural Remedies

Are There Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea?

| Modified on Mar 15, 2024
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Gonorrhea is an easily spread sexually transmitted disease, affecting primarily young people.  It can cause permanent damage and become chronic.  To make matters worse, gonorrhea has become resistant to most antibiotics.  The only remaining class of antimicrobials available for treatment in the U.S. (cephalosporins) is becoming less effective at treating gonorrhea.  Treatment with two drugs is currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Gonorrhea (N. gonorrhoeae) infects an additonal 820,000 people every year in the U.S., making it the second most commonly reported communicable disease.  Men experience symptoms severe enough to cause them to go to the doctor, but women usually either experience no symptoms at all, or very mild symptoms.  The fact that women often do not know that they have gonorrhea is an important factor in its spread.

Are There Any Natural Treatments for Gonorrhea?

Doing all possible to boost the immune system is always very important.  Naturopaths, Ayurvedan or Chinese practitioners may have suggestions.  We found the following recommendations when researching; at this time, we have not heard directly from anyone who has used apple cider vinegar, garlic or aloe vera to treat their gonorrhea, so are simply passing on the information.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This treatment recommendation used a mixture of apple cider vinegar mixed with a few drops of coconut oil.  A bandage was allowed to absorb this mixture and then used to cover infected skin areas.  No information was given as to how long the bandage should be applied.  Apple cider vinegar was also used instead of soap by mixing 5 cups of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.


Garlic was reported to be useful, particularly when eaten raw.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera was said to be useful against gonorrhea.  At the very least, it would be cooling on irritated skin.

If any Earth Clinic readers have tried a natural treatment for gonorrhea, please let us know.  From reading the literature, it sounds as if there are going to be more and more people who develop chronic gonorrhea that is resistant to antibiotics.  Most will be young people.  An effective natural treatment is badly needed.  Please pass on anything you have found useful.  Thank you.

Research on possible future treatment options for gonorrhea

The link above was published by the European AIDs Research Group in 2012.  Most of the article covers possible new antibiotic treatments.  However, it did include the following study of plants as possible future gonorrhea treatments.

They reported that a team of Canadian scientists were studying various plants used by Aboriginal healers for several conditions.  Chemicals extracted from these plants "somewhat impair the growth of gonorrhea-causing bacteria."  There is no dosage information given.

The plants they they investigated as possible natural remedies were:

They tested extracts available in health food stores or pharmacies and analysis showed that varying levels of the active ingredients were in the supplements.  They warned that, "Moreover, relying on herbal extracts that have not been tested in well-designed clinical trials in people is not a wise course of action (for the treatment of drug-resistant gonorrhea or anything else). No one knows if they will be effective in people or how they might interact with commonly used drugs."


Who can get it?  Anyone who is sexually active with someone who is infected can get gonorrhea. It's very common among those 15-24.  Pregnant women can pass it to their baby.

What is it?  Gonorrhea is an infection in the throat, rectum and genitals.

Prevention:  Celibacy

Reduce the Risk: Best: only have sex within a monogamous relationship.  Always: Use condoms every time.

Symptoms:  Men: burning sensation  when urinating or discharge; painful testicles.  Women: no symptoms usually, but can develop tubal scarring that can result in ectopic pregnancies or infertility.

Conventional Treatment:  The microorganisms causing gonorrhea have become resistant to most antibiotics, so conventional treatment now uses a combination of two drugs.

Permanent Damage: Even if cured, gonorrhea can cause permanent damage.

There are many people who have antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea and have been told by their doctors that nothing more can be done for them.  If anyone knows of an effective natural treatment, please let us know.  Thank you!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea Remedies

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3 star (1) 

Posted by Chappie (Tallin) on 08/24/2015

Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea:

Hi guys,

A friend of mine found out he has gonorrhea. He underwent a series of antibiotic treatments with no result. At this stage, his gonorrhea has become chronic. The doctors told him that there really isn't anything they can do. Do you have any advice? Thanks

Replied by Seth
(Salt Lake City, Utah)

I am responding to your asking for feedback for those attempting to cure themselves of gonorrhea via natural means.

I've had the symptoms for 2 weeks after a condom break during sex.

I have downed garlic, bulbs and bulbs of raw, minced garlic with lime juice, and it did little or nothing. Then I busted out and added to that Dr. Christophers INF powder. A table spoon of the stuff. Little help

I did ozone water. Then drank water with food grade hydrogen peroxide added (25 drops in an 8 oz glass). All of this seemed to do nothing. Things worsened, my prostate began to get inflamed, waking at night with horridly painful erections attempting, but pain would take those away.

