Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Sinus Polyps

Exposure to Toxins Link
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee, USA) on 07/06/2024

Nasal polyps suddenly appear due to exposure to toxins

I had extremely bad nasal polyps for 15 years, right after heavy exposure to dental mercury.

I got rid of them (using iodine in saline rinse, plus boosting thyroid function). For 7 years since I've breathed easily and perfectly through my nose.

About 10 weeks ago a neighboring farmer sprayed his crop field a quarter mile from us, with 2-4d and glyphosate. It drifted downhill to us, we breathed it all night. It made us both sick. My polyps came back within 24 hours! We met another family who were sickened by the same farmer's spraying. The (pregnant) wife cannot breathe through her nose now!

The remedies I used before are not working for me this time.

If you want to be healthy, support organic farmers.