I started downing Olive Leaf Extract, Colloidal silver, oil of oregano. I think this halted the advance, but a retreat was not too good. I bought a pass to tan, to get some Vitamin D production (as it's december and snowing where I'm at).

I then thought of cayenne pepper as something left to try, and mixed it in lemonade as per the recipe from The Master Cleanse. I felt that was the biggest thing to reverse the painful night issues when I'd wake finding my painful erectile issues.

But, I still have not been cured, though 4 days I'm into the Master Cleanse, though taking these other supplements, though I've run out of the Olive Leaf Extract. Should I buy more? I don't know yet.

I then read of heat from hydrotherapy, but not high details. I soaked my groin in a very hot bath, as I had read that temps over 106 degrees kills this bacteria. I believe that now, two hours later after that first bath, I might have had some reduction of intensity, but still have some penile discharge.

The cayenne pepper seemed to maybe be the biggest one thing that kicked this back down a notch, but this is not something lightly to be played with. I'm deeply upset at the duration of this infection and that all these amazing natural substances haven't gotten rid of it, but I'll keep at the most effective ones. Oh, and in the last two days I have also added drinking down some apple cider vinegar dumped into my lemonade.

Replied by Asis

Hi Chappie (Tallin)

Have you been cured of the disease. I have a guy in my village that treats gonorrhea using bush roots & herbs. His family has been doing so for generations.

Replied by Peter

Hello Asis, I'm interested to learn more about the herbs or even better purchase a whole bunch and learn how to use them. Is there a way to ship them to The Netherlands?

Replied by Zak
(United States)

Hi Asis. Does the person still make the cure?

Replied by Lydia

i was given injections and arythromyacin twice. Did not work so I went to Mexico and received Injection and ceflex? (Can't remember how to spell it) but it was another antibiotic none of the antibiotics worked!! Then I started trying natural therapy after I developed PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) like Hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade, tea tree oil, colloidal silver, coconut vinegar mixed with turmeric powder and ginger juice, it worked to stop the symptoms, but once I stopped taking one of them, the symptoms started all over again. For example, with colloidal silver (used the meso colloidal silver going to make my own using colloidal that is clear as it has smaller ion particles that can get through), the symptoms stopped once I started taking colloidal silver but once I stopped or finished my colloidal silver, the symptoms started again. Painful cramping near ovaries and lower back. My stomach was painfully bloated and I would have a smelly green looking discharge. I am going to try colloidal silver IV in Tijuana Mexico was also going to try ozone therapy over there but there are a series of these therapies you have to do. I heard the bacteria from gonorreah gets into the blood stream. I am currently drinking the hydrogen peroxide 35% to keep symptoms at bay. It made me feel really sleepy and tired at first, but it does work to keep symptoms from occurring. I read with the hydrogen peroxide-is killing bad bacteria and Infection in your body goes through the awful symptoms as the bacteria is trying to stay alive in your body and the dead bacteria is floating around thus the tired feeling.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

This is a good case of going nowhere treating symptoms. Bacterial, viral, and/or fungal infections struggle or thrive depending on the environment in which they live. As time goes by, the human body gets more & more toxic, thus creating the perfect environment for parasites & pathogens to live & thrive. So, in the case of chronic & severe infections, one must do detox remedies first, then killing the infections is easy pie.

Replied by Unknown user

I'm a long time user of this site, first time posting. I'm pretty sure I contracted gonorrhea about 3 weeks ago. I went through flu like symptoms for a week with lower back pain, now I'm stuck with painful morning erections and this dreadful pus drip with the burning urination.

I'm currently taking olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, oregano oil sparingly because I can't take the taste. Also, for 3 days I have been taking massive doses of vitamin C ( 10,000mg) a day . I suggest looking up the website how Chris beat cancer for the therapy. I plan on increasing my intake of vitamin C when more comes via mail tomorrow. I also drink raw milk regularly.

I think the symptoms are subsiding I currently on week 3 of the infection and have only been doing the vitamin c treatment for 3 days. I have been doing hot baths as well like someone else mentioned . I have been fasting as well.

I read on medhelp that gonorrhea before antibiotics usually will resolve itself in a couple of months for men and longer for women.

I'm going to keep up with the treatments mentioned above. I'm posting this to give people hope as there isn't alot of posts on this topic. This is a scary infection and I see why people would run to doctor for antibiotics, as I almost did as well.

I'm hoping to not have to take antibiotics and contribute creating antibiotic resistant clap. I will be abstaining from sex until the issue is resolved and then I'm going to get tested. Be responsible if you don't get conventional treatment and don't pass this on it's gross and I'm confident I got it from just receiving oral sex.

God bless everyone and this website. Pray for me it will help.

(Kitchener On)


I read that a man in England had the same Antibiotic Resistant, they were going to remove his thumb. He applied Rosemary Oil on it and in 3 days it was healed.


(faithville, Us)

Too bad Timh no longer posts, he was amazing. I miss his insights, and Ted's too.

Health-Science-Spirit - Summary of Specific Health problems there is some information in this for your issue.

Blocking key mineral uptake could prevent gonorrhea infection (news-medical.net)

I was thinking copper and copper naturally lowers zinc but then zinc helps fend off covid. not much else to offer, listen to your inner voice when you pray ask specific question to get reply


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Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/04/2009

The truth is the popularity in aspirin was the very fact that 1918 Spanish flu viruse STOPPED the epidemic. It didn't just stopped by itself. I learned this only AFTER I have found that independently that aspirin did kill the bird flu, swine flu and dengue fever. I have as yet looking over the possibility of use in Hanta viruses, but that I don't know. What the aspirin does is it just digest the viruses when I look over a very high powered electron microscope during my student days even in very weak solutions.

May I also remind you that I have seen (I can't say I cured for legal reason) that I have this person with a two year Chlamydia, which resists ALL KINDS of antibiotics (you name it, azithromycin, terramycine, amoxcillin, etc) and I finally gave up and aspirin was tried. The dose was 500 mg of aspirin, taken hourly for four tablets, each tablets is DISSOLVED in a cup of warm water. It was completely gone. The uniqueness of the aspirin is the salicyclic acid portion that dissolves any bacteria and many viruses sight. The chlamydia NEVER came back! Imagine a man with chlamydia eating up his testicles and you can imagine the pain he's suffering with the Chlamydia.

People who goes to talk shows are likely have vested financial interests, I DON'T go to any talk shows and rather tell the truth under the radar or scrutiny of the pharma industry and I think this is the best approach for me. For the unbelievers, I have plenty of people here who can vouch that the aspirin did work and it's synergistic with the vitamin C. It wasn't easy finding the cure, but once it's found I hope people will find some benefit, especially the fact that vaccinations are dangerous with highly dangerous bacteria and viruses, and they are live bacteria and viruses. Hence, to neutralize these, I only expect at least just taking ASPIRIN (or lysine) hourly for only 4 times in one day. It's the bare minimum so that the vaccination should it be mandatory there is A WAY AROUND this problem. The use of digestive enzyme works too, but it is not nearly as dramatic as lysine or aspirin. Perhaps I have to look into this further with dose/frequency issue.

Thank you for your support!


Replied by Aole

The dosage is 500 mg once per hour for a total of four hours. Or is the dosage 500mg ×4= 2000mg per hour for four hours?

Ted wrote: "The dose was 500 mg of aspirin, taken hourly for four tablets, each tablet is DISSOLVED in a cup of warm water. It was completely gone."


Ted also wrote;

"Always take Vitamin C with Aspirin During the 1918 Spanish flu, Evidence from The British Medical Journal shows that antipyretics such as Aspirin was the very fact that 1918 Spanish flu virus STOPPED the epidemic. It didn't just stopped by itself. I learned this only AFTER I have found that independently that aspirin did kill the bird flu, swine flu and dengue fever in conjunction with 500-1000mg Vitamin C Sodium Ascorbate. In 1918, the US Surgeon General, the US Navy, and the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended use of aspirin with vitamin C just before the October death spike. For adult dose 500 mg of aspirin with 500-1000mg Vitamin C taken LESS than 1 hour apart, preferably, 50 minutes but not exceeding 1 hour. The dose is taken for no more than 4 times, with maximum of 5 times. I haven't quite work about the optimal frequency between dose to keep active acetylsalicylic acid blood concentration stable so that it's antiviral capabilities at a maximum. So the schedule will look like this: Lower doseages at 325mg have worked with the same schedule. You should also take the 500 mg of Vitamin C Sodium Ascorbate with each dose. 1st dose first hour 500 mg aspirin/ 500-1000mg Vitamin C sodium ascorbate 2nd dose second hour 500 mg aspirin/ 500-1000mg Vitamin C sodium ascorbate 3rd dose third hour 500 mg aspirin/ 500-1000mg Vitamin C sodium ascorbate 4th dose fourth hour 500 mg aspirin/ 500-1000mg Vitamin C sodium ascorbate If it's still there ... 5th dose fifth hour (never happened so far) The maximum dosage of aspirin per day is 4g. Ted recommendation; 1-1000mg Vitamin C, 1-325mg Aspirin, 1-500mg Lysine and follow the above schedule. Aspirin depletes the body of vitamin C. Aspirin is known as one of the most powerful drugs at depleting vitamin C in normally healthy individuals. [Journal Clinical Pharmacology 1973; 13: 480] Modern medicine appears to have overlooked this well-documented fact. Dr. Starko goes on to describe aspirin-induced symptoms to include brain swelling, pinpoint red dots on the skin called petechiae, blue coloration of the skin and mucus membranes (cyanosis), along with vomiting and nose bleeds. These are not symptoms characteristic of the flu. I notice that Reye's Syndrome can cause lung hemorrage. I suspect that is because viruses can use up astronomical amounts of Vitamin C. That would lead to a condition called "fulminating scurvy", which causes the person to bleed to death if it is not caught in time and treated with massive doses of intravenous Vitamin C. Another common finding among records of mortal flu cases in 1918 was brain swelling, called cerebral edema. Cerebral edema also occurs with the use of aspirin and in Reye's syndrome. [Acta Neurologica Scandinavia Supplement 2007; 186:45—56]. This is exactly how a patient with severe vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) dies. In scurvy capillaries are weak and red blood cells leak into surrounding tissues, like the brain, lungs and eyes, which was observed among the 1918 flu victims. If overuse of aspirin during the 1918 Spanish flu was the primary cause of flu-related death as Dr. Karen Starko contends, then modern medicine has missed a large lesson on how to prevent flu-related death — that it was aspirin-induced scurvy that heightened mortality during this worldwide flu pandemic, maybe not the flu itself. If this hypothesis is true, then preventable mortality continues today. Many hundreds of thousands have needlessly succumbed to a vitamin C deficiency induced by self-treatment with aspirin and/or modern medicine's continued failing to practice nutritional medicine. It is not like vitamin pills could have averted the vitamin C-related deaths then. Vitamin C had not been discovered till ~1928 by Hungarian researcher Albert Szent-Györgyi and was not commercially available till a few years later. Vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits would have had to be relied upon then. But 8 decades later, physicians aren't routinely screening their flu patients for aspirin use and aren't advising their patients to take supplemental vitamin C. The facts are clear — a pharmaceutical company widely promoted aspirin pills — a pill that depletes vitamin C from the human body, a pill that prevents blood clots, helps to reduce the risk for heart attacks and gastric cancer, and is a trusted pain reliever, but its biggest drawback is that it depletes vitamin C. This drawback could have deadly consequences. The prevalence of vitamin C-deficiency related to aspirin use is unmonitored. Over 50,000 tons of aspirin is produced annually, which is equivalent to 50 billion aspirin tablets. About 1 trillion aspirin tablets have been swallowed since its first availability in the early 1900s. Aspirin kills thousands of people annually, mostly from gastric-tract hemorrhages. [Annals Internal Medicine 1997; 127: 429—38] Since many, many people of all ages are walking around with sub-clinical scurvy, not to mention Vitamin D-3 deficiency (which induces suceptability to viruses), using the "aspirin cure without vitamin c" could cause the "permanant cure" of death! Aspirin is an anti-febrile agent and reduces temperature. The human body elevates temperature to prevent virus material from replicating then the immune system identifies and clears the virus. Higher temperature inhibits the virus RNA from combining during the reproductive cycle which is why we get a fever. Turmeric Spice has been shown to inhibit viral RNA reproductive cycle with no to little side effects. Aspirin is responsible for more cases of pneumonia than doctors care to admit. Why would anyone in their right mind fight our own body's mechanism for preventing disease - something that has evolved over many thousands of years to a state of perfection. But, When a person is dying of fever at 104, they may die, just from the fever itself, when no other medications were working at all. And I have tried tamiflu, it simply doesn't work in advanced swine flu cases. Perhaps you have better cures, I would be happy to hear, especially when a person is living in an isolated rural area with a temperature of 103-104 F with no access to the medical hospitals. Note: These medicines may take 30 to 45 minutes to start working. They may not bring fevers down to normal temperature.

Replied by Bull

Can turpemtine help with STDs? Syphylis or Chlamydia?


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5 star (1) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/14/2024

Iodine for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

I have employed the following procedure (from a male perspective) since I was a teen. This was told to me by my old ROTC teacher, “Sgt”, back in the '80s. He did 2 tours in Vietnam. As I got older, I learned it was loosely based upon the use of the WWII one-tube prophylactic kit or “pro-kit” which contains a number of chemical agents including calomel and sulfathiazole to be used immediately after sexually contact by soldiers.

The individual Pro-Kit packet contained:

– 1 Tube containing 5 Grams of Ointment (30% Calomel + 15% Sulfathiazole)

– Direction Sheet.

– Soap Impregnated Cloth.

– Cleansing Tissue.

To learn more about these WWII pro-kits: https://www.med-dept.com/articles/venereal-disease-and-treatment-during-ww2/

Instructions of use:

1. Urinate.

2. Wash the penis, scotum, pubic, and adjacent areas of abdomen and thighs, using plenty of soap and water. Proper cleaning will take several minutes. Particular care should be taken to wash the frenum

and foreskin areas. For convenience, the kit contains a cloth saturated with soap.

3. After washing, dry the parts thoroughly.

4. Inject a portion of the contents of the ointment tube into the urethra and massage upward.

5. Rub the remainder of the ointment into the surface of the penis, with particular attention to the prepuce, frenum, and glans penis.

Rub some ointment on the scrotum and surrounding surface as well. This operation, if administered with proper care, should require ten minutes. Ointment may be allowed to remain; it will not stain clothing.

6. Further urination should be delayed for four to five hours to allow full effects of the ointment in the urethra.

Here is my Protocol for Prevention:

1. Always wear a condom (duh).

2. Urinate immediately after sexual intercourse. This back flushes the urethra tube of any pathogen's that may have gotten down in there.

3. Follow the washing protocol above in section 2-3. If washing is not available which has always been the case for me. Follow the next steps.

4. Make a 1oz Iodine spray bottle to carry with you.

Tincture of Iodine 2% (Do NOT use Povidone-iodine “Betadine” it is too weak to kill the pathogen). Povidine-iodine is promoted by the WHO and other institutions. Some individual's do get results using it, but PVP-I only has a 92% success rate. Where as tincture of iodine has a 100% success rate. It kills 100% in a petri-dish, why wouldn't it kill 100% on you…?

Though Iodine it kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds, its use as an antibiotic has been ignored. Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.

Iodine is by far the best antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic of all time - Dr. David Derry

Iodine has bactericidal activity:

  • 1% tincture will kill 90% of bacteria in 90 seconds
  • 5% tincture in 60 seconds
  • 7% tincture in 15 seconds

Gershenfeld, 1968

Iodine kills single celled organisms by combining with the amino acids tyrosine or histidine when they are exposed to the extra-cellular environment. All single cells showing tyrosine on their outer cell membranes are killed instantly by a simple chemical reaction with iodine that denatures proteins. Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic life forms and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that antibiotics can't.

Iodine kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and even spores of bacteria and fungi, including anthrax spores. Iodine was used successfully against influenza, herpes, small pox, and chicken pox viruses. Kills parasites, bacteria, mold, yeast, protozoa, viruses--essentially all pathogens including malaria, E. coli, and Staphylococcus. When iodine was suspended in a solution, viral inactivation occurred at dilutions of 1/1,000,000.

(Gershenfeld, L.: Iodine. In Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation. Edited by S. S. Block. Philadelphia, Les & Febiger, 1977, pp.196-218.)

Iodine Kills parasites, bacteria, mold, yeast, protozoa, viruses--essentially all pathogens including malaria, E. coli, and Staphylococcus.

How to use for a male:

Add 20 drops of tincture of iodine 2% in about 1 ounce of water in a small 1oz travel spray bottle. Spray penis and surrounding area and allow to air dry. Once you get home, get into shower and wash as normal and re-spray area as a prevention measure.

How to use for a female:

DIY Douches: To make a douche combine ½ tsp. (80 drops) of tincture of iodine (or ½ to 1 tsp. PVP-I) with one cup of distilled water (not tap water) use twice daily. Spray surrounding area and allow to air dry. Once you get home, get into shower and wash as normal and re-spray area as a prevention measure.

I have used this protocol and told many about it. Prevention is worth it's weight in Gold! We have a saying here in the South, you don't want something that ajax won't wash off.

Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil, Green Black Walnut Hulls

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/29/2020

Tea tree oil, peppermint oil, green black walnut hull for gonorrhea

I filled a gel cap with half tea tree oil and half peppermint oil and inserted it vaginally. Douched first. I would get abdominal pain but no discharge, odor, vaginal irritation.

Fresh green Black walnut hulls also worked, just shoved a nut up there. The store-bought capsule full of black powder just made things itchy. The nuts seem to keep just fine in the freezer.

Replied by Barbb
(Id, Usa)
1 posts

PLEASE don't put essential oils in your own or anyone's vagina! Both TeaTree and Peppermint are extremely strong oils!!! Not to be used on membranes!
